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gw, pernah ke vihara TBS kasogatan di kota gw, awalnya tertarik.
krn membaca bukunya, kok makin lama makin aneh ya. untk menjadi seorang Buddha hrs shadana ini shadana itu, ritualnya kyak manggil roh, gw pernh nonton VCDnya LSY dlm shadana Kalacakra, sangat aneh, Beliau mengundang makhluk luar (gak salah dammapala kalacakra ) masuk ketubuhnya. sudh jadi Buddha kok masih butuh bantuan kyak gitu.

lalu gw lihat Beliau menggunakan banyak cincin dijarinya, jadi kepikiran orng yg menjalani kehidupan suci kok dekat dgn barng duniawi, akhirnya gw putuskan gak jadi deh masuk Tbs kasogatan

Makanya bro,
Guru yang begituan kan hanya untuk orang2 yang haus
akan sosok guru yang luar biasa, terutama untuk orang2
yang mudah ditarik simpatinya, tertuju pada orang2 yang
belum mengerti tentang konsep Buddhisme yang benar.
Apalagi orang yang cuma percaya begitu saja karena
pertunjukannya, puisi2nya yang indah, kata2nya yang
bagus, buku2 karangannya yang banyak fantasinya, dll.

umpama ni ya, kalo LSY bener2 telah mencapai sammasambuddha ?
gimana pendapat rekan2?
ini kan masih simpang siur?

Nga mungkin.... acuannya tetap ada di apa yang
telah diutarakan oleh Sang Buddha donk.

Ada dikit rujukan nih dari website Malaysia....

How to spot a Buddhist cult
By Upasaka HL Wai, The Buddhist Channel, July 2, 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- Like any other major religions in the world, Buddhism also has its fair share of cults. Whether the leader is called Guru Rinpoche, Sifu or Bhante, as long as there is tendency to use and abuse the Dharma for personal gain, such as in getting followers to feed on the leader's ego or eccentricity, cultist will always exist. Cults will also thrive as long as there are followers who willingly or have been unwittingly misled.
A cult is defined by the Free Dictionary as, (1) A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader,  (2)  A usually  nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease and (3) Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
Here are some key signs where cultists can be spotted.

The leader is always right
Charismatic leadership demonstrates itself very strongly in a cult situation. The maxim is that "the leader is always right". More often than not, his "holiness" is self anointed and various honorific titles are produced without any clear evidence of certification. When questioned in particular about their ordination, specifically about where, how and when it took place, their replies are usually evasive, or at best a rambling list of obscure meanings (such as "a lineage of no school").
The leader will claim supreme knowledge in a body of information (vinaya, suttas or liturgy), and may use certain verses to justify their thoughts and actions. With this mind set, he feels he has the divine authority to instruct people how to live and how to behave (like the saying goes, the one eyed leads in the kingdom of the blind).

No questioning
Cult followers are wont to quote their leaders without ever questioning them. To question the leader of a cult may result in sanction or abandonment by other members and the leader. Even the "Kalama Sutta" can be twisted to suit their interpretation. One of the favorite verses is the selective application that only "... when you yourselves know: "These things (actions) are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them."
The problem with this is that followers are time and again told that they are "Dharma learners", that due to their "ignorance", they need to practice more diligently before they can decide for themselves. As such, it is imperative to form "spiritual friendship" kalyana mitra), the special bonding between "teacher and the apprentice". Unfortunately, cultist tends to exploit this relationship for their own purpose, which eventually leads to a perpetuation of a parasitic system or continuous dependency. This is anti-thesis to the symbiotic relationships that exist between the Sangha and lay followers as established in mainstream schools.
Cult followers will display an unquestionable zeal for their leader and will refuse to accept that their leader is ever wrong. The more extreme cases will even resort to violence to protect their teacher.

The whole world is against us
Public criticism and admonishment by those who are seen to be more knowledgeable or popular usually drive cult leaders to assume the "underdog" situation. Followers are constantly reminded that they are being bullied by "unseen" hands, by people in authority and by those who are "jealous" of their unorthodox ways. Their only way to counter such forces is to "band together".

