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Author Topic: bahan vegetarian dan bukan vegetarian  (Read 4225 times)

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Offline kullatiro

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bahan vegetarian dan bukan vegetarian
« on: 03 January 2011, 07:52:25 PM »
kecap manis:
ada kecap manis yang bukan vegetarian  terutama bagi umat mahayana karena bumbu yang di pakai ada menggunakan bawang putih jadi hati hati memilih kecap manis.
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a. Kedelai : ½ kg

b. Air bersih : 4 liter

c. Gula merah : 2 kg

d. Garam dapur : secukupnya

e. Bawang putih : secukupnya

f. Kemiri, ketumbar : secukupnya

g. Jinten, lengkuas : secukupnya

h. Daun salam : secukupnya

cara membuat

1. Kedelai dicuci sampai bersih kemudian diremas dengan 2 (dua) liter air. Setelah

terpecah-pecah serta terkelupas kulitnya, turunkan dari api.

2. Kedelai dan dihilangkan kulitnya

3. Bumbu-bumbu dihaluskan kecuali daun salam dan lengkuas

4. 2 liter air dipanaskan, kemudian kedelai, gula merah dan bumbu-bumbu dimasukan

5. Setelah gula merah hancur, turunkan dari api kemudian disaring dengan kain yang

bersih, hasil saringan ini yang disebut KECAP


kecap inggris:
mengandung ikan teri (anchoy)
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Kecap Inggris

Kecap inggris (worcestershire sauce atau worcester sauce) adalah saus berbentuk cairan encer berwarna gelap dengan rasa sedikit asin dan aroma yang harum. Kecap inggris dibuat dari cuka, molase, gula jagung, air, cabai, kecap asin, lada hitam, asam jawa, anchovy, bawang bombay, bawang merah, cengkeh dan bawang putih.

kimchi ini terlihat seperti sayur mayur yang di fermentasi tapi ada yang menggunakan saus ikan/kecap ikan dalam proses pembuatan nya jadi hati hati.
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Bahan-bahan:3 Ikat sawi putih, biarkan utuh3 Genggam garam3 Sendok makan (sdm) gula6 Sdm bubuk cabai1 Jari jahe, parut halus2 Siung bawang putih, haluskan1 Ikat selada air1 Ikat daun bawang, iris kasar1 Buah radis, iris halus3 Sdm saus ikan

ragi tape yang di gunakan dalam membuat tape, proses pembuatan ragi tape ada yang menggunakan bawang putih. jadi hati hati dalam memilih tape.
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Bahan2 :
Tepung beras / tepung malt 1 kg
Lengkuas 1/2 ons
Bawang Putih 2 siung
Ubi Kayu 1 ons
Jeruk nipis 1 buah
Gula pasir 10 gram
Air bersih 1 liter

Alat2 :
Panci Bersih
Layah / cobek
Tampah / nyiru
Kain saring
materi referensi:
Semua bahan kecuali tepung beras / tepung malt dicuci dan dihilangkan barang2 yang tidak perlu....
Dihaluskan / digerus / diparut
Tambahkan sedikit air untuk meratakan semua bahan
Tambahkan tepung beras / tepung malt sedikit demi sedikit hingga jadi adonan yang kental
Biarkan terbuka selama 3 hari dalam suhu kamar
Buang semua kotoran dan peras agar kandungan airnya berkurang
Dibentuk pipih sebesar 2 tumpuk uang logam
Jemur sampai kering.
Jadi, dah...!!



gabung sedikit dengan punya johan3000

kalau mau menjaga mulut, nihhh list yg lebih lengkap :

Watch Your Mouth

Not what comes out but what goes in. Sure, you might follow the two-second rule when you drop your Tofutti Cutie on your kitchen floor, but you won’t want to give these disgusting hidden animal ingredients the time of day.

Casein—Whey’s cousin, casein is made from curdled milk. Yuck!

Gelatin—Rhymes with "skeleton." Coincidence? I think not. Gelatin is a protein made by boiling cows’ and pigs’ skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Jell-O? Heck, no!

Honey—Sure, honey tastes sweet, but you’ll get a bad taste in your mouth when you learn how it’s "harvested."

From a former beekeeper: "[T]ypically, beekeepers are gloved and netted to avoid stings (nearly every bee who stings will die due to her entrails being pulled from her body attached to her stinger.) Then the hives are opened as quickly as possible and the bees are ‘smoked.’ Smoke from a smoldering fire carried in a ‘smoker’ is pumped into the hive and the bees are ‘calmed.’ In spite of this, the combs are pulled quickly and many bees are crushed in the process. When a bee is hurt, she releases a chemical message that alerts and activates the hive members who proceed to attack the intruder—giving their lives in the process."

Lard—Lard is such a gross word, it almost makes you wonder why they just don’t call it what it is: "Fat from hog abdomens."

Pepsin—If the thought of eating lard turns your stomach, stay away from pepsin, a clotting agent from pigs’ stomachs, used in some cheeses and vitamins.

Rennet—Certain words just make you cringe, like coagulate, congeal, clot—which is what rennet, an enzyme taken from baby calves’ stomachs, is used for in cheese production.

Stearic Acid—It may sound less gross than "lard," but stearic acid, which often rears its ugly head in chocolate and vitamins, comes from a fatty substance taken from slaughtered pigs’ stomachs—or from cows, sheep, or dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters. Still want to chew on that piece of Fido?

Cetyl Palmitate—Check your head if you’re using margarine that contains cetyl palmitate, the fancy term for the waxy oil derived from sperm whales’ heads or from dolphins. "I can’t believe it’s not " oh, wait. It is" Whale head wax"?

Urea—Urea comes from urine and other "bodily fluids." It’s used to "brown" baked goods, like pretzels. Um, yeah. And the oven is for ??

When going to any convenience store, take a look around and see what other food services they offer. Often, you can get made-to-order sandwiches and salads. For instance, Speedway gas stations can make up MTO veggie wraps and sandwiches, and you can also snag bagels, garlic fries (minus the cheese), and cheese-free nachos.

ada yang mau menambahkan 
« Last Edit: 03 January 2011, 08:22:44 PM by daimond »

Offline morpheus

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Re: bahan vegetarian dan bukan vegetarian
« Reply #1 on: 03 January 2011, 10:54:06 PM »
ada kecap manis yang bukan vegetarian  terutama bagi umat mahayana karena bumbu yang di pakai ada menggunakan bawang putih jadi hati hati memilih kecap manis.
apakah penganut mahayana tidak makan bawang putih?
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* Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

