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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #15 on: 01 January 2009, 08:03:04 PM »
Riwayat Agung Para Buddha

misal bung tula kan pernah belajar konsep anatta, tapi belum cerah toh?
Karena tahu harus dimeditasikan dulu. Kalau ga dimeditasikan? Selamanya ga cerah-cerah kan?
Bodhisattva melengkapi paramita kebijaksanaan bagian pemahaman konsep anatta ini yg ditunda-tunda. Ya, berhubung kebijaksanaannya berkembang terus, ada resiko dia menyadari anatta cuma karena mendengar dhamma dari Buddha-Buddha. Makanya di Buddhavamsa ga pernah tercatat dia dengerin dhamma kan? KArena secara insting bodhisattva menghindari mendengar dhamma sebelum waktunya tepat.

Addhitana itu tekad

makaci xenocross ...
iya itu maksudku dari analogi diatas, begitu pemahaman itu didapat secara mendalam (dalam hal ini maksud saya didapatkan dari meditasi vipassana, bukan sekedar pemahaman secara teorikal duang), maka seharusnya secara otomatis dia menjadi suciwan (walah bahasa apa pula ini), dan begitu berhasil memahami scara mendalam (lagi2 bahasa ini ...) smua babaran dhamma dari sammasambuddha terdahulu, seharusnya pertapa sumedha sudah menjadi arahat secara otomatis.

kalo begitu pertapa sumedha tidak mencapai arahat karena beliau tidak memahami konsep anatta ini ya ? alias dengan sengaja menunda pemahaman hal ini ? berarti jalan buah kamma beliau masi berjalan ?

kalo begitu lagi .... bisa jg di sebut, bukan secara sengaja beliau menunda memahami hal ini ? tp bisa jg karena memang kamma beliau belum waktunya berbuah utk merealisasikan jalan ini ?

jadi di puter ya perkataan2 saya :D

note : saya tidak berani menuliskan pemahaman "secara mendalam" itu sebagai lgsg meditasi vippasana, karena saya sendiri jg tidak tau .. benarkah samadhi meditasi tersebut akan benar2 membawa kepada penerangan sempurna ... saya masi dalam tahap berlatih.


(Sumber : Sutta Pitaka Digha Nikaya II,
Oleh : Team Penterjemah Kitab Suci Sutta Pitaka,
Penerbit : BPB Aryasuryacandra, 1991)

Bhante, kemudian para dewa tertentu berkata : "O ! Andai kata ada Empat Samma Sambuddha muncul di dunia dan mengajarkan Dhamma seperti Sang Bhagava ! Mereka akan menyebabkan kesejahteraan orang banyak, kebahagiaan orang banyak, karena kasih sayang kepada dunia, untuk kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan para dewa dan manusia."
'Dan para dewa tertentu lain berkata : "Cukup, apabila ada tiga Samma Sambuddha yang muncul di dunia."
'Dan para dewa tertentu lain berkata : "Cukup, apabila ada Samma Sambuddha dua yang muncul di dunia dan mengajarkan Dhamma seperti Sang Bhagava ! Mereka akan menyebabkan kebahagiaan orang banyak, kesejahteraan orang banyak, demi kasih sayang kepada dunia, untuk kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan para dewa dan manusia."

# Kemudian Raja Dewa Sakka berkata kepada para dewa Tavatimsa :
"Kawan-kawan tidak akan pernah dan tidak mungkin dalam satu tata surya (lokadhatu) ada dua arahat samma sambuddha muncul bersama-sama, hal ini tidak pernah ada di masa yang lampau maupun di masa yang akan datang. Hal ini tidak akan pernah terjadi. O, Kawan-kawan, namun, bila Sang Bhagava dapat hidup umur panjang, bebas dari penyakit dan kesakitan, hal ini yang dapat menyebabkan kesejahteraan orang banyak, kebahagiaan orang banyak, karena kasih sayang-Nya kepada dunia, untuk kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan para dewa dan manusia !"

ok, terima kasih uda mau nampilin kesini, btw kok isa ileng ya kitab2 nya :D aku ga perna inget kitab2 tsb , cuman "dapet" pengertiannya saja yg tertinggal :( di otak ....

aku tambahkan sedikit pertanyaan sehub dengan topic yg lagi jalan ... apakah pertapa sumedha waktu "menunda realisasi arahat", beliau mengucapkan semacam janji janji ... umpama, saya berjanji, kalo seluru manusia di muka bumi mencapai penerangan sempurna baru saya akan menjadi sammasambuddha ? or beliau cuman berjanji yg ga sekeras para boddhisattva (biasa yg saya baca), umpama .. saya berjanji berapa ratus murid ku nanti akan mencapai arahat saja ?, or mala lebih ringan lagi .... ?

btw ... kepada para senior dan teman2 se forum, mohon maaf sebelumnya kalo pertanyaan2 saya kesannya kadang seperti offensive terhadap ajaran buddha, tp saya bertanya dengan benar2 dan dengan keingin tahuan yg benar2 jg.

Offline Indra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #16 on: 01 January 2009, 08:30:07 PM »
Dear Tula,
Saya merasa gembira berdiskusi dengan Tula sehubungan dengan topik yang memang sangat sesuai dengan forum ini. Saya dan mungkin para member lain juga tidak menganggap pertanyaan Tula bersifat offensive. tapi yang menurut saya agak sedikit offensive adalah anggapan mengenai senior/junior. Alangkah baiknya kalo Sdr. Tula tidak menyimpan anggapan demikian. Kita di sini semua masih belajar

Menjawab pertanyaan anda, menurut RAPB (maaf, promosi lagi) Petapa Sumedha tidak bertekad agar seluruh manusia (atau sejumlah tertentu) mencapai Penerangan Sempurna baru Beliau menjadi Sammasambuddha. Beliau setelah bertemu dengan Buddha Dipankara, berpikir, "Kalau gue mau, sekarang juga gue bisa jadi Arahat. Tapi apalah gunanya Arahat bagi seorang superman seperti gue. Gue mau jadi Sammasambuddha spt Buddha Dipankara agar bisa menyelamatkan lebih banyak makhluk." (terjemahan yg keterlaluan bebas, krn gak ingat persisnya)


