Komunitas > Waroeng English

Basic English


Rina Hong:
Arrange The Sentence in English has slightly the same way with arrange the sentence in Indonesia.
Example :

Saya berbicara bahasa Indonesia = I Speak English (Basic Format : Subject + Verb + Object)
Apakah kamu berbahasa Inggris? = Do You Speak English ?
Ya = Yes, I do

Saya adalah Susy  = I am susy (am here as verb tobe)

Verb Tobe ( Is, Am, Are )have Some Function :
-  Modify The subject ( e.g. I am a Student , I am lonely)
-  As complement in Present Continuous Sentence ( e.g. I am studying English )
-  As Short Answer ( e.g. Are you lazy ? No, I am not )

Note : Tobe + Verb-ing(kata kerja) = Present Continuous
         Tobe + Noun ( Kata Benda/ kata sifat) = modify the subject
         Is = was (past) Are = were (past)

Rina Hong:
We Normally use Modal verb instead of question words ( What, Why, Who, Where, When, etc)

We use The Question Words when we don't know The exact answer. e.g. Where did you go? (Compare "did you go to the party")

Formula : Wh-Question + modal verb / Verb Tobe + Verb + Complement
Modal verb : Do, Does, Did, have, has, had, must,may, might, can, could, etc

Rina Hong:
Countable & Uncountable Noun

Use A, An to show one Thing (Countable)
A(if the word behind sound Consonant) e.g. A university [;yuniversity]
An (if the word behind sound Vowel) e.g. An Actor [;ekche]

Use Many, (a) few (Countable) e.g. There are Many Dress, There is a book(we can use both is and are in countable noun)

Use Much, (a) Little, some (Uncountable) e.g. There is Much money(but we only use is for Uncountable Noun and you cannot put "s" behind noun (not Moneys))

you can also use the words = a loaf, a cup, a piece, etc to change Uncountable noun to Countable noun. e.g. much coffee --> a cup of coffee, two cups of coffee, etc.

Rina Hong:
Ordinal & Cardinal Numbers

We use Ordinal Numbers to show date
first, second, third, fourth, fifth,sixth, seventh, eigth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, ...twenty first,etc. e.g. 1st of June

We use Cardinal numbers to show Quantity
one, two, three, etc e.g. one book, two books, etc.


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