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Bantuan Teknis, kritik dan saran. / Re: Ganti display name
« on: 03 January 2012, 01:49:05 PM »
karena udah beberapa kali dikomplain sama yg merasa punya
nama teko, atau udah popular di kota Medan dgn sebutan teko,
maaf, telah merepotkan suhu utk mengganti :

teko > cumi pig

trims sebelumnya.

Diskusi Umum / kebijaksanaan dlm menolong
« on: 09 December 2011, 01:54:51 PM »
kasus 2:
Ada orang yg ditabrak dijalan, apakah kita perlu kenal dulu untuk membantunya... ya jelas tidak.
Membantu objek yg jelas butuh bantuan adalah hal yg bagus.

mau menolong org kecelakaan di lalu lintas (spd motor menabrak truk yg berhenti)
beberapa orang berkerumun ditengah jalan menolong pengendara motor yg udah tergeletak di tengah jalan, tau2 ada mobil yg melaju cepat ke tempat kejadian tsb... dan malah menabrak org2 tsb, dan 2 meninggal, karna kejadian tsb jam 2 pagi dan kemungkinan besar penabrak itu juga mabuk.

jadi mau menolong org yg meninggal, malah tambah meninggal dua lagi.

true story...

kejelian, kewaspadaan, keamanan, dan kebijaksanaan diperlukan dlm pertolongan....

note: kalau ada yg kesetrum tegangan tinggi, gimana menolongnya kalau tidak memiliki pengetahuan dlm perlistrikan ? kemungkinan mau mati satu, jadi malah mati banyak.

"Ini adalah ujian...
Kalian yang mengerti banyak teori dhamma harus mampu menahan batin,
Kalian yang memiliki cinta-kasih, welas-asih dan simpati harus mampu mengendalikan emosi."

kalian yang memiliki banyak pertanyaan, jangan segan2 bertanya....  8)

bro cool diundang kesini....
welcome back bro co_ols, mari berbincang-bincang...
mohon dijawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan nya yaaaa  :P

1 menurut cool, apa ide BS yg begitu bagus,... tapi belum bro jabar dan rincikan ?
2 apakah ide2 bagus tsb harus dgn terpaksa melanggar vinaya ?
3 apakah ide bagus yg melanggar vinaya masih dptkah dikategorikan "bagus" ?

Kafe Jongkok / welcome back bro co_ols, mari berbincang-bincang...
« on: 11 November 2011, 03:27:46 AM »
co+ols : hehehehhh sekian lama tidak mengunjungi forum ini, tenyata masih tidak banyak berubah, contohnya thread ini yg hanya menjadi ajang gosip murahan yg selalu memojokan, mencela dan memvonis pribadi seseorang, karna itu saya sengaja hadir disini sebagai penyeimbang walaupun untuk itu saya harus dikeroyok, dicaci maki, dan dimusuhi kalian, tapi tidak masalah, saya lakukan demi keadilan, karna dalam pengadilan sekalipun seorang tertuduh wajib didampingi pembela, dan si tertuduh wajib dilindungi aturan hukum praduga tak bersalah.

kalau kalian bertanya dengan hormat, disertai dengan etika dan moral bertanya yg baik beliau pasti akan menjawabnya, pertanyaanya sekarang adalah apa kalian sudah menunjukkan rasa hormat itu ketika bertanya? bercerminlah, dan introspeksi kedalam diri, tanyakan kenapa pertanyaan kalian diabaikan, kalau perlu buka buku dharma dan cari tahu apa2 saja alasan sang Buddha ketika tidak menjawab pertanyaan yg ditujukan padanya. Kalau kalian sudah benar2 memahaminya maka tak ada alasan lagi bagi kalian untuk merasa ga senang, sakit hati, dan mendendam hanya karna pertanyaan kalian diabaikan.

Selama berbincang2 dengannya beliau memang sempat mengkritik kebijakan STI namun beliau tidak pernah menjelekkan pribadi bhikkhu tertentu. dari **1 pengamatan saya beliau memang seorang yg kritis, yg memiliki banyak ide2 pemikiran2 yg bagus untuk perkembangan umat buddha, sayang semuanya sebatas wacana karna beliau terikat dengan vinaya (dan ini bukti kalau beliau tetap menjalankan vinaya) dan tidak ada pendukung2nya yg siap merealisasikan ide2nya karna para pendukungnya takut dimusuhin dan dikucilkan orang2nya STI, sedangkan saya sebagai umat belum mampu merealisasikan ide2 tsb karna saya bukanlah siapa2.

