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« on: 08 September 2007, 09:35:57 PM »
apakah ada rekan" disini yg pernah membaca buku tentang hipnotherapy seperti many live, many master, buku journey to my past lives. bagaimana pandangan rekan" tentang hipnotherapy tersebut, bagaimana pula dengan kebenaran dari regresi past life itu ?

apa rekan" disini ada yg pernah mengikuti sesi hipnotherapy ? mungkin bisa sharing pula disini...

Offline andre_golden

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #1 on: 08 September 2007, 09:42:26 PM »
Reincarnation has been called by some to be the greatest unknown scientific discovery today. In the last chapter of Dr. Ian Stevenson's book entitled Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (1967), he provides rigorous scientific reasoning to show how reincarnation is the only viable explanation that fits the facts of his study. He considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children who were spontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk. He was able to rule out each alternative explanation using one or more aspects of these cases. Later research has even bolstered his case in favor of the existence of reincarnation. His study is also completely reproducible which means that anybody who doubts the validity of this study is perfectly welcome to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a short matter of time before his discovery of the existence of reincarnation is finally realized by the scientific community and the world to be accepted as one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.

Many people have misconceptions about reincarnation. One particular misconception is that it means we don't dwell in heaven between reincarnations or that we immediately reincarnate after death. Near-death experiences prove this misconception to be just that - a misconception. This is because time as we know it does not exist in the spirit world. A person can literally spend an "eternity" in the spirit realms, if they wish to do so, and have the freedom to decide if they want to reincarnate or not. The ultimate goal of reincarnation is to learn enough lessons from earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary. For more information about reincarnation and the NDE, visit my research conclusions on this subject.

Many Christians would be very surprised that there are a tremendous number of references to reincarnation in the Bible. The most compelling references in the Bible can be found within the teachings of  concerning John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet. Here are the major verses: (01) (02 and 03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10). More information concerning the history of reincarnation in Christianity can be found on my Christian NDEs and Reincarnation page.
mengenai dr ian stevenson yang tertarik meneliti kasus reborn atau reinkarnasi bahasa umumnya ini.

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #2 on: 08 September 2007, 09:43:21 PM »
Dr. Ian Stevenson
The Pioneer of Reincarnation Research

Ian Stevenson is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. He has devoted the last 40 years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world and has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.

Dr. Stevenson's research into the possibility of reincarnation began in 1960 when he heard of a case in Sri Lanka where a child claimed to remember a past life. He thoroughly questioned the child and the child's parents, as well as the people whom the child claimed were his parents from his past life. This led to Dr. Stevenson's conviction that reincarnation was possibly a reality. The more cases he pursued, the greater became his drive to scientifically open up and conquer an unknown territory among the world's mysteries, which until now had been excluded from scientific observation. Nonetheless, he believed he could approach and possibly furnish proof of its reality with scientific means.

In 1960, Dr. Stevenson published two articles in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research about children who remembered past lives. In 1974, he published his book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, and became well known wherever this book appeared by those people who already had a long-standing interest in this subject. They were pleased to finally be presented with such fundamental research into reincarnation from a scientific source. In 1997, Dr. Stevenson published his work entitled Reincarnation and Biology. In the first volume, he mainly describes birthmarks - those distinguishing marks on the skin which the newborn baby brings into the world and cannot be explained by inheritance alone. In his second volume, Dr. Stevenson focuses mainly on deformities and other anomalies that children are born with and which cannot be traced back to inheritance, prenatal or perinatal (created during birth) occurrences. This monumental piece of work contains hundreds of pictures documenting the evidence.

During his original research into various cases involving children's memories of past lives, Dr. Stevenson did note with interest the fact that these children frequently bore lasting birthmarks which supposedly related to their murder or the death they suffered in a previous life. Stevenson's research into birthmarks and congenital defects has such particular importance for the demonstration of reincarnation, since it furnishes objective and graphic proof of reincarnation, superior to the - often fragmentary - memories and reports of the children and adults questioned, which even if verified afterwards cannot be assigned the same value in scientific terms.

In many cases presented by Dr. Stevenson there are also medical documents available as further proof, which are usually compiled after the death of the person. Dr. Stevenson adds that in the cases he researched and "solved" in which birthmarks and deformities were present, he didn't suppose there was any other apposite explanation than that of reincarnation. Only 30% - 60% of these deformities can be put down to birth defects which related to genetic factors, virus infections or chemical causes (like those found in children damaged by the drug Thalidomide or alcohol). Apart from these demonstrable causes, the medical profession has no other explanation for the other 40% to 70% of cases than that of mere chance. Stevenson has now succeeded in giving us an explanation of why a person is born with these deformities and why they appear precisely in that part of their body and not in another.

