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Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Reshuffle 2010 Mod and Glomod
« on: 08 April 2010, 10:54:42 PM »
Utk sekarang, semua mod dan glomod telah dibebas-tugaskan per tadi sore.

Terima kasih atas bantuannya selama ini. Semoga tidak kapok :)

note: utk unit kerja dcpress dan dcpeduli saja yg masih berlaku + bro kemenyan (sebagai backup)

Utk kedepan akan diassign secara bertahap.

How many meditation teachers does it take to change a light bulb?
Fifty. One to actually do the work, and forty-nine to offer reflections on it.


How many joss-stick Buddhists does it take to change a light bulb?
Why bother? Kwan Yin will do it for us.


How many monks does it take to change a light bulb?
They can’t. There’s no light bulbs in the Vinaya.


How many vipassana meditators does it take to change a light bulb?
No need. Just mindfully note: ‘darkness, darkness, darkness’.


How many tantric adepts does it take to change a light bulb?
Two; but they have to do it in full lotus posture.


How many Nagarjunas does it take to change a light bulb?
Since there’s no Nagarjuna and no light bulb, how can there be any change?


How many Buddhist scholars does it take to change a light bulb?
An internationally respected committee of academics, after deliberating all night, conclusively failed to agree on the meaning of the word ‘light bulb’. Meanwhile, the sun came up.


How many Zen masters does it take to change a light bulb?
The peach blossoms fall softly on the warty old frog.


How many Ajahn Brahms does it take to change a light bulb?
The light bulb just has to get into jhana, then it’ll glow by itself.


How many Abhidhamma scholars does it take to change a light bulb?
There are 20W light bulbs, 40W light bulbs, 80W light bulbs, 100W… 200W…
There are 6V light bulbs, 12V light bulbs, 120V light bulbs, 240V light bulbs…
There are incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs…
There are clear light bulbs, pearled light bulbs, colored light bulbs…
There are screw-in light bulbs, bayonet light bulbs…
There are 20W light bulbs that are 6V, there are 20W light bulbs that are 12V… 120V… 240V…
There are 40W light bulbs that are 6V… 240V…
80W… 100W… 200W…
There are 20W light bulbs that are 6V incandescent…
There are 200W light bulbs that are 240V, florescent, colored, and bayonet.

How many arahants does it take to change a light bulb?

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Kasus LW+RD
« on: 07 April 2010, 09:47:42 AM »
Mohon kedua belah pihak dan pendukungnya untuk menahan diri. Jika masih terus maka akan diberlakukan "muting" dan tidak bisa posting (tetapi tetap bisa baca) untuk seminggu.

Semua thread dikembalikan ketempatnya, dan dilock jika sudah tidak kondusif tapi tidak di karantina

kalau kita lihat, pada board ini, sering terjadi diskusi dimana berdasarkan sudut pandang tradisi masing2x sehingga batasan "bebas" tradisi menjadi blur/tidak jelas.

bagaimana pendapat teman2x, utk menghilangkan board ini dan mengembalikan diskusi di board ini ke tradisi masing2x?

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Kalender Uposatha 2010
« on: 16 March 2010, 11:26:07 AM »
Utk kalendar Uposatha 2010 sudah ditambahkan. SIlahkan cek di bagian Calendar

Thanks to mayvise

Game / Ireland A Level test
« on: 15 March 2010, 05:16:24 PM »
hayo tulis jawabannya

[admin]Tambah jawabannya[/admin]

Thais, Hollywood stars go crazy for 'super-human' tattoos

By Dan Rivers, CNN

Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- For many, tattoos can be a sign of rebellion, individuality or fashion; but in Thailand, tattoos have a whole different meaning.

Devotees of Yan tattoos have been gathering outside Bangkok for an annual festival, where believers demonstrate the supposed super-human powers radiated from the designs.

Men covered in ornate ink depictions of tigers, Buddhas and ancient scripts rant and rave, scream, laugh and charge around as if they are possessed. They claim the chanting of the monks brings out the power of their tattoos.

Wat Bang Phra resembles a lunatic asylum, as hundreds of apparently insane tattooed men demonstrate their special powers.

"You can't control it, sometimes it controls your body, but it is a good thing, it's a good thing for the spirit to come to the body, it's a blessing," says Akilon Krishnan, who traveled to the event from Malaysia.

