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Offline cumi polos

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Communication Styles
« Reply #30 on: 24 June 2015, 07:33:28 AM »
Communication Styles    driver analytical expressive   amiable Think about the last time you were at a party and had the opportunity to observe a lot of people in action:

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Who dominated the conversation and put a premium on being right and convincing others to go along with his solutions?
How about the serious person who rather cautiously talked in precise detail?
And how about the person who was bursting with enthusiasm and could not wait to tell you her great idea?
Who walked into the room and began by introducing herself to others, spending time with each person to establish a connection?
These are examples of 4 different communication styles:
Driver:  the person who takes charge and wants solutions;
Analytical: the person who values accuracy and details;
Expressive: the idea person; and
Amiable: the person who prioritizes relationships.
While we all have characteristics in more there one area, we each have a default style—the style we go to first.  These are tendencies and should not make you feel limited in the way you communicate.

Moreover, no style is better than another.  Any style can be effective depending on the circumstances.   A strong team will leverage the strengths of each type so that you can work together the most effectively.

In order to be a powerful and effective communicator, it is important to understand each style and figure out how to adapt your default style to the circumstances at hand.

So let’s start with a description of each style.  If you are curious about your style, take the quiz and see what your style is!  Then read the descriptions to learn more about your style and the styles of your friends and colleagues.

What are the four styles?

1 DRIVER_____: ShowHide
Hard-working and ambitious, drivers tend to be the group leaders who value getting the job done with excellent results.  Drivers are apt to be decisive, competitive, hard driving and good at delegating to others.  They like to be where the action is and are likely to enjoy taking risks.  Their focus is on winning, being successful and making things happen.  They need options and prefer it when others are direct.

On the downside, they can be pushy, demanding, dominating, tough and exclude others from decision-making.  Under stress, they become autocratic and order others around.

2 Analytical___: ShowHide
Quick to think and slow to speak, the Analytic person values accuracy in the details and likes to be right.  This is a person who plans thoroughly before deciding to act, is persistent, highly organized, cautious and logical.  The Analytical prefers to work alone and has a tendency to be introverted.

The Analytical person is focused on process, tasks and doing things the right way.  They prefer a rational approach, logical thinking, solid documentation and careful planning.  The down side is that they can be critical, picky, perfectionistic and stubborn, as well as indecisive.  Their tendency under stress is to avoid others.

3 Expressive__: ShowHide
The Expressive person loves to have and enjoys helping others.  This person is full of ideas and can’t wait to share them with others.  Talkative and open, he asks others for their opinions and loves to brainstorm.  This is someone who is flexible and easily bored with routine.  The Expressive is optimistic, intuitive, creative and spontaneous and may have a tendency to be flamboyant.

Expressives are focused on the big picture.  They love ideas and concepts and thrive on bringing visions into reality. They need innovation and look to others to handle the details.  On the downside, they can be overly dramatic, impulsive, a tad flaky and undisciplined.

4 Amiable____: ShowHide
Amiable is the relationship style.  Amiables focus on the feelings of other people and effective collaboration.  People with this style are intuitive and care about how situations “feel”.  They like consensus, avoid confrontation, and tend to be timid about voicing contrary opinions.  Amiable people are good listeners, friendly and sensitive and build networks of friends to help them.  They are likely to be slow with big decisions and need a lot of input.  They thrive on involvement, participation and inclusion. 

On the downside, the Amiable person can be hesitant, unsure of himself and dependent on others.  Under stress, they acquiesce or yield to the decisions of others.

How to Use Communication Styles to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Communication

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First, by Knowing about the communication styles is helpful in two ways.  First, when you know your own default style, you can spot the best opportunities to use that style and build up your strengths.  You can also see where you have gaps and where you can improve by learning from the other styles.

Second, once you know about the styles, you can spot someone else’s style and adapt the way you communicate in order to get that person on board with you.  Eventually, you can learn how to use each style comfortably and maximize the chances that others will follow your suggestions.  This is at the heart of great leadership and it is why knowing about the communication styles is a powerful element of great leadership.

Here are some suggestions on how to communicate effectively with each of the four communication styles.

[spoiler]1. Driver

When you communicate with a Driver, be sure to tell her about progress to goals, the actions to be taken and solutions to problems. Avoid chitchat and focus on the bottom-line.  Be clear, concise, focused, relevant, decisive and efficient.  When working with a driver, here is what you would say if you encounter a problem that may interfere with getting to successful results:

“I know you are pushing to finish this by tomorrow with great results.  Based on my research and investigation, I think there might be a hitch. I have some ideas on how to solve that.  Would you like to discuss this?

