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Kaki Lima / MOVED: Vacancies
« on: 26 May 2009, 08:44:29 PM »

Film / Night At The Museum 2: Pertempuran di Smithsonian
« on: 24 May 2009, 09:53:09 PM »

'Night At The Museum 2: Battle of The Smithsonian' merupakan sekuel dari film pertamanya, 'Night At The Museum' yang rilis pada 2006 Lalu. 'Night At The Museum' diadaptasi dari buku anak karya penulis Milan Trenc.

'Night At The Museum 2: Battle of The Smithsonian' berawal dari ditutupnya Museum of Natural History untuk direnovasi. Benda-benda bersejarah di dalamnya pun dipindahkan sementara ke Smithsonian sebuah komplek museum terbesar di dunia yang berlokasi di Washington DC.

Masalah di Smithsonian mulai terjadi ketika Kah Mun Rah (Hank Albert Azaria), kakak dari Akhmenra (Rami Malek) mencoba merampas tablet yang sebelumnya dicuri oleh monyet Capuchin.
Tablet milik Akhmenra itu bisa membuat patung-patung di sekitarnya menjadi hidup pada malam hari. Kah Mun Rah bermaksud untuk menguasai dunia dengan memanfaatkan tablet tersebut untuk membuka gerbang neraka.

Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) yang sekarang telah menjadi CEO dari Daley Devices datang untuk menyelamatkan 'teman-teman' lamanya dari ancaman Kah Mun Rah. Tak hanya menyelamatkan, Larry pun harus mengembalikan mereka ke Museum of Natural History.

Keunikan 'Night At The Museum 2: Battle of The Smithsonian' yaitu hadirnya banyak tokoh dunia. Di antaranya, Christopher Columbus, Napoleon Bonaparte, Al Capone, serta Amelia Earhart (Amy Adams), wanita pertama yang terbang melewati samudra Atlantis.

Tak berhenti di situ, sang sutradara Shawn Levy juga menampilkan beberapa tokoh fiktif. Seperti Dart Vader dari 'Star Wars' dan Oscar the Grounch 'Sesame Street'.

Unsur komedi di film ini semakin kuat dengan suguhan lelucon-lelucon segar khas Ben Stiller. Ditambah lagi dengan penampilan Hank Albert Azaria yang sangat konyol dengan aksen Inggris yang kental.

Seremonial / [2009] HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEI LEE
« on: 24 May 2009, 08:02:07 AM »
walau orangnya jarang masuk sini.. tapi gpp deh dicelebrate..

Happy Birthday Mei Lee..
:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:

Semoga makin maju dalam praktek Dhamma..

Ada kabar gembira..
Ketika kita merayakan Vesakh telah lahir bayi perempuan mungil dari pasangan Radi Muliawan & Yuri pada tanggal 09 Mei 2009, jam 16.30
Setelah dikonfirmasi, bayi dan ibunya dalam keadaan sehat walafiat..
Sang Bayi diberi nama Olivia Hanita..

Congratz ya Radi & Yuri..

:lotus: :lotus: :lotus:

Kafe Jongkok / [UNIK] Siapa yang mau makan di sini ?
« on: 02 May 2009, 05:00:48 PM »
Dapat dari dokter DC kita neh..

Restoran dengan konsep dan desain yang mirip sebuah rumah sakit, telah dibuka di Latvia . Nama restoran ini adalah Hospitalis. dimiliki oleh seorang dokter dan terletak di Jalan Stabu 12, Riga , Latvia .

Peresmian restoran ini berlangsung sangat meriah dan dihadiri oleh beberapa pejabat kota Riga . Namun sayangnya, Presiden Latvia (yang memang seorang dokter), yang telah diundang untuk hadir dalam acara pembukaan ini, tiba-tiba membatalkan kedatangannya akibat telah mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang konsep aneh yang ditawarkan restoran ini.