**2dulu kalian menjelek2an pribadi master lu sheng yen hingga beratus2 posting dan admin beserta para moderatornya hanya bisa terpingkal2 dan terbahak2 menganggapnya sebagai guyonan penghilang stress semata, bahkan juga pernah menggosipi dikucilkannya Ajahn Bhram dan sebagian dari kalian bersorak sorai mendengar berita tsb, dan sekarang bhikkhu2 lokal kalian "zolimi", bhante vijaya putta dan bhante suddhammacaro sudah kalian jadikan korban dari kebuasan kalian, entah masih akan berapa banyak lagi yg akan kalian cela dan dijadikan bahan gosip murahan hanya demi untuk memuaskan ego kalian semata??? pantas aja di indonesia ini sangat sedikit sekali yg berani jadi bhikkhu, karna apa? karna takut akan kebuasan kalian.
Jadi kalian kapan mau berubahnya? sadar donk... sadarrr...

1. bisakah lebih rinci tentang **1, ini menjadi menarik utk dipelajarin apa saja ide2 bagus tsb!  8)

2. utk menyeimbangin kebaikan master, silahkan bro tambahkan disini :

Lingkungan / Re: Bocah Balita Terlindas Mobil, Orang Tak Peduli????
« on: 26 October 2011, 05:59:46 PM »
di berita di kabarkan begitu dd  :)

yg menabrak di hukum mati sedangkan yang tidak mau menolong di hukum penjara, sedangkan si penolong di berikan hadiah berupa uang

yg membiarkan anaknya kocar kacir keluar jalan dihukum apa ya ?
apakah hal tsb merupakan akar (sebab utama) terjadinya kecelakaan ?

Diskusi Umum / Re: Menguji Kemampuan Analitis
« on: 21 October 2011, 01:39:29 PM »
Ya, ini juga dari sudut pandang objek-nya, lumayan jelas. Kalau palak, ketika perbuatan itu dilakukan, belum berkenaan langsung dengan 'perpindahan-tangan' dari objek.

Kalau perkosa/jambret/rampok, ketika perbuatan terjadi, maka objek telah ikut dalam prosesnya.

bro KK, coba dari sudut pandang pencegahannya.... spt risk management gitu

Lingkungan / Re: Bocah Balita Terlindas Mobil, Orang Tak Peduli????
« on: 21 October 2011, 12:39:08 PM »
sungguh kasihan pada sang ibu...begitu sedih anaknya sampai begitu...

dan membiarkan anak kecil berkeliaran...sampai bisa ke jalan
adalah juga kesalahan ortu...yg dimana juga bisa dihukum...
atas pengawasan yg terlantar dan membahayakan nyawa anak....

adakah solusi yg baik supaya anak tidak meluber ke jalan ? :'(

Diskusi Umum / Re: Menguji Kemampuan Analitis
« on: 21 October 2011, 12:31:56 PM »
palak (kompas duit)

merampok (dgn paksaan)

jambret (dgn kecepatan bila korban lengah)

perkosa (memaksa wilayah sexual)

Mengenai pilihan ya seharusnya diantisipasi sebelum ke empat hal terjadi....
dgn membawa anjing galak, security system, sampai baju berduri....nahhh
yg penting adalah memiliki pengetahuan atau cara berpikir otak palak,rampok,jambret n perkosa...

sedia payung sebelum hal tsb terjadi adalah pilihan terbaik.  :))

contoh : kalau gak ada tas genggam atau motor baru, apakah dijambret ?
              kalau gak ke tempat tertentu apakah di jambret ?

kalo di medan ada nga ya? pengen tau aja. terus tempat belajar buat kue kue atau chef gt dimedan ada yg tau nga ya

mau mendekatin camer ya? :)) :))


cara tentera menyeret

DHARAMSHALA, October 17:

Reports coming out of Tibet confirm the demise of yet another Tibetan, this time a nun, after she torched her body in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet.

Tenzin Wangmo, around 20 years of age, set herself on fire at around 1 pm local time in the Ngaba region of eastern Tibet today (oct 17, 2011).

