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Hobi dan Kegiatan Ektrakulikuler / [share] Learning Investing
« on: 11 December 2011, 10:10:40 AM »

Future Value

Jika seseorang mengatakan, "hei, pinjamkan saya Rp1000, dan 3 tahun lagi saya akan mengembalikannya Rp.1100".

Kamu mungkin akan berpikir, "hmmm... kedengarannya menarik, tapi apa bunga Rp.100 itu layak?"

atau "Rp.1100 tiga tahun kemudian lebih berharga daripada Rp.1000 sekarang, belum tentu...".

Ya, kenyataannya adalah Rp.1000 di saat ini tidak akan sama dengan di masa mendatang. Dlm kasus umumnya ada inflasi yg terus mengerogoti nilai dari uang seiiring waktu berjalan. Kadang2 kita akan menjumpai deflasi tapi itu kasus khusus. Sebagai investor atau sebagai hedge fund, tujuan kita adalah mendapatkan nilai lebih dari uang yg kita miliki sekarang atau setidaknya dapat mempertahankan nilai uang kita sekarang. Jika saya punya Rp.1000, dan tahun depan harus lebih dari Rp.1000,- apakah nilai uang saya bertambah, atau berkurang? Bagaimana menjawab ini?

Patokan pada umumnya adalah inflasi, dan inflasi diukur dari CPI (Consumer Price Index). Sebut saja misalnya inflasi Indonesia adalah 5%. Maka artinya Rp.1000,- saat ini setara dengan 1000 + 0.05x1000 = 1000 + 50 = 1050. 5% adalah 5/100 = 0.05. Jika kita asumsikan inflasi konstan 5%, bagaimana dg tahun kedua? Perhitungannya adalah sbb:

Sekarang = Rp.1000
Tahun-1 = Rp.1000 + 0.05x1000 = Rp.1050
Tahun-2 = Rp.1050 + 0.05x1050 = Rp.1102.5

Rumusnya adalah:
Tahun 1
= 1000  + 0.05x1000
= 1000 x ( 1 + 0.05)

Tahun 2
= Tahun 1 x (1 + 0.05)
= 1000 x (1 + 0.05) x (1 + 0.05)

Tahun n
= 1000 x (1 + 0.05) x (1 + 05) x .... ( 1 + 0.05)
= 1000 x (1 + 0.05)^n

note: ^ adalah pangkat

Jadi rumusnya adalah:

FV = Future Value
PV = Present Value
i = interest rate
t = period

cukup intuitive ;)

Sekarang kita sudah punya formula dan kita menghitung, jika data CPI skrg 5%,1000 sekarang setara dengan Rp1157.625 di tiga tahun kemudian. Let's break down:

FV = 1000 x (1 + 0.05)^3
FV = 1000 x (1.05)^3
FV = 1000 x 1.157625
FV = 1157.625

Lalu kamu akan berkata "Tunggu dulu, Saya terima jika kamu membayar Rp1200 tiga tahun kemudian" (tentu saya harus menerima lebih dari future value karena saya sudah membantu meminjamkan uang saya, benar?)

Dalam memilih  investasi, patokannya bukan lagi inflasi, krn inflasi yg dirilis datanya kurang dapat dipercaya. Dan lagi kita tidak dapat membeli inflasi. Lebih seringnya, seorang investor akan membanding-bandingkan suku bunga (interest). Tolak ukurnya adalah interest rate yg paling rendah resikonya, yaitu: bond (surat hutang negara). Ups, nanti terlalu panjang, akan saya bahas lain waktu...

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jika berguna, jgn lupa cendol ;) :cendolbig

Lingkungan / Mobile Phone Recycling Explained
« on: 06 December 2011, 11:58:30 AM »

Teknologi Informasi / Bye Flash Mobile, Welcome HTML5
« on: 13 November 2011, 01:50:01 PM »

Adobe confirmed what reports were saying all morning: It’s done with the Flash Mobile Player and has now thrown its lot in with the HTML5 crowd — for mobile at least.

“We will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browser to work with new mobile device configurations (chipset, browser, OS version, etc.) following the upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1 for Android and BlackBerry PlayBook,” wrote Danny Winokur, Adobe VP and general manager for interactive development in a blog entry this morning.

The company that built Flash and famously fought with Apple CEO Steve Jobs on the necessity for its support on all mobile devices now contends that HTML5 is the right path for mobile devices and its developer partners. “HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms,” wrote Winokur.

Flash is not dead. Adobe knows there are millions of Flash developers out there right now who want to port their products to mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad — which famously do not support Flash. For them, Adobe will work with developers to package their products with Adobe Air, a runtime that lets them deploy standalone applications on a variety of platforms without the need for a Flash player.

Flash Player support for mobile browsers will end after version Flash Player 11.1 (which has yet to be released) and then Adobe will focus on bug and security updates for “existing device configurations.”

While Adobe is not walking away from Flash, the post makes it clear the future of the software is married to HTML5. The upcoming Flash Player 12 will offer new features “for a smooth transition to HTML5 as the standards evolve so developers can confidently invest knowing their skills will continue to be leveraged.”

The post then adds, “We are super excited about the next generations of HTML5 and Flash. Together they offer developers and content publishers great options for delivering compelling web and application