1. INTERIOR "Rumah Sakit"


Tampak para pelayan dengan seragam seperti perawat sedang berdiri di depan hidangan, yang disajikan sebagai menu prasmanan pada acara pembukaan

Live music pun dihidangkan oleh para "perawat" sebagai hiburan dalam acara peresmian restoran ini.

Bartender pun berpenampilan seperti layaknya dokter spesialis bedah.

Dua orang undangan pada saat acara pembukaan mencoba merasakan pelayanan "Rumah Sakit" ini.

Makanan yang dihidangkan lengkap dengan peralatan standar suatu operasi bedah

3. MENU DAN HIDANGAN "Rumah Sakit"

Beef carpaccio lengkap dengan syringe (suntikan), pisau bedah dan pinset

Grilled New Zealand mussels in spicy tomato sauce

Kafe Jongkok / [JOKE] Top 10 Reasons For Dating A Pharmacist
« on: 14 April 2009, 05:55:27 PM »
Baru ketemu di Facebook, lucu juga.. :))

Top 10 Reasons For Dating A Pharmacist:

1-Very clean life style and bed style too.

2-We are well trained to listen.

3-Drug Dealers….with a license! Hell yea..

4-Free drugs, condoms, and birth control pills…We play safe!

5-When it comes to measures we are precise, gentle, and got a whole bunch of leaks before reaching the end point! lol,don’t u just love Titration?!

6-We know quite enough anatomy, to know what works and where.

7-We own a variety of lotions, creams and gels, and aren't afraid to use them.

8-We do it over the counter, in the car, and on hospital beds all day long.

9-We never miss a target ;)

10-Love is all about chemistry, right?…Well so is Pharmacy !

Join if you are a Pharmacist or dating a Pharmacist...And Invite all your Pharmacists :D

Kesempatan Berbuat Baik / [INFO] Majalah Sinar Padumuttara
« on: 10 April 2009, 05:07:52 PM »
Dear All,

Bagi yang berminat untuk berlangganan Majalah Sinar Padumuttara (Vihara berlokasi di Tangerang)
atau berminat jadi distributor majalah ini (untuk disebarkan ke kota lain), dapat mengkonfirmasikannya kepada saya via PM

Dana yang dipungut bersifat sukarela dan seiklasnya. Silakan Transfer ke Rekening BCA
No. Rek : 882 031 3900
a/n       : Vihara Padumuttara

Setelah transfer, harap konfirmasi via sms ke nomor : 0859-2108-1080

atau bisa juga kirim PM ke saya dengan data lengkap seperti di atas, agar saya bisa menyampaikan ke pengurusnya.
Dan bagi yang ingin menjadi distributor, konfirmasi ke saya, berapa eks majalah yang diinginkan untuk pendistribusiannya.

Informasi : Mohon transfer dengan angka unik 8 (ciri khas KAS Majalah SP), misal : 100.008 agar mudah dikenali.


Kesempatan Berbuat Baik / [INFO] Donor Darah Tzu Chi 11 April 2009
« on: 10 April 2009, 01:49:50 PM »
Baru dapat sms.

Tzu Chi mengadakan Donor Darah pada tanggal 11 April 2009
Di    : Jingsi Cafe Pluit
Jam : 08.30 - 11.00

Mohon konfirmasinya dari rekan2 yang tahu..



Film / [ANIME] Hotaru no Haka
« on: 06 April 2009, 08:00:36 PM »
Ada yang pernah nonton.. ?

Yang belum nonton.. buruan cari.. bagus banget.. :D
Judulnya : Hotaru no Haka (Hotaru = Kunang2 / Haka = Kuburan) atau Grave of Fireflies.

Ceritanya sedih dan banyak hikmah yang bisa direnungkan..
Untuk anak yang susah makan.. bisa dikasih liat film ini agar belajar menghargai makanan, dan susahnya mencari makan.. :D

Thanks 4 ce fudo yang kenalin film ini..


