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Topics - El Sol

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Using the analytical tools that Google so generously supplies everyone, we have learned that "Kurukulle" is the number one search string which brings new visitors to these pages. Further, we have learned that said interest in Kurukulle more often than not stems from the belief she will help bewitch the object(s) of one's obsession(s). Doing a bit more digging, we even find the particular places in the world where women, and presumably men, are fanatically repeating Kurukulle's mantra in the hopes that a recalcitrant member of the opposite sex will become enslaved by love---or whatever passes for love these days.

"Love" seems to be a subject that Western Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners struggle with. We have so many instances of "center romance," and we have so many instances of "dharma divorce," that I scarcely know where to begin. In any event, to serve what appears to be the clamoring legion of lovelorn practitioners who regularly bounce into this site looking for a little red witchcraft, I will take this opportunity to say a few words on a topic about which I know absolutely nothing.

I do, however, have a few opinions.

In some respects, the anxiety of love between humans boils down to what we might call an immediate fear. We meet someone to whom we are powerfully attracted, and almost immediately, the experience is flooded with fear. The fear we will say or do something to repel them; the fear we won't be able to attract them; the fear we won't be able to possess them; the fear we will lose them; the fear somebody else will attract them; the fear somebody else will possess them.

Really, we think about our loves the way a cove thinks about swag.

Our fears inevitably lead us into a series of operettas, and these operettas lead into Grand Opera. In the beginning, there is the operetta of "I won't call him because I want to see if he calls me," followed by, "He won't really love me if he finds out who I really am," which segues into, "I am going to make her jealous," and the companion libretto, "I am going to cut him to see if he bleeds." This is all so counterproductive and dishonest, but this is what we do. Eventually, it all concludes in the Grand Opera, "I love you so much that if I do not have you I will die," and the companion theme, "I love you so much we both should die."

After we have dressed up in all our finery and attended a few opening nights, we tend to react in one of two ways. Either we say, "Screw it! I am going to forget him (or her) and love all sentient beings instead!" or we say, "Hey! Let's Google for Kurukulle and get a love spell! Yeah! That'll work!"

Do I need to tell you that both approaches are equally mistaken?

If you find yourself attracted to somebody, first examine all the reasons why you are attracted. Try to weed out the superficial reasons and concentrate on the wholesome ones. If you wind up marrying this person, then a bond is definitely going to exist between you. Better this bond is in terms of something which liberates rather than something which imprisons.

The next thing to do is have a little confidence in yourself... have confidence in your basic status as a good human being. Don't bring deceit to the table: bring honesty, and above all, bring courtesy. Don't sidle up the poor little victim and say, "Hi! I'm Canyon Rainbow-Wind and I can rock your chakras... so, what about it? Up for bliss and emptiness?"

Maybe that would be a little too confident.

All of the above being said, I can't prevent you from coming here looking for the Big Red One that Really, Really Works. If, despite what I've told you, you still want to play games then here is the secret teaching: OM KURUKULLE HRI SOHA.

Say this mantra exactly one million times in one long sitting. For the first 500,000, visualize the object of your affection seated in front of you, powerless to resist your charms. Watch as he (or she) grows older in front of you, suffers all the vicissitudes of life in Samsara, becomes ill, and dies. For the second 500,000, ask yourself what it would be like if you devoted all this energy to enlightenment for the welfare of all sentient beings, of whom your beloved is naturally emblematic.

When you have finished performing the above, get up from your seat and go see who you love.

taken from


Tolong ! / [urgent] so hard!..C programming...
« on: 08 November 2008, 04:51:13 PM »
aku ada assignment..disuruh buat pyramid of number...

bentukne gini...


nah, codenya gw ketemu di internet...

main(void) {
           int first;
           int second;
           int third;
           for(first = 1; first <=10; first++)
           for(second = 1; second <= 31 - first; second++)
           printf(" ");
           for(second = first, third = (2 * first-1)/2+1; third;second++, third--)
           if(second == 10) second=0;
           for (second -= 2, third = (2*first-1)/2;third;second--,third--)

nah masalahne...gw gk ngerti cara kerja codena...ribet banget codenye...

so, bisa tolong jelasin fungsi masing2 code itu?


kita mulai dari ini..

for(second = 1; second <= 31 - first; second++
yg ini maksudne apa yak?

moga gk repost...gw dapet dari forum tetangga neh...

