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Topics - cumi polos

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Meditasi / retreat seorang bhikuni selama 45 tahun
« on: 07 December 2012, 08:29:28 AM »

ada yg mau nyoba ? nahhh

Personality / share seputar PERTANYAAN manusia....
« on: 06 December 2012, 08:49:12 AM »

1 menjadi menarik, apakah mahluk spt anjing dpt bertanya pada pemiliknya... kapan beli bakso lagi ?
2 kenapa cumi bertanya pertanyaan no.1
3 kenapa manusia bertanya ?
4 kenapa ada member yg udah tao jawabannya, tapi ya tetap bertanya.
5 bagaimana tanggapan anda bila ada orang
      bertanya pertanyaan yg tidak mungkin ?
6 dapatkah manusia hidup tanpa bertanya ?

sementara ini dulu,... mohon dishare disini pertanyaan2 yg anda pikirkan...

Kafe Jongkok / packaging baru utk rokok2 di Australia...
« on: 04 December 2012, 12:15:49 PM »

inilah packaging baru utk rokok2 di Australia,.. jadi gak bisa pamer rokok yg anda bawa lagi...
tetap brand name dicantumkan didepan....  tapi gambar2nya malah mengerikan...

gimana dgn penjualannya.... ahhhh rasanya tetap laku2 aja...

Teknologi Informasi / Banking early warning system for customer...
« on: 04 December 2012, 07:45:47 AM »
koran JP tertulis... mahasiswi UWK surabaya dihabisin di Mobil, Isi atm dikuras....

..... Ellen ... dipaksa menyerahkan kartu ATM beserta PIN no......
...... penjahat menggunakan kartu /pin tsb utk menguras duit korban...

pertanyaannya adalah :
bagaimana kalau BANK juga memberikan fasilitas 2 pin number.....
pin ke 1 utk pengambilan biasa...
pin ke 2 selain bisa utk pengambilan... dan mengirim dan menelepon pada no tertentu
                                                       utk memberitahukan bahwa pemilik kartu tsb dlm
                                                       keadaan bahaya....

sehingga BANK pun bisa membantu menyelamatkan nyawa korban...
   serta mempermudah politi utk ambil aksi secepatnya... (rekaman kamera di atm)

jadi sewaktu korban dipaksa menyerahkan kartu dan pin....
maka pin ke 2 lah yg diberikan.... sehingga dgn TRIGER ini... aksi pengamanan yg efektif dpt dijalankan...

bagaimana menurut anda ?


Apakah anda cukup dewasa memaknain suatu kejadian ?

Viktor Frankl: ShowHide
Viktor Frankl, author of the smash bestseller Man's Search for Meaning, offers a more straightforward alternative to traditional Freudian psychoanalysis: one's problems may be rooted in a failure to find a meaning in life beyond one's interior world. The basis for his interpretation, however, is not so straightforward. It lies in Frankl's existential analysis, plumbing for the reasons that people have repressed their consciences, their love, their creativity. By legitimizing a spiritual aspect of the human mind, Frankl has separated us definitively from the animal kingdom, but it is still up to each of us to rise to our human potential.

1 apakah anda DEPRESI DEPRESI DEPRESI ?....

2 bagaimana jika dibandingkan dgn Viktor Frankl (VF) yg nasibnya gak menentu di penjara Nazi concentration camps, ?

3 kenapa dia tidak bunuh diri aja ? kenapa dia memaknain kehidupan di penjara tsb dgn lain (baik) ?

silahkan baca buku tsb.... supaya tidak DEPRESI DEPRESI DEPRESI....

kalau ada yg udah baca, silahkan ulasannya disini.... :P

Kesehatan / saat apakah terbaik utk konsumsi obat ?
« on: 26 November 2012, 06:38:20 PM »
tadi beli omega3 100 bj rp95rb...

nah spt barang begini,... paling baik dikonsumsi saat apa ya... sebelum, sesudah makan ?
pagi siang malam ? atau terakhir sebelum tidur makan ?

tertulis : 2 X sehari

Teknologi Informasi / iPad/tablet mana yg anda sukain ?
« on: 26 November 2012, 11:49:19 AM »
bila dulu rame2 org beli notebook, netbook... sekarang adalah pilihan pad/tablet yg harga nya jauh lebih murah dari netbook....
dari yg paling top iPad, samsung tab... sampai dgn yg murah meriah....700rb....manakah yg anda sukai....silahkan dishare..disini
kalau udah beli. bisa kasih review singkat dehhh... :x