2. Analytical

Because the Analytical person asks for data, information and facts, it is important to be precise, specific, thorough, prepared, accurate, rational and orderly in dealing with her.  If you want to get the Analytical person’s attention, you might say something like this:

“The research and data seems inconsistent with our initial concept.  I have two ideas that would improve the quality and timeliness of the project.  I need 15 minutes of your time.  Can we meet today at 4:00?

3. Expressive

Expressives thrive on vision, stories and analogies and love to have fun while working on projects.  Therefore, when communicating with an expressive person, be sure to focus on the big picture.  Deliver your message in a way that is enthusiastic, expressive, friendly, flexible and open to possibilities.  Avoid getting bogged down in too many details!

“I’ve got a fabulous idea to make our project fabulous and knock it out of the ball park.  Have you got a minute to talk?”

4. Amiable

Your amiable friend or colleague cares deeply about the relationship. He is interested in information about others’ skills and interests, valuing input from others and welcoming feedback.  In dealing with the Amiable person, be sure to be warm, relaxed, involving, caring and inviting.  This is the person to go to if there are tensions on the team, whether that is a string quartet or a work group!  A way to get his attention is to say:

“I have a strong feeling that there is something bothering you about the team.  Would you like to hear my thoughts on how we might help everyone out here so that we can make sure that everyone is on board?
With a better understanding of each style, see how you can master these styles and become a dynamic and powerful communicator and leader!
« Last Edit: 24 June 2015, 07:44:50 AM by cumi polos »
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #31 on: 24 June 2015, 07:55:02 AM »
bro CM, pict udah diganti dgn TEXT..posting sblumnya....(communication sytle)

- 1 tanyakan mengapa F suka bergaul dengan gengnya.
- 2 apa yang diperoleh dari bergaul dengan gengnya.. (jika F berpikiran luas.. dia akan bisa menjawab secara jujur)
tapi misal F memberikan jawaban yang bertele2.. hanya memberikan alasan.. ada baiknya jangan berdebat.. karena akan memperkeruh suasana..
1 ini tentu hal2 yg tdk dpt dari suami...karna itu udah group mereka yg bisa cerita apa saja, termasuk dulu di smp, smp, dst.dst.
2 Apa yg didapat ? Nah ini sptnya pertanyaan, tapisebenarnya udah merupakan PENGHAKIMAN...tentu jawabnya bakan bertele-tele juga...

klo bahasan yg menarik menurut cumpol spt...
1. kpan jalan2 keluar negeri dgn biaya ekonomis..serta apa yg dpt dilihat....
2. beli (baca INVESTASI) tas gengam bermerek yg ratusan juta bisa naik harga cepat...melebihin harga property....akan sangat menarik tohhh....
3. makan diluar...resto baru mana...dst dst...

sorry klo cumpol ASBUN......mhon senior koreksi ya...
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #32 on: 24 June 2015, 04:46:55 PM »
Ikutan iya TS.

Sepertinya kasusnya dilematis.
1. Jika dilarang bergaul dengan gengnya, ini bisa malah menjadi bumerang (alasan perceraian)
2. Jika dibiarkan bebas/sering bergaul, takut terpengaruh.

Daripada kisah perceraian keempat temannya menjadi momok bagi TS, gimana jika dibalik?
Maksudnya menunjukkan bahwa hubungan pernikahan tidaklah seburuk yang mereka (teman yang sudah bercerai) nilai.
Kali aja mereka malah menjadi ngiler dan pengen balik lagi menjalani kembali hubungan pernikahan (keluarga).

Caranya? Misalnya :
1. Melakukan kegiatan yang mirip mereka lakukan.
2. Sekali2 TS coba ikut hadir pertemuan mereka (jika boleh), menjadi bagian dari mereka.
Ini barangkali bisa menjadi panutan bagi mereka bahwa pernikahan tidaklah sepahit yang mereka lihat selama ini.
3. Mencari alasan2 untuk menyakinkan istri agar tidak sampai terpengaruh oleh yang lain (teman yang sudah bercerai), misalnya demi anak2, pikirkan masa tua nanti (bukan kebebasan masa muda yang sesaat), dll.
4. Bahkan kalau bisa (kisah perceraian teman2nya) jangan dijadikan sugesti, bersikaplah seperti biasa, tak perlu terpengaruh olehnya.

