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Offline SandalJepit

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DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« on: 07 May 2008, 03:11:58 PM »

"Women Are Being Beheaded for Taking Their Veil Off": Honor Killings On Rise in Iraq

By Terri Judd, Independent UK. Posted April 30, 2008.

In Basra alone, police acknowledge that 15 women a month are murdered for breaching Islamic dress codes. Others say the number is higher.

At first glance Shawbo Ali Rauf appears to be slumbering on the grass, her pale brown curls framing her face, her summer skirt spread about her. But the awkward position of her limbs and the splattered blood reveal the true horror of the scene.

The 19-year-old Iraqi was, according to her father, murdered by her own in-laws, who took her to a picnic area in Dokan and shot her seven times. Her crime was to have an unknown number on her mobile phone. Her "honor killing" is just one in a grotesque series emerging from Iraq, where activists speak of a "genocide" against women in the name of religion.

In the latest such case, it was reported yesterday that a 17-year-old girl, Rand Abdel-Qader, was stabbed to death last month by her father for becoming infatuated with a British soldier serving in southern Iraq.

In Basra alone, police acknowledge that 15 women a month are murdered for breaching Islamic dress codes. Campaigners insist it is a conservative figure.

Violence against women is rampant, rising every day with the power of the militias. Beheadings, rapes, beatings, suicides through self-immolation, genital mutilation, trafficking and child abuse masquerading as marriage of girls as young as nine are all on the increase.

Du'a Khalil Aswad, 17, from Nineveh, was executed by stoning in front of mob of 2,000 men for falling in love with a boy outside her Yazidi tribe. Mobile phone images of her broken body transmitted on the internet led to sectarian violence, international outrage and calls for reform. Her father, Khalil Aswad, speaking one year after her death in April last year, has revealed that none of those responsible had been prosecuted and his family remained "outcasts" in their own tribe.

"My daughter did nothing wrong," he said. "She fell in love with a Muslim and there is nothing wrong with that. I couldn't protect her because I got threats from my brother, the whole tribe. They insisted they were gong to kill us all, not only Du'a, if she was not killed. She was mutilated, her body dumped like rubbish.

"I want those who committed this act to be punished but so far they have not, they are free. Honor killing is murder. This is a barbaric act."

Despite the outrage, recent calls by the Kurdish MP Narmin Osman to outlaw honour killings have been blocked by fundamentalists. "Honor killings are not actually a crime in the eyes of the government," said Houzan Mahmoud, who has had a fatwa on her head since raising a petition against the introduction of sharia law in Kurdistan. "If before there was one dictator persecuting people, now almost everyone is persecuting women.

"In the past five years it is has got [much] worse. It is difficult to described how terrible it is, how badly we have been pushed back to the dark ages. Women are being beheaded for taking their veil off. Self immolation is rising -- women are left with no choice. There is no government body or institution to provide any sort of support. Sharia law is being used to underpin government rule, denying women their most basic human rights."

In August last year, the body of 11-year-old Sara Jaffar Nimat was found in Khanaqin, Kurdistan, after she had been stoned and burnt to death. Earlier this month, two brothers and a sister were kidnapped from their home near Kirkuk by gunmen in police uniforms. The brothers were beaten to death and the woman left in a critical condition after being informed that she must obey the rules of an "Islamic state". One week ago, a journalist, Begard Huseein, was murdered in her home in Arbil, northern Iraq. Her husband, Mohammed Mustafa, stabbed her because she was in love with another man, according to local reports.

The stoning death of Ms. Aswad led to the establishment of an Internal Ministry unit in Kurdistan to combat violence against women. It reported that last year in Sulaymaniyah, a city of 1 million people, there were 407 reported offences, beheadings, beatings, deaths through "family problems", and threats of honor killings. Rape is not included as most women are too fearful to report it for fear of retribution. Nevertheless, police in Karbala recently revealed 25 reports of rape.