Seremonial / [INFO] Turut Berduka atas Meninggalnya Mertua Fudotakika
« on: 04 April 2009, 11:40:13 AM »
Dear All,

Kemarin saya mendapat informasi dari ce fudo bahwa mertua beliau (Bpk. Kakalim) meninggal pada :
Hari : Jumat / 03 April 2008
Jam : 08.00 PM

Rencana akan disemanyamkan di rumah duka Ti Kong, Binjai

Bagi yang ingin berdana pek kim, dapat mentransfer dan konfirmasi via pm ke fudotakika langsung
Rek : BCA
No  : 482 002 0699
A/N : Yulia Benata

Sabbe Sankhara Anicca,
Semoga Bpk. Kakalim dapat terlahir di alam yang lebih bahagia..

Kesehatan / [INFO] FDA Safety Changes: Celebrex, Crixivan, Rifater
« on: 31 March 2009, 09:00:23 AM »
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

   1. Describe the risks associated with long-term use of celecoxib and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
   2. Identify a drug interaction between indinavir sulfate and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins).
   3. Explain the appropriate use of isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampin tablets in patients with impaired liver function.

Authors and Disclosures

Yael Waknine
Disclosure: Yael Waknine has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Laurie Barclay, MD
Disclosure: Laurie Barclay, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Brande Nicole Martin
Disclosure: Brande Nicole Martin has disclosed no relevant financial information.

This activity is part of an ongoing CME/CE initiative to provide information on labeling changes reported by the FDA. Activities of this nature will be posted on Medscape on a weekly basis.

March 12, 2009 — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved safety labeling revisions to provide new information regarding the increased risk for cardiovascular events in patients receiving long-term celecoxib therapy, warn of drug interactions between indinavir sulfate and statins, and advise of the need to monitor liver function in certain patients receiving treatment with rifampin as part of a tuberculosis regimen.

Long-Term Celecoxib (Celebrex) Use Linked to Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Events

On December 31, 2008, the FDA approved safety labeling revisions for celecoxib capsules (Celebrex; Pfizer, Inc) to include new study data regarding the risk for cardiovascular (CV) thrombotic adverse events in patients receiving long-term treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

The warning was based on results of the Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib trial in 2035 patients, showing that use of 400 mg of celecoxib twice daily was linked to a 3.4-fold increase in the composite risk for CV death, myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke, relative to placebo (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 - 8.5). In patients receiving 200 mg of celecoxib twice daily, the hazard ratio was 2.8 (95% CI, 1.0 - 6.4).

Cumulative rates for this composite endpoint during 3 years were 3.0% (20/671 subjects) and 2.5% (17/685 subjects), respectively, vs 0.9% (6/679 subjects) with placebo treatment; dose-related increases in both treatment groups were driven by a substantial increase in the rate of MI.

Clinical trials of up to 3 years' duration have supported these findings, linking several cyclooxgenase 2 (COX-2) selective and nonselective NSAIDs to an increased risk for serious and potentially fatal CV thrombotic events, MI, and stroke. According to the FDA, all NSAIDs may have similar risks that increase with dose, duration of use, and the presence of existing CV disease and/or related risk factors.

Clinicians are advised to remain alert for the development of CV events, even in the absence of previous symptoms. The FDA notes that there is no consistent evidence that concurrent use of low-dose aspirin mitigates the risk for thrombotic events, and concomitant use of both drugs does increase the risk for serious gastrointestinal tract adverse events.

An increased incidence of MI and stroke has also been observed in 2 large, controlled clinical trials of COX-2 selective NSAIDs for pain relief after coronary artery bypass graft surgery; use of NSAIDs is therefore contraindicated in this setting.

As with all NSAIDs, use of celecoxib can lead to the onset of new hypertension or worsening of preexisting disease, of which either may contribute to an increased incidence of CV events. Because patient response to thiazides or loop diuretics may be impaired, close monitoring of blood pressure is recommended.

Fluid retention and edema have also been observed in some patients taking NSAIDs, and they should therefore be prescribed with caution in patients with fluid retention, hypertension, or heart failure.

Celecoxib is a COX-2 inhibitor NSAID indicated for the relief of signs and symptoms associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis; the management of acute pain in adults and the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea; and as adjunct therapy for familial adenomatous polyposis.

