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Tibetan / Advice from Atisha's Heart
« on: 15 January 2009, 08:58:18 AM »
When Venerable Atisha came to Tibet he first went to Ngari, where he remained for two years giving many teachings to the disciples of Jang Chub Ö.  After two years had passed he decided to return to India, and Jang Chub Ö  requested him to give one last teaching before he left.
Atisha replied that he had already given them all the advice they needed, but Jang Chub Ö persisted in his request and so Atisha accepted and gave the following advice.

'How wonderful!
Friends, since you already have great knowledge and clear understanding, whereas I am of no importance and have little wisdom, it is not suitable for you to request advice from me. However because you dear friends, whom I cherish from my heart, have requested me, I shall give you this essential advice from my inferior and childish mind.

Friends, until you attain enlightenment the Spiritual Teacher is indispensable,
therefore rely upon the holy Spiritual Guide.

Until you realize ultimate truth, listening is indispensable, therefore
listen to the instructions of the Spiritual Guide.

Since you cannot become a Buddha merely by understanding Dharma,
Practice earnestly with understanding.

Avoid places that disturb your mind, and always remain where your virtues increase.

Until you attain stable realizations, worldly amusements are harmful,
therefore abide in a place where there are no such distractions.

Avoid friends who cause you to increase delusions, and rely upon those
Who increase your virtue. This you should take to heart.

Since there is never a time when worldly activities come to an end,
Limit your activities.

Dedicate your virtues throughout the day and the night, and always
Watch your mind.

Because you have received advice, whenever you are not meditating
Always practise in accordance with what your Spiritual Guide says.

If you practise with great devotion, results will arise immediately,
Without your having to wait for a long time.

If from your heart you practise in accordance with Dharma, both food
And resources will come naturally to hand.

Friends, the things you desire give no more satisfaction than drinking sea water,
therefore practise contentment.

Avoid all haughty, conceited, proud, and arrogant minds, and remain
Peaceful and subdued.

Avoid activities that are said to be meritorious, but which in fact are
obstacles to Dharma.

Profit and respect are nooses of the maras, so brush them aside like stones on the path.

Words of praise and fame serve only to beguile us, therefore blow them
Away as you would blow your nose.

Since the happiness, pleasure, and friends you gather in this life last
Only for a moment, put them all behind you.

Since future lives last for a very long time, gather up riches to
Provide for the future.

You will have to depart leaving everything behind, so do not be attached to anything.

Generate compassion for lowly beings, and especially avoid despising or humiliating them.

Have no hatred for enemies, and no attachment for friends.

Do not be jealous of others' good qualities, but out of admiration
Adopt them yourself.

Do not look for faults in others, but look for faults in yourself, and
Purge them like bad blood.

Do not contemplate your own good qualities, but contemplate the good qualities of others,
and respect everyone as a servant would.

See all living beings as your father or mother, and love them
As if you were their child.

Always keep a smiling face and a loving mind, and speak truthfully without malice.

If you talk too much with little meaning you will make mistakes,
Therefore speak in moderation, only when necessary.

If you engage in many meaningless activities your virtuous activities
Will degenerate, therefore stop activities that are not spiritual.

It is completely meaningless to put effort into activities that have no essence.

If the things you desire do not come it is due to karma created long ago, therefore
keep a happy and relaxed mind.

Beware, offending a holy being is worse than dying, therefore
Be honest and straightforward.

Since all the happiness and suffering of this life arise from previous actions,
do not blame others.

All happiness come from the blessings of your Spiritual Guide,
Therefore always repay his kindness.

Since you cannot tame the minds of others until you have tamed your own,
begin by taming your own mind.

Since you will definitely have to depart without the wealth you haveaccumulated,
do not accumulate negativity for the sake of wealth.

Distracting enjoyments have no essence, therefore sincerely practise giving.

Always keep pure moral discipline for it leads to beauty in this life
And happiness hereafter.

Since hatred is rife in these impure times, don the armour of patience,
Free from anger.

You remain in samsara through the power of laziness, therefore ignite
The fire of the effort of application.