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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #17 on: 01 January 2009, 09:32:00 PM »

Ini versi Buddhavamsa yg lebih lengkap tapi disingkat

The Lineage of The Buddha

You may wonder what is the history behind the 24 Buddhas (with specific and different names) who are venerated at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple. The ‘24 Buddhas’ in this instance is not the same as the thousand upon thousand of Buddhas’ that some are trying to portray in edifices and pictures. The chronology of events surrounding the 24 Buddhas is not unknown but have been passed down from The Buddha to His disciples, the Elders (Maha Theras); and subsequently documented and authenticated in the Pali Texts. You will soon see that the epochs of the 24 Buddhas are closely woven with the ultimate aspiration of the Bodhisatta Gotama to become the Supreme One, the Sammasambuddha, The Conqueror of Conquerors1. No other saga in the annals of the universe comes close to the epochs of The Conqueror.

    This lineage of The Buddhas was told by The Buddha Gotama Himself - a tradition that is not guesswork, writer’s flight of fancy, fable, or legend. Read on and be inspired, and be instilled with a deeper wise confidence (saddha) in The Buddha, the Supreme Master.

    Buddha Gotama, by virtue of his Supreme Omniscience, Sabbata Nuna Nana2, was able to relate about the beginnings and the journey of His own ascent to become the Sammasambuddha, the Perfect One. Such events had happened in eras so distant that it is impossible for us to say this much or that much of years, just as it is impossible for us to say how much grains of sands are there in the oceans.

    The length of time spanning the life history of a Bodhisatta’s unrelenting quest to become the Perfect One represents only a minute section of the incalculable passage of time in Samsara. Such an endeavour can only be heard of from a Sammasambuddha who can recall with distinct clarity His own struggle to become what He is, a Perfect One.

    The first arousing of an altruistic and determined thought in the aspirant Gotama—aspiring to become someone who can save himself and others but not certain as yet of what ‘someone’ he could become—to save himself and beings from danger happened at the most unexpected place—the ocean. [ETC]

    Once in the distant past, the aspirant Gotama was born as a poor man who made a living by selling wood and leaves as fuel; and supported his mother too. His father was no more in the world. He was strong and industrious. One day while taking a rest from the enervating summer heat after carrying a heavy load of firewood he reflected that his livelihood depended on his physical strength which were susceptible to decay and ill-health. Thus, he planned to venture to a particular land far away that brimmed with opportunities to earn a better livelihood so that that he could wait upon his mother in comfort.

    Both son and mother then embarked on a sea voyage paid by the wages of the son’s work on board the merchant ship. On the seventh day at sea the ship was wrecked in stormy weather, and there were no survivors except the aspirant Gotama and his mother. The brave and determined man managed to keep himself and his mother afloat at sea. A Brahma of the Suddhavasa3 abode beheld the altruistic feat of such a man and caused a compassionate resolve (aspiration) to arise in the aspirant’s mind:

    “I will cross the ocean fraught with many dangers and take others across safely, I will become enlightened and enlighten others; I will be released and release others.”

    After three days both mother and son finally reached the shore safely. The aspirant continued to attend to his mother. After cessation of his life in the world, the aspirant was reborn in a celestial realm. After the celestial existence, the aspirant was reborn in the human realm as a king named King Sattutapa. He loved elephants and one day a new addition to the stables was acquired.

    The king took a ride on the bull-elephant driven by a mahout and went on an inspection tour of the city. Coincidentally, at that time some wild elephants from the forest had created wanton destruction in the park and the king set out to inspect it too. While in the park, the bull-elephant became inflamed by the scent of a she-elephant. It hurled the mahout off its back and chased the she-elephant. The king, still riding the elephant, was unable to control it though he prodded the creature with an elephant hook. He saved himself by grasping onto an overhanging tree branch.

    Later, back in the palace, the king summoned the mahout and accused the man of murderous intent. The mahout explained that the bull-elephant, though a well-trained animal, was overcome by lust; after satiating its desire, it would surely return to its stable. True enough, days later the elephant returned to the palace. The mahout said that the power of sense desires impelled the elephant so much so that the animal disregarded the pain from the prodding; and such strong sensual desires was also common among humans.

    The king was moved by this reality and it’s accompanying dangers and suffering. He made a mental aspiration to find the way to release from sense desires and its attending dangers, and then lead others to gain release from these things too. Later, the king gave up his kingdom and renounced worldly life to become an ascetic and remained so until the end of his life. He was reborn in the heavens after death.

    Subsequently, after his celestial existence when he was reborn in the human realm, the aspirant was a prodigal son of a brahmin endowed with a complexion of golden hue and was thus named Brahma Kumara. At age sixteen, he became accomplished in the arts, sciences, and spiritual texts and later had five hundred male youths as his pupils. Instead of living comfortably from his parents’ immense wealth, he gave it away and became an ascetic.

    He had a following of pupils who practised well and were accomplished in supernormal powers. The most senior of his pupils was another aspirant to Enlightenment just like him. He was Bodhisatta Metteya4.

    One day the aspirant Gotama and his disciples were out for alms together. They happened to catch sight of an emaciated tigress with her cubs at the foot of a steep clearing. The tigress was moaning for want of food and was very weak. Apparently, the tigress was so hungry that it would at any time made a meal of her cubs.

    The aspirant Gotama told his pupil Bodhisatta Metteya to look for the leftovers of what has been eaten by predators. After Bodhisatta Metteya left, Bodhisatta Gotama was reflecting on his body that was a basis of diverse ills and a cause of misery. He then perceived that it was not possible to attain to the highest fruit of training without accomplishing the most difficult task, without making a sacrifice hard to perform and without giving away a gift difficult to give.