5. Jika ada gejala ke arah sana (amit2), maka mau tidak mau ilmunya harus dipake sebagai persiapan batin, segala yang berkondisi adalah tidak kekal.
Toh sebuah hubungan kandas gak hanya disebabkan oleh satu faktor saja.

Maaf kalau ada salah kata.
Semoga trid ini hanya angan2 (mimpi buruk) belaka (tidak dibutuhkan karena ternyata hubungannya tidak bermasalah seperti yang dikhawatirkan).

Offline cumi polos

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #33 on: 24 June 2015, 09:37:42 PM »
Ikutan iya TS.

Sepertinya kasusnya dilematis.
1. Jika dilarang bergaul dengan gengnya, ini bisa malah menjadi bumerang (alasan perceraian)
2. Jika dibiarkan bebas/sering bergaul, takut terpengaruh.

Daripada kisah perceraian keempat temannya menjadi momok bagi TS, gimana jika dibalik?
Maksudnya menunjukkan bahwa hubungan pernikahan tidaklah seburuk yang mereka (teman yang sudah bercerai) nilai.
Kali aja mereka malah menjadi ngiler dan pengen balik lagi menjalani kembali hubungan pernikahan (keluarga).

Caranya? Misalnya :
1. Melakukan kegiatan yang mirip mereka lakukan.
2. Sekali2 TS coba ikut hadir pertemuan mereka (jika boleh), menjadi bagian dari mereka.
nah klo geng Janda kaya tsb malah ngajak di tempat mahal2...akhirnya pun duit TS akan terkuras...serta tujuannya mereka adalah membuat geng (membuat gengnya lebih besar)....ktawa ktawi di RESTO...malamnya juga SEDIH/SEPI....(pikir anak juga0

Ini barangkali bisa menjadi panutan bagi mereka bahwa pernikahan tidaklah sepahit yang mereka lihat selama ini.
mereka pun punya 3,000 alasan bahwa perkawinan adalah penderitaan
3. Mencari alasan2 untuk menyakinkan istri agar tidak sampai terpengaruh oleh yang lain (teman yang sudah bercerai), misalnya demi anak2, pikirkan masa tua nanti (bukan kebebasan masa muda yang sesaat), dll.
refeshing dgn istri, jalan2 ke luar dst.dst. buka usaha baru, dst

4. Bahkan kalau bisa (kisah perceraian teman2nya) jangan dijadikan sugesti, bersikaplah seperti biasa, tak perlu terpengaruh olehnya.

5. Jika ada gejala ke arah sana (amit2), maka mau tidak mau ilmunya harus dipake sebagai persiapan batin, segala yang berkondisi adalah tidak kekal.
Toh sebuah hubungan kandas gak hanya disebabkan oleh satu faktor saja.
ngurus perceraian, bagi harta, bagi anak....pastilah melelahkan...

Maaf kalau ada salah kata.
Semoga trid ini hanya angan2 (mimpi buruk) belaka (tidak dibutuhkan karena ternyata hubungannya tidak bermasalah seperti yang dikhawatirkan).

klo ada jwwban salah tlong diperbaikin ya... :P :P
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #34 on: 25 June 2015, 12:27:06 AM »
cumpol .. request gambar ini donk yang lebih gede.. makasih :-[

 [at] chan ming,
menurut saya.. kalau selama ini komunikasinya selalu terjalin, ada baiknya diutarakan pada moment yang pas.
dan mungkin awalnya jangan menjudge dulu..
- tanyakan mengapa F suka bergaul dengan gengnya.
- apa yang diperoleh dari bergaul dengan gengnya.. (jika F berpikiran luas.. dia akan bisa menjawab secara jujur)
tapi misal F memberikan jawaban yang bertele2.. hanya memberikan alasan.. ada baiknya jangan berdebat.. karena akan memperkeruh suasana..

walaupun hanya bertanya seperti di atas, setidaknya sudah memulai menjalin komunikasi.. saya pikir kalau misal bro lebih intensif menjalin komunikasi, F akan berpikir2 untuk cerai dll.. apa lagi yang dicari, sudah punya suami yang pengertian.. buat apa cerai ?

komunikasi selama ini sih normal-normal aja, mengutip dari kata cumi polos "klo dicari2 ya biasanya berkisar 3,000 faktor...
dan bahasa klisenya ....UDAH TDK COCOK"
Buddha KTP
Namah Saptanam Samyaksam Buddha Kotinam
Tadyatha Om Cale Cule Cundi Svaha.