Most of the cases where birthmarks and congenital deformities are present for which no medical explanations exist have one to five characteristics in common.

(1)  In the most unusual scenario, it is possible that someone who believed in reincarnation expressed a wish to be reborn to a couple or one partner of a couple. This is usually because they are convinced that they would be well cared for by those particular people. Such preliminary requests are often expressed by the Tlingit Indians of Alaska and by the Tibetans.

(2)  More frequent than this are the occurrences of prophetic dreams. Someone who has died appears to a pregnant or not as yet pregnant woman and tells her that he or she will be reborn to her. Sometimes relatives or friends have dreams like this and will then relate the dream to the mother to be. Dr. Stevenson found these prophetic dreams to be particularly prolific in Burma and among the Indians in Alaska.

(3)  In these cultures the body of a newborn child is checked for recognizable marks to establish whether the deceased person they had once known has been reborn to them. This searching for marks of identification is very common among cultures that believe in reincarnation, and especially among the Tlingit Indians and the Igbos of Nigeria. Various tribes of West Africa make marks on the body of the recently deceased in order to be able to identify the person when he or she is reborn.

(4)  The most frequently occurring event or common denominator relating to rebirth is probably that of a child remembering a past life. Children usually begin to talk about their memories between the ages of two and four. Such infantile memories gradually dwindle when the child is between four and seven years old. There are of course always some exceptions, such as a child continuing to remember its previous life but not speaking about it for various reasons.

Most of the children talk about their previous identity with great intensity and feeling. Often they cannot decide for themselves which world is real and which one is not. They often experience a kind of double existence where at times one life is more prominent, and at times the other life takes over. This is why they usually speak of their past life in the present tense saying things like, "I have a husband and two children who live in Jaipur." Almost all of them are able to tell us about the events leading up to their death.

Such children tend to consider their previous parents to be their real parents rather than their present ones, and usually express a wish to return to them. When the previous family has been found and details about the person in that past life have come to light, then the origin of the fifth common denominator – the conspicuous or unusual behavior of the child - is becoming obvious.

(5)  For instance, if the child is born in India to a very low-class family and was a member of a higher caste in its previous life, it may feel uncomfortable in its new family. The child may ask to be served or waited on hand and foot and may refuse to wear cheap clothes. Stevenson gives us several examples of these unusual behavior patterns.

In 35% of cases he investigated, children who died an unnatural death developed phobias. For example, if they had drowned in a past life then they frequently developed a phobia about going out of their depth in water. If they had been shot, they were often afraid of guns and sometimes loud bangs in general. If they died in a road accident they would sometimes develop a phobia of traveling in cars, buses or lorries.

Another frequently observed unusual form of behavior, which Dr. Stevenson called philias, concerns children who express the wish to eat different kinds of food or to wear clothes that were different from those of their culture. If a child had developed an alcohol, tobacco or drug addiction as an adult in a previous incarnation he may express a need for these substances and develop cravings at an early age.

Many of these children with past-life memories show abilities or talents that they had in their previous lives. Often children who were members of the opposite sex in their previous life show difficulty in adjusting to the new sex. These problems relating to the 'sex change' can lead to homosexuality later on in their lives. Former girls who were reborn as boys may wish to dress as girls or prefer to play with girls rather than boys.

Until now all these human oddities have been a mystery to conventional psychiatrists - after all, the parents could not be blamed for their children's behavior in these cases. At long last research into reincarnation is shedding some light on the subject. In the past, doctors blamed such peculiarities on a lack or a surplus of certain hormones, but now they will have to do some rethinking.

The following paper by Dr. Stevenson was presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration held at Princeton University. June 11-13, 1992. The title of the paper is "Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons" and provides perhaps the most compelling scientific evidence suggestive of reincarnation. Dr. Stevenson's paper presents evidence that physical characteristics, such as birthmarks and deformities, may be carried over from a past life to a present life.