Media: Rabu, 6 Agustus 2008 | 19:18 WIB  - KOMPAS
Sumber Lain: ANTARA

Pertunjukan Manusia Melayang Dijelaskan Secara Fisika

SANUR, RABU - Ratusan siswa dari Asia, sebagian besar asal Indonesia, yang mengikuti Asian Science Camp di Sanur, Bali, Rabu (6/8) dihadapkan pada tantangan memecahkan fenomena mistis secara logis melalui ilmu fisika. Fenomena mistis tersebut seperti kemampuan manusia melawan gravitasi dengan melayang di udara tanpa media apapun, yang ternyata bisa dijelaskan dengan ilmu pengetahuan.

Mereka disuguhkan peragaan langsung rahasia ilmu fisika melalui enam orang bermeditasi dan keenamnya kemudian bisa lompat melayang di udara walau hanya beberapa detik. Walau menghasilkan kekaguman dan hampir tidak masuk akal, ternyata semua ada penjelasan teori dan logikanya menggunakan ilmu fisika.

"Keadaan seseorang dapat melayang di udara karena mengalami yang disebut transcendental meditation (TM). Dalam tubuh mereka telah terjadi kinerja otak yang koheren, sehingga dapat melayang," ujar ahli TM Regianto. Ahli TM lainnya, I Wayan Sutrisna, menjelaskan bahwa fenomena tersebut sangat masuk akal dan dapat dijelaskan melalui teori fisika "Meissner Effect" atau teori tentang ketahanan dengan koherensi.

Dalam teori "Meisnner Effect", terbukti elektron yang disorder atau tidak beraturan dapat dengan mudah ditembus medan magnet. Sedangkan elektron yang koheren, tidak dapat ditembus medan magnet.

"Inilah mengapa pikiran yang koheren dapat menangkal energi negatif dan tubuh kita bisa melayang di udara atau Yogic Flying," katanya.

Dijelaskan, dengan TM seseorang akan memancarkan energi positif, yang secara tidak langsung merangsang zat seretonin dalam tubuh yang membantu menjadi bahagia. Dalam TM Sidi, melayangkan tubuh bukanlah tujuan utama, tetapi yang dikehendaki adalah keselarasan dalam berpikir dan kesehatan tubuh.

"Bahkan dampak positif tersebut tidak hanya dapat dirasakan orang yang bermeditasi tetapi juga oleh lingkungan sekitarnya," tambah Sutrisna pada ASC kedua yang berlangsung 6-9 Agustus 2008.

Japan police arrest man accused of killing family

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

By SHINO YUASA, Associated Press Writer

TOKYO — Japanese police on Tuesday arrested a 77-year-old man suspected of killing his entire family with a hammer, including a 4-year-old granddaughter, a police official said.

Police discovered the bodies after receiving a phone call from a man who reported killing his family, the official said.

They rushed to the suspect's house in Kashiwa, east of Tokyo, and found the suspect, Yoshio Kiuchi, slumped on the floor and splattered with blood, the official said on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.

They also found the bodies of Kiuchi's 4-year-old granddaughter, 75-year-old wife, 49-year-old son and 44-year-old daughter-in-law, he said.

"A man made an emergency call to police this morning, saying he killed his entire family," the official said.

He said no other details, including the motive, were immediately available.

Public broadcaster NHK said police found a hammer at the house.

Kyodo News agency said the suspect's wife, Tokiko, was found dead in the kitchen wearing an apron, while his son's family was found on the floor in their pajamas.

Under Japanese law, police make arrests and are in charge of an investigation until prosecutors press formal charges, a process that can take weeks.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Buku Pedoman [The True Buddhism]
« on: 11 June 2008, 08:05:14 PM »
aye baru kepikir tade...

mari kita buat ensiklopedia dan FAQ about aliran sesat Maitreya..

nanti kita bagi2...

aku akan bantu sebisa mungkin deh...


Tibetan / [ASK] Habit/kebiasaan dalam Vajrayana
« on: 23 May 2008, 03:46:44 PM »
gw pernah diskusi ama anak Vajrayana..

dan dia ngomong tentang Habit/kebiasaan, dmana seperti contoh..

ada orang yg melakukan kamma membunuh ayam..dan lama2 jadi habit, nah..habit itu terbawa ke inkarnasi skarang...

nah, dari yg gw pelajari selama ini...gw membuat kesimpulan kalo habit=kemelekatan..

bener gk?

ato itu something different lage?