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #35 on: 25 June 2015, 12:32:43 AM »
1 ini tentu hal2 yg tdk dpt dari suami...karna itu udah group mereka yg bisa cerita apa saja, termasuk dulu di smp, smp, dst.dst.
2 Apa yg didapat ? Nah ini sptnya pertanyaan, tapisebenarnya udah merupakan PENGHAKIMAN...tentu jawabnya bakan bertele-tele juga...

klo bahasan yg menarik menurut cumpol spt...
1. kpan jalan2 keluar negeri dgn biaya ekonomis..serta apa yg dpt dilihat....
2. beli (baca INVESTASI) tas gengam bermerek yg ratusan juta bisa naik harga cepat...melebihin harga property....akan sangat menarik tohhh....
3. makan diluar...resto baru mana...dst dst...

sorry klo cumpol ASBUN......mhon senior koreksi ya...

Ini jawaban cumipolos mewakili banget sih, sama bener...super!
Buddha KTP
Namah Saptanam Samyaksam Buddha Kotinam
Tadyatha Om Cale Cule Cundi Svaha.

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #36 on: 25 June 2015, 08:04:28 AM »
komunikasi selama ini sih normal-normal aja, mengutip dari kata cumi polos "klo dicari2 ya biasanya berkisar 3,000 faktor...
dan bahasa klisenya ....UDAH TDK COCOK"

bagaimana seorang Buddhist tetap mencintain/kasih sama istri/teman/saudara/ortu yg udah "TIDAK COCOK/MENGHINDAR" dari dirinya ?
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #37 on: 25 June 2015, 10:16:28 AM »
Jika ada 3000 alasan yang dilihat sebagai penderitaan, maka cukup mencari satu alasan bahwa pernikahan adalah kebahagiaan (seperti saat pertama anda jatuh cinta dan saat di mana anda memutuskan untuk menikah).

Ketika kita jatuh cinta, 3000 penderitaan pun seolah2 sanggup dilibas hanya oleh satu alasan, C-I-N-T-A. :D

Jatuh cinta adalah gampang (hampir tak membutuhkan usaha yg signifikan), namun utk membangun cinta kok seolah2 ada 3000 rintangan terbentang di depan mata.

Mencintai seseorang, bisa juga berarti mencintai* apa yang menjadi hobi/kesukaan pasangan kita, termasuk teman2 gengnya.

* : bukan mencintai dalam arti mencintai pasangan kita, selingkuh jadinya. :).

Banyak kasus (hubungan kandas) yang disebabkan oleh keputusan yang keliru, seolah2 memberikan pilihan "pilih aku (suami) atau teman2 (geng)mu?
Ini adalah langkah yang keliru.
Suami dan teman baik hampir sama pentingnya bagi seseorang.
Mirip dgn kasus : pilih aku atau ibumu?
Ini pilihan yang mematikan pikiran.
Jadi usahakan jangan sampai terjadi.


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Re: Communication Styles
« Reply #38 on: 25 June 2015, 07:04:53 PM »
untuk bro FORTE: (pengganti jpg yg diminta)

Communication Styles    driver analytical expressive   amiable Think about the last time you were at a party and had the opportunity to observe a lot of people in action:

Who dominated the conversation and put a premium on being right and convincing others to go along with his solutions?
How about the serious person who rather cautiously talked in precise detail?
And how about the person who was bursting with enthusiasm and could not wait to tell you her great idea?
Who walked into the room and began by introducing herself to others, spending time with each person to establish a connection?
These are examples of 4 different communication styles:
Driver:  the person who takes charge and wants solutions;
Analytical: the person who values accuracy and details;
Expressive: the idea person; and
Amiable: the person who prioritizes relationships.
While we all have characteristics in more there one area, we each have a default style—the style we go to first.  These are tendencies and should not make you feel limited in the way you communicate.

Moreover, no style is better than another.  Any style can be effective depending on the circumstances.   A strong team will leverage the strengths of each type so that you can work together the most effectively.

In order to be a powerful and effective communicator, it is important to understand each style and figure out how to adapt your default style to the circumstances at hand.

So let’s start with a description of each style.  If you are curious about your style, take the quiz and see what your style is!  Then read the descriptions to learn more about your style and the styles of your friends and colleagues.[/spoiler]

What are the four styles?

1 DRIVER_____: ShowHide
Hard-working and ambitious, drivers tend to be the group leaders who value getting the job done with excellent results.  Drivers are apt to be decisive, competitive, hard driving and good at delegating to others.  They like to be where the action is and are likely to enjoy taking risks.  Their focus is on winning, being successful and making things happen.  They need options and prefer it when others are direct.