    Thus, he aroused within himself a mental aspiration: “As a result of this meritorious deed, may I become perfectly enlightened in the future, and lead beings from, the misery of existence to the Deathless5. With these last thoughts, the aspirant leapt into the steep clearing where the tigress and her cubs were and sacrificed his life. The tigress ate the body of the Bodhisatta and thus the lives of the cubs were spared.

    After his passing away, the Bodhisatta was reborn in heaven. During a certain world period6, the Bodhisatta Gotama was reborn in a royal family as a step-sister7 of another Bodhisatta who became a Perfect Enlightened One called Buddha Purana Dipankara in that life. Buddha Purana Dipankara also had made a confirmation upon an ascetic Pacchima-Dipankara that the latter would gain Perfect Enlightenment as Buddha Dipankara after having fulfilled the Ten Perfections8 for sixteen asankheyyas9 and a 100,000 kappas beyond the present time.

    The princess (Bodhisatta Gotama) was inspired by Buddha Purana Dipankara and offered a gift of mustard oil and made a mental aspiration to become a Sammasambuddha in future. Her aspiration was conveyed by the ascetic Pacchima-Dipankara. Buddha Purana Dipankara, using His Omniscience, said in a future time Bodhisatta Gotama would be confirmed by Dipankara Buddha (the ascetic).

    The above episodes are only the chronology of events that aroused the making of mental aspiration by the Bodhisatta Gotama. A time will come to pass that the Bodhisatta, as a man, will have the good fortune to meet a Sammasambuddha face to face and become inspired by the example and personality of The Exalted One -- a role model of what the aspirant would aspire to become! The foregoing paragraphs explain the three epochs of the aspiration of Bodhisatta Gotama beginning from the first time he made his first mental aspiration in the presence of a Sammasambuddha, Brahmadeva Buddha.

Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #18 on: 01 January 2009, 09:33:23 PM »
Era of mental aspirations
    (Spanning 7 asankheyyas.
    Affirmation of aspiration before 125 Buddhas)

    In the Nanda asankheyya, the Bodhisatta (reborn as a king) made his mental aspiration before a living Sammasambuddha named Brahmadeva Buddha. He offered choice food and ministered to the needs of the Enlightened One. The aspirant was inspired by the majesty and wonders of the Buddha performed marvels and was amazed by the wonderful, marvellous, and inconceivable nature of the powers of such an Accomplished One. (GCB) The aspirant’s mind became inclined towards acquiring such powers. The aspirant also had the opportunity of performing meritorious deeds in support of The Buddha and his disciples.

    For the first time, he made such mental aspiration (manopradidhana) before a Perfect Enlightened One:

    “In the future, like this Exalted One, I too will become enlightened and enlighten others; I will become released and release others; I will cross over and take others across.”

    Life after life the aspirant’s inclination towards acquiring the Omniscience of a  Sammasambuddha became increasingly strong. How is this so? Although the aspirant may not himself see the Tathagata’s great powers, when he heard from others relating about the extraordinary powers of an Exalted One, the aspirant became even resolute in his inclination. During those lives when he neither had the chance to personally meet a Sammasambuddha nor hear of the Tathagata’s great powers, his inclination towards Omniscience was strengthened by the learning from written discourses about theTathagata.

    During those lives when he was not opportune to be inspired by a Tathagata through any of the three ways, i.e. by direct encounter, by hearing from others, or by reading of written texts, such a thought arose in the aspirant’s and: “I will protect the heritage, lineage, tradition, and Iaw of The Buddhas.”

Era of verbally expressed aspiration
    (Spanning 9 asankheyyas.
    Affirmation of aspiration before 387 Buddhas)

    At the end of the seven asankheyyas, nine asankheyyas followed beginning from Sabbabhadra asankheyya; during which time the aspirant made even firmer his aspiration by verbally expressing to a living Sammasambuddha of his aspiration. The length of time during which the aspirant Gotama did this was again an immensely long time.

    In the Sabbabhadra asankheyya there was a world period in which the aspirant, having passed away from the Brahma realm, was reborn in the royal family in the city of Dhannavati. After fulfilling the prerequisites of becoming a Cakkavatti10 (Wheel-Turning Monarch), the aspirant became endowed with the seven treasures. Having conquered righteously (without recourse to arms, punishment, or bloodshed) the four continents in the world, the aspirant enjoyed the majestic splendour of a Cakkavatti.

    During this time, there arose in the world a Fully Awakened One by the name of Purana Sakyamuni. The aspirant set off with much pomp and glory of a universal monarch to meet Purana Sakyamuni Buddha. Upon beholding the incomparable splendour of The Exalted One, the aspirant reflected thus:

    “In the future, like the Exalted One, I too will become enlightened and enlighten others; I will become released and release others; I will cross over and take others across.”

    Having reflected to himself thus, the aspirant gave offerings to The Exalted One and The Sangha. Next, he made a verbal aspiration before the Peerless One:

    “Just as The Exalted One is named Gotama at present, even so in future I will become an Enlightened One named Gotama.”

    Purana Sakyamuni Gotama Buddha, by his Omniscience, was able to perceive that the aspirant would one day be able to fulfil his aspiration and become a Fully Awakened One by the name of Gotama Buddha; and said thus: “If that be so, O Great King, fulfil the pre-requisite conditions to become a Fully Enlightened One.”

    Hearing the encouraging words of The Buddha, the aspirant was greatly pleased at heart. He renounced all the majestic splendour of a universal monarch and went forth to lead a life of a hermit (not entering into the Sangha)11. He was born in the Brahma realm after passing away.

    As a result of his aspirations, the aspirant was supported by opportunities of personally meeting a Sammasambuddha in some of his previous lives and thus was able to perform special acts of merits. (GCB).

    The other boons were: The aspirant became endowed with compassion and was ever willing to alleviate the suffering of beings even at the expense of his life. He was also endowed with energetic effort to strive without being discouraged in the face of vicissitudes. He enjoyed the boon of good friendship (kalyna mitta) with people who possessed these attributes : wise confidence in the Triple Gem, morality, profound learning, able to renounce or sacrifice, energetic effort, mindfulness,  concentration, and wisdom.