The new Iraqi constitution, according to Mrs. Mahmoud, is a mass of confusing contradictions. While it states that men and women are equal under law it also decrees that sharia law -- which considers one male witness worth two females -- must be observed. The days when women could hold down key jobs or enjoy any freedom of movement are long gone. The fundamentalists have sent out too many chilling messages. In Mosul two years ago, eight women were beheaded in a terror campaign.

"It was really, really horrifying," said Mrs. Mahmoud. "Honor killings and murder are widespread. Thousands [of people] … have become victims of murder, violence and rape -- all backed by laws, tribal customs and religious rules. We urge the international community, the government to condemn this barbaric practice, and help the women of Iraq."

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #1 on: 07 May 2008, 05:40:36 PM »
judulnya : diirak buka cadar bisa dipenggal?

isinya ; "Women Are Being Beheaded for Taking Their Veil Off": Honor Killings ........."

english ... ^:)^

Offline Riky_dave

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2008, 02:26:46 PM »
 ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
Judulnya b.indo isinya ing...
Langkah pertama adalah langkah yg terakhir...

Offline SandalJepit

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #3 on: 15 May 2008, 01:08:00 AM »

"Women Are Being Beheaded for Taking Their Veil Off": Honor Killings On Rise in Iraq
By Terri Judd, Independent UK
April 30, 2008.

Di Basra saja, polisi mengakui bahwa 15 wanita sebulan dibunuh karena melanggar kode busana Islami. Ada lagi yg mengatakan bahwa angka itu jauh lebih tinggi.

Shawbo Ali Rauf, 19 thn, dibunuh oleh mertuanya dng tembakan 7 kali. Kejatahannya ? Memiliki nomor telpon orang yg tidak dikenal keluarga pada mobile phonenya.

Rand Abdel-Qader, 17 thn, ditusuk sampai mati oleh ayahnya karena gadis itu naksir seorang tentara UK.

Kekerasan terhdp wanita di Irak semakin meningkat dgn meningkatnya kekautan kaum militan. Pemenggalan, pemerkosaan, pemukulan, bunuh diri, sunat wanita, penculikan dan pelecehan anak2 semuda 9 thn dgn tameng perkawinan, semuanya sedang mengalami kenaikan.

Du'a Khalil Aswad, 17, dari Nineveh, dihukum rajam dgn batu oleh 2.000 lelaki karena naksir lelaki diluar clannya. Dan tidak seorang tertuduhpun ditahan, diperiksa apalagi dihukum.

Seruan baru2 ini oleh anggota parlemen Kurdi, Narmin Osman, utk melarang honour killings tsb dibatalkan oleh kaum 'fundamentalis' . "Di mata pemerintah, honor killings bukan sebuah tindak pidana," kata Houzan Mahmoud, yg dikenakan fatwa mati setelah wanita itu melancarkan petisi melawan pemberlakuan hukum SHARIAH di Kurdistan. "Jika sebelumnya, hanya seorang diktator menekan rakyat, kini hampir semua orang menekan wanita.

"Dlm 5 thn belakangan ini, keadaan semakin parah. Kami telah didepak kembali ke jaman kegelapan. Wanita dipenggal karena melepaskan jilbab mereka. Semakin banyak wanita merusak tubuh mereka sendiri -- wanita tidak punya pilihan. Tidak ada badan pemerintah yg memberikan perlindungan. Hk Shariah digunakan utk menekankan kekuasaan pemerintah, menekan hak2 wanita yg paling hakiki.

Agustus thn lalu, mayat Sara Jaffar Nimat, 11 thn, ditemukan di
Khanaqin, Kurdistan, setelah ia dirajam sampai mati dan dibakar.

Dua kakak lelaki dan seorang adik perempuan diculik dari rumah mereka di Kirkuk oleh orang2 berseragam polisi. Kedua kakak dipukuli sampai mati dan sang wanita, setelah diperkosa rame2, dibiarkan dlm kondisi kritis dan diancam agar mematuhi aturan "sebuah negara Islam".