Indinavir Sulfate (Crixivan) Increases the Risk for Statin-Related Adverse Events

On December 10, 2008, the FDA approved safety labeling revisions for indinavir sulfate tablets (Crixivan; Merck and Co, Inc) to warn of drug interactions with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA) inhibitors.

HMG-CoA inhibitors, also known as statins, are linked to an exposure-related risk for myopathy that presents as muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, with elevated creatine kinase levels greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal. Myopathy may also take the form of rhabdomyolysis with or without acute renal failure secondary to myoglobinuria, and rare fatalities have been reported.

Because statins are substrates for the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4 (CYP3A4), concomitant use of CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, indinavir and other protease inhibitors) can increase plasma concentrations and the attendant risk for myopathy. The extent of this effect is dependent on the variability of CYP3A4 inhibition.

Concomitant use of indinavir with lovastatin or simvastatin is not recommended by the FDA, and interactions with pravastatin and fluvastatin have not been studied. Patients taking indinavir should therefore receive the lowest possible dose of atorvastatin or rosuvastatin with careful monitoring, and only if no alternatives to statin therapy are available.

Indinavir is a protease inhibitor indicated in combination with antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV infection.

Atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and other statin drugs are indicated for the treatment of dyslipidemia to reduce the risk for coronary and cardiovascular events.

Rifampin Component of Rifater Linked to Risk for Liver Dysfunction

On December 18, 2008, the FDA approved safety labeling revisions for isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampin tablets (Rifater; sanofi-aventis US, LLC) to provide updated information regarding the rifampin-related risk for liver dysfunction.

Fatalities associated with jaundice have occurred in patients with liver disease and in patients taking rifampin with other hepatotoxic agents. Caution and strict monitoring are therefore advised, with serial evaluation of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase levels at baseline and at 2- to 4-week intervals during treatment. Discontinuation of therapy is indicated for patients in whom signs of hepatocellular damage develop.

The FDA notes that although metabolic competition between rifampin and bilirubin levels can cause hyperbilirubinemia during the initial course of therapy, an isolated report showing a moderate increase in bilirubin and/or transaminase levels is not, in itself, an indication for interrupting treatment. This decision should be reserved until tests have been repeated and results are considered in conjunction with the patient's clinical condition.

Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampin tablets are indicated in the initial 2-month phase of the short-course treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Iseng2 google mengenai makanan favorit gw ini.. ternyata punya efek antidiabetes.. :D

Some Observations on Hypoglycemic Activity of Momordica charantia

Author: V. N. Sharma, R. K. Sogani, R. B. Arora

Type of Publication: Pre-clinical

Date of Publication: July 1960

Publication: Ind. Jour. Med. Res. Vol.48, No.4, pp.471-477, July 1960

Organization: Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, S. M. S. Medical College, Jaipur

MOMORDICA CHARANTIA is a plant cultivated throughout India. It is commonly known as Karela (Hindi), Sushavi (Sanskrit), Pavakkachedi (Tamil), Kakara (Telgu) and bitter gourd (English). Fruits, leaves and roots of this plant are used in Ayurveda for a number of disease, including Diabetes mellitus. Hypoglycemic effect of Momordica charantia from Puerto Rico has been reported by Rivera (1942). Chopra et al. (1956) have suggested that it should be investigated for hypoglycaemic activity and possible clinical usefulness. The present report is the work done in this Laboratory on the fruit of this plant as hypoglycaemic agent.


The juice of Karela fruit was obtained by crushing it in a mortar and straining through a muslin cloth. The juice was stored in refrigerator and used within 48 hours. Juice samples older than this were discarded. In the present paper this juice has been referred as Karela juice.

Healthy adult rabbits (1.2 kg to 1.5 kg) and rats (150 g. to 200 g.) were used for the present work. Blood sugar estimations were done by the method of Asatoor and King (1954). Diabetes was produced in rabbits by the injection of alloxan 150 to 175 mg/kg. Intravenously as 2 per cent aqueous solution. Rats were given alloxan in dose of 175 mg./kg. subcutaneously. The studies were carried out in normal and diabetic animals.