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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #3 on: 08 September 2007, 09:45:05 PM »
There are many books available which cover various aspects of the subject of reincarnation, four of which are suggested here for general reading and understanding of the subject. The first of these is:

Head, Joseph & Cranston, Sylvia (1977).
Reincarnation. The Phoenix Fire Mystery. An East-West dialogue on death and rebirth from the worlds of religion, science, psychology, philosophy, art and literature, and from great thinkers of the past and present.
Theosophical University Press, Pasadena. ISBN 1-55700-026-3.

Recently re-issued in paperback as:

Cranston, Sylvia (1998). Reincarnation. The Phoenix Fire Mystery. Theosophical University Press, Pasadena.

As suggested in the subtitle, this book is an extensive and detailed (620 pp.) review of the concept of reincarnation, moving from antiquity to modern times and quoting material from all aspects of religion, culture and science. It is encyclopaedic in its coverage but very readable and informative. The second book is:

Cerminara, Gina (1967). Many Mansions.
Neville Spearman, London.

Many Mansions is a straightforward interpretation of the spiritual philosophy behind the concept of reincarnation, based on the work of Edgar Cacey (see p. 32 , below).

A very recent text offering a straightforward introduction to the subject of reincarnation is:

Hall, Judy (2001). Way of Reincarnation.
Thorsons, London. ISBN 0-00-710290-9.

A very recent and useful introductory text on the subject of reincarnation. Although not as detailed as the above books, it covers most aspects of the subject in a way which is helpful to those wishing to explore the subject for the first time.

Although the concept of reincarnation has been considered by Western philosophers for at least two centuries, it is only fairly recently that it has become more widely understood by ordinary people. One of the earliest, well-publicised cases of an individual who was investigated for having claimed to remember details of her most recent life was that of Shanti Devi, an eight-year-old Indian girl born in Delhi who in 1935 claimed to be the reincarnation of a housewife who had died in childbirth in a small northern Indian town. In this, classic, case (described by Jeffrey Iverson, p. 6 above) Shanti Devi provided extensive detailed evidence - which she could not have known by normal means - about her previous family, none of which was shown to be false or mistaken. Cases like this led on to wide-ranging research during the second half of the last century. The leading figure in this field over the past 40 years has been Dr. Ian Stevenson, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, who has studied more than 2600 cases from all parts of the world and who has published his results in many scientific papers and several books. The quality of evidence in favour of reincarnation varies considerably from case to case, but Dr. Stevenson’s detailed and painstaking research has built up a compelling dossier of material in favour of reincarnation. As Iverson (see p. 6, above) has stated: "Dr. Stevenson considers fraud, hallucination and telepathy as options in every investigation. But the kernel of his work is the twenty-five cases he believes are so strong that reincarnation is the most logical explanation". Some of the key publications (books) produced by Dr. Stevenson are:

Stevenson, Ian (1966). Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. (Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, Vol. XXVI, September 1966). American Society for Psychical Research, New York. Reprinted as:

Stevenson, Ian (1974). Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. 2nd. rev. ed. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville.
ISBN 0-8139-0546-X.

Stevenson, Ian (1975). Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Vol. 1, Ten Cases in India. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville. ISBN 0-8139-0602-4.

Stevenson, Ian (1977). Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Vol. 2, Ten Cases in Sri Lanka. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville. ISBN 0-8139-0624-5.

Stevenson, Ian (1980). Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Vol. 3, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville. ISBN 0-8139-0816-7.

Stevenson, Ian (1983). Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Vol. 4, Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville. ISBN 0-8139-0960-0.

Stevenson, Ian (1987). Children Who Remember Previous Lives. A question of reincarnation. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville. ISBN 0-8139-1140-0. (This is probably the best scientifically-argued account of the case for reincarnation).

Stevenson, Ian (1997). Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect. Praeger Publishers, Westport & London.
ISBN 0-275-95189-8 (pbk).

This last book is particularly interesting as it deals with evidence for re-incarnation which is based on physical manifestations, such as birth marks, that have been found to relate to experiences (often violent) remembered from a past life. It is a condensed and simplified version of a previously-published two-volume, medical monograph entitled Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects, also published by Praeger (1997; ISBN 0-275-95282-7).

Stevenson’s books are generally of an academic nature, being written largely for professionals and scholars. As such many of them are often not easy reading for a wider audience. Probably the most straightforward of his publications, and the nearest to a ‘popular read’, are Children Who Remember Previous Lives and Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect.