    These kalyna mitta restrained the aspirant from doing unwholesome (kusala) deeds whenever he was unsettled and encouraged him to develop what is wholesome (kusala).

    The Bodhisatta gradually established himself in the four great powers, and again affirms his  aspiration for Sammasambuddhahood. The four great powers are namely:

    a) Internal power (ajjhattikabala):

    Self-reliant, moral shame, and reverence of The Dhamma thinking: “I wil! protect the heritage, lineage, tradition and law of The Buddhas.”

    b) External power (bahirabala):

    The power derived from external conditions, i.e. inspired by directly seeing the powers of a Sammasambuddha; inspired by hearing from others describing the powers of a Sammasambuddha; and inspired by learning from a written discourse on the powers of a Sammasambuddha and supported by pride and self-confidence: “I am a person fully equipped with powers to become a Sammasambuddha one day.”

    c) Power of supporting conditions (upanissaya bala):

    Being endowed with sharp faculties, purity, and mindfulness, the Bodhisatta was inspired by seeing directly the powers brought about by the Omniscience of a Buddha and he set his mind firmly on this ultimate goal.

    d) Power of exertion (payoga bala):

    Persistent effort in cultivating supporting conditions for the attainment of Sammasambuddhahood and performing meritorious acts.

    Thus, we see that the makings of a Sammasambuddha is an awe-inspiring and lengthy endeavour filled with numerous factors which interweave with the appearances of Buddhas of the past.

    The more we come to understand the chronicles of a Sammasambuddha, the more likely we will banish our mediocre perspective of Gotama Buddha: He is not just an extraordinary man; not a mere prophet; not another sage with exceptional wisdom.....but a Supreme Being endowed with Great Compassion and Supreme Omniscience that has no equal and beyond whatever spirituality ever known in history.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

Offline xenocross

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #19 on: 01 January 2009, 09:35:42 PM »
Era of physically expressed aspirations
(Spanning 4 asankheyyas and 100,000 world periods. Affirmation of aspiration before 24 Buddhas.)

Having cultivated himself for such a long time and supported by his great boons that he acquired, a time will come for the aspirant to outwardly show his aspiration in a bold way.  In one of the aeons the aspirant made the kaya-pranidhana before Dipankara Buddha who was the last of the four Buddhas that arose in that aeon. The kaya-pranidhana is literally translated as the act of aspiration involving physical actions.

The great meritorious thought (Mahakusala Citta) and its concomitants arose: “I will strive with unremitting zeal to attein Ominiscience and become a Sammasambuddha and help beings to liberate themselves from Samsara.”

Only a Sammasambuddha has the ability to confirm a kaya-pranidhana because it calls for Omniscience and this quality is exclusive to a Sammasambuddha. Possessing Omniscience  (Sabbatanu Nana), a Sammasambuddha has the unique power to know whatever subject he investigates; and thus a Sammasambuddha confirms a kaya-pranidhana by stating, among other facts, the name that the aspirant will acquire as a Sammasambudda, and names of his father, mother, wife, the mode of transport which he takes to go forth from household life to homeless life, and the tree under which the Bodhisatta will sit in bhavana and gain Perfect Enlightenment.

To make the kaya-pranidhana, it is necessary for the aspirant to possess the following supporting factors as well:

1. He is a human being, i.e. a menussa.

2. He is a male.

3. He stays alone and has renounced worldly possessions

4. He has acquired the necessary factors that will gain him the accomplishment of an Arahant and is prepared to relinquish it for the supreme accomplishment of Perfect Enlightenment (Great Compassion and Omniscience)

5. He has the opportunity to make the kaya-panidhana before a Sammasambuddha (not a Pacceka Buddha or an Arahant).

6. He is one whose meditative accomplishments include Jhanic attainments with factors such as supemormal hearing and vision.

7. He is ready to devote his life to protect the heritage, lineage, tradition, and law of The Buddhas and this commitment is unchanged even after attaining supernormal powers.

8. He possesses unremitting eagerness and unflagging energy.

Sumedha possessed all these basic requirements. Such a qualified Bodhisatta is also referred in some books as Buddha-elect or a Buddha-to-be. For those who are already familiar with Buddhist authenticated texts, the Jataka Stories in the Tipitaka came from the era after Ascetic Sumedha became a qualified Bodhisatta.

At the moment when a living Sammasambuddha immediately confirms the Great Aspiration (Abhinihara) made by a Bodhisatta, the aspirant becomes a Confirmed or a Qualified Bodhisatta and his ultimate goal of becoming a Sammasambuddha will not be obstructed in the passage of time, i.e. the destination of full Enlightenment in the distant future will become irreversible.

The Account of Ascetic Sumedha’s
physical act of aspiration

Four asankheyyas and one hundred thousand kappas ago in the city of Amaravati, there lived a very rich couple, of noble unimpeached and inherited from their respective forbears. They had an only son named Sumedha who was pleasing to behold, amiable, and endowed with excellent complexion and physical built.

Without engaging in any other work, Sumedha acquired the highest education.  While still in his youth his parents died. Sumedha inherited his parents’ colossal assets. The family treasurer showed Sumedha the family tree which laid out the names of his forbears who were once owners of the legacy.  Sumedha asked why did they leave such fortune behind. The treasurer answered that the world was such that upon death nothing could be taken along.  Sumedha was greatly affected by this truth but wisely reflected: “My forbears who had amassed this wealth did not take with them even a kahapana when they left this world; but I should so act as to take it along with me.”

With the permission of the king, Sumedha distributed his wealth to the common people. He renounced the world and advised his friends to do likewise.  Sumedha entered the jungles and lived as a hermit and after seven days of mental development and attained supernormal powers. Meanwhile, at that time Dipankara Buddha had arose in the world. The Perfectly Enlightened One, the Master of the Ten Powers, Unexcelled Trainer of Gods and Man, had set the Wheel of The Dhamma rolling.  At the time of Bodhisatta Dipankara’s conception, his physical birth, his Enlightenment, and his first exposition of the Dhamma, the entire 10 thousand-fold world system12 quaked and trembled, shuddered and created a mighty din.