Humor / apakah itu ANICA ?
« on: 24 November 2012, 10:09:56 PM »
pingin taoo?: ShowHide
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Kafe Jongkok / Semoga PU bekerja lebih baik lagi....
« on: 23 November 2012, 08:20:06 AM »

1 sewaktu hujan, berapa banyak kah jalan yg tergenang air ?
2 berapa cepat jalan akan rusak kalau tergenang air dan dilewatin mobil / truk ?
3 kanapa bisa tergenang air ?
4 bagaimana perbandingan jalan aspal, paving, dan beton utk nilai buat dan perawatannya selama sekian thn?
  (jalan beton buatnya 100jt**, perawatan 0, utk sepuluh thn, maka 1 thn 10 juta...
   jalan aspal buatnya 20jt, perawatan 10jt,  sepuluh thn 10x10+20 = 120 juta........
   ** panjang x lebar)

dan seribu pertanyaan lagi... lagi lagi lagi....

Pojok Seni / sharing permainan musik asal2an... agak2an kira2an...
« on: 20 November 2012, 10:16:27 PM »

kalau ada member yg suka memainkan musik, silahkan download di  www.http://soundcloud.com
dan kemudian bisa tampilkan disini utk dinikmatin rame2... dan udah tentu gratis dehhh

utk itu comi polos memainkan lagu : Bunda dari Melly Goeslaw
dgn alat music : Piano...

mohon kritik, koreksi dll nya....  sekalian kasih nilai 1 s/d 10....  (10=excellent, 1=ugly)...

cumi polos > piano > Bunda

(artis > alat musik > lagu)
 _/\_ :P :P :P

Kafe Jongkok / DITINGGAL PACAR = business ?
« on: 20 November 2012, 06:45:31 AM »

apakah DITINGGAL PACAR bisa menjadi suatu business baru?

pecahkan: ShowHide

This heart-shaped piggy bank is called the corezone where instead of placing coins in it, you deposit your feelings, thoughts and emotions. It was made by Dorota Skalska and Adnieszka Mazur. The first thing that comes to mind is to use it as a negative emotions/thoughts deposit box and smash it once it is almost full…pretty good anger management tactic. Of course you can use it to keep messages to your future self…or something like that.

mohon share busines2 mana yg menghasilkan .. bila ditinggal pacar ?

Kafe Jongkok / nilai sebuah no HP, dahulu dan sekarang 2012
« on: 16 November 2012, 10:09:04 PM »
taukah nilai sebuah benda bisa berbeda dahulu dan sekarang.....$

contoh... kalau kaos yg dahulu dibuat pabrik,.. harganya udah bisa ditebak biasa2 saja..
   tapi bila ternyata kaos tsb udah pernah dipakai Michael Jackson... NILAI nya pun bisa selangit...

barang dahulu bisa2 saja.. tapi saat ini menjadi langka... akan nilainya juga selangit...
   perangko langka, dst...

ada lucunya itu... lukisan.... begitu yg lukis MATI,..ehhh nilainya meranjat ranjat NAIK....

trus ini no telepon... dimana dulu hrs antri TAHUANAN... banyak JUTAAN... ehhhh itu dulu...
   sekarang udah bisa dpt no HP, hanya keluar duit 5rb rph.........dan itupun bisa didapat dimana-mana.

nah apa nilai/makna no sebuah hp, kalau cuma 5rb mudah didapat dan mudah juga dibuang.....
sampai2 kalau teman keluh...ehh no kamu koq gak bisa dihubungin ?.... ehhh udah gw buang...
hahaha... sekarang zamannya org buang no HP......... ehhh tapi no cantik ?.......oh no cantik pun.. cukup 10rb atau 20rb aja............

jadi apakah no hp sekarang menjadi sesuatu yg gak banyak nilainya ?
apakah kalau kita takut memberikan no hp kita, sebenarnya kita takut kehilangan duit 5rb rph ?

nahhh silahkan dibahas tuntas.... :x

1 apa yg dpt dilakukan seorang Buddhist, apabila kehidupannya tinggal 7 hari ?

dgn catatan Buddhist ini udah banyak belajar sutta2 dsb....dan mengerti ajaran Buddha...