However, some of Prof. Stevenson’s work has been recorded in a very readable form in:

Schroder, Tom (1999). Old Souls. The scientific evidence for past lives. Simon & Schuster, New York. ISBN 0-684-85192-X.

Schroder, a sceptical journalist, persuaded Prof. Stevenson to allow him to take part in the latter’s field work in Lebanon, India and the American South. Old Souls consists of accounts of many case studies of children who clearly remembered details of their immediately previous life, providing evidence which convinced the author of the reality of reincarnation.
« Last Edit: 08 September 2007, 09:47:24 PM by andre_golden »

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #4 on: 08 September 2007, 09:45:57 PM »
andre punya buku karangan Dr. Ian Stevenson ? katanya dibuku itu di ungkap sekitar 2000 kasus anak" yg dapat mengingat past live mereka, bahkan ada yg sampai menjelaskan sedetail" memory past live nya...

buku Dr. Ian Stevenson adalah pelopor penguakan misteri past live di dunia barat... apakah ada yg punya versi elektroniknya ?

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #5 on: 08 September 2007, 09:46:38 PM »
untukmasalah hipnotheraphy menurut gue sangat menarik sekali utnuk ditelusuri.
ko tono, nanti dicatet ya diforum ini dimanakah tempat dijakarta yang bisa ngelakuin therapi ini?
mungkin kalo i udah pulnag, pengen coba ikut
program terapi hipnotis. untuk mampu mengingat memori yang lampau

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #6 on: 08 September 2007, 09:49:20 PM »
dan satu lagi peneliti yang masyur juga di barat.
Brian Weiss.

Having accidentally encountered past lives and reincarnation, Dr Brian Weiss took time to accept what came to pass. He went on to research many such mystical and religious ideas, turning him into a doctor who has got enlightened. An interview with the author of bestselling books such as Many Lives, Many Masters, excerpted from Voices of Truth (Full Circle)

Treating patients by guiding them through recollections of their previous lives is just about the last thing Dr Brian Weiss thought he would be doing.

A prominent South Florida psychiatrist, before the age of 35 he was the first Chief of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center, and a professor at the University of Miami's medical school. He was publishing papers and becoming a nationally recognised expert on psychopharmacology and considered himself the kind of guy who rarely gave much thought to anything mystical, philosophical or spiritual.

One patient changed all that. Weiss calls her Catherine in his first best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters (1988), eight years after he began treating the young woman.

He had been using routine psychotherapy to treat her and after 18 months with little improvement, Weiss finally put it very simply to her one day while she was under hypnosis: "Go back to the time from which your symptoms arise." She did.

Back to the year 1863 BC when she was a 25-year-old named Aronda. Since treating Catherine, he has researched reincarnation, Eastern religions, mysticism, quantum physics, intuition and everything in between. He exudes an air of wise counsel, but does not come across as some kind of guru.

Much to his surprise, Weiss's work has been taken seriously by many in the medical community.

Shortly after his first book was published, the former president of the Dade County Psychological Association said: "Those of us who do hypnosis are not all that shocked by Dr Weiss's book. Many have had patients who have gone back to something-I'm not prepared to say it was a previous life. I think we are very interested and very afraid to talk about it?

Weiss says his work on past life therapy has helped not only his patients and readers, it has also helped him. It has led him to explore a great body of knowledge, and to look inward as well. The following has been excerpted from Nina Diamond's Voices of Truth-Conversations with Scientists, Thinkers and Healers. 
Are we just vessels that hold the soul?

Dr Brian Weiss: Yes, exactly. We are vessels, and we contain this eternal and immortal, much more knowledgeable part of ourselves. Now, probably as you get more mystical you find out that these souls, as well as the bodies, are connected to everyone else's, because really everything is of the same substance.

Why do people find reincarnation a difficult concept to accept?

People fear the unfamiliar. If only they would keep an open mind. Not just scientists, but everybody. Just observe it, watch it. Meditation can teach people to do that. If they can let go of their fears.

Philosophers and mystics once incorporated reincarnation into their explanations of life, and Plato wrote about soulmates.

Yes, Plato wrote about reincarnation. So, the Greeks believed in this too. And so did ancient civilizations.

Reincarnation is in all religions. Where did this knowledge come from?

It comes from so far back that we don't even know where it comes from. We only lost it recently. I think we lost it for political reasons.

In Judaism, belief in reincarnation or gilgul is not just ancient, but existed until early in the 1800s, and it was only with the migration out of Eastern Europe to the West, and the Age of Enlightenment and science, and the need to be accepted, that the belief went underground.