Since this human life is wasted by indulging in distractions, now is
The time to practise concentration.

Being under the influence of wrong views you do not realize the
Ultimate nature of things, therefore investigate correct meanings.

Friends, there is no happiness in this swamp of samsara, so move to the
Firm ground of liberation.

Meditate according to the advice of your Spiritual Guide and dry up the
river of samsaric suffering.

You should consider this well because it is not just words from the
mouth, but sincere advice from the heart.

If you practise like this you will delight me, and you will bring
Happiness to yourself and others.

I who am ignorant request you to take this advice to heart.'

This is the advice that the holy being Venerable Atisha gave to Venerable Jang Chub Ö.

Seperti judulnya, saya ingin tahu sejarah perkembangan agama buddha di Indonesia.
Versi resmi sudah banyak beredar. Biografi Bhante Ashin lumayan lengkap. Zaman majapahit dan sebelumnya juga sudah di-update. Tapi yg paling simpang siur beritanya itu adalah konflik KASI - WALUBI (lama), yg sebelumnya juga sudah dimulai dari keluarnya SAGIN dan MBI dari Walubi (lama)
Lalu berdiri Walubi baru. Lalu konflik meluas sampai STI juga keluar. Waktu itu saya masih muda dan bawahan di vihara jadi tidak tahu apa-apa. Sebenarnya ada apa sih?
Kalau ada yang tahu cerita di balik layar lebih bagus lagi. Selama ini saya mendapat informasi sepihak bahwa "Walubi lama" is the evil one. Dan oknum H yang jadi penjahat.

Ada yg mau bercerita?

Ulasan Buku, Majalah, Musik atau Film / Pembebasan Di Tangan Kita
« on: 05 January 2009, 10:50:33 PM »

Abad ke – 20 yang Termasyhur


Judul Buku:


Terjemahan dari Buku " Liberation In Our Hands " karya Pabongka Rinpoche


Rp. 80.000,- / jilid

Dapatkan di toko buku Gramedia atau toko buku Buddhist, bursa vihara, dll

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Rekaman ceramah dharma mp3
« on: 05 January 2009, 08:40:49 PM »
Thread ini untuk menampung mp3 ceramah dharma yg anda punya.
Hayoo, yang diam2 merekam bhante ceramah, atau copy file rekaman dhammaclass, atau yg convert dari kaset ke mp3.... bagi2 dong

Sebagai permulaan, saya duluan

ntar diupdate lagi. Kalau banyak yg share, saya juga akan makin semangat upload. Saya lagi mengkoleksi nih.

Mahayana / Filosofi Middle Way Nagarjuna
« on: 31 December 2008, 10:40:03 AM »
Ini saya tulis sebagai catatan biar ga lupa dan ga bingung.
Kemarin bahannya didapat dari Public Teaching, terus diresearch lagi... makin pusing. Kalau ada yg bisa menjelaskan lagi, saya sangat berterima kasih

Sutra Mahayana / Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« on: 25 December 2008, 02:00:16 AM »
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
The Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva from Kucha  http://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra11.html

Buddhavacana Maitreya Bodhisattva Sutra
(Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha)
milis dharmajala

Indonesia campur Inggris karena bhs indonesianya tidak lengkap

Mahayana / Prayer of Bodhisattva Maitreya
« on: 24 December 2008, 12:39:28 AM »
Arya Maitreya's Aspiration
diambil dari http://www.purifymind.com/AryaMaitreya.htm

Prostrations to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
Ananda, in previous times when the Bodhisattva, the great sattva Arya Maitreya,
performed the deeds of a Bodhisattva, he placed his Dharma robe upon one shoulder,
and three times each day and three times each night, bent his right knee to the
ground, and folding his hands, made this aspiration prayer:

Prostrations to all the Buddhas.
Prostrations to those rishis who possess the divine eye.
And to all the Bodhisattvas,
And also to the Shravakas.
Prostrations to bodhicitta,
Which repels the action of the lower realms,
Thoroughly demostrates the path of higher rebirth,
And leads to deathlessness and agelessness.

