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Topics - wen78

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Kesehatan / Susu dan orang asia(selatan, timur, & tenggara)
« on: 07 August 2009, 11:04:00 PM »
beberapa waktu yg lalu nemenin teman gua ke seorang dokter asal Australia dan dia bilang orang asia wilayah selatan, timur, & tenggara, umumnya memiliki usus yg tidak begitu bisa menerima susu.
dikatakan umumnya orang asia selatan, timur, & tenggara jika minum susu, umumnya mengalami gangguan pencernaan seperti kembung atau mencr*t setelah minum susu(apalagi kl perut kosong) sehingga gizi yg terkandung dalam susu lebih banyak terbuang.

apakah memang begitu, atau karena belum terbiasa dengan susu?
jika perut kosong(bangun pagi) langsung minum susu dan mencr*t, apa berarti usus gak bisa menerima susu?
apakah penyerapan gizi dalam usus terganggu jika kembung?

infonya donk...  ;D

Harry Burns: You realize of course that we could never be friends.
Sally Albright: Why not?
Harry Burns: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally Albright: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry Burns: No you don't.
Sally Albright: Yes I do.
Harry Burns: No you don't.
Sally Albright: Yes I do.
Harry Burns: You only think you do.
Sally Albright: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?
Harry Burns: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.
Sally Albright: They do not.
Harry Burns: Do too.
Sally Albright: They do not.
Harry Burns: Do too.
Sally Albright: How do you know?
Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally Albright: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry Burns: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
Sally Albright: Well, I guess we're not going to be friends then.
Harry Burns: I guess not.
Sally Albright: That's too bad. You were the only person I knew in New York.


Harry Burns: Would you like to have dinner?... Just friends.
Sally Albright: I thought you didn't believe men and women could be friends.
Harry Burns: When did I say that?
Sally Albright: On the ride to New York.
Harry Burns: No, no, no, I never said that... Yes, that's right, they can't be friends. Unless both of them are involved with other people, then they can... This is an amendment to the earlier rule. If the two people are in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement is lifted... That doesn't work either, because what happens then is, the person you're involved with can't understand why you need to be friends with the person you're just friends with. Like it means something is missing from the relationship and why do you have to go outside to get it? And when you say "No, no, no it's not true, nothing is missing from the relationship," the person you're involved with then accuses you of being secretly attracted to the person you're just friends with, which you probably are. I mean, come on, who the hell are we kidding, let's face it. Which brings us back to the earlier rule before the amendment, which is men and women can't be friends.

so.. what do you think? ;D

 :-? ada benernya juga :))

Film / [Old Movie] When Harry met Sally
« on: 21 July 2009, 05:32:04 PM »

romace movie

film mengenai persahabatan seorang pria n wanita yg akhirnya menjadi sepasang kekasih.

two thumbs up :jempol:

Hobi dan Kegiatan Ektrakulikuler / Ada yg suka renang?
« on: 15 July 2009, 04:28:02 PM »
Ada yg suka renang?
lg cr temen renang buat olahraga bareng di wilayah jakarta.

ada yg tau tempat renang yg enak, sepi, dan murmer? dulu di pantai mutiara. cuma sekarang dah mahal. kl mlm weekend, keramean n byk org yg pacaran.

Kesehatan / [ask] makanan tambahan yg high calories n cepat saji
« on: 12 July 2009, 12:56:20 PM »
ada makanan tambahan yg high calories n cepat saji?
maksudnya bisa di blander kaya jus gitu ato seperti cemilan.

kl bisa high calories tp gulanya kecil. fat rada gede gpp..., tp jgn kegedean ;D
lg mo naikin berat badan nih... target kl bisa 1 hari konsumsi minimal 3000 kalori(kl gak salah hitung).
yg non-vege jg gpp....

bagi2 infonya...

Film / [Old Movie] The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
« on: 05 July 2009, 01:04:55 AM »

kisah persahabatan dua bocah yg berbeda latar belakang di concentration camp.

two thumbs up

Film / [Old Movie] Yes Man
« on: 17 June 2009, 09:34:52 PM »

just sharing a good movie ;D

cerita film:
seseorang yg selalu cari alasan dan selalu bilang "No" pada segala hal, menjadi yg selalu bilang "Yes". banyak hal yg dia alami setelah bilang "Yes".