Ascetic Sumedha, who was at most times, in the bliss of his mental concentration was oblivious to such a fortuitous series of events and its portents. One day, Buddha Dipankara, while on his wanderings together with thousands of Arahants, had reached the city of Rammaka, a neighbouring city to Amaravati.  He was welcomed with much joy and glorious devotions by the people of Rammaka.

The people of Amaravati had also invited Dipankara Buddha and his disciples to their land to receive offerings. The people busied themselves building large halls, levelling roads, putting up decorative arches and adorning roadsides with banners, flags and flowers --in preparation for the day to welcome Dipankara Buddha. The road that was to be used by The Buddha and his disciples was strewn with white sand. Everybody was eager and joyous.

Meanwhile, the hermit Sumedha while travelling across the sky by his own supernormal power, saw the hive of activity and became curious. He came down to enquire and was told that a Perfectly Enlightened One, Buddha Dipankara had arose in the world, and was residing in Rammaka together with thousands of Arahants; the people of Amaravati had invited the Blessed One for a meal; and the route which would be taken by the Blessed One was now being decorated.

Sumedha thought: “The very word ‘Buddha’ is indeed rare in this world, and more so the appearance of such a one.”

He asked to join in the work of decorating the road that would be used by Buddha Dipankara.  The people knew Sumedha possessed supernormal powers and thus gave him the task of filling up a crevice filled with muddy water along a road. Sumedha thought to himself that if he accomplished this task merely by exercising his supernormal powers he would not be satisfied.  He exerted physical effort and soon there remained only a small portion of the crevice that was left to be filled. Before Sumedha could complete his task, Dipankara Buddha and his disciples, together with a large retinue, were walking down the road to where he was working.

Celestial gods rained heavenly flowers and perfumes and celestial music resounded. Sumedha, with wide-open eyes, beheld the Blessed One, in all His immeasurable glory and majesty -- extraordinarily radiant, emitting Buddha-rays, and all around him was filled with exuberant colours.

Sumedha knew he could perform a great act of merit “for his lasting weal and happiness.”  He at once untied his hair and spread out his garments covering his back, and fully prostrated himself face down across the muddy crevice such that The Buddha and his disciples could walk on his body like a bridge. Lying like this with his hands put together in anjali, Sumedha again opened his eyes beholding the majesty of the Blessed One.

The Supreme Sacrifice

At that moment, Sumedha, knew he could accomplish Arahantship by listening to the teachings from Dipankara Buddha and become released from the cycle of birth and death. He reflected thus:

“If I so wish, today I will eradicate my defilements; but what use have I of realising the Teaching here and attain Nibbana, as one unknown? I would rather, like Dipankara Buddha, attain Omniscience and become an Enlightened One in the future to show many the way to Nibbana also. This I aspire to do!”

Ascetic Sumedha thus gave up this goal for a loftier one to become a Sammasambuddha, a living example of which was Dipankara Buddha himself. Thus, Sumedha boldly expressed his aspiration to become a Sammasambuddha and prostrated himself fully (this action constituting  the kaya-pranidhana).

“I will attain Omniscience and become an Enlightened One in the future. I will attain Omniscience and help others cross the sea. By this firm aspiration made before the highest of gods and men I will attain Omniscience and help others cross to the other shore.”

And the Blessed One came near; and standing near ascetic Sumedha’s head investigated the significance of the ascetic’s action, and made this proclamation (using his Omniscience):

“This ascetic lies here making his aspiration to become a Sammasambuddha in future. His aspiration will come true.

He will become a Buddha named Gotama, four asankheyyas and a 100,000 kappas from now. In that existence, he will be born in Kapilavatthu; his mother will be Queen Mahamaya; his father will be King Suddhodana; his chief disciple will be Sariputta and the second chief disciple Moggallana; Ananda will be his personal attendant; his chief woman disciple in the Order will be Khema and the second chief disciple in the Order will be Uppavalana.

With ripened wisdom he will make the Great Renunciation; having accepted milk-rice at the foot of the Ajapala Banyan tree and having eaten it on the banks of the Neranjara River he will ascend the seat at the foot of the Assattha tree (also known as the Pipphali or Pipal Tree); and engaging in great exertion attain Perfect Enlightenment.”

Thereupon, Buddha Dipankara honoured the aspirant with eight handfuls of flowers, went round him with veneration and moved on.  The Buddha’s disciples, 400,000 Arahants, too honoured the aspirant with flowers and unguents and moved on.

The celestial beings of the ten thousand world systems perceiving that Sumedha was proclaimed by Dipankara Buddha to be a confirmed Bodhisatta, rejoiced and at once appeared around the scene. For once, manussa loka (the human realm of existence) became like a celestial realm. Human folks at the scene could see celestial beings mingling with them; and earthly music blended in harmony with heavenly music (when at ordinary times such a scenario is impossible).

This Great Aspiration (Abhinihara) of Bodhisatta Gotama leads to the attainment of Omniscience of a Sammasambuddha in a distant future and is unstoppable by any force in the universe. Bodhisatta Gotama, fragrant amidst the thousands of flowers showered on him, reflected on the pre-requisites of achieving the stage of a Sammasambuddha and investigated all the Ten  Perfections  (Dasa  Parami)  with  his Parami-pavicaya  Nana   (Perfection-investigating  Wisdom) which was achieved without the help of a teacher.

When Bodhisatta Gotama realised this truth, the Earth tremored (not catastrophic but euphoric) and all beings at the scene rejoiced at this auspicious phenomena by crying out “Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!” (Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!).