But not in the Chassidic (Ultra-Orthodox) populations. They still believe in reincarnation. In Christianity it went underground much earlier, in the 6th century at the Second Council of Constantinople where reincarnation was officially declared a heresy.

Christianity was becoming a state religion, and the Romans felt that without the whip of Judgement Day people wouldn't behave, they wouldn't follow.

They would think: "Well, I'll do it next time around." And so reincarnation was consciously made a heresy. But this was at the Council, centuries after .

How is the time period between lifetimes determined?

People who die violently, or children who die, often come back faster. And people who live longer lives, and die more peacefully, there can be a much longer time between lives, a hundred years or more.

How many past lives do people generally have?

That varies, but the numbers that come up most (in my work) is about 100. Not the thousands and thousands that the Buddhists talk about.

Is there a finite number of souls?

To me it doesn't matter because ultimately we're all connected.

Are new souls being created?

I'm not sure, but my inclination is to say no. We're probably all ageless and have been (around from the beginning).

Are families more spiritually connected from life to life than strangers are?

Yes, and I do think that people come in groups for the working out of debts and responsibilities, the concept of karma. These are the people that we're learning and growing with. I even put love at first sight, or hostility at first sight into that category, a recognition of souls.

I know the old saying: blood is thicker than water. Well, I mention in Through Time into Healing that spirit seems thicker than blood.

So people can be male in one lifetime and female in another, and vice versa?

Yes, there seems to be frequent switching. You may have a preference, but you've tried out the other to see what it's like. This is also true of races and religions.

How do you explain souls that occupy bodies that are biologically damaged?

If this is all to learn-and this is what my patients keep telling me-to grow, to become more and more Godlike, then whatever experience you have is a learning experience. Sometimes, though, it's a teaching experience as well, so you may come back into this for others, maybe as an act of charity.

How do pre-determination and free will co-exist?

Someone told me this once: Life is like being on a bus. It has a certain pre-determined route. But the person you sit next to, how you act, what you say, that's all the free will part.

Why don't we automatically, consciously remember our past lives?

For one, more and more people are remembering. Through therapeutic techniques such as hypnosis, but also through dreams, spontaneously, through meditation, d嶴?vu. When they're in a place they have never been before and they know their way around.

This may be an evolutionary shift. I don't know why we don't all remember. The Greeks had a myth that when you were born again you drank from the River of Lethe, so you would forget your previous lives.

So you think some of us are born with certain values and ideals?

Yes, that's the whole purpose. That it gets ingrained at a deeper level. At the level of the heart and the soul-where the real learning takes place so that you're not dependent just on what your parents teach you.

If one's parents were bigots, and the child is able to overcome that, this is a degree of independence that transcends what we're taught.

This is your soul saying: "You know it's not right to be a bigot, despite what your parents, what the church or temple is telling you. You know better. Follow your heart." And when you're doing that, you've really learnt it. This is the soul memory.

When we're 'out there', will we be with all the people we knew here?

I think so, and even with those who are still here. The vision is better coming from the other direction. They're aware of more because they are not limited by a body and the brain. But we are.

What's the state of reincarnation research today?

There are physicians doing this. Raymond Moody, the psychiatrist who coined the phrase Near Death Experience, is now writing about his research with past life therapy. Then there's the Association of Past Life Reaserch and Therapy (APRT). They publish a journal. It's a mixed group, so it's hard to characterize them as representative of the scientific community.

How can reincarnation be validated? Do you look for supporting information?

It's difficult to prove reincarnation scientifically because of what we consider scientific. As a psychiatrist I'm interested in my patients' clinical improvement, in their welfare, so I look at two levels: of therapy and helping people, and then the other level, that of validating, or proving. Both are vital.

But I function more these days at the therapeutic level. There's no question in my mind, or in the minds of all of these physicians and psychotherapists who are writing to me, that this has a therapeutic effect. It's quick, it's vivid, it's relatively inexpensive, and people get better.

Physicists are now researching how one subatomic particle/wave in one location senses instantaneously what's happening to another one. Is it similar to psychic phenomena?

Yes, and physicists have proof that these particles exist, that they travel at the speed of light, and time is relative, and can stop. It's just that we have difficulty in letting go (of our old concepts).

