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Messages - kullatiro

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Theravada / Re: Titik ukur pencaharian benar
« on: 10 July 2019, 06:18:02 PM »
Terang bermasalah karena bertentangan dengan " kamesu micchachara veramani sikhapadam samadyami" kalau di salah gunakan oleh tamu tamu yang menginap!

Masalah nya seberapa besar kita tahu tamu tamu yang datang tersebut akan melakukan asusila?

Sebenarnya kan hotel ada aturan nya dan tata tertib nya!

Bila kita melihat beberapa praktek dari tetangga sebelah mereka menaruh alkitab di setiap kamar tamu yang ada di hotel tertentu! Kita bisa juga meletakan pigura photo/ pigura lukisan yang berisi Text Pancasila Buddhis dan beserta arti nya dalam bahasa Indonesia juga dalam bahasa English dalam kamar kamar tamu tersebut untuk menyadarkan mereka dan hal ini tentu nya tergantung tamu menginap tersebut mengerti/ menghimbau secara halus untuk tidak melakukan tindak asusila di kamar kamar tamu/ Hotel tersebut

Hotel tertentu ada kebijakan dan mempunyai managament tersendiri menangani masalah asusila ini!

Kita yang bukan bagian perhotelan tentu nya kurang mengerti atau memahami bagaimana mereka menangani hal ini!



Sajadah, mukena, sarung, tasbih, al-quran, alkitab, atau yang lainnya adalah perlengkapan ibadah yang biasanya disediakan oleh pihak hotel untuk para tamunya. Tapi banyak pengunjung yang membawa perlengkapan ibadah ini saat mereka check out dari hotel.


Theravada / Re: Titik ukur pencaharian benar
« on: 10 July 2019, 03:17:05 PM »
Tolak ukur berdasarkan dan paling sederhana adalah Pancasila.

Jurnal Pribadi / Re: Dear diary
« on: 10 July 2019, 02:15:44 PM »
Dear diary, sudah lama tidak menulis diary,

Kadang susah menjelaskan kepada orang yang telah mengalami gangguan pendengaran tapi masih menganggap diri masih bisa mendengar dengan baik dan super sekali!

Wa sudah jelaskan 5 kali dengan suara cukup keras, eh jadi nya melantur entah kemana topik pembicaraan nya, akhirnya tutup mulut / berdiam karena makin di jelaskan bukan makin jelas malah makin melantur entah kemana topik pembicaraan nya

Theravada / Re: Makanan dan pesta pernikahan
« on: 16 February 2019, 07:07:37 PM »
Di pameran pernikahan coba pilih "paket pernikahan" yang sesuai budget dan setidak nya telah ada pesanan paket tersebut (5 - 10 pasang calon pengantin  telah memilih paket pernikahan  itu sebelum nya)

Theravada / Re: Makanan dan pesta pernikahan
« on: 16 February 2019, 06:06:31 PM »
Ada namanya paket perkawinan (ada namanya panitia perkawinan/ Event Orginizer nya) termasuk paket makanan untuk pesta pernikahan

Ini biasa sudah disiapkan panitia perkawinan hingga tidak khusus buat pernikahan  mu saja, tapi juga untuk calon calon mempelai berikut nya! Yang mungkin ada sedikit perubahan mengikuti waktu dan zaman

Jadi seperti makan prasmanan yang di sediakan untuk beramai ramai, paket pernikahan seperti itu juga!

Biasa ada pameran pernikahan dalam pameran tersebut biasa ada menawarkan paket paket pernikahan yang sesuai dengan budget bagi calon mempelai!

Saat ini tidak seperti jaman dahulu semuanya mesti di urus sendiri sendiri dari baju pengantin, pemberkatan, pengurusan surat nikah, photo pengantin, tepai, gladi resik, makanan pesta pengantin, kue pengantin, mc pengantin, band pengantin dst

Saat ini ada event organizer yang menjadi satu dalam paket pernikahan yang ada, pilih paket pernikahan dengan event organizer yang handal hingga tidak perlu pusing, zaman saat ini memudahkan dengan berkembang nya pengetahuan yang ada

Perkenalan / Re: Ingin memperdalam agama Buddha, dari mantan Atheis
« on: 16 February 2019, 05:05:35 PM »
Dupa atau incense itu dulu nya terbuat dari gaharu (agarwood) dan cendana (sandalwood) dalam tcm di gunakan atau berkhasiat untuk membuka kesadaran

Ralat: berkhasiat menggerakan Qi



Di campur dengan "su he xiang" untuk membuka indra atau membuka kesadaran dan menggerakan qi


Perkenalan / Re: Ingin memperdalam agama Buddha, dari mantan Atheis
« on: 16 February 2019, 03:33:06 PM »
sangat bermanfaat,,,thx atas sharingnya...

jadi apa gunanya dupa dan (asap) tsb ?

