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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #30 on: 16 July 2013, 01:12:05 PM »
Referensi dari wikipedia

From the records of early Buddhist schools, it appears that at least six different groups accepted the notion of an intermediate existence (antarābhava), namely, the Sarvāstivāda, Darṣṭāntika, Vātsīputrīyas, Saṃmitīya, Pūrvaśaila and late Mahīśāsaka. The first four of these are closely related schools. Opposing them were the Mahāsāṃghika, early Mahīśāsaka, Theravāda, Vibhajyavāda and the Śāriputra Abhidharma (possibly Dharmagupta) (Bareau 1955: 291).

Some of the earliest references we have to the “intermediate existence” are to be found in the Sarvāstivādin text the Mahāvibhāṣa 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》. For instance, the Mahāvibhāṣa indicates a “basic existence” (本有), an “intermediate existence” (中有), a “birth existence” (生有) and “death existence” (死有) (CBETA, T27, no. 1545, p. 959, etc.). Bareau (1955: 143) provides the arguments of the Sarvāstivāda as follows:

    The intermediate being who makes the passage in this way from one existence to the next is formed, like every living being, of the five aggregates (skandha). His existence is demonstrated by the fact that it cannot have any discontinuity in time and space between the place and moment of death and those of rebirth, and therefore it must be that the two existences belonging to the same series are linked in time and space by an intermediate stage. The intermediate being is the Gandharva, the presence of which is as necessary at conception as the fecundity and union of the parents. Furthermore, the Antarāparinirvāyin is an Anāgamin who obtains parinirvāṇa during the intermediary existence. As for the heinous criminal guilty of one of the five crimes without interval (ānantarya), he passes in quite the same way by an intermediate existence at the end of which he is reborn necessarily in hell.

Deriving from a later period of the same school, though with some differences, Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośa explains (English trs. p. 383ff):

    What is an intermediate being, and an intermediate existence? Intermediate existence, which inserts itself between existence at death and existence at birth, not having arrived at the location where it should go, cannot be said to be born. Between death-that is, the five skandhas of the moment of death – and arising – that is, the five skandhas of the moment of rebirth-there is found an existence-a "body" of five skandhas-that goes to the place of rebirth. This existence between two realms of rebirth (gatī) is called intermediate existence.

He cites a number of texts and examples to defend the notion against other schools which reject it and claim that death in one life is immediately followed by rebirth in the next, without any intermediate state in between the two. Both the Mahāvibhāṣa and the Abhidharmakośa have the notion of the intermediate state lasting "seven times seven days" (i.e. 49 days) at most. This is one view, though, and there were also others.

Similar arguments were also used in Harivarman’s *Satyasiddhi Śāstra, a quasi-Mahāyāna text, and the Upadeśa commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras, both of which have strong influence from the Sarvāstivāda school. Both of these texts had powerful influence in Chinese Buddhism, which also accepts this idea as a rule.

The Saddharma-smṛty-upasthāna Sūtra (正法念處經) classifies 17 intermediate states with different experiences

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Offline xenocross

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #31 on: 16 July 2013, 01:52:48 PM »
Some Buddhist schools assert that after death, consciousness is suspended for a period before rebirth takes place. This interval is called the in-between state (antarabhava). There are different theories as to how long this interval lasts. Some say seven days, others say 14 and yet others say 49. While Theravada Buddhism denies the reality of the in-between state, the Pali texts imply that there is an interval between death and rebirth. The Buddha spoke of the situation "when one has laid down the body (i.e. died) but has not yet been reborn" (S.IV,400). On several other occasions he said that for one who has attained Nibbana there is "no here, no there, no in-between" (S.IV,73), referring to this life, the next life, and the in-between state. He even said that in certain circumstances someone might attain Nibbana while in this in-between state. He called the individual who achieved this "a Nibbanized-in-between type" (antaraparinibbayi, S.V,69).

In the Vajrayàna Buddhism of Tibet the in-between state is called the bardo. Some Tibetans believe that reading instructions from a text called Liberation Through Hearing in the In-between State (Bardo Thodol) to a recently deceased person who is supposedly in this state, can help them avoid rebirth and attain enlightenment. This text is known in the West as The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

The Abhidhamma and the Classical Theravada hold that rebirth is always immediate with no intermediate state. Although there is no indication from the Suttas that directly references an immediate rebirth in all cases. It is only insisted upon in the Abhidhamma, which although part of the Pali Canon, is a later text.

There are a few other Suttas which suggest that there could be this intermediate state. One of the strongest indications of this is in the Metta Sutta which speaks of extending loving-kindness to 'bhuutaa vaa sambhavesii vaa' -- "to beings who have come to be and those about to come to be."

Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

Offline Kelana

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #32 on: 16 July 2013, 02:15:52 PM »
MN 43 Mahavedalla Sutta:

24. “Teman, ketika jasmani ini kehilangan berapa kondisikah maka jasmani ini dilepaskan dan ditinggalkan, dibiarkan mati bagaikan balok kayu?”

“Teman, ketika jasmani ini kehilangan tiga kondisi – vitalitas, panas, dan kesadaran – maka jasmani ini dilepaskan dan ditinggalkan, dibiarkan mati bagaikan balok kayu.”

25. “Teman, apakah perbedaan antara seseorang yang mati, yang telah menyelesaikan waktunya, dan seorang bhikkhu yang memasuki lenyapnya persepsi dan perasaan?”

“Teman, dalam hal seorang yang mati, yang telah menyelesaikan waktunya, bentukan-bentukan jasmaninya telah memudar dan sirna, bentukan-bentukan ucapannya telah memudar dan sirna; bentukan-bentukan pikirannya telah memudar dan sirna, vitalitasnya padam, panasnya berhamburan, dan indria-indrianya hancur seluruhnya. Dalam hal seorang bhikkhu yang memasuki lenyapnya persepsi dan perasaan,  bentukan-bentukan jasmaninya telah memudar dan sirna, bentukan-bentukan ucapannya telah memudar dan sirna, tetapi vitalitasnya tidak padam, panasnya tidak berhamburan, dan indria-indrianya menjadi sangat jernih.  Ini adalah perbedaan antara seseorang yang mati, yang telah menyelesaikan waktunya, dan seorang bhikkhu yang memasuki lenyapnya persepsi dan perasaan.”

dari MN 9 Sammaditthi Sutta

22. “Dan apakah penuaan dan kematian, apakah asal-mula penuaan dan kematian, apakah lenyapnya penuaan dan kematian, apakah jalan menuju lenyapnya penuaan dan kematian? Penuaan makhluk-makhluk dalam berbagai urutan penjelmaan, usia tua, gigi tanggal, rambut memutih, kulit keriput, kemunduran kehidupan, indria-indria melemah – ini disebut penuaan. Berlalunya makhluk-makhluk dalam berbagai urutan makhluk-makhluk, kematiannya, terputusnya, lenyapnya, sekarat, selesainya waktu, hancurnya kelompok-kelompok unsur kehidupan,  terbaringnya tubuh – ini disebut kematian. Maka penuaan ini dan kematian ini adalah apa yang disebut dengan penuaan dan kematian. Dengan munculnya kelahiran maka muncul pula penuaan dan kematian. Dengan lenyapnya kelahiran maka lenyap pula penuaan dan kematian. Jalan menuju lenyapnya penuaan dan kematian adalah Jalan Mulia Berunsur Delapan ini; yaitu, pandangan benar … konsentrasi benar.

 Top! :jempol:
Kita simpan dulu.
_/\_ suvatthi hotu

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Offline Kelana

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #33 on: 16 July 2013, 02:17:57 PM »
Referensi dari wikipedia

From the records of early Buddhist schools, it appears that at least six different groups accepted the notion of an intermediate existence (antarābhava), namely, the Sarvāstivāda, Darṣṭāntika, Vātsīputrīyas, Saṃmitīya, Pūrvaśaila and late Mahīśāsaka. The first four of these are closely related schools. Opposing them were the Mahāsāṃghika, early Mahīśāsaka, Theravāda, Vibhajyavāda and the Śāriputra Abhidharma (possibly Dharmagupta) (Bareau 1955: 291).

Some of the earliest references we have to the “intermediate existence” are to be found in the Sarvāstivādin text the Mahāvibhāṣa 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》. For instance, the Mahāvibhāṣa indicates a “basic existence” (本有), an “intermediate existence” (中有), a “birth existence” (生有) and “death existence” (死有) (CBETA, T27, no. 1545, p. 959, etc.). Bareau (1955: 143) provides the arguments of the Sarvāstivāda as follows:

    The intermediate being who makes the passage in this way from one existence to the next is formed, like every living being, of the five aggregates (skandha). His existence is demonstrated by the fact that it cannot have any discontinuity in time and space between the place and moment of death and those of rebirth, and therefore it must be that the two existences belonging to the same series are linked in time and space by an intermediate stage. The intermediate being is the Gandharva, the presence of which is as necessary at conception as the fecundity and union of the parents. Furthermore, the Antarāparinirvāyin is an Anāgamin who obtains parinirvāṇa during the intermediary existence. As for the heinous criminal guilty of one of the five crimes without interval (ānantarya), he passes in quite the same way by an intermediate existence at the end of which he is reborn necessarily in hell.