If I told you that you're really, physically, a mass of electrons, protons and neutrons and energy, and wave/particle phenomena, you would say, "but I'm solid", and I would say, "yes, but that's not really true, because at a deeper level you're energy".

Scientists talk about things being connected at a sub-atomic level-what we would consider ESP-between these subatomic particles. Since we and everything in the universe are made up of these, does this explain how people can have 'paranormal' abilities? 
Yes, that summarises the millennia of mystical knowledge, and solves the problems of the universe! It's true. We need to develop the skills. How to do this, how to be aware. Mystics have always been saying that there is no time, it just appears that way to us.

And when you start talking about other states, there is no space, there is no time. It's all happening now. This is our conception of God and of nature beyond the three-dimensional. That's the fascinating correlation that physics is starting to prove.

In mystical Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, this is all part of the esoteric tradition: There is not time, no space, we're all connected.

Do you believe that physicists will find that science, mysticism, spirituality, religion and parapsychology are connected through quantum physics?

Physicists are the mystics of the 21st century. They've begun to study consciousness, time moving backwards, all of these phenomena that were called occult or esoteric. I believe they'll be found to have their roots in nature, in science.

As we begin to use more of our brains through meditation and other ways, we're going to find that these things do have their basis in science, in nature. To discover the truth you have to throw out your old assumptions and old knowledge.

You wrote in Many Lives?that the most important lesson you learned with past life therapy is that there is no death. How has this changed your life, and how can this change everybody's life?

When you stop fearing death you start to live more. What I value now that I perhaps didn't value as much before are love, relationships, family-not just in the genetic sense, but in the larger sense. And what I value less now are material things. You can't take it with you. That's a clich? but it's true.

How do our past life experiences and relationships affect our present life?

They affect us in every way. Many of your most meaningful relationships are not new. That's how you connect. Past lives also affect us in symptoms, both emotional and physical. Certain fears and anxieties carry over. Physical symptoms, where one may have been wounded or hurt in a previous life frequently come up. It affects us psychologically, emotionally, even in obesity.

Have you had patients who, while reliving a past life under hypnosis, had detailed/technical knowledge about something they know nothing about in this life?

Yes, that happens a lot. One of Dr Jarmon's cases is one of the best. A woman was seeing him for hypnotherapy for weight loss. He didn't believe in past lives. This was his first case (of past lives), and it happened spontaneously.

A Jewish woman in her 30s, she started to develop a new symptom while she was visiting him. Her periods had stopped and she developed lower abdominal tenderness, and she was becoming more anxious.

He was alarmed and thought she might have an ectopic pregnancy (in a fallopian tube), which can be dangerous because it can burst. So he referred her to a gynaecologist. She tested negative.

But she continued to see Dr Jarmon, and they were working on her anxiety, and he said: "Go back to the time from which your symptoms first arose."

His patient went back to the Middle Ages. She was five months pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy. In that life she was Catholic, and she was with a priest who wouldn't allow abortion or surgery, and so she died.

And just before she died she repeated the Catholic act of contrition to the priest, word for word. Dr Jarmon is Catholic and recognized it. It's what Catholics say to atone for their sins.

The Jewish woman had never heard of contrition. This happens all the time, but again, it's hard to prove because you can say they probably read this in school, picked up a book or learned this while they were overseas.

If we can go back to past lives, can we go forward to future ones?

There are people who are doing this work, such as Chet Snow, the president of the APRT Society. I haven't found it, and probably the reason is I'm not looking for it.

Many look at God as a force outside the universe that regulates everything.

Instead of within. I say: "Why limit God?" Perhaps God can listen to all of our prayers, all at the same time and pay infinite attention to it, because God isn't a human being.

So, you're saying that if there are an infinite number of possibilities, then nothing is impossible, and therefore, God can be everywhere.

Yes, and we can all be part of God, and yet be separate, in our own perspective. But we are all connected.

So, if we're all connected to everything, then by definition aren't we connected to God, too, since God, or a higher being, created all of this?

Yes. Now you're approaching my very simplistic way of viewing everything. That God-love-is an energy that is in everything. Intelligence, wisdom, love, compassion and more-that's all we're made of.

Tell us about your past lives.

The first time I remembered was during an acupressure massage for an old neck injury that was flaring up. At that point, Many Lives? had been written, but wasn't published yet.

And I wasn't telling a soul. I was afraid for my reputation and career. So I mentioned nothing to the therapist. I would go into this very relaxed, almost meditative state, and during the third or fourth one-hour session I saw this image.