The exile base of Kirti Monastery, citing eyewitnesses, in a release today said that Tenzin Wangmo self immolated on a crossroad near her monastery, the Mamae Dechen Choekhorling Nunnery, about 3 kms away from Ngaba County.

“Tenzin Wangmo was engulfed in flames as she marched on the streets for nearly 7 to 8 minutes raising slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and religious freedom in Tibet,” the release said.

Tenzin Wangmo died immediately.

According to the release, nuns from the Mamae nunnery carried Tenzin Wangmo’s body to the nunnery and despite repeated warnings from Chinese security personnel, refuse to give possession of the deceased’s body.

“The Chinese authorities have given the nuns an ultimatum to either hand over the deceased’s body or bury Tenzin Wangmo’s body by tonight,” the release said.

The situation around Mamae nunnery, which is the largest nunnery in the Ngaba region with over 350 nuns, is being described as tense.

This is the ninth incidence in this year alone when a Tibetan has been driven to the extreme sacrifice of burning one’s own body as a last resort of peaceful action against the Chinese government’s repressive policies in Tibet.

The first 17 days of October has already witnessed five self-immolations in Ngaba region.

Khaying, Choephel, and Tenzin Wangmo succumbed to their injuries while Kesang Wangchuk is being described in critical condition. There is no information as yet on the whereabouts of Norbu Damdul who was last seen being taken away by Chinese security personnel on October 15.

The Central Tibetan Administration in a release earlier today said that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be presiding over the “grand prayer service to mourn the tragic self-immolations in Tibet” scheduled for October 19 in Dharamshala, north India.

‘New Level of Desperation’ as Tibetans Continue to Set Themselves on Fire, Says Amnesty International

Contact: Sharon Singh, ssingh [at] aiusa.org, 202-509-8194

(Washington, DC) In reaction to news that a 20 year-old Tibetan nun, Tenzin Wangmo, set herself on fire and died on Monday, near Kirti monastery in Ngaba County, Sichuan province, Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Director issued the following statement:
“This is the ninth self-immolation in recent months by ethnic Tibetans and indicates a new level of desperation on the part of Tibetans against the Chinese government’s repression of their culture and religious freedom.
“The Chinese authorities should heed the demands of Tibetans to freely practice their religion and enjoy their culture. Instead they have resorted to heavy-handed response that can only deepen and further fuel resentments. The heavy security presence in these regions contributes to an already tense climate. Those imprisoned for their peaceful protest must be released immediately."
The Chinese government has responded to protests through mass arrests of people including 300 Kirti monastery monks, enforced disappearances, imprisonment, “patriotic re-education” of monks, and possible killings by the security forces. Kirti monastery is in Aba (Ngaba) County in an ethnic Tibetan area of Sichuan province, which has seen repeated protests against denial of their religious and cultural rights. Seven monks and former monks from Kirti monastery have set themselves on fire in recent months. An eighth monk from Nyitse monastery set himself on fire in Ganzi (Kardze) County also in Sichuan province.

ada yg punya foto atau info tambahan ? silahkan... _/\_

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / silahkan belajar....bloodsucker
« on: 18 October 2011, 07:34:25 PM »
Bro sacheng mah kagak bs dipercy  :)) :)) :)) :))

Ko borsa, medan nga ada kan? haiz. bela diri apa? dimana

Belly, or lower dan tien meditation for finding your centre and reducing conceptual thought.
This Qi Gong meditation form is one that you sometimes see variations of in Buddhist and Zen meditation practices. It involves the centring of our attention in our lower belly area, or lower dan tien (for a general outline of the 3 dan tiens in Qi Gong practice, please go HERE). This meditation form is particularly useful as a way of “ducking under” excessive mental or emotional turbulence in our mind, as, physiologically speaking the energy centres that hold our conceptual energy are above the solar plexus, in the heart and head. Fifteen minutes or so if this meditation a day is a really good practise for calming and centring yourself in a way that feels very grounded, solid and stable, one might almost say it is a very “physicalizing” meditation!