After the time of receiving the confirmation from Dipankara Buddha, the Bodhisatta Gotama reaped special fruits as a result  of  making  his  Supreme  Sacrifice (Abhinihara). The four asankheyyas and a 100,000 world periods beginning from the aeon of Dipankara Buddha up to the time of Buddha Kassapa is called the epoch of the verbal and physical aspiration.

The various Buddhas whom Gotama Bodhisatta met on separate occasion during his perfection of the Dasa Parami spanning 4 Asankheyyas and 100,000 kappas will be summarised here.

After, Dipankara Buddha, there arose twenty-three Buddhas before whom the Bodhisatta Gotama received the same prediction, "In future...he will become a Fully Enlightened One called Gotama Buddha." Whenever, he met these Buddhas, the Bodhisatta Gotama performed great acts of merit (physical actions), like for example making offerings to The Buddha and the Sangha; listening to the teachings of The Buddhas; and developing his supramundane knowledges.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #20 on: 01 January 2009, 09:44:45 PM »
nah bisa dilihat bahwa Bodhisattva sepertinya tidak berlatih di jalan menuju Nibbana sebelum menjadi pertapa Sumedha. Begitu karmanya lengkap untuk jadi arahat, dia bikin harapan/ tekad menjadi Buddha. Dengan kata lain, dia mengkondisikan dirinya dan karma baiknya, dan paramitanya hanya akan berbuah untuk menjadi Samma Sambuddha. Itu menurutku lho. JAdi dia tidak bisa jadi arahat setelah itu. Kalo masih bingung, coba cocokan dengan pelajaran Mahayana karena di Mahayana tingkatan Bodhisattva dijelaskan lebih lengkap
Misalnya di Mahayana, Vipassana diletakkan di dalam kurikulum, di bagian paling akhir. Sebelumnya ada membangkitkan Bodhicitta dulu, terus bikin tekad dulu, ambil sumpah bodhisattva dulu.
Ini akan menjadi sebab2 bertemu Buddha dan mengucapkan ikrar menjadi Buddha secara langsung di depan Buddha hidup.
Intinya sih meniru perjalanan Pertapa Sumedha. Kalau ga ketemu Buddha sekarang, yang penting ambil dulu sumpahnya, bertekad dulu, dll, supaya nanti bisa beneran ketemu.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #21 on: 01 January 2009, 10:13:30 PM »
# Kemudian Raja Dewa Sakka berkata kepada para dewa Tavatimsa :
"Kawan-kawan tidak akan pernah dan tidak mungkin dalam satu tata surya (lokadhatu) ada dua arahat samma sambuddha muncul bersama-sama, hal ini tidak pernah ada di masa yang lampau maupun di masa yang akan datang. Hal ini tidak akan pernah terjadi. O, Kawan-kawan, namun, bila Sang Bhagava dapat hidup umur panjang, bebas dari penyakit dan kesakitan, hal ini yang dapat menyebabkan kesejahteraan orang banyak, kebahagiaan orang banyak, karena kasih sayang-Nya kepada dunia, untuk kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan para dewa dan manusia !"

Ada yang bisa jelaskan tulisan yang dibold? Mengapa dalam Satu Tata Surya saja? Bagaimana jika ditilik dari bermiliyar2 tata surya?

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #22 on: 01 January 2009, 10:40:14 PM »
Ananda- apakah kau pemah mcndengar tentang seribu culanika loka

dhatu (tata surya kecil) ? Ananda. sejauh matahari dan bulan berotasi pads garis orbitnya. dan sejauh pancaran sinar matahari dan bulan di angkasa. sejauh itulah luas seribu tata surya Di dalarn seribu tata surya terdapat seribu matahari. seribu bulan. seribu Sineru. seribu Jambudipa seribu Aparayojana. seribu Uttarakuru. seribu Pubbavidehana

Inilah. Ananda, yang dinamakan seribu tata surya kecil (sahassi culanika lokadhatu).

Ananda. seribu kali sahassi culanika lokadhatu dinamakan "Dvisahassi MAjjhimanika lokadhatu". Ananda. seribu kali Dvisahassi majjhimanika lokadhatu dinamakan "Tisahassi Mahasahassi Lokadhatu".

Ananda bilamana Sang Tathagata mau. maka la dapat memperdengarkan suara-Nya sampai terdengar di Tisahassi mahasahassi lokadhatu atau melebih itu lagi.

Sesuai dengan kutipan di atas dalam sehuah Dvisahassi Majjhimanika lokadhatu terdapat 1000 x 1000 = 1,000 000 tata surya. sedangkan dal am Tisahassi Mahasahassi lokadhatu terdapat I 000.000 x 1000 = 1.000.000 000 tata surya. Alain semesta bukan hanya terbatas pada satu milyar tata surya Saja. tetapi masih melampauinya lagi.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #23 on: 01 January 2009, 10:45:14 PM »
hallo, saya mau nanya beberapa hal, tp tolong di bahas dari sisi theravada ya ... (karena itu saya post di sub theravada)
1. apakah benar perna ada ditulis bahwa, sammasambuddha hanya ada 1 dalam setiap 1 periode ajaran beliau, sampe ajaran beliau punah (hilang), baru nanti akan muncul seorang sammasambuddha lagi ?
2. kalo no 1 bener, apa bener ada ditulis bahwa tidak mungkin ada 2 sammsambuddha dalam 1 dunia (or apa gitu .. saya agak lupa), karena dunia tidak mampu menahan kebesaran (keagungan ?) dari 2 sammasambuddha sekaligus dala
3. apakah benar pertapa sumedha pada waktu kelahiran sebagai pertapa sumedha itu seharusnya bisa menjadi arahat pada saat itu jg ? tp dia tidak mau merealisasikan hal tersebut karna tujuan beliau adalah menjadi sammasambuddha ?

pertanyaan2 tersebut diatas akan bersambung lagi, tegantung dari jawaban yg saya terima
kalo bisa tolong di sebutkan hal2 tsb diatas ditulis dimana ya ? di tipitaka or sutta2 lain ? makasih.

ps : saya bertanya soalnya saya yakin banget perna membaca hal2 tersebut diatas, tp lupa di mana ....