It was me, taller, thin, wearing a multi-coloured robe, standing in a large geometric shaped building. I knew I was a priest of some sort, very powerful, with the ear of the royal family. I had some psychic abilities in that life, too.

And I was misusing it to gain more power, sex, greed, things like that. It was a very good life! Very easy, but wasted. The word ziggurat kept ringing in my head. I had no conscious memory of ever coming across that word.

It doesn't prove that I didn't, in college or something, but I didn't remember it. I didn't say anything to the therapist, went home and looked up ziggurat. It's a word for architectural structures, temples of the Babylonian era, like the hanging gardens of Babylon.

I had another experience years later. I had this dream of being imprisoned in a European dungeon, my arm chained to the wall. I was being tortured for teaching about my religious beliefs, which included reincarnation. And I died there.

I became aware, as I died, of a message: "When you had the chance to teach it, you did not." I knew that was referring back to that episode with the ziggurat. "When you didn't have the chance, you did."

And I knew that meant that I should have taught about love. I didn't have to teach about reincarnation and get killed for it. I went too far. The implication was: "Now you can have both. You have the chance, and you can teach about it." It's as if those two were the important past lives.

Who are The Masters?

This is what Catherine described as the source of the information coming to her. She would hear them, and then tell me. But she had no memory of it when she woke up.

When she was in-between remembering past lives she would go into this state. She said this was coming from the master spirits, The Masters. And out came knowledge that was very unlike her. Even the phonetics, grammar and style were different.

And she wasn't an actress, a multiple personality or schizophrenic. I've had other patients tell me things-it's coming from a more pure source that's not contaminated by our brains. I've had much contact with The Masters, but they're not identifying themselves by that name anymore.

What do you think of other alternative physical and mental therapies?

I do feel that there may be validity to many of these approaches and we need to study these. That's why I was heartened to see that the National Institutes of Health created a division that deals with alternative and holistic approaches. The government is funding and supporting this. There's a tremendous amount to gain, both in healing and direct physical and mental health.

Extracted with permission from Voices of Truth, by Nina L. Diamond, Full Circle.

Contact: www.brianweiss.com

"to love is to understand.  amor es invincible.  inexplicable por palabras, invisible del ojos y ocultado en nuestro corazon. salam kasih buat semuanya. sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitata"

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #7 on: 08 September 2007, 09:51:30 PM »
coba contact Nathalia Sunaidi, telp 021-70929038 alamatnya gw ga tau taruh dimana [dulu ada kartu namanya] gw pernah ketemu waktu ngikut seminarnya di sby, sekalian beli buku karangan dia.

buku tentang hipnotherapy ada sedikit perbedaan dengan buku karangan Dr. Ian Stevenson

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #8 on: 08 September 2007, 10:19:56 PM »
ok kita simak dulu mengenai hipnoterapi ini
Hypnosis didefinisikan sebagai suatu kondisi pikiran dimana fungsi analitis logis pikiran direduksi sehingga memungkinkan individu masuk ke dalam kondisi bawah sadar (sub-conscious/unconcious), di mana tersimpan beragam potensi internal yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Individu yang berada pada kondisi “hypnotic trance” lebih terbuka terhadap sugesti dan dapat dinetralkan dari berbagai rasa takut berlebih (phobia), trauma ataupun rasa sakit. Individu yang mengalami hypnosis masih dapat menyadari apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya berikut dengan berbagai stimulus yang diberikan oleh terapis.

Terapi hypnosis (hypnotherapy) kini merupakan fenomena ilmiah, namun hingga kini masih belum terdapat definisi yang jelas, bagaimana sebenarnya mekanisme kerja hypnotherapy. Beberapa ilmuwan berspekulasi bahwa hypnotherapy menstimulir otak untuk melepaskan neurotransmiter, zat kimia yang terdapat di otak, encephalin dan endhorphin yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan mood sehingga dapat merubah penerimaan individu terhadap sakit atau gejala fisik lainnya.

Sementara menurut Profesor John Gruzelier, seorang pakar psikologi di Caring Cross Medical School, London, guna menginduksi otak dilakukan dengan mem provokasi otak kiri untuk non aktif dan memberikan kesempatan kepada otak kanan untuk mengambil kontrol atas otak secara keseluruhan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan membuat otak fokus pada suatu hal secara monoton menggunakan suara dengan intonasi datar (seolah-olah tidak ada hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan).