Twenty-eight normal rabbits were taken. They were divided in 5 groups. In three groups of 6 each and one of 4 animals, ascending doses of Karela juice (2 c.c./ kg., 4 c.c./kg., 6 c.c./kg and 12 c.c./kg.) were given orally after a period of 12 hours of fasting. The blood sugar was estimated at the time of giving the drug and at intervals of one hour for a period of 5 hours. The rest of the 6 animals were kept as controls. Six diabetic animals were also similarly observed after a dose of 6 c.c./ kg. of juice orally, while 4 diabetic animals were kept as controls.

Glucose tolerance test was also done. Twelve normal and 12 diabetic rabbits were used, out of which 6 normal and 6 diabetics were kept as controls. All the animals were kept without food overnight, although water allowed. In the morning, fasting blood sugar was estimated. In the test animals, 6 c.c./kg. of Karela juice was given orally, while in controls nothing was given. After 11/2 hours all the animals , test and controls, were given glucose 3.2 g. /kg. orally. The time interval of 11/4 hours was given so that peak activity of Karela juice may coincide with the maximum glucose absorption time. Blood samples for sugar estimation were subsequently collected at half-hourly intervals for a period of 21/2 hours.

Two ests, one of 10 normal and other of 10 diabetic rabbits, were taken. Each of these were divided into two groups of each. Five normal and 5 diabetic rabbits were given 6.c.c./kg. of juice once daily. The other 5 normal and 5 diabetic were given 6 c.c./kg. of Karela juice twice a day. Blood sugar estimation were done on alternately days after overnight fasting.

For finding out preventive action of Karela juice on alloxan-induced diabetes, the method described by Mukheriee et al. (1958) was used. Forty rats were used and their fasting blood sugar was found before starting the experiment. They were divided into 4 groups of 10 each. One group was kept as control, while the three groups (I,II,III) were test groups. Groups I, II and III were fasted overnight. Single dose of Karela juice was given orally in increasing order so that each animal of group I received 2 c.c./kg.; each of group II, 6 c.c./kg.; while each of group III received 8 c.c./kg. Two hours after Karela juice feeding, each animal was given alloxan 175 mg./kg. in 2 per cent solution subcutaneously. No food was given during this period. Control group was similarly given alloxan after fasting period but no Karela juice was given. Blood sugar of all the animals of the four groups was estimated 48 hours after alloxan administration.


The effect of karela juice on the blood sugar levels of normal and diabetic rabbits is summarized in Table I. Two c.c./kg. and 4 c.c./kg. dose of Karela juice does not have any significant action on blood sugar level. Twelve c.c./kg. dose shows almost similar action as seen in 6 c.c./kg. appeared to be the optimal dose for the Karela juice. The maximal fall in blood sugar level is seen after 2 hours in normal rabbits, and it starts rising from 3 hours onwards. In diabetic rabbits, however, the blood sugar continues to fall up to 4 hours and then starts rising. The fall is more marked in normal than in diabetic animals. Some of the typical responses are given in Graph 1.

Glucose-tolerance test in normal control group showed a peak rise (never more than 180 mg. per cent) at the end half an hour which returned to a level slightly above at the end of 1 hour then gradually went on falling during the rest of the test reaching quite near fasting level at 21/2 hours. In test group, where Karela juice was given there was a fall of blood sugar level during initial 11/4 hour period. However, once glucose was given blood level shot up reaching peak level after one hour and returning almost to fasting level in 21/2 hours. During this there was a period when blood sugar level exceeded 180 mg. per cent. In a few cases blood sugar level went on slowly rising to a peak level at 2 hours and here it did not return to normal at 21/2 hours and blood sugar level was more than 180 mg. per cent for ashort time. In diabetic control rabbits, on administration of glucose, blood sugar level immediately rose to very high levels (600 mg. to 650 mg. per cent) and then gradually started falling though at 21/2 hours it was still uch higher than fasting level. After Karela juice fasting blood sugar level falls during initial 11/2 hours waiting, but on giving glucose it starts rising. The rise is gradual, continue for 21/2 hours but is not so marked as in control group. The finding are summarized in Table II and some of the typical curves are given in Graph 2.

