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Kafe Jongkok / Re: arti kata dan makna kata
« on: 29 January 2013, 06:27:06 AM »
mau membahas agama, tapi ditanya penganut agama apa ?, tidak mau jawab !,
bagaimana pula ini orang ???
selain teori dan filsafat melulu ...
[guru mode on] Kebenaran itu tanpa label agama [guru mode off]

Sains / Mungkin in Bisa Menjelaskan Keberadaan 31 Alam Kehidupan :)
« on: 22 January 2013, 07:04:10 AM »
For several years, physicists have searched in vain for an explanation of dark matter – the invisible "stuff" that makes up what is believed to be approximately 86 percent of all matter, and dark energy – the mysterious force believed to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. Because thus far no evidence has been found to support any theory that explains either, new theories continue to develop. One is the theory of cosmic domain walls. It's based on the idea that shortly after the Big Band, the universe had random energy fields, but as things cooled, different energy regions began to form dominated by an energy factor, with walls between the different regions – and that's how things stand today. A model might look like a bunch of soap bubbles that have been pushed together. The flat walls that exist at the juncture points would represent the cosmic domain walls. In this new research effort, the aim is to measure the energy in these walls, to hopefully learn more about them and by extension, more about the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The team members believe that it should be possible to test for the energy they are looking for using simple magnetometers. But it would have to be more than one of course, because there are so many things that can be recorded by such devices – it would be difficult to attribute any readings found from just one or even two, to cosmic domain walls. To get around that problem, they propose setting up five of the devices at various locations around the globe, and then correlating them together to rule out interference and other noise. The team isn't suggesting that if they find what they believe to be the existence of cosmic domain walls, that answers regarding dark matter and dark energy will follow soon thereafter – instead, they are simply hoping to add credence to a theory that many currently consider far outside of the domain of mainstream science.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-01-physicists-theory-cosmic-domain-walls.html#jCp


Kafe Jongkok / Re: Mau Nonton Film Apa Minggu Ini ?
« on: 10 January 2013, 06:20:31 AM »
filmnya tentang apa??

ayo review!!  :P
Tentang sepasang muda-mudi yang pergi kemping di lereng gunung bersalju. Terjadi kecelakaan ketika mereka pulang kembali ke tendanya setelah melihat-lihat pemandangan alam. Yang wanita sejak itu mulai melihat penampakan makhluk halus... Kurasa cukup sampai sini, nanti anda teruskan reviewnya yach  ;D

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Mau Nonton Film Apa Minggu Ini ?
« on: 07 January 2013, 01:40:40 PM »
sudah nonton The Frozen, akhir film yg mengejutkan

Kesehatan / Re: Alergi karena Ber-aktivitas
« on: 28 January 2012, 07:46:41 AM »
sy ada sih, tapi biasanya karena berkeringat, makanya muncul bercak merah..
biasanya reda sendiri kalau sudah tidak beraktifitas/berkeringat..
Jadi bagaimana anda mengatasi hal ini ? Apakah ada solusi ?

Kesehatan / Alergi karena Ber-aktivitas
« on: 27 January 2012, 01:16:03 PM »
apakah rekan-rekan dalam forum ini pernah mendengar alergi karena beraktivitas ? Ciri-cirinya adalah bila seseorang mulai melakukan kegiatan, maka dalam hitungan menit, seluruh badan akan timbul bercak merah karakteristik alergi dan gatal-gatal. Ini akan reda dan hilang ketika dia beristirahat/tidur. Terima kasih sebelumnya atas tanggapan yang sudah diberikan

Kesehatan / Pertanyaan Tentang Alergi
« on: 24 January 2012, 02:04:16 PM »
Apakah member forum ini mengetahui pakar tentang kulit yang bagus ? Saya berencana utk mengecek penyebab alergi.

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