Whatever unwholesome deeds I committed,
Acting under the power of the mind,
I confess all these
In the presence of the Buddhas.

Through the accumulation of merit
Which I developed from the three sources,
Which are the seeds of my omniscience,
May my enlightenment never be exhausted.

I, too, rejoice in the merit of
Any offering made to the Buddhas
In the pure realms of the ten directions
And rejoiced by the Buddha's wisdom.

I confess all negative deeds
And rejoice in all meritorious deeds.
I prostrate to all the Buddhas.
May I achieve exalted primordial wisdom.

To the exalted enlightened Bodhisattvas,
Who abide on the tenth stage
Throughout the ten directions,
I request that they become fully enlightened.

Having attained the noble enlightenment of Buddhahood,
And conquered maras and their hosts,
May they turn the wheel of Dharma
For the benefit of every sentient being.

May the sound of the great drum of Dharma
End the suffering of sentient beings.
May they remain,
Teaching the holy Dharma for countless eons.

For those beings who are sunk in the quicksand of desire,
And tightly bound by the fetters of attachment,
And completely tied by every form of bondage,
May the Supreme Among Men gaze upon them.

Beings of stained mind
Are not scorned by the Buddhas,
Who possess the mind of compassion toward sentient beings,
May you liberate beings from the ocean of existence.

May I follow those fully enlightened beings who abide in the present,
Those who have existed in the past,
And those who are yet to appear,
And perform enlightened conduct.

Having accomplished the six perfections,
May I liberate all sentient beings of the six realms.
And by actualizing the six types of clairvoyance,
May I place them in unsurpassable enlightenment.

May I realize the Dharma of emptiness
Which was unborn and will not arise,
Has no nature and no place,
No consciousness and no substance.

Like the great sage, the Buddha,
May I realized the Dharma of selflessness,
The non-existence of beings and the non-existence of their life,
The non-existence of persons and the non-existence of things.

May I be able to give unstintingly
For the benefit of every sentient being,
Without ego or clinging
Toward any material thing.

May I acquire all my wealth spontaneously
Through realizing the non-material view of all matter,
And may I accomplish the perfection of giving
Through which clinging to material vanishes.

May I accomplish the perfection of morality
Through ethics lacking pride,
And by possessing pure moral conduct
Without lapses in ethical rules.

May I accomplish the perfection of patience
Which harbors no anger,
And is non-abiding, like the elements of air,
Earth, water, and fire.

May I accomplish the perfection of diligence
Through possessing strength of body and mind
By exerting diligence,
Stable, blissful, and without laziness.

May I accomplish the perfection of concentration
Through illusion-like concentration,
Through heroic traveler-like concentration,
And through diamond-like concentration.

May I accomplish the perfection of wisdom
Through actualizing the three types,
And equalizing the three times,
And the three doors of liberation.

May I accomplish my aspiration
Through a Bodhisattva's diligence,
Which blazes with dignity and light
And is praised by all the Buddhas.

Performing this conduct,
Becoming renowned for kindness,
And accomplishing the six types of paramitas,
May I thoroughly abide on the peak of the tenth bhumi.

Soon after departing this life
And having been born into the realm of joy,
With blissful mind may I swiftly please the Lord Maitreya Bodhisattva,
And may I obtain a prophecy to enlightenment.

Translated from Sanskrit to Tibetan by Bhante Yeshe De.
Translated from Tibetan to English by Venerable Lama Kalsang Gyaltsen and Victoria

Mahayana / Catatan Kehidupan dan Ajaran Wu-Ming
« on: 23 December 2008, 12:04:13 AM »
Catatan Kehidupan dan Ajaran Wu-Ming

Disusun oleh Master Tung-Wang
Kepala biara Han-hsin pada
Tahun ke-13 periode Naga Tanah (898)

Temanku terkasih, yang terhormat guru Tung-Wang,

Tua dan sakit, aku berbaring di sini dan tahu bahwa menulis surat ini akan menjadi hal terakhir yang kulakukan dan pada saat kau membacanya, aku sudah meninggalkan dunia ini.