Seminggu lalu, wartawan wanita, Begard Husein, dibunuh di rumahnya di Arbil, Iraq Utara. Suaminya, Mohammed Mustafa, menikamnya karena istrinya jatuh cinta pada lelaki lain.

Tahun lalu di Sulaymaniyah, kota berpenduduk 1 juta jiwa, dilaporkan terjadinya 407 kasus pemenggalan, pemukulan, kematian ditangan keluarga sendiri. Kasus PEMERKOSAAN tidak pernah dilaporkan karena para korban takut dihukum oleh keluarga mereka. Tapi paling tidak, polisi mendapat 25 laporan pemerkosaan.

UUD Iraq yg baru, menurut Mrs. Mahmoud, mengandung se-abreg kontradiksi. Sambil menyebut bahwa lelaki dan wanita memiliki persamaan derajad, UUD tsb juga menyatakan bahwa hukum shariah -- yg menyatakan kesaksian seorang lelaki sama dng dua perempuan-- harus berlaku. Jadi, hari2 dimana wanita bisa memegang jabatan kunci dlm pemerintahan atau badan swasta atau memiliki kebebasan bergerak, kini menguap sudah.

Dua tahun lalu di Mosul, 8 wanita dipenggal karena 'melanggar busana islam.'

"Ini memang mengerikan," kata Mrs. Mahmoud. "Honor killings dan pembunuhan semakin merajalela. Ribuan wanita sudah menjadi korban. Kesemua tindakan itu didukung oleh UU, hk adat dan ATURAN AGAMA. Kami mendesak dunia internasional utk mengutuk praktek barbar ini dan membantu wanita2 Iraq."

Offline Riky_dave

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #4 on: 15 May 2008, 08:01:27 PM »
Waw...Dimana ya HAM sedunia???Dimana ya kaum2 pembela HAk azasi perempuan???Dimana ya PBB??Dimana ya Police world????
Di Pakistan hal tsb sdh sering terjadi...
Tapi di Pakistan slh 1 tokoh perempuan sedang memperjuangkannya..
Mukhatar Mai...Dan di pertanyakan ama gw kok bisa ya mengatasnamakan agama untuk TINDAKAN KEJAHATAN TINGKAT TINGGI???MAnknya nabinya ada ngajar membunuh gitu??? ^-^ ^-^
Hanya slh gitu aja DIBUNUH gimana yg lain??Dicincang??
Sedangkan dlm ajaranNya sendiri sudah ditekankan syarat2 untuk perempuan:
3.kemudian dipukulSetau gw gk dikatakan dibunuh DIpukul pun ada syaratnya(Tdk boleh dibagian wajah)
Truz kasih tau beritanya ya...^^ Thanks a lot...
« Last Edit: 15 May 2008, 08:06:04 PM by Riky_dave »
Langkah pertama adalah langkah yg terakhir...

Offline SandalJepit

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #5 on: 16 May 2008, 01:28:17 AM »
artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyadarkan rekan-rekan sedharma, betapa bahayanya fanatisme dalam agama,  betapa bahayanya percaya kepada sesuatu secara membuta, menyadarkan bahwa agama itu kadang-kadang bersifat seperti candu, yang membuat seseorang terus-menerus ketagihan.

Walaupun ajaran Buddha digolongkan sebagai agama, tidak seharusnya umat Buddha menganggap ajaran Buddha sebagai agama. Semakin banyak kita tahu akan bahaya kecanduan agama, semakin paham-lah apa arti Kalama Sutta yang dibabarkan oleh Sang Buddha.

Offline Riky_dave

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Re: DI iraq buka cadar bisa dipenggal
« Reply #6 on: 16 May 2008, 08:24:38 PM »
Langkah pertama adalah langkah yg terakhir...