2 apa tujuan kehidupan dari seorang Buddhist ?

Micro, Macro and Meta Leadership

Nicholls (1988) has pointed out that a fair amount of confusion has arisen in leadership research because there are three fundamentally different perspectives of leadership: Meta, Macro and Micro.

Meta leadership creates a ‘movement’ in a broad general direction (such as civil rights, home computers, or glasnost). Meta leadership, "links individuals, through the leader’s vision, to the environment. In doing so, it releases energy and creates enthusiastic followers."

In macro leadership, "the leader’s role in creating a successful organization is fulfilled in two ways, path-finding and culture-building... Path-finding can be summed up as finding the way to a successful future. Culture-building can be viewed as drawing people into purposeful organization - one which is capable of traveling along the path that is found or of fully exploiting current opportunities...Macro leadership activity can influence individuals by linking them to the entity - be it the whole organization or just a division, department or group. The leader influences the individual by supplying the subordinates with answers to such questions as: what is this organization all about? where do I fit in? How am I valued and judged? what is expected of me? why should I commit myself? In the process, the leader creates committed members of the organization."

In contrast to both of these, Micro leadership, "focuses on the choice of leadership style to create an efficient working atmosphere and obtain willing cooperation in getting the job done by adjusting one’s style on the twin dimensions of task and relationship behavior. Choice of leadership style depends on the particular subordinates and the job/task being done, it is, thus, situational and contingent...the leader directs people in organizations in the accomplishment of a specific job or task. If the leadership style is correctly attuned, people perform willingly in an efficient working atmosphere."

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Effective leadership involves a mixture of all three different types of leadership ability to some degree. A typical leadership situation involves a leader leading others toward a goal within the ‘problem space’ of a system. This seminar will cover a variety of skills; including self skills, relational skills and systemic thinking skills.

Self skills have to do with how the leader deploys himself or herself in a particular situation. Self skills allow the leader to choose or engineer the most appropriate state, attitude, criteria, strategy, etc. with which to enter a situation. In a way, self skills are the processes by which the leader leads himself.

Relational skills have to do with the ability to understand, motivate and communicate with other people. They result in the ability to enter another person’s model of the world or perceptual space and get them to recognize problems and objectives and understand the problem space within which they and the company are operating.

Strategic thinking skills are necessary in order to define and achieve specific goals and objectives. Strategic thinking involves the ability to identify a relevant desired state, assess the starting state and then establish and navigate the appropriate path of transitions states required to reach the desired state. A key element of effective strategic thinking is determining which operators and operations will most efficiently and effectively influence and move the present state in the direction of the desired state.

Systemic thinking skills are used by the leader to identify and comprehend the problem space in which the leader, his or her collaborators and the company is operating. Systemic thinking is at the root of effective problem solving and the ability to create functional teams. The ability to think systemically in a practical and concrete way is probably the most definitive sign of maturity in a leader


1 maukah suhu Mokau menjelaskan lagi 3 jenis kepemimpinan tsb, dan bagaimana jenis kepemimpinan yg berperan dalam Beberapa kali suhu Mokau menjadi General Manager/Direktur di beberapa PMA.

2 Dan sebagai pengusaha, jenis kepemimpinan manakah yg baik dikembangkan ? bagaimana melatih dan memperbesar jenis kepemimpinan tertertu dan mengecilkan jenis kepemimpinan yg lain....

3 bila ada jenis kepemimpinan lain, silahkan di share juga

sebelumnya sy mengucapkan banyak terima kasih banyak atas pencerahannya....

 _/\_ :x

Tolong ! / tanya resolusti tablet 7 inches... 800x600 atao 1280x800 ?
« on: 04 November 2012, 09:31:06 PM »
gw nyoba tablet 7 inches 800x600 dan terasa resolusi tsb udah cukup baik utk main game maupun utk baca,
tapi disamping itu ada brand yg menawarkan 1280x800.... utk ukuran yg sama...

apakah dlm display 7 inches tsb diperlukan resolusi setinggi 1280x800 ? mengingat akan lebih memberatkan graphic processornya ?

mohon masukannya....

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