1 dan 2... ada disebutkan di dalam MILINDA PANHA (jika Milinda Panha setuju disebut sebagai bagian Tipitaka) pada Bab 13 sebagai berikut :

52. Dua Buddha Tidak Mungkin Ada Bersama
"Sang Buddha berkata, 'Di dunia ini, dua Buddha -yang telah mencapai Pencerahan Sempurna- tidak mungkin ada bersama.'1 Tetapi, Nagasena, jika semua Tathagata mengajarkan ajaran yang sama, mengapa mereka tidak boleh ada bersama? Jika ada dua Buddha, mereka akan dapat mengajar lebih santai dan dunia ini bahkan akan lebih cerah."
"O baginda, seandainya dua Buddha ada bersama, bumi ini tidak akan mampu menahan beban kebajikan mereka berdua. Bumi akan bergetar, bergoncang, dan hancur.2 Misalnya, O baginda, ada orang yang telah makan begitu banyak sehingga tidak ada lagi tempat yang tersisa di perutnya. Jika harus makan sebanyak itu lagi, apakah dia akan merasa nyaman?" "Tentu saja tidak, Yang Mulia. Jika dia makan lagi, dia akan mati."
"Demikian juga halnya, O baginda, bumi ini tidak akan tahan kalau ada satu Tathagata lagi seperti halnya orang tidak akan tahan kalau harus makan lagi. Dan jika ada dua Buddha, akan timbul persengketaan di antara para pengikut-Nya. Lagipula, pernyataan bahwa Sang Buddha adalah yang utama dan tidak ada bandingnya akan menjadi salah."
"Dengan baik sekali dilema ini telah dijelaskan. Bahkan orang yang tidak pandai pun akan merasa puas, apalagi orang yang bijaksana. Bagus sekali, Nagasena, aku menerimanya seperti yang telah Anda katakan."

3. Benar... Karena keinginan pertapa sumedha yang kuat untuk mencapai sammasambuddha menjadi salah satu dari delapan faktor utama untuk menerima Ramalan pencapaian sammasambuddha, dimana delapan faktor tersebut adalah :
(1) Ia seorang manusia,
(2) Ia seorang laki-laki,
(3) Telah memenuhi semua persyaratan untuk menjadi Arahanta,
(4) Bertemu dengan Buddha hidup,
(5) Ia adalah petapa yang percaya akan hukum karma,
(6) Telah mencapai Jhàna dan kemampuan batin tinggi,
(7) Mengorbankan dirinya untuk melayani makhluk agung Buddha Dãpaïkarà: jika Buddha dan empat ratus ribu Arahanta berjalan di atas punggung Sumedhà yang sedang bertiarap, seolah-olah mereka berjalan di atas jembatan, ia tidak mungkin dapat bertahan hidup; memahami hal ini sepenuhnya, ia tanpa ragu-ragu dan bersemangat mempersiapkan dirinya melayani Buddha, tindakan ini disebut kebajikan yang sangat mendasar (adhikàrakusala) menurut kitab,
( 8 ) Keinginan yang kuat untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan; meskipun seluruh alam semesta ditutupi dengan bara api yang panas menyala dan mata tombak yang tajam, ia tidak akan ragu-ragu menginjaknya demi mencapai Kebuddhaan.

faktor (1) s/d (7) adalah berdasarkan KEMAMPUAN (yaitu kemampuan/kapasitas dari seorang petapa sumedha untuk merealisasikan sammasambuddha), sedangkan faktor ( 8 ) adalah berdasarkan KEINGINAN. Jika tidak ada KEMAMPUAN dan KEINGINAN, tidak mungkin akan merealisasikan sammasambuddha.

Jadi benar bahwa pada saat tersebut petapa sumedha sudah memiliki KEMAMPUAN tersebut, ditambah dengan KEINGINAN yang kuat, maka petapa SUMEDHA kemudian menerima RAMALAN PASTI dari BUDDHA DIPANKARA tentang pencapaian SAMMASAMBUDDHA dimasa mendatang.

« Last Edit: 01 January 2009, 10:48:24 PM by dilbert »
Semua yang berkondisi tdak kekal adanya, berjuanglah dengan penuh kewaspadaan

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #24 on: 02 January 2009, 10:46:29 AM »
Faktor -faktor (yang ada 8) terlihat berbeda antara versi inggris dan versi indonesia (dari RAPB)
Tapi menurut saya cuma beda urutan dan tafsir.

8. He possesses unremitting eagerness and unflagging energy. =

( 8 ) Keinginan yang kuat untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan; meskipun seluruh alam semesta ditutupi dengan bara api yang panas menyala dan mata tombak yang tajam, ia tidak akan ragu-ragu menginjaknya demi mencapai Kebuddhaan.

Mungkin ini kali ya yg disebut Bodhicitta di mahayana.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #25 on: 02 January 2009, 11:48:54 AM »
Ananda- apakah kau pemah mcndengar tentang seribu culanika loka

dhatu (tata surya kecil) ? Ananda. sejauh matahari dan bulan berotasi pads garis orbitnya. dan sejauh pancaran sinar matahari dan bulan di angkasa. sejauh itulah luas seribu tata surya Di dalarn seribu tata surya terdapat seribu matahari. seribu bulan. seribu Sineru. seribu Jambudipa seribu Aparayojana. seribu Uttarakuru. seribu Pubbavidehana

Inilah. Ananda, yang dinamakan seribu tata surya kecil (sahassi culanika lokadhatu).

Ananda. seribu kali sahassi culanika lokadhatu dinamakan "Dvisahassi MAjjhimanika lokadhatu". Ananda. seribu kali Dvisahassi majjhimanika lokadhatu dinamakan "Tisahassi Mahasahassi Lokadhatu".

Ananda bilamana Sang Tathagata mau. maka la dapat memperdengarkan suara-Nya sampai terdengar di Tisahassi mahasahassi lokadhatu atau melebih itu lagi.