On the downside, they can be pushy, demanding, dominating, tough and exclude others from decision-making.  Under stress, they become autocratic and order others around.

2 Analytical___: ShowHide
Quick to think and slow to speak, the Analytic person values accuracy in the details and likes to be right.  This is a person who plans thoroughly before deciding to act, is persistent, highly organized, cautious and logical.  The Analytical prefers to work alone and has a tendency to be introverted.

The Analytical person is focused on process, tasks and doing things the right way.  They prefer a rational approach, logical thinking, solid documentation and careful planning.  The down side is that they can be critical, picky, perfectionistic and stubborn, as well as indecisive.  Their tendency under stress is to avoid others.

3 Expressive__: ShowHide
The Expressive person loves to have and enjoys helping others.  This person is full of ideas and can’t wait to share them with others.  Talkative and open, he asks others for their opinions and loves to brainstorm.  This is someone who is flexible and easily bored with routine.  The Expressive is optimistic, intuitive, creative and spontaneous and may have a tendency to be flamboyant.

Expressives are focused on the big picture.  They love ideas and concepts and thrive on bringing visions into reality. They need innovation and look to others to handle the details.  On the downside, they can be overly dramatic, impulsive, a tad flaky and undisciplined.

4 Amiable____: ShowHide
Amiable is the relationship style.  Amiables focus on the feelings of other people and effective collaboration.  People with this style are intuitive and care about how situations “feel”.  They like consensus, avoid confrontation, and tend to be timid about voicing contrary opinions.  Amiable people are good listeners, friendly and sensitive and build networks of friends to help them.  They are likely to be slow with big decisions and need a lot of input.  They thrive on involvement, participation and inclusion. 

On the downside, the Amiable person can be hesitant, unsure of himself and dependent on others.  Under stress, they acquiesce or yield to the decisions of others.

How to Use Communication Styles to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Communication

Spoiler: ShowHide
First, by Knowing about the communication styles is helpful in two ways.  First, when you know your own default style, you can spot the best opportunities to use that style and build up your strengths.  You can also see where you have gaps and where you can improve by learning from the other styles.

Second, once you know about the styles, you can spot someone else’s style and adapt the way you communicate in order to get that person on board with you.  Eventually, you can learn how to use each style comfortably and maximize the chances that others will follow your suggestions.  This is at the heart of great leadership and it is why knowing about the communication styles is a powerful element of great leadership.

Here are some suggestions on how to communicate effectively with each of the four communication styles.

[spoiler]1. Driver

When you communicate with a Driver, be sure to tell her about progress to goals, the actions to be taken and solutions to problems. Avoid chitchat and focus on the bottom-line.  Be clear, concise, focused, relevant, decisive and efficient.  When working with a driver, here is what you would say if you encounter a problem that may interfere with getting to successful results:

“I know you are pushing to finish this by tomorrow with great results.  Based on my research and investigation, I think there might be a hitch. I have some ideas on how to solve that.  Would you like to discuss this?

2. Analytical

Because the Analytical person asks for data, information and facts, it is important to be precise, specific, thorough, prepared, accurate, rational and orderly in dealing with her.  If you want to get the Analytical person’s attention, you might say something like this:

“The research and data seems inconsistent with our initial concept.  I have two ideas that would improve the quality and timeliness of the project.  I need 15 minutes of your time.  Can we meet today at 4:00?

3. Expressive

Expressives thrive on vision, stories and analogies and love to have fun while working on projects.  Therefore, when communicating with an expressive person, be sure to focus on the big picture.  Deliver your message in a way that is enthusiastic, expressive, friendly, flexible and open to possibilities.  Avoid getting bogged down in too many details!

“I’ve got a fabulous idea to make our project fabulous and knock it out of the ball park.  Have you got a minute to talk?”

4. Amiable

Your amiable friend or colleague cares deeply about the relationship. He is interested in information about others’ skills and interests, valuing input from others and welcoming feedback.  In dealing with the Amiable person, be sure to be warm, relaxed, involving, caring and inviting.  This is the person to go to if there are tensions on the team, whether that is a string quartet or a work group!  A way to get his attention is to say:

“I have a strong feeling that there is something bothering you about the team.  Would you like to hear my thoughts on how we might help everyone out here so that we can make sure that everyone is on board?
With a better understanding of each style, see how you can master these styles and become a dynamic and powerful communicator and leader!