Walaupun kita sudah lama tidak bertemu selama bertahun-tahun sejak kita belajar bersama di bawah guru kita yang terhormat, aku sering memikirkanmu, penerus guru yang paling unggul. Biksu-biksu dari seluruh China mengatakan bahwa kau laksana singa Buddha Dharma; yang matanya seperti bintang jatuh, yang tangannya menangkap halilintar, dan yang suaranya menghentak seperti guntur. Dikatakan bahwa setiap tindakanmu menggentarkan langit dan bumi dan menyebabkan gajah dan naga ilusi tercerai-berai tanpa daya. Aku diberitahu bahwa biaramu tak tertandingi dalam disiplin, dan dalam bimbingan langsungmu ratusan biksu menjalankan latihannya dengan sangat semangat. Aku juga mendengar bahwa dalam bidang ‘penerus yang tercerahkan’ (enlightened successor) keberuntunganmu tidak terlalu bagus. Yang membawaku pada maksud menulis surat ini.

Aku memintamu sekarang untuk memperhatikan anak muda yang datang bersama surat ini. Sementara ia berdiri di depanmu, tanpa diragukan lagi sedang tersenyum bodoh sambil mengunyah mentimun, kau mungkin bertanya-tanya apakah ia sebodoh penampilannya, dan jika benar, apa yang membuatku mengirimnya padamu. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, aku menjamin bahwa kebodohan Wu-Ming lebih sempurna daripada penampilannya. Untuk pertanyaan kedua, aku hanya bisa bilang bahwa walau kondisinya sangat bodoh, atau mungkin karena hal itu, Wu-Ming sepertinya tanpa berpikir dan secara tidak sengaja berfungsi seperti Bodhisattva besar. Mungkin ia dapat berguna untukmu.
Biarkan ia 16 jam tidur setiap hari dan sediakan mentimun yang banyak dan Wu-Ming akan selalu bahagia. Jangan harapkan apapun darinya dan kau akan bahagia.

Dengan Hormat,
Chin Mang

Public Teaching oleh YM Dagpo Lama Rinpoche

Sekitar 1000 tahun yang lalu, seorang pandit dan yogi India yang agung Dipamkara Srijnana (Atisha) diundang ke Tibet untuk menegakkan dan menyucikan kembali Buddhadharma yang telah tercemar dan mengalami kemerosotan selama kurang lebih dua abad. Salah satu pencapaian terbesar beliau adalah teks singkat berjudul Pelita Sang Jalan Menuju Pencerahan, yang mengandung intisari dari 84000 ajaran Buddha. Teks tersebut beliau susun secara jelas, sistematis dalam bentuk tahapan jalan, dan memungkinkan seorang praktisi untuk mengetahui maksud ajaran Buddha dan mempraktikkannya dengan mudah. Ajaran dalam bentuk yang sistematis ini disebut lamrim atau tahapan jalan.

Teks singkat berisi 68 bait ini menggolongkan praktisi Buddhis menjadi tiga tipe, yaitu mereka yang bermotivasi kecil, menengah, dan agung. Dengan demikian praktisi dengan tingkat spiritual apa pun, misalnya seorang pemula atau seorang Boddhisatwa agung pun dapat mempelajari teks ini dan mendapatkan manfaat darinya. Walaupun singkat, teks ini menyajikan tahapan jalan yang lengkap yang harus dilatih oleh siapa pun yang beraspirasi untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan yang lengkap dan sempurna.

Istilah Pelita (Lamp) digunakan dalam judul karena bagaikan pelita yang dapat mengusir kegelapan, ajaran yang dikandung dalam teks ini dapat menyingkirkan kebodohan batin dan pandangan salah yang mencegah kita untuk mencapai pembebasan dari samsara dan Kebuddhaan. Seperti halnya cahaya dari pelita dapat membuat kita melihat objek-objek apa pun dalam suatu ruangan,ajaran-ajaran dalam teks ini juga membuat kita dapat melihat semua unsur pokok ajaran dan instruksi-instruksi yang harus dipraktikkan untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan. Pelita Sang Jalan merupakan teks akar bagi semua karya Lamrim dari Guru-guru besar Tibet di kemudian hari.

