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Pengumuman => Informasi dan Pengumuman Kegiatan Buddhis => Topic started by: karma_tenpe_gyatso on 30 July 2009, 04:13:28 PM

Title: Ikutilah Sharing Triyana: Daring Step Toward Fearlesness - Sabtu, 8 Agustus 2009
Post by: karma_tenpe_gyatso on 30 July 2009, 04:13:28 PM
Daring Steps Toward Fearlessness

The Three Vehicles of Buddhism


Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

Pukul 14.30 – 20.00 wib

Jl. Mangga 3 No. 12B

Fasilitator : Konchok Tashi

Terbuka bagi yang ingin ber-Dana Paramita

Info / Pendaftaran :
021-926 83 877 / 08788 - 123 1688


The teachings of the three yanas should not be discussed and presented on just an academic or intellectual level. To do so would be quite easy. It is considerably more difficult to explain them in away that evokes a personal experience and understanding, and enables us to put them into practice. This challenge should be accepted though. If I were to explain the three yanas academically, conveying just another province of knowledge, it would not be very difficult. At the same time it would be quite dry, and useless as well. There would be an intellectual understanding in our heads and we would come away having memorized yet another piece of information. Instead of that, we have to learn how to put the teachings we receive into practical use, how to make them into our path and integrate them into our daily lives. Especially in the West, we come into contact with so many teachings from all kinds of levels, with so much Maha Ati, Mahamudra, Tantra, and so forth. The information is so overabundant that it can easily turn into a stew. All the ingredients are mixed up to such an extent that they cannot be told apart anymore. As a dish this might be delicious, but as far as understanding is concerned, such a glut of information can be slightly confusing, and can also be more than is really needed.

What is required, therefore, is a clear view and perception of how these three levels of teaching build upon one another and where each instruction falls into place. This needs to be understood experientially. An intellectual understanding is not enough. The real and actual practice of Dharma does not take place in the brain. Practice means just working on ourselves. I am often asked whether it is possible to practice different aspects simultaneously, such as combining Zen and Mahamudra practices or the sadhana of Avalokiteshvara and calm abiding. I respond with another question: What is practice? It is not Avalokiteshvara and so forth. It is yourself. You are your practice, so you must use whatever is helpful. If the practice of Zen helps to improve yourself, use this method. We should use anything that contributes to our improvement. If we take ourselves as the practice and work on ourselves, nothing is contradictory. There is no conflict between anything. If we can build an understanding in this way, it will be well grounded. Often our understanding is very fragmented, and for this reason we are not on solid ground. Most of the time we gain information from here and there, both in study and practice, and then try to rely on this wobbly surface.

In this situation it is very important to start at the beginning. Personally speaking, the more teachings I received, the more they caused me to go back..



Lahir di Lingtsang, propinsi Kham, Tibet Timur pada tahun 1952, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche adalah seorang Guru Buddhis ternama yang kecendikiawanannya, kepiawaian berbahasa Inggrisnya, serta gaya mengajarnya yang tanggap dihargai sekali oleh umat Buddha di seluruh dunia.

Beliau dikenali sebagai reinkarnasi dari Kepala Wihara Rigul di Tibet. Mengambil pendidikan formal di Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Gangtok dan Sampurananda Sanskrit University di Varanasi, India, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche adalah Lama pertama dari tradisi Kagyu yang mendapatkan gelar Acharya dari Universitas Varanasi. Selain itu, beliau juga menerima gelar Khenpo (gelar studi tertinggi aliran Kagyu) dari Yang Mulia Gyalwa Karmapa ke 16 dan gelar Lopon Chenpo, setara dengan gelar Ph.D, dari International Nyingma Society.

Guru akar beliau adalah Y.M. Gyalwa Karmapa ke 16 dan Y.M. Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche. Selain itu, beliau juga belajar dan berlatih di bawah bimbingan banyak guru besar dari seluruh aliran Buddhisme Tibet.

Beliau adalah profesor Tibetologi di India selama 17 tahun. Tesis doktor beliau adalah tentang Gerakan Ekumenikal di Tibet. Menetap di Sikkim selama masa itu dan menghasilkan banyak modul kuliah dan buku. Di antara hasil karya beliau adalah buku tentang Y.M. Jamgon Kongtrul Pertama, Lodro Thaye serta buku tentang Gerakan Rime, gerakan nonsektarian.

Beliau mendirikan Bodhicharya, sebuah organisasi internasional yang mengordinasi  berbagai aktifvitas pelestarian dan penyebaran ajaran Buddha, mempromosikan dialog lintas budaya, serta melaksanakan berbagai projek pendidikan dan sosial.

Di antara beberapa buku beliau yang telah diterbitkan adalah Path To Buddhahood:Teachings on Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation dan Daring Steps Toward Fearlessness: The Three Vehicles of Buddhism.

~Dari berbagai sumber