Deriving from a later period of the same school, though with some differences, Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośa explains (English trs. p. 383ff):

    What is an intermediate being, and an intermediate existence? Intermediate existence, which inserts itself between existence at death and existence at birth, not having arrived at the location where it should go, cannot be said to be born. Between death-that is, the five skandhas of the moment of death – and arising – that is, the five skandhas of the moment of rebirth-there is found an existence-a "body" of five skandhas-that goes to the place of rebirth. This existence between two realms of rebirth (gatī) is called intermediate existence.

He cites a number of texts and examples to defend the notion against other schools which reject it and claim that death in one life is immediately followed by rebirth in the next, without any intermediate state in between the two. Both the Mahāvibhāṣa and the Abhidharmakośa have the notion of the intermediate state lasting "seven times seven days" (i.e. 49 days) at most. This is one view, though, and there were also others.

Similar arguments were also used in Harivarman’s *Satyasiddhi Śāstra, a quasi-Mahāyāna text, and the Upadeśa commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras, both of which have strong influence from the Sarvāstivāda school. Both of these texts had powerful influence in Chinese Buddhism, which also accepts this idea as a rule.

The Saddharma-smṛty-upasthāna Sūtra (正法念處經) classifies 17 intermediate states with different experiences


OK ini menjadi pertanyaannya sebelum dilanjutkan.

antarābhava itu intermediate existence atau intermediate state. Indonesianya, apakah ia alam antara atau keadaan antara?
_/\_ suvatthi hotu

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #34 on: 16 July 2013, 02:54:34 PM »
OK ini menjadi pertanyaannya sebelum dilanjutkan.

antarābhava itu intermediate existence atau intermediate state. Indonesianya, apakah ia alam antara atau keadaan antara?

bhava = penjelmaan, karena sudah menjelma, sptnya lebih cocok ke "alam"

Offline Kelana

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #35 on: 16 July 2013, 03:21:29 PM »
bhava = penjelmaan, karena sudah menjelma, sptnya lebih cocok ke "alam"


Apakah In-between state (keadaan antara) dalam tulisan Bhikkhu Sujato yang berjudul Rebirth and the In-between State in Early Buddhism (Kelahiran Kembali dan Keadaan Antara Dalam Buddhisme Awal), mengacu pada alam antara (antarabhava)?

Kita perlu menyamakan pemahaman dulu. Jika yang dimaksud bukan alam antara, ini berarti kita tidak bisa menggunakan tulisan Bhikkhu Sujato sebagai rujukan di dalam membahas anatarabhava yang berarti alam antara.
_/\_ suvatthi hotu

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #36 on: 16 July 2013, 04:41:31 PM »
jumlah alamnya nambah 1 lagi donk  ???

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #37 on: 16 July 2013, 07:58:48 PM »
bhava = penjelmaan, karena sudah menjelma, sptnya lebih cocok ke "alam"
jumlah alamnya nambah 1 lagi donk  ???
Tidak bisa dikategorikan "alam" karena tidak memenuhi syarat utk dikatakan alam (31 alam)

***menyimak dlu.
I'm an ordinary human only

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #38 on: 16 July 2013, 08:12:20 PM »
Menurut SN 12.2, bhava hanya ada 3: kamabhava, rupabhava, dan arupabhava. Oleh sebab itu, pengertian antarabhava sbg "kehidupan/alam antara" (intermediate existence) tidak didukung oleh sutta, tetapi kalo "keadaan antara" (intermediate state) mungkin masih bisa masuk...
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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #39 on: 16 July 2013, 10:22:51 PM »
dan bhava itu memberi kondisi utk jati/kelahiran. kalo dari paticcasamuppada yah bhava dan jati/kelahiran itu berbeda

“Dan apakah, para bhikkhu, kelahiran? Lahirnya berbagai makhluk menjadi berbagai golongan makhluk, terlahirkan, masuk [ke dalam rahim], produksi, terwujudnya kelompok-kelompok unsur kehidupan, memperoleh landasan-landasan indria. Ini disebut kelahiran.[2]

“Dan apakah, para bhikkhu, penjelmaan? Ada tiga jenis penjelmaan: penjelmaan di alam indria, penjelmaan di alam berbentuk, penjelmaan di alam tanpa bentuk. Ini disebut penjelmaan.[3]

jika tanpa sampe kelahiran, apakah ada landasan2 indria? jika tidak ada landasan2 indria, input data dari mana?
There is no place like

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #40 on: 17 July 2013, 12:27:37 AM »
avijja - sankhara - vinnana - namarupa - salayatana (landasan indera) - phassa- vedana - tanha (nafsu keinginan/ craving) - upadana - BHAVA

"Of course you are befuddled, Vaccha. Of course you are uncertain. When there is a reason for befuddlement in you, uncertainty arises. I designate the rebirth of one who has sustenance, Vaccha, and not of one without sustenance. Just as a fire burns with sustenance and not without sustenance, even so I designate the rebirth of one who has sustenance and not of one without sustenance."