Sesuai dengan kutipan di atas dalam sehuah Dvisahassi Majjhimanika lokadhatu terdapat 1000 x 1000 = 1,000 000 tata surya. sedangkan dal am Tisahassi Mahasahassi lokadhatu terdapat I 000.000 x 1000 = 1.000.000 000 tata surya. Alain semesta bukan hanya terbatas pada satu milyar tata surya Saja. tetapi masih melampauinya lagi.

Silakan lihat bold merah di atas.  Bandingkan dalam Maha Govinda Sutta yg menyatakan "
tidak mungkin dalam satu tata surya (lokadhatu) ada dua arahat samma sambuddha muncul bersama-

Ini bukankah tersirat bahwa MahaGovinda Sutta hanya menyatakan TIDAK ADA DUA BUDDHA DALAM 1 TATA SURYA.  Bukan Tidak ada dua Buddha dalam banyak tata surya.

Ini bukankah memberi legitimasi pada konsep mahayana yg menyatakan Terdapat  Buddha lain di TATA SURYA LAIN. ? :D

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #26 on: 02 January 2009, 01:22:41 PM »
kenapa nggak? Bagus dong ada Buddha yg lain. Masa nibbana dimonopoli di tata surya ini aja
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #27 on: 02 January 2009, 04:13:26 PM »
Yang dimaksud dengan lokadhatu sama dengan cakkavala, bukan seluruh samsara.

Tetapi setahu saya di pencatatan Theravada juga tidak disebutkan mungkin ada Sammasambuddha lain di lokadhatu lain pada saat yang sama. Sebaliknya di kitab komentar, Milinda Panha disebutkan tidak mungkin ada dua Sammasambuddha di "world" pada saat yang sama. Ada yang tahu bahasa palinya?
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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #28 on: 02 January 2009, 04:23:41 PM »
Tampaknya memang sama, lokadhatu.



5. Anumānapañho

1. Buddhavaggo

1. Dvinnaṃ buddhānaṃ anuppajjamānapañho

‘‘Ayaṃ, mahārāja, dasasahassī lokadhātu ekabuddhadhāraṇī, ekasseva tathāgatassa guṇaṃ dhāreti, yadi dutiyo buddho uppajjeyya, nāyaṃ dasasahassī lokadhātu dhāreyya, caleyya kampeyya nameyya onameyya vinameyya vikireyya vidhameyya viddhaṃseyya, na ṭhānamupagaccheyya.

‘‘Yathā, mahārāja, nāvā ekapurisasandhāraṇī [ekapurisasantāraṇī (sī. pī.)] bhaveyya, ekasmiṃ purise abhirūḷhe sā nāvā samupādikā [samudakā (ka.)] bhaveyya. Atha dutiyo puriso āgaccheyya tādiso āyunā vaṇṇena vayena pamāṇena kisathūlena sabbaṅgapaccaṅgena, so taṃ nāvaṃ abhirūheyya, api nu sā, mahārāja, nāvā dvinnampi dhāreyyā’’ti? ‘‘Na hi, bhante, caleyya kampeyya nameyya onameyya vinameyya vikireyya vidhameyya viddhaṃseyya, na ṭhānamupagaccheyya, osīdeyya udake’’ti. ‘‘Evameva kho, mahārāja, ayaṃ dasasahassī lokadhātu ekabuddhadhāraṇī, ekasseva tathāgatassa guṇaṃ dhāreti, yadi dutiyo buddho uppajjeyya, nāyaṃ dasasahassī lokadhātu dhāreyya, caleyya kampeyya nameyya onameyya vinameyya vikireyya vidhameyya viddhaṃseyya, na ṭhānamupagaccheyya.

‘‘Yathā vā pana, mahārāja, puriso yāvadatthaṃ bhojanaṃ bhuñjeyya chādentaṃ yāva kaṇṭhamabhipūrayitvā, so dhāto pīṇito paripuṇṇo nirantaro tandikato anonamitadaṇḍajāto punadeva tattakaṃ bhojanaṃ bhuñjeyya, api nu kho so, mahārāja, puriso sukhito bhaveyyā’’ti? ‘‘Na hi, bhante, sakiṃ bhuttova mareyyā’’ti [bhutto vameyyāti (ka.)]. ‘‘Evameva kho, mahārāja, ayaṃ dasasahassī lokadhātu ekabuddhadhāraṇī, ekasseva tathāgatassa guṇaṃ dhāreti, yadi dutiyo buddho uppajjeyya, nāyaṃ dasasahassī lokadhātu dhāreyya, caleyya kampeyya nameyya onameyya vinameyya vikireyya vidhameyya viddhaṃseyya, na ṭhānamupagaccheyyā’’ti.
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Re: tolong tanya kepada yg mengerti dan senior ....
« Reply #29 on: 02 January 2009, 06:05:36 PM »

Ini bukankah tersirat bahwa MahaGovinda Sutta hanya menyatakan TIDAK ADA DUA BUDDHA DALAM 1 TATA SURYA.  Bukan Tidak ada dua Buddha dalam banyak tata surya.

Ini bukankah memberi legitimasi pada konsep mahayana yg menyatakan Terdapat  Buddha lain di TATA SURYA LAIN. ? :D

Dan menurut mahayana, makhluk makhluk di dunia saha ini (manussa bhumi yang kita tempati ini) bisa bertumimbal lahir di Tanah sammasambuddha yang lain...

Hal ini mengisyaratkan bahwa ARTI PENTING-nya KELAHIRAN SEORANG calon SAMMASAMBUDDHA di dunia ini menjadi TIDAK BERARTI karena toh semua makhluk bisa bertumimbal lahir dimanapun, karena tak terhitung TANAH SUCI SAMMASAMBUDDHA lain ada di "luar" sana sekarang ini dan bahkan "SEDANG" memberikan ajaran.
Semua yang berkondisi tdak kekal adanya, berjuanglah dengan penuh kewaspadaan