No one else is right
Cult leaders believe they hold the monopoly of truth in their method of teachings and the way of practice. Anyone wishing to attend or visit another Dharma group or center is shunned by the rest of the congregation and considered to be a backslider. There was a case in Malaysia where a cult teacher grossly abused the Puggala Pannatti (the book of Classification of Four Types of Individuals) to brand those who did not follow prescribed rituals and modes of behavior as "padaparama" - individuals who cannot obtain release from worldly ills during this life-time even though he or she puts forth the best effort the Dhamma practice. To move up the scale, all one has to do is to strictly follow the prescribe methods and listen to the teacher's instructions.

Financial Exploitation
Cult is usually preoccupied with raising money, either for charitable purposes or to build their center. One of their favorite methods is to emphasize on the teachings of "non-self", "egolessness", "greed" and "emptiness" and then relating it to how one's personal wealth had less "merit" compared to those who shares it with the community to spread the Dharma. Cult groups teach that sacrificing for the better good of the organization is far better than putting one's money elsewhere.

Using fear and intimidation
Cult religions rely on private and public intimidation to keep their members in line. In Buddhism particularly, where the emphasis of mind training through meditation is integral to the practice, weak individuals or those facing personal problems are especially susceptible to such treatment. Through their charisma, cult leaders are adept at "empathizing" with those facing personal problems.
When the leader gets angry and uses harsh words, they explain it away as an expression of "love and compassion". Some justify this by labeling the aggressive response as "fierce friendship". And when the targeted member is also subjected to peer pressure to "modify his or her behavior", the intimidation becomes complete. This is what "mob psychology" is all about.
As a result, members of the cult group continuously face intra-group battles to maintain their desire to be accepted and their status may change depending on what's going on in their life. In this way religious cult leaders are able to keep a steady stream of members obligated and bound to their organization.

Almost all Buddhist cults use some form of mind altering techniques such as meditation, fear of the teacher, fear of "bad karma" and emotional manipulation to brainwash the members of the congregation to stay.
Such leaders are also adept at pricking on guilt conscience, often playing with the mind of the confused, giving personal counseling about "observations of mental formations" after a round of sitting.
Rather than leading the student to strengthen personal resolve to face their internal demons, the cultist would instead cultivate ideas of deliverance through community support, thereby perpetuating dependency on external forces.

yah... cerita yang ini lagi...
wajar donk... buddhis ktp masuk K.

ditunggu tanggal maennya om...

Eh ngomong2, filem tentang 2012 bakal tayang
tanggal 13 November 2009 ini lho. Jangan lupa
saksikan di bioskop2 terdekat kesayangan Anda. :D

Ku tetap cinta Buddha~~~ selamanya~~~~
Walaupun badai silih berganti dalam hidupku~~~~
Ku tetap cinta Buddha~~~ selamanya~~~~
Lagu gubahan dari agama K menjadi agama B

Wow... Japan ... Great !!!
Berarti Yesus belajar Zen dulu donk di Zephang,
trus balik lagi ke Yudea buat kotabah...
hehehe... bercanda kalee...

mau tanya nih buat teman-teman disini:

silahkan... saya newbie ijin menjawab ya...

apakah dalam agama dan kepercayaan Budha, mengenal konsep hari akherat.?

Akherat? Akhir? Setelah mati trus berakhir?
=Tidak, kelahiran dan kematian akan terus berputar terus menerus tanpa henti
hingga makhluk itu terbebaskan dari cengkeraman lahir dan mati.

benarkah dalam ajaran budha, kehidupan ini dianggap sebauah penderitaan?

Benar, tapi tidak berarti tidak ada obatnya. Seseorang yang disebut dengan Buddha,
2500 tahun yang lalu membabarkan bahwa Ada penderitaan, ada sebabnya,
ada akhir derita, dan ada cara pelenyapan menuju akhir derita.

itu artinya jika reinkarnasi baru berhenti saat mencapai kehidupan dengan dewa-dewi atau di nibbana.

Kehidupan sebagai dewa/dewi di alam dewa (sorga/syurga/surga) adalah layaknya di alam
manusia. Mereka masih mengalami apa yang namanya kelahiran dan kematian. Tidak kekal.