In the series of once daily and twice daily feeding of 6 c.c./kg. of Karela juice, there was a slow and steady fall of blood sugar level in normal and diabetic groups. The fall was more marked in the groups receiving Karela juice twice daily. However, with both dosage schedule 80 per cent of normal and 90 per cent of diabetic animals died at varying intervals of 5 to 23 days. Some of the typical observations are given in Graph 3.

No preventive action of Karela juice on the diabetogenic action of alloxan was found in rats as is clear from Table III.

Toxicity and slide reactions. In this connection three observations need special mention. Firstly, that in two female pregnant rabbits when Karela juice 6 c.c./kg. was administered as a single dose it produced uterine haemorrhage and death within few hours. No such action was seen in non-pregnant rabbits. The drug appears to be an abortifacient. Secondly, in animals in whom continous daily administration of Karela juice was done. Majority died within 23 days. Thirdly, all the 10 rats which received Karela juice intraperitoneally in doses of 15 to 40 c.c./kg/ became sluggish within one hour and died in 6 to 18 hours.

Although side reactions and toxicity of the juice are marked, but the preparation of Karela used is a crude one and the possibility of separating out pure non-toxic hypoglycaemic factor from this crude preparation cannot be ruled out. Chemical separation of active principles and further experimental study alone will throw more light whether this drug can be of value therapeutics or not.


   1. Hypoglycaemic activity of orally administered Karela juice is reported in normal and diabetic rabbits.
   2. Side reactions and toxicity observed have been reported.
   3. If chemical separation of non-toxic hypoglycaemic active principle is possible it may prove a useful oral antidiabetic agent.

V. N. Sharma, R. K. Sogani, and R. B. Arora

This wprk was supported partly by grant-in-aid from Unichem Laboratories, Bombay, for which the authors express their gratefulness to the Director, Shri A. V. M. Sc. (London).


Asatoor, A., King E. J. (1954). Simple colorimetric blood sugar method. Biochem. Jour., 56, xIiv.

Chopra, R. N., and Chopra, I. C. (1955). A review of work on Indian medical plants, 75. ICMR Special Report Series No. 30, New Delhi.

Chopra, R. N., Nayara, S. L., and Chopra, I. C. (1956). ‘Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants’, 168-169. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi.

King, E. J., and Wooton, I. D. P. (1956). ‘Micro-analyss in Medical Biochemistry’, 25-27. J. & A. Churchill, London.

Mukherjee, S. K., and De, U. N. (1958). Studies on D 860- Another new oral hypoglycaemic sulfonamide. Ind. Jour. Med. Res. 46, 223-233.

Mukherjee, S. K., De U. N., and Mukerji, B. (1958). Effect of ‘Nadlisan’ of course of alloxan diabetes in rats and rabbits. Ibid., 46, 57-62.

Rivera, G. (1942). Amer. Jour. Phar., 113, 281.

Sepha, G. C., and Bose, S. W. (1956). Clinical observations on the antiduabetic properties of Pterocarpus marsupium and Eugenia jambolana. Jour. Ind. Med. Assoc., 27, 388-391.

Diskusi Umum / [ASK] Kode Etik Kesehatan vs Buddhism
« on: 21 March 2009, 07:36:35 AM »
Dear All,

Akhir2 ini saya kerap mengalami buah simalakama dalam hal konsultasi kesehatan antara Buddhism dan Sumpah Apoteker yang pernah saya ucap tahun 2006 silam + Kode Etik Apoteker yang harus saya pegang.