Tolong ! / [REQUEST] Ajarin Abhidhamma..
« on: 23 May 2008, 12:12:47 AM »
gw dari dulu pengen belajar Abhidhamma..tapi gk kebagian terus..

mungkin kurang Kamma baek kale yak haha..

jadi ada yg pengen ngajarin? online ajah ngajarne...^^  :))

Anumodana in advance.. :))

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / gw gk bisa kasih BRP ke member..
« on: 19 May 2008, 06:56:04 PM »
kenapa yak?

waktu itu tulisnya butuh 720 hours lage..

tapi lewat beberapa hari..aye mao kasih..

eh, malah gk bisa lage..dan nulisne..need 720 hours lage..


sesuai judul marilah kita membahas tentang Taoism..untuk menambah pengetahuan kita tentang Taoism sehingga tidak ada oknum2(contohnya Aliran Maitreya) yg mengatasnamakan Tao sehingga kita para umat Buddha keliru dengan ajaran sebenarnya Taoism..

Pendiri Taoism adalah Lao Zi dan kitab mereka yg paling utama adalah

Dao De Jing = Tao Te Ching

ayo..sapa yg mao post chapter pertama Dao De Jing?

aye ada bukune dirumah..tapi lupa bawa..nanti kalo dah bawa..gw bantu post juga..dah baca hampir setengah dan ajarannya mirip dengan Buddha Dhamma.. ;D

di sutra dan kitab(Buddhist or non Buddhist) mana nirvana adalah alam? Dan di sutra dan kitab(Buddhist or non Buddhist) mana ada 5 kata suci sebagai mantra anti malapetaka? Dan di sutra dan kitab(Buddhist or non Buddhist) mana yg menyatakan kalo Lao Mu adalah tuhan yg melahirkan roh kita semua? Dan di sutra dan kitab(Buddhist or non Buddhist) mana yg mengatakan kalo roh kluar dari titik diantara 2 alis dapat masuk Nirvana?


kenapa kalian menggunakan avatar Buddhism kalo kalian emank bukan Buddhism?

dan tunjukkan bukti kalo dalam kitab2 Tao dan kong hu cu ada 5 kata suci, ada nirvana sebagai alam, ada maitreya yg qiu tao, ada tempat kluar roh! Dan tunjukkan kalo dalam kitab2 Tao ada bahas tentang lao mu!
(sorry rada ulang...Copas seh..males edit)

mari kita diskusi..tentang aliran sesat Maitreya..

yg telah mencorang dan menggunakan nama para Buddha dan Boddhisatva untuk mencari umat..

dan juga telah merusak Buddha Dhamma..

 ;D ;D

mulai yuk...~~


pengen..melupakan Dhamma...ada yg tao carane?  ;D

gw pengen...

melupakan 4 kesunyataan mulia..dll...

pokokne yg berkaitan dengan Buddha Dhamma..

ada yg tao carane?

Humor / Bayi nakal...
« on: 11 March 2008, 10:54:27 AM »
ngambil dari lounge

sorry kalo repost..

lucu banget!

pada saat PENGEN terlahir sebagai seorang Samyaksambuddha..bukankah PENGEN itu sebenarnya adalah cermin dari KEINGINAN kita untuk DIRI KITA SENDIRI MENCAPAI KESEMPURNAAN SEMPURNA?


Lingkungan / apakah ini salah satu pembenaran dogma?
« on: 19 February 2008, 03:14:46 PM »
Pernyataan Sdr. Budi S. Tanuwibowo (Ketua Umum MATAKIN (Majelis Tinggi Agama Khong Hu Cu Indonesia)) dalam acara bincang pagi jam 6.30 WIB pada tanggal 15 Pebruari 2008 di Stasiun JAK TV, yaitu : “Kwan Im Po Sat (Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara) tidak jelas kuburannya / makamnya sehingga diragukan keberadaan dan kebenaranNya

dikutip dari hxxp://www.infobuddhis.com/content/index.php

apakah ini salah satu pembenaran dogma?

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