Nibbana? Nibbana bukan alam sobat, Nibbana itu berarti tercapainya pemadaman / telah
terkikis habisnya kebencian, keserakahan, dan ketidak-tahuan.

jika benar demikian, berarti nggak masalah dong, kalau dalam hidup saat ini,
kita menjadi orang yang selalu berbuat salah, bukankah berbuat salah atau khilaf adalah sifat manusiawi
karena toh nggak akan di just di akherat,
toh, kalaupun kita kembali berinkarnasi ke dunia, bukankah akan lebih baik?
karena kehidupan dunia semakin gemerlap, bisa jadi kehidupan dunia lebih manis dari pada disana.
soalnya kehidupan di nibbana belum ada yang kasih referensi/saksi hidup.

Berbuat salah bukanlah sesuatu hal yang dianggap wajar (atau dalam bahasa anda manusiawi)
dalam Buddhisme. Berbuat salah biasanya disebabkan oleh pikiran yang masih diliputi oleh ketidak-tahuan,
kebencian, dan keserakahan.
Ketidak-tahuan di sini maksudnya adalah keadaan dimana tidak dapat dibedakannya mana yang baik dan
mana yang buruk.

Segala perbuatan buruk, baik disengaja/tidak tetap akan berakibat mendapatkan buah karma buruk.
Segala perbuatan baik, baik disengaja/tidak juga tetap akan berakibat mendapatkan buah karma baik.

Oleh sebab itu di dalam Buddhisme diajarkan bagaimana cara melatih diri dengan benar.
Meditasi adalah fondasi, 8 jalan mulia adalah pedoman, 4 kebenaran mulia adalah acuan.

Setelah melatih diri dengan benar, harapan yang ingin kita raih adalah :
- Menghindari / tidak melakukan perbuatan buruk.
- Menambah / memperkokoh kebajikan.
- Murnikan pikiran dan capailah pembebasan.

terimakasih atas responnya
salam hangat

Salam lebih hangat dari saya.
Semoga Anda dan keluarga berbahagia.

Hai, saya newbie nih.
Saya mau tanya...
Trus relefansinya dengan negara
kita sekarang yang agak terbuka
gimana? apakah konsep ketuhanan
buddhis yang dibentuk seperti di
zaman kebangkitan itu sampai
sekarang masih tetap sesuai ?

Buddhisme untuk Pemula / Re: Buddha Gautama dengan gambar
« on: 19 July 2009, 03:20:23 PM »
Nice pictures with a nice explanations.

Sutra Mahayana / Prajna paramita hridaya sutra
« on: 17 July 2009, 07:50:40 PM »
 _/\_ Namo Buddaya Bodhisatvaya Mahasatvaya

Saudara2 sekalian, saya sedang ingin belajar tentang Buddhisme Mahayana,
dan sedang ingin mengetahui sejarah/cerita/isi dari sutra Prajanparamita.
Kiranya saudara/i sekalian mohon penjelasannya.

Terima kasih.

« on: 17 July 2009, 07:22:39 PM »
Cerita yang sangat menarik.
Dengan cerita ini saya jadi tau tentang
sejarah Buddhisme Tibet. Terima kasih
untuk yang telah susah payah menulis
cerita sejarah di atas. _/\_

Bukannya ada/tidak adanya si "Tuhan" ini lebih baik ga usah di emok-emok (mock mock)...

Hmm orang ini ini... apakah karena bentuk wajahnya yang diklaim seperti Bodhisatva Maitreya,maka dia mengangkat dirinya sebagai Buddha? Mengajarkan sesuatu yang aneh2.... Praktik yang tidak sesuai dengan yang diucapkan... terjadilah masalah... Permaluan Buddhisme pun terjadi....

Lingkungan / Re: Tengkorak Buddha Ditemukan di China
« on: 17 March 2009, 03:59:38 PM »
Tengkorak Buddha? Bukannya sang Buddha dulu udah dikremasi, tinggal sisa relik-relik berbentuk butiran2 seperti batu?

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