Secara umum, aktifitas hypnotherapy diarahkan pada menurunkan gelombang otak individu dari kondisi sadar ( β ) ke kondisi setengah sadar ( α atau γ ). Adapun kategori gelombang otak adalah sebagai berikut:

Beta ( 14 - 25 Hz)(normal);
Konsentrasi, kewaspadaan, kesigapan, pemahaman, kondisi yang lebih tinggi diasosiasikan dengan kecemasan, ketidaknyamanan, kondisi lawan/lari
Alpha (8 – 13 Hz)(meditatif);
Relaksasi, pembelajaran super, fokus relaks, kondisi trance ringan, peningkatan produksi serotonin, kondisi pra-tidur, meditasi, awal mengakses pikiran bawah sadar (unconscious)
Theta (4 – 7 Hz)(meditatif);
Tidur bermimpi (tidur REM/Rapid Eye Movement), peningkatan produksi catecholamines (sangat vital untuk pembelajaran dan ingatan), peningkatan kreatifitas, pengalaman emosional, berpotensi terjadinya perubahan sikap, peningkatan pengingatan materi yang dipelajari, hypnogogic imagery, meditasi mendalam, lebih dalam mengakses pikiran bawah sadar (unconscious)
Delta (0,5 – 3 Hz)(tidur dalam);
Tidur tanpa mimpi, pelepasan hormon pertumbuhan, kondisi non fisik, hilang kesadaran pada sensasi fisik, akses ke pikiran bawah sadar (unconscious) dan memberikan sensasi yang sangat mendalam ketika diinduksi dengan Holosinc

"to love is to understand.  amor es invincible.  inexplicable por palabras, invisible del ojos y ocultado en nuestro corazon. salam kasih buat semuanya. sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitata"

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #9 on: 08 September 2007, 10:21:31 PM »
mengneai buku ian stevensen pernah di kutip kan di majalah liberti didalam mengungkap kasus kenapa adanya penyakit seperti asma, phobia, dsb. yang tak terjawabkan didunia medis....
dsb tapi lupa edisi brapa itu majalah liberti?
« Last Edit: 09 September 2007, 01:21:06 PM by andre_golden »

"to love is to understand.  amor es invincible.  inexplicable por palabras, invisible del ojos y ocultado en nuestro corazon. salam kasih buat semuanya. sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitata"

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #10 on: 08 September 2007, 10:53:27 PM »

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #11 on: 09 September 2007, 07:37:56 AM »

"to love is to understand.  amor es invincible.  inexplicable por palabras, invisible del ojos y ocultado en nuestro corazon. salam kasih buat semuanya. sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitata"

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #12 on: 10 September 2007, 08:59:23 PM »

apa nya yg keren ? koq ga ada yg tertarik membahas ini ya ? padahal byk pengalaman yg bisa kita ambil dari hipnotherapy, cerita" masa lalu dari 1 siklus kehidupan.

apakah cerita" past live tersebut mengandung kebenaran ? pengalaman menjelang kematian dan setelah kematian yg diungkapkan oleh mereka yg di hipnotis apakah itu menyatakan proses kematian yg sesungguhnya ? emang mirip" di Buddhism, tapi ada cerita yg menyatakan keberadaan alam antara, bagaimana menurut rekan" disini ?

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #13 on: 10 September 2007, 09:09:54 PM »
Bukannya ga tertarik, tp terbatas pengetahuannya, menurut natalie khan kalau melalui hipnotheraphy itu hanya shortcut saja jadi ada yang hilang, tidak semua bisa di lihat, gaTau lalu lewat meditasi ada yang pernah gak?
Janganlah memperhatikan kesalahan dan hal-hal yang telah atau belum dikerjakan oleh diri sendiri. Tetapi, perhatikanlah apa yang telah dikerjakan dan apa yang belum dikerjakan oleh orang lain =))

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Re: Hipnotherapy
« Reply #14 on: 10 September 2007, 09:13:18 PM »
betul hipnotherapy bisa menjadi shortcut untuk mengetahui kehidupan masa lampau, karena ga perlu kita capek" melakukan meditasi jhana baru bisa membuktikan kebenaran dari kehidupan yg berulang" (tumimbal lahir)

"lalu lewat meditasi ada yang pernah gak?" ada, orang tanggerang, seorang Buddhist, masih kuliah jg di binus, namanya Metta