Yan tattoos are becoming ever more popular in this mainly Buddhist country. It's an ancient belief dating back hundreds of years. Some think their tattoos provide protection at a time when there is such political turbulence and division in the country.

"I managed to escape from my enemies, because of the special powers of the tattoo," says Noom Korat.

Ajarn Noo is perhaps the most famous tattoo mystic in Thailand -- people pay hundreds of dollars for his designs.

"It brings great luck, success, and attracts money. The tattoo represents the birth, death and enlightenment of Lord Buddha," says Noo at his Bangkok tattoo parlour.

It actually appears more like a temple with incense, Buddhist statues and scores of eager Yan fans.

But it's not just Thais who are going crazy for Yan tattoos. Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie came to Bangkok for a huge Yan tattoo of a tiger in 2004. Her photo adorns the walls of Ajarn Noo's tattoo parlour -- he's keen for potential customers to see that he's inked one of the most famous and desirable women in the world.

He claims his tattoos can attract the opposite sex, as well as money. They also help to ward off enemies and bad luck.

And it seems the tattoos aren't doing him any harm either -- customers are queuing all day long.

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / [fitur] Related Topics
« on: 05 March 2010, 11:43:18 AM »
bagaiman komentar teman2x?

disetiap topic dibawahnya ada related topic/topik yg berhubungan. sebenarnya ini cuma cari kesamaan dengan judul topic saja

Humor / Parodi iklan superbowl Google (mac style)
« on: 28 February 2010, 07:34:43 AM »

ternyata benar.... kalau di google ketik "i want a computer that works" dan klik "I'm feeling lucky".... larinya ke ....

Teknologi Informasi / 404 error kreatip
« on: 25 February 2010, 01:46:09 PM »

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / 5 Things That Will Make You Happier
« on: 23 February 2010, 06:32:40 AM »
5 Things That Will Make You Happier

By Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer

posted: 22 February 2010 07:54 am ET

SAN DIEGO – The pursuit of happiness is sometimes easier said than done.

Some scientists have argued that happiness is largely determined by genetics, health and other factors mostly outside of our control. But recent research suggests people actually can take charge of their own happiness and boost it through certain practices.

"The billion-dollar question is, is it possible to become happier?" said psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California, Riverside. "Despite the finding that happiness is partially genetically determined, and despite the finding that life situations have a smaller influence on our happiness than we think they do, we argue that still a large portion of happiness is in our power to change."

Lyubomirsky spoke here Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She and colleagues last year reviewed 51 studies that tested attempts to increase happiness through different types of positive thinking, and found that these practices can significantly enhance well-being. The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Here are five things that research has shown can improve happiness:

1. Be grateful – Some study participants were asked to write letters of gratitude to people who had helped them in some way. The study found that these people reported a lasting increase in happiness – over weeks and even months – after implementing the habit. What's even more surprising: Sending the letter is not necessary. Even when people wrote letters but never delivered them to the addressee, they still reported feeling better afterwards.

2. Be optimistic – Another practice that seems to help is optimistic thinking. Study participants were asked to visualize an ideal future – for example, living with a loving and supportive partner, or finding a job that was fulfilling – and describe the image in a journal entry. After doing this for a few weeks, these people too reported increased feelings of well-being.

3. Count your blessings – People who practice writing down three good things that have happened to them every week show significant boosts in happiness, studies have found. It seems the act of focusing on the positive helps people remember reasons to be glad.

4. Use your strengths – Another study asked people to identify their greatest strengths, and then to try to use these strengths in new ways. For example, someone who says they have a good sense of humor could try telling jokes to lighten up business meetings or cheer up sad friends. This habit, too, seems to heighten happiness.

5. Commit acts of kindness – It turns out helping others also helps ourselves. People who donate time or money to charity, or who altruistically assist people in need, report improvements in their own happiness.
Lyubomirsky has also created a free iPhone application, called Live Happy, to help people boost their well-being.

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / [2010] First Post in all page
« on: 21 February 2010, 09:49:29 PM »
apakah fitur ini masih ingin dipakai?

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Post Rating *Testing*
« on: 19 February 2010, 07:51:22 PM »
Lagi testing post rating :)


Pengembangan DhammaCitta / upgrade smf to smf2rc2
« on: 19 February 2010, 07:04:18 AM »
Jika anda bisa membaca ini artinya, anda sudah ada di forum software yg baru dengan theme yg baru juga.

utk fitur2x, kita add pelan2x :)

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