Hadirilah di:
27-30 Desember
Hall Sabuga ITB
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Topik: Lamp of the Path
Cp: Awen  0818 0945 4835
   Jalimin   0818 0908 7599

Launching dan Bedah Buku

Launching kitab spiritual klasik Buddhis karya Phabongka Rinpoche
"Pembebasan di Tangan Kita" (Liberation In Our Hands)

oleh Dagpo Lama Rinpoche

Acara: Bedah Buku, Book Signing, Tanya Jawab

Rabu, 31 Desember 2008
Pkl 13.00 - 15.00 WIB
Toko Buku Gramedia Merdeka Bandung
Jl Merdeka no 43 Bandung
CP: Heni   0878 2161 2700
      Hastomo Ardy   0818 0922 2052

Dharma Centre Serlingpa mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri Public Teachings oleh



Waktu: Sabtu, 3 Januari 2009 dan Minggu 4 Januari 2009

2 sesi per hari dari pukul 09.30 - 12.00 dan 14.00 - 16.30

Lion Tower Lantai 11
Jl. Gajah Mada no 7 [past the
traffic light at Carrefour in fact the next corner buildiing] in
Jakarta Pusat.

Tidak perlu mendaftar.


Wieneke +62 811 857748 wieneke.3dg [at] gmail.com
Grace +62 811 139294 grace.angweita [at] gmail.com
Ardhy +62 815 9116272 ardhyriyadi [at] gmail.com

8-13 Januari 2009
YWI - Retreat House Batu, Malang East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia.
CP: Ms Yuny,
Email : kadampa [at] sby.centrin.net.id 


Dagpo Rinpoche lahir di Tibet tahun 1932, dikenali oleh YM HH Dalai Lama ke-13 sebagai reinkarnasi dari Dagpo Lama Rinpoche Jampel Lhundrup, selain itu beliau juga merupakan inkarnasi silsilah dari beberapa guru Mahayana, seperti Guru Serlingpa Dharmakirti, bhiksu yang merupakan pemegang silsilah instuksi untuk merealisasikan Bodhicitta. Selain itu juga termasuk guru Marpa, Sang Penerjemah, guru dari Milarepa.

Dagpo Rinpoche dibimbing oleh dua tutor HH Dalai Lama, yaitu Trijang Rinpoche dan Ling Rinpoche, juga Gomang Khenzur Ngawang Nyima Rinpoche. Dagpo Rinpoche belajar di beberapa vihara termasuk Dagpo Shedrup Ling. Ketika usia 27 beliau melintasi pegunungan Himalaya dengan berjalan kaki menuju India, menghindari invasi Cina ke negaranya.

Tahun 1960 Dagpo Rinpoche berangkat ke Perancis dengan beasiswa Rockefeller, Beliau mengajar bahasa dan kebudayaan Tibet di School of Oriental Studies di Paris selama 30 tahun.

Setelah belajar bahasa Perancis dan Inggris dan menyerap pola pemikiran barat, tahun 1978 Rinpoche setuju untuk mulai mengajarkan Dharma, beliau mendirikan pusat Dharma yang bernama Centre Bouddhiste Tibetan Guepele Tchanchoup Ling, atau Ganden Ling Institute di Veneux les Sablons, Perancis.

Di center inilah, beliau memberikan pelajaran Buddhisme, doa, serta meditasi. Sejak tahun 1978 hingga sekarang beliau telah banyak mengunjungi berbagai negara, di daratan Eropa maupun Asia untuk mengajarkan Dharma, di antaranya ke Italia, Belanda, Jerman, Singapura, Malaysia, dan Indonesia.

Para siswanya yang beruntung dapat bertemu beliau telah mengenali kualitas beliau yang luar biasa. Dengan kesederhanaan, cinta kasih, dan kesabaran yang agung, beliau tanpa henti memberikan nasihat bagi mereka yang mencari tuntunan untuk mencapai pencerahan. Apapun topik yang beliau ajarkan, beliau melakukannya dengan kejelasan yang luar biasa, membawa kemajuan bagi umat manusia.

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