Dalam menjalankan pelayanan kefarmasian khususnya Pelayanan Informasi Obat, pribadi saya belum menemukan masalah dengan masyarakatnya, walau kadang yang konsultasi pernah membuat saya marah / kesal tetapi saya bisa menempatkan kepentingan umum di atas kepentingan pribadi.

Masalah yang sering terjadi adalah dengan rekan sejawat (dokter, apoteker, dan perawat), di mana saya sering ditanyai mengenai kombinasi obat yang menurut saya kurang logis. Jadi ketika saya memberikan konsultasi sesuai dengan pengetahuan saya, pasien malah balas bertanya, jadi "koq beda ya ? "dokter / perawat / apoteker salah kasih obat ya / kasih obat kebanyakan ?" "apakah dokter / perawat / apoteker melakukan malpraktek / cari untung pribadi dengan beri obat yang "aneh"?"

Saya pernah menelepon / sms rekan sejawat menasehatinya, jangan begitu memberi obat dll, karena kita sama2 telah disumpah. Responnya juga negatif. Makanya saya bingung dalam memberi jawaban.

Jika saya jawab iya    : maka efeknya pasien akan kehilangan kepercayaan pada dokter / perawat / apoteker yang lain, dan saya melanggar sumpah dan kode etik yang saya ucapkan dulu.
Jika saya jawab tidak : berarti saya berbohong dan melakukan pelanggaran sila ke 4 dalam Pancasila Buddhis.

Quote from: Kode Etik Apoteker
Kewajiban apoteker terhadap masyarakat

1. Seorang apoteker harus berbudi luhur dan memberikan contoh yang baik di dalam lingkungan kerjanya

2. Seorang apoteker dalam rangka pengabdian profesinya harus bersedia menyumbangkan keahlian dan pengetahuannya

3. Seorang apoteker selalu aktif mengikuti perkembangan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang kesehatan pada umumnya dan di bidang farmasi pada khususnya

4. Seorang apoteker hendaknya selalu melibatkan diri di dalam pembangunan nasional, khususnya di bidang kesehatan

5. Seorang apoteker harus menjadi sumber informasi sesuai dengan profesi bagi masyarakat dalam rangka pelayanan dan pendidikan kesehatan

6. Seorang apoteker hendaknya menjauhkan diri dari usaha-usaha untuk mencari keuntungan dirinya semata-mata yang bertentangan dengan martabat dan tradisi luhur jabatan kefarmasian

Kewajiban Apoteker terhadap teman sejawatnya

1. Seorang apoteker harus selalu menganggap sejawat lainnya sebagai saudara kandung yang selalu saling mengingatkan dan saling menasehati untuk mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan kode etik

2. Seorang apoteker harus menjauhkan diri dari setiap tindakan yang dapat merugikan teman sejawatnya baik moril maupun materiil

3. Seorang apoteker harus mempergunakan setiap kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kerjasama yang baik di dalam memelihara keluhuran martabat jabatan kefarmasian, mempertebal rasa saling mempercayai di dalam menunaikan tugasnya.

Kewajiban apoteker terhadap sejawat petugas kesehatan lainnya

1.  Seorang apoteker harus mempergunakan setiap kesempatan untuk meningkatkan hubungan profesi, saling mempercayai, menghargai dan menghormati sejawat yang berkecimpung di bidang kesehatan

2.  Seorang apoteker hendaknya menjauhkan diri dari tindakan atau perbuatan yang dapat mengakibatkan berkurangnya/.hilangnya kepercayaan masyarakat kepada sejawat petugas kesehatan lainnya

Any advice / solution dari member2 dc?

Btw mungkin juga rekan2 sejawat kayak Nobby dan calon arahat (sudah disumpah belum calon ? ^-^) pernah mengalami dan gimana mengatasinya..

Teknologi Informasi / [ASK] Virtual Machine
« on: 14 March 2009, 01:31:14 PM »
Dear All,

Mau tanya neh.. yang biasa menggunakan Virtual Machine.. enakan pake apa ya yang ringan..
Rencana mau install Windows XP di Vista lappie ini.. >_<
Spesifikasi minimum berapa ya ?

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