"But, Master Gotama, at the moment a flame is being swept on by the wind and goes a far distance, what do you designate as its sustenance then?"

"Vaccha, when a flame is being swept on by the wind and goes a far distance, I designate it as wind-sustained, for the wind is its sustenance at that time."

"And at the moment when a being sets this body aside and is not yet reborn in another body, what do you designate as its sustenance then?"

"Vaccha, when a being sets this body aside and is not yet reborn in another body, I designate it as craving-sustained, for craving is its sustenance at that time."

Hanya menghubung-hubungkan.... kali aja cocok
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #41 on: 17 July 2013, 12:34:27 AM »
dibahas juga:

27. “Para bhikkhu, embrio (dalam kandungan) terjadi karena penggabungan tiga hal, yaitu: adanya pertemuan ayah dan ibu, tetapi ibu tidak ada makhluk yang siap terlahir (kembali), dalam hal ini tidak ada pembuahan dalam kandungan; ada pertemuan ayah dan ibu, ibu dalam keadaan masa subur, tetapi tidak ada makhluk yang siap untuk terlahir (kembali), dalam hal ini tidak ada pembuahan dalam kandungan; tetapi ada pertemuan ayah dan ibu, ibu dalam keadaan masa subur dan ada makhluk yang siap terlahir (kembali), maka terjadi pembuahan karena pertemuan tiga hal itu.

makhluk apa yg siap terlahir kembali itu? Apakah pas ayah dan ibu ketemu harus ada makhluk, manusia, atau binatang yang mati? Atau harus ada dewa yang sudah akan mati? (Dewa dikatakan akan mati stelah 7 hari tanda2 kematian)

Ataukah makhluk itu menunggu keadaan yang tepat untuk bisa lahir?

trus ada juga
5. ‘Juga, Sang Bhagavā tidak tertandingi dalam hal mengajarkan Dhamma sehubungan dengan cara-cara kelahiran kembali dalam empat cara, yaitu: seseorang masuk ke dalam rahim ibunya tanpa menyadarinya,5 berdiam di sana tanpa menyadarinya, dan keluar dari sana tanpa menyadarinya. Ini adalah cara pertama. Atau seseorang masuk ke dalam rahim ibunya dengan sadar, berdiam di sana tanpa menyadarinya, dan keluar dari sana tanpa menyadarinya. Ini adalah cara ke dua. Atau seseorang masuk ke dalam rahim ibunya dengan sadar, berdiam di sana dengan sadar, dan keluar dari sana tanpa menyadarinya. Ini adalah cara ke tiga. Atau seseorang masuk ke dalam rahim ibunya dengan sadar, berdiam di sana dengan sadar, dan keluar dari sana dengan sadar. Ini adalah ajaran yang tanpa tandingan sehubungan dengan cara-cara kelahiran kembali ….’

kalau spontan apa bisa dikatakan "masuk dengan sadar" ?

Lebih jauh: baca di http://sdhammika.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-buddha-on-rebirth.html
« Last Edit: 17 July 2013, 12:46:36 AM by xenocross »
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #42 on: 17 July 2013, 06:37:47 AM »
Kathavatthu VIII,2:

Of an Intermediate State.

Controverted Point.—That there is an intermediate state of existence.

From the Commentary.—Some (as, for instance, the Pubbaseliyas and Sammitiyas), by a careless acceptation of the Sutta-phrase—'completed existence within the interval'1—held that there is an interim stage where a being awaits reconception for a week or longer. The counter-argument is based on the Exalted One's dictum that there are three states of becoming only—the Kama-, the Rupa-, and the Arupa-worlds.2 And it is because of that dictum that the opponent [in so far as he is orthodox] has to deny so many of the questions.

[1] Th. [Theravada]—If there be such a state, you must identify it with either the Kama-life, or Rupa-life, or Arupa-life,
which you refuse to do. . . .

[2] You deny that there is an intermediate state between the first and second, or the second and third, of these . . .

[8] you affirm, indeed, that is no such thing; how then can you maintain your proposition ?