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #39 on: 26 June 2015, 10:24:30 AM »
 [at] cumpol :
thanks bro.. ini cukup menarik juga mengenai communication style.. cek kulkas bro.. ;D

 [at] chan ming :
gud lak :) semoga masalahnya bisa terselesaikan dengan baik
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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #40 on: 26 June 2015, 11:57:15 AM »
Jika ada 3000 alasan yang dilihat sebagai penderitaan, maka cukup mencari satu alasan bahwa pernikahan adalah kebahagiaan (seperti saat pertama anda jatuh cinta dan saat di mana anda memutuskan untuk menikah).

Ketika kita jatuh cinta, 3000 penderitaan pun seolah2 sanggup dilibas hanya oleh satu alasan, C-I-N-T-A. :D

Jatuh cinta adalah gampang (hampir tak membutuhkan usaha yg signifikan), namun utk membangun cinta kok seolah2 ada 3000 rintangan terbentang di depan mata.

Mencintai seseorang, bisa juga berarti mencintai* apa yang menjadi hobi/kesukaan pasangan kita, termasuk teman2 gengnya.

* : bukan mencintai dalam arti mencintai pasangan kita, selingkuh jadinya. :).

Banyak kasus (hubungan kandas) yang disebabkan oleh keputusan yang keliru, seolah2 memberikan pilihan "pilih aku (suami) atau teman2 (geng)mu?
Ini adalah langkah yang keliru.
Suami dan teman baik hampir sama pentingnya bagi seseorang.
Mirip dgn kasus : pilih aku atau ibumu?
Ini pilihan yang mematikan pikiran.
Jadi usahakan jangan sampai terjadi.


komen yang baik,,,,,,saya tambahkan  agar group rame komen saja,,,lama tidak login dhammacitta ketinggalan banyak info,,banyak member tak aktif seperti dulu.

Dimana ada Kebahagian disana ada Penderitaan,,

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #41 on: 26 June 2015, 03:40:46 PM »

komen yang baik,,,,,,saya tambahkan  agar group rame komen saja,,,lama tidak login dhammacitta ketinggalan banyak info,,banyak member tak aktif seperti dulu.

Buddhist menyangkut cultivation on ownself....
jadi dimulai dari diri sendiri.... (bukan hal luar)..
semoga bro thioboeki nambah semanagar luncurkan topik GRESS yg mengigit...pula
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #42 on: 29 June 2015, 01:41:53 PM »
Jika ada 3000 alasan yang dilihat sebagai penderitaan, maka cukup mencari satu alasan bahwa pernikahan adalah kebahagiaan (seperti saat pertama anda jatuh cinta dan saat di mana anda memutuskan untuk menikah).

Ketika kita jatuh cinta, 3000 penderitaan pun seolah2 sanggup dilibas hanya oleh satu alasan, C-I-N-T-A. :D

Jatuh cinta adalah gampang (hampir tak membutuhkan usaha yg signifikan), namun utk membangun cinta kok seolah2 ada 3000 rintangan terbentang di depan mata.

Mencintai seseorang, bisa juga berarti mencintai* apa yang menjadi hobi/kesukaan pasangan kita, termasuk teman2 gengnya.

* : bukan mencintai dalam arti mencintai pasangan kita, selingkuh jadinya. :).

Banyak kasus (hubungan kandas) yang disebabkan oleh keputusan yang keliru, seolah2 memberikan pilihan "pilih aku (suami) atau teman2 (geng)mu?
Ini adalah langkah yang keliru.
Suami dan teman baik hampir sama pentingnya bagi seseorang.
Mirip dgn kasus : pilih aku atau ibumu?
Ini pilihan yang mematikan pikiran.
Jadi usahakan jangan sampai terjadi.


cinta sejati adalah "meskipun" bukan "apabila"

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  • Sebelumnya: Teko
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Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #43 on: 30 June 2015, 11:43:03 AM »
Apakah istri, anak, DLL for diatur?
Seandajnya mha kuasa dpt mengatur..knapa ada perapok, penjahat, DLL?
merryXmas n happyNewYYYY 2018

Offline thioboeki

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  • Dimana ada Kebahagian disitu ada Penderitaan,,
Re: Minta saran cara mengatur istri memilih pergaulan?
« Reply #44 on: 30 June 2015, 12:55:27 PM »
sudah seminggu di Dhammacitta forum,,,,,tampaknya penghuninya sudah punah,,,,

Dimana ada Kebahagian disana ada Penderitaan,,