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Topics - Umat Awam

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Teknologi Informasi / Virtual Hypnotist 5.6
« on: 31 May 2008, 12:46:00 PM »

Virtual Hypnotist 5.6 | 26.2 MB

Virtual Hypnotist is a interactive hypnosis program, and is a rewrite of Hypnotizer 2000. It includes features such as voice recognition, speech synthesis, subliminal messages, completely customizable scripts (featuring a unique scripting language), videos, audio, and lots more. Its purpose is to simulate a real hypnosis session as much as possible.

-Script maker, for easily editing scripts, and for creating your own, which uses a flexible and unique scripting language.
-Binaural brainwave synchronizer, for generating sounds that help induce hypnosis (sync brainwaves), and for providing flashing color bars that visually also sync brainwaves.
-Lots of pre-made scripts, from inductions, deepeners, suggestions, etc.
-Two subliminal message systems, which add visual subliminal messages in sessions, and even let you display them on your computer screen while you work
-Hypnotic visual maker, for designing your own hypnotic effects
-Cool presets that get you started instantly
-A session logbook that lets you write down successes, notes, ideas, etc.
-Fully customizable hypnosis sessions
-Complete speech synthesis; choose from a selection of multiple voices, and even use other SAPI4 or SAPI5-compliant speech engines (only partial SAPI5 support is implemented).
-Speech recognition that lets you verbally respond to questions and prompts while under hypnosis
-Easy and powerful scripting language called ISL used for creating and processing scripts
-Animated characters used as virtual “hypnotists”
-Pop-up sessions, where the program can hide in the background and “pop up” at a certain time, and start the hypnotic induction
-Support for video files and flash animations, via Windows Media and Macromedia Flash, and even lots of videos/animations included
-Speed controls, to slow down and speed up both audio and video
-HypnoChat and Remote Controller, an AIM-compatible instant messaging system that allows one user of Virtual Hypnotist control another user's program over the Internet with the subject's consent, and even supports group sessions
-Complete tray icon and popup menu support
-Text-only sessions that display text on the screen instead of using the speech system.
-Background and Subliminal modes
-Support for playing hypnosis audio files, while using Virtual Hypnotist for graphics
-3D graphics support with the TrueVision3D graphics engine
-Video and audio volume and rate changing support
-Session previewing support
-WAV file output support (SAPI5 only)
-Script Processor Console which allows a user to operate the script system in an interactive manner
-Script Converter for converting standard text scripts to the ISL script format
-Personalized information for use in sessions (name, gender, and preferred trigger)
-New GrockTunnel visual, which is a remake of the Grock hypnosis program, and supports word lists written for it.
-Support for loading scripts, images, videos and audio directly from internet URLs
-Comes with the Virtual Hypnotist User's Guide
-All source code is included (written in Visual Basic 6)

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Tolong ! / Nyari E-book nyanyian milarepa
« on: 16 May 2008, 03:00:04 PM »
Namo Buddhaya,

Ada ga yah yg tau dimana saya bisa dpt ebook ttg syair nyanyian milarepa?
yang versi bahasa indo tentunya..  ;D

soale sy dah googling, tp ga menemukan apa yg saya cari..  :(
Kalo ga salah 100.000 nyanyian milarepa.. :-?

Kalo ada rekan2 yg tahu ato punya ebook nya, mohon bisa dishare disini.. thanks


Teknologi Informasi / butuh pencerahan masalah jaringan neh
« on: 23 April 2008, 10:41:40 PM »
Yow, fren semuanya, butuh tanggapan, saran, ide, dan kritik neh....
saya ama teman2 berencana mau buat web untuk upload2 file kek rapidshare n turboupload gitu... tapi di khusus kan untuk warga indo, pake server indo. ada saran ga? ato ide gitu? sy rencana mau buat pake sistem yg mirip rapidshare, kira2 gimana menurut bro n sis??

karena kami melihat kadang byk yg kesulitan mendownload file dr server luar kek rapidshare gitu.. so, ini cuma sekedar mencoba membantu warga indo sendiri...

Nah, bagi anggota yg mendaftar, yg tentunya membayar biaya berlangganan, perbulan ato pertahun bakal mendapatkan point n reward berupa duit, bagi filenya yg didownload dlm jumlah tertentu...

Mohon saran, tanggapan, ide dan kritik dan terutama dukungan yg membangun kepada kami agar bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yg bermanfaat bagi warga indo...

Thanks yooo.......

Kaki Lima / Buah Merah Papua
« on: 04 December 2007, 06:20:45 PM »
Kalo ada yg butuh Obat "Buah Merah" asal papua,
Boleh pesan melalui saya..
Saya ksh dgn harga murah..  ;) :D
Seperti yg saya dpt informasi dr kenalan saya di Riau,
bahwa obat "Buah Merah" disana dijual dgn harga yg sangat mahal ... :(
tanpa diketahui asli atau tidak obat tsb.. Yg saya dpt informasi bahwasanya obat tsb dijual seharga 700rb per botol se gede kratindaeng.. Gile....  :o

Krn yg saya ketahui, banyak obat tsb yg dijual umum ternyata palsu..
OBat tsb berbentuk minyak berwarna merah yg diminum secara rutin, dan yg palsu tsb mereka buat dr minyak goreng yg dicampur entah dgn apa hingga menjadi merah...
Mungkin byk org2 yg belum mengetahui hal ini... [semoga udh tahu semua]  ^:)^

So, bagi anda yg membutuhkan obat tsb, saya menawarkan bantuan untuk membuatkan langsung dr buah pilihan dan dijamin khasiatnya...
Bagus untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, mencegah kanker, dan masih byk lagi khasiat2 yg udh terbukti...
Tapi, agar tidak terjadi salah paham, saya membutuhkan informasi lagi mengenai harga2 obat tsb dipasaran di berbagai kota, seperti jakarta, medan, batam, makassar dan lain2... Agar harga yg saya berikan tidak kemahalan...

Tawaran ini hanya berdasarkan niat baik saya untuk meringankan penyakit2 org2 yg rata2 terkena penyakit diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, kanker, dll..

Semoga saya dpt tanggapan dari rekan2 sekalian....  _/\_  ^:)^

Best Regards,

Theravada / Arahat tanpa niat
« on: 31 October 2007, 05:00:52 PM »
Arahat dinyatakan sebagai makhluk yg melakukan sesuatu tanpa adanya NIAT, krn semua akar penyebab kammanya udh dicabut... berarti apa yg dia lakukan itu adalah hal yg spontan... trus apa bedanya ama robot??  ^:)^

Perkenalan / Salam Kenal Semuanya...!!!
« on: 26 September 2007, 04:21:00 PM »
 _/\_ Kenalkan,
Nama saya Henry  8)
(nama gitu biasanya cewe apa cowo ?)
Usia 25taon lewat......  :(
Domisili PAPUA, Kota Sorong [kiri-kanan] ;D
Tujuan bergabung, cari tambahan Ilmu Hitam, Putih, dan Abu-abu...  =P~
Status : Tahanan ???  :o

Apa lagi yg mau diketahui???

Mohon Bimbingan para sesepuh...  ^:)^

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