[4] Is it a fifth matrix, a sixth destiny, an eighth station for reborn consciousness,3 a tenth realm of beings ? Is it a mode of living, a destiny, a realm of beings, a renewal of life, a matrix, a station of consciousness, an acquiring of individuality? Is there karma leading to it? Are there beings who approach thither ? Do beings get born in it, grow old, die in it, decease from it, and get reborn from it? Do the five aggregates exist in it? Is it a five-mode existence ? All this you deny. How then can you maintain your proposition?

[5-7] You admit that every one of these [categories or notions] applies to each of the three planes of life named above, the only difference being that the first two—Kamalife and Rupa-life—are five-mode existences; the last—Arupa-life—is a four-mode existence (that is, without material qualities). If then there is an intermediate stage of life, you must be able to predicate some or all of these [notions or categories] of it. But you say you cannot. . . .

[8] But you deny also that there is an intermediate life for all beings. Hence your proposition is not universally valid.

[9-11] For whom then do you deny the intermediate state? For the person whose retribution is immediate?1 If you assent, to that extent your proposition is for you not true. Or is it for the person whose retribution is not immediate that you affirm this state ? Yes, you say. Then you must deny it for his opposite. You deny it also for one who is to be reborn in purgatory,, in the sphere of unconscious beings, in the immaterial heavens. Therefore to that extent your proposition is not universally valid. Nevertheless, you maintain that thereis an intermediate stage of life for one whose retribution is not immediate, for one who is not to be reborn in purgatory, nor among the ' unconscious beings,' nor in the immaterial heavens. [Concerning these you have yet to state in what respect, as a plane of life, it resembles, or differs from, the three named by the Exalted One.]

[12] P.S. [Pubbaseliya & Sammatiya]—But are there not beings who ' complete existence within the first half of the term ?' If so, are we not right ?

[18] Th.—Granted that there are such beings, is there a separate interval-state [between any two recognized existences]? Yes, you say. But granted that there are beings who 'complete existence within the second half of the term,' is there a separate state of life corresponding thereto ? If you deny, you must also deny your proposition [since you rest it on this basis]. The same argument applies to such cognate terms as ' beings who complete existence without,' and again, 4 with difficulty and striving' (see above, I., 4, § 9, n. 1).

Intinya menurut Kathavatthu, antarabhava ditolak krn tidak disebutkan sebagai salah satu bhava ataupun salah satu alam kehidupan/keadaan kesadaran dalam sutta-sutta.
"Holmes once said not to allow your judgement to be biased by personal qualities, and emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning."
~ Shinichi Kudo a.k.a Conan Edogawa

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #43 on: 17 July 2013, 09:41:15 AM »
avijja - sankhara - vinnana - namarupa - salayatana (landasan indera) - phassa- vedana - tanha (nafsu keinginan/ craving) - upadana - BHAVA

"Of course you are befuddled, Vaccha. Of course you are uncertain. When there is a reason for befuddlement in you, uncertainty arises. I designate the rebirth of one who has sustenance, Vaccha, and not of one without sustenance. Just as a fire burns with sustenance and not without sustenance, even so I designate the rebirth of one who has sustenance and not of one without sustenance."

"But, Master Gotama, at the moment a flame is being swept on by the wind and goes a far distance, what do you designate as its sustenance then?"

"Vaccha, when a flame is being swept on by the wind and goes a far distance, I designate it as wind-sustained, for the wind is its sustenance at that time."

"And at the moment when a being sets this body aside and is not yet reborn in another body, what do you designate as its sustenance then?"

"Vaccha, when a being sets this body aside and is not yet reborn in another body, I designate it as craving-sustained, for craving is its sustenance at that time."

Hanya menghubung-hubungkan.... kali aja cocok

Lho ini khan bhava BUKAN antarabhava.
Sedang yang diatas lebih cocok utk alam deva, karena mereka tidak memiliki body phisically tp masih punya craving, ada kisah deva pohon menculik seorang wanita yang dia cintai.
I'm an ordinary human only

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Re: Kelahiran Kembali dan Antarabhava/Bardo
« Reply #44 on: 17 July 2013, 09:43:05 AM »
Menurut SN 12.2, bhava hanya ada 3: kamabhava, rupabhava, dan arupabhava. Oleh sebab itu, pengertian antarabhava sbg "kehidupan/alam antara" (intermediate existence) tidak didukung oleh sutta, tetapi kalo "keadaan antara" (intermediate state) mungkin masih bisa masuk...
IYA bro Ariyakumara, saya juga SETUJU.
I'm an ordinary human only