Stage 1:
Sitting with a comfortably straight back either cross legged or on a chair, or standing in the basic Qi Gong standing posture, visualize a line of light and energy coming down from the sky and going through the dead centre of your crown, brain, neck, chest and abdomen, then exiting through the perineum (point between the middle of the legs) and continuing down all the way into the heart-centre of the earth. Spend a short while aligning your body around this central line of energy, which we will now be calling the core of your body (see article on core body breathing). If you like you can gently rock your body a few millimetres from side to side in order to find the central point of right -left balance around your core , and then rock a few millimetres forward and back so that the front and back of your body can find their point of balance around your core. Then spend a minute or two just gently breathing in and out of your core; as you inhale, energy and Qi flows into the core of your body, as you exhale, feel Qi and energy flowing out of your core toward the skin/surface of your body.

Stage 2, locating the lower dan tien in the belly:
Now mentally follow the core line of your body down from the head and heart centres to the lower belly area, about 3 fingers width beneath the belly button (or a few inches above the hips). Visualize a luminous point of light and energy at this level of your body’s core, about the size of a golf ball. This is your lower dan tien (different from sacral chakra, see my article on difference between chakras and dan tiens.)

Stage 3, relaxing and focusing awareness in the belly:
Having found the location of the lower dan tien, the rest of the meditation is spent simply relaxing and trying to gently focus your attention and awareness in this part of your body, and letting go of excess conceptual thought and activity. If you like you can feel light and energy flowing into the belly area as you breathe in, and flowing out to the surface of your body when you breathe out. However, when you feel as if your mind and body have settled down, the main emphasis should simply to enjoy the state of non-conceptuality and relaxation that arise from focusing your awareness in the lower belly / lower dan tien in this way, and allow your mind and body to find regeneration and healing within this deep, calm space.
All text © Toby Ouvry 2010 please do not reproduce without permission.

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / [share] the wonder of master QI GONG
« on: 18 October 2011, 10:08:39 AM »

ini master dari Surabaya lhooo,
salah satu kemampuannya > buat kertas terbakar, tanpa korek api...

mohon di share master lainnya...
Nahh canggih ya mana diantara kedua master ?

apakah bro/sis pernah berguru pada org spt diatas ?
udah mencapai level apa ya kemampuan bro/sis?  :P

tag : qi gong, tenaga dalam

Some of the larger providers of open source accounting applications are listed below.

Compiere is an open source accounting software company that has been around since the 1990’s. Compiere offers an integrated business management system targeted at the small to mid-sized business. that includes a sophisticated accounting application. Touting its central shared data architecture Compiere promises once you input your financial, inventory, customer or vendor data once all departments authorized to access the data will have access without reentering the data reducing the chance of data errors. Compiere is designed to be flexible and to grow with your company easily adding functions as they are needed.  Application support for Compiere is provided by several reputable vendors including Global Era which provides system design, installation and implementation, training, technical support and upgrade support to Compiere users.

Open Systems Inc. (OSAS) has been in business for over 30 years and offers a variety of accounting and distribution modules for companies running Linux/UNIX, Mac, Windows, or mixed platform computing systems. Core modules include general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, bank reconciliation, fixed assets, inventory, sales and purchase orders, among others. In addition to the core there are industry specific modules, e-business modules. If your business requires unique modules you can customize OSAS software from the source code which you will have access to at no cost.

TurboCash provides an open source accounting package targeted to small and medium sized business. Developed eighteen years ago TurboCash has users around the world. TurboCash can be configured to use any language, and has free downloadable charts of accounts for Australia, Netherlands, South Africa, United Kingdom and USA with more countries being added.

GnuCash is an accounting application designed for personal and small-business use and runs on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses and is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.

NolaPro’s developer, Noguska LLC was founded in 1973 as a technical service provider to the printing industry. In 2000 Nola began working on an open-source online accounting and inventory software. Because it was one of the first business applications for the Linux platform the project was quickly embraced. NolaPro was released in 2004 and is designed to address the needs of large to small businesses. NolaPro is easily customized to meet any company’s unique accounting and financial management needs.

ada yg nyoba, mana paling bagus, dan dlm bahasa programming apa ya itu... :'(

kalau udah open sosurce, kenapa mau nulis program sendiri....?

hal2 yg perlu diperhatikan kalau ingin memakai open source :
If you decide you are interested in acquiring an open source accounting application determine if the application has:

A common feature set supporting accounting system requirements;
A source of technical support and maintenance;
Professional documentation to support user installation, modifications and program maintenance;
Accessible training materials and classes;
Regular news releases and updates; and
Active users groups and networking opportunities to encourage collaborative efforts among users.

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