Dupa atau incense itu dulu nya terbuat dari gaharu (agarwood) dan cendana (sandalwood) dalam tcm di gunakan atau berkhasiat untuk membuka kesadaran

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / Turbulent Hydro power
« on: 29 January 2019, 01:15:26 AM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/UA-llCWO_8w" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/UA-llCWO_8w</a>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/buF8ASmwXt4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/buF8ASmwXt4</a>

Theravada / 2017 six patient hiv/aids been cure
« on: 04 June 2018, 08:39:35 AM »
As of 2017, six more people also appear to have been cleared of HIV after getting graft-versus-host disease; only one of them had received CCR5 mutant stem cells, so it appears that when a transplant recipient has graft-versus-host disease the transplanted cells may kill off the host's HIV-infected immune cells.[11]


Theravada / Timothy Ray brown first patien cure from HIV/Aids
« on: 03 June 2018, 11:51:53 PM »
Timothy Ray Brown

Timothy Ray Brown (born 1966) is an American considered to be the first person cured of HIV/AIDS.[1][2] Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 while studying in Berlin, Germany, giving him the nickname The Berlin Patient.[3]


Biologists discover why 10% of Europeans are safe from HIV infection

LIVERPOOL, UK - 9 March 2005: Biologists at the University of Liverpool have discovered how the plagues of the Middle Ages have made around 10% of Europeans resistant to HIV.
Scientists have known for some time that these individuals carry a genetic mutation (known as CCR5-Ä32) that prevents the virus from entering the cells of the immune system but have been unable to account for the high levels of the gene in Scandinavia and relatively low levels in areas bordering the Mediterranean.

They have also been puzzled by the fact that HIV emerged only recently and could not have played a role in raising the frequency of the mutation to the high levels found in some Europeans today.

Professor Christopher Duncan and Dr Susan Scott from the University's School of Biological Sciences, whose research is published in the March edition of Journal of Medical Genetics, attribute the frequency of the CCR5-Ä32 mutation to its protection from another deadly viral disease, acting over a sustained period in bygone historic times.

Some scientists have suggested this disease could have been smallpox or even bubonic plague but bubonic plague is a bacterial disease rather than a virus and is not blocked by the CCR5-Ä32 mutation.

Professor Duncan commented: "The fact that the CCR5-Ä32 mutation is restricted to Europe suggests that the plagues of the Middle Ages played a big part in raising the frequency of the mutation. These plagues were also confined to Europe, persisted for more than 300 years and had a 100% case mortality."

Around 1900, historians spread the idea that the plagues of Europe were not a directly infectious disease but were outbreaks of bubonic plague, overturning an accepted belief that had stood for 550 years. Professor Duncan and Dr Scott illustrated in their book, Return of the Black Death (2004, Wiley), that this idea was incorrect and the plagues of Europe (1347-1660) were in fact a continuing series of epidemics of a lethal, viral, haemorrhagic fever that used the CCR5 as an entry port into the immune system. Using computer modeling, they demonstrated how this disease provided the selection pressure that forced up the frequency of the mutation from 1 in 20,000 at the time of the Black Death to values today of 1 in 10.

Lethal, viral haemorrhagic fevers were recorded in the Nile valley from 1500 BC and were followed by the plagues of Mesopotamia (700-450BC), the plague of Athens (430BC), the plague of Justinian (AD541-700) and the plagues of the early Islamic empire (AD627-744). These continuing epidemics slowly raised the frequency from the original single mutation to about 1 in 20,000 in the 14th century simply by conferring protection from an otherwise certain death.

Professor Duncan added: "Haemorrhagic plague did not disappear after the Great Plague of London in 1665-66 but continued in Sweden, Copenhagen, Russia, Poland and Hungary until 1800. This maintenance of haemorrhagic plague provided continuing selection pressure on the CCR5-Ä32 mutation and explains why it occurs today at its highest frequency in Scandinavia and Russia."


Theravada / Innate resistance to HIV
« on: 03 June 2018, 11:40:06 PM »
Innate resistance to HIV

A small proportion of humans show partial or apparently complete inborn resistance to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.[1] The main mechanism is a mutation of the gene encoding CCR5, which acts as a co-receptor for HIV. It is estimated that the proportion of people with some form of resistance to HIV is under 1%.[2][3][4]

In 1994, Stephen Crohn became the first person discovered to be completely resistant to HIV in all tests performed.[5][6] In early 2000, researchers discovered a small group of sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya who were estimated to have sexual contact with 60 to 70 HIV positive clients a year without signs of infection.[7] Researchers from Public Health Agency of Canada have identified 15 proteins unique to those virus-free sex workers.[8] Later, however some sex workers were discovered to have contracted the virus, leading Oxford University researcher Sarah Rowland-Jones to believe continual exposure is a requirement for maintaining immunity.[9]

CCR5 deletion

C-C chemokine receptor type 5, also known as CCR5 or CD195, is a protein on the surface of white blood cells that is involved in the immune system as it acts as a receptor for chemokines. This is the process by which T cells are attracted to specific tissue and organ targets. Many strains of HIV use CCR5 as a co-receptor to enter and infect host cells. A few individuals carry a mutation known as CCR5-Δ32 in the CCR5 gene, protecting them against these strains of HIV.

In humans, the CCR5 gene that encodes the CCR5 protein is located on the short (p) arm at position 21 on chromosome 3. Certain populations have inherited the Delta 32 mutation resulting in the genetic deletion of a portion of the CCR5 gene. Homozygous carriers of this mutation are resistant to M-tropic strains of HIV-1 infection.[10][11][12][13][14][15]


Kesehatan / Re: adakah latihan supaya OTAK lebih pinter ?
« on: 02 June 2018, 10:40:45 PM »
Prescription 12-03-24:  Prescription to improve the intelligence.  Blend the following drugs evenly:

  One liang of powder of Renshen/radix ginseng/ginseng root,

  10 liang of refined pig’s lard, and long-stored wine.

  Drink one cupful of the mixture as a dose twice a day.  Keep this up for 100 days.  Then the person will have sharp eyesight and hearing, strong bones full of marrow, moistened and lustrous skin, and a powerful memory.  It is also good for treating diseases caused by invasion of pathogenic Wind, Heat and phlegm.  (p. 1260)


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