Film / [Old movie] Men of Honor
« on: 08 June 2009, 09:40:57 PM »

just sharing good movie...
film lama, tp film berkualitas... two thumbs up!!!  ;D

Kaki Lima / Jual Cepat Kiosk Lindeteves Trade Center
« on: 16 May 2009, 11:08:09 AM »
Jual Cepat Kiosk Lindeteves Trade Center
Lt SB/Semi Basement No.25 Block C1
Luas 11,5m2
Jl. Hayam Wuruk 127 Jakarta Barat 11180

Jual: 300jt TP(Tanpa Perantara)
Harga sekarang 400jt

Hub: 0813-80631016

Kafe Jongkok / [ask] lelang di swinde
« on: 26 April 2009, 01:42:39 PM »
ada yg punya pengalaman ikutan lelang di swinde.com?
beneran gak tuh? takutnya ada permainan org dalamnya. kl beneran, bole juga tuh... ;D

bagi2 info donk....

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / koneksi Fastnet ke Facebook
« on: 22 April 2009, 06:12:33 PM »

ampun dah Fastnet..... , masa ping sampe request timed out. apa gara2 keluarin produk SOHO jadi gini ya?  :-?

Chan atau Zen / Zen Indonesia
« on: 21 April 2009, 09:51:34 AM »
penasaran, apakah di Indonesia ada organisasi Zen(seperti Walubi,... dll)?
dan apakah di Indonesia ada seorang yg dianggap adalah seorang Master of Zen(senior)?

Kafe Jongkok / [ask] makanan buat tengah malem
« on: 16 April 2009, 11:50:22 PM »
gua biasa sering laper di tengah malem ato sekitar jam 10-12an. biasa masak indomie mulu. kl roti gak tahan lama... n gak gitu kenyang
ada menu lain gak yg lebih sehat tapi yg semurah indomie? ;D

Jurnal Meditasi / Zazen special pake telor :D
« on: 02 April 2009, 12:20:44 AM »
ikutan post  ;D

posisi kaki gomaza dan posisi tangan mida no jouin. pake alas duduk bantal yg tipis.

awal metode pernafasan ah-hm dulu utk menenangkan diri, lalu masuk ke meditasi fokus pada pernafasan.
terasa denyut di dahi. mata di lemaskan, denyut pelan2 hilang.
terasa kesemutan di kaki, dirasakan, lama2 hilang.
denyut di dahi terasa kembali, dilemaskan, pelan2 hilang.
terasa badan masih tegak lurus dan tidak membungkuk
terasa tenang.
bola mata mulai bergerak mencari fokus.
fokus seolah2 terpecah jadi dua.
keringat bergerak perlahan2 ke bawah dr dahi kanan.
terasa gatel... di rasakan, lama2 seperti.... kaya gatel kaya gak gatel :))
fokus seolah2 terpecah jadi 3
kaki mulai kesemutan.
fokus seolah2 jadi brantakan
di rasakan semua fokus yg "brantakan"
lama2 seolah2 menjadi 1 kesatuan
tenang n damai....
tiba2 terasa seperti sedang senyum <----- kaya org gila :))
terasa badan menjadi satu.
kepikir bsk musti bangun pagi
tarik 3x napas panjang
buka mata....
liat jam... kebablasan jam 12 lewat dikit :))

buka FB, cek email, trs buka DC dah :))

Kaki Lima / [ASK] Jasa Hot laminating
« on: 31 March 2009, 07:51:13 PM »
ada yg terima jasa hot laminating gak di wilayah jakarta?
perlu jasa hot laminating untuk ukuran kecil sampe besar(A0) untuk hasil digital printing.
cari nya yg mo terima dalam jumlah kecil, misalnya cuma 1 lembar ukuran A3 ato A1, n harganya gak mahal ;D

ato ada yg tau tempat yg mo terima dlm jumlah kecil n harga cukup bersaing(muyah ;D)

kl bisa yg banyak jenisnya, seperti yg tahan gores, glossy/matte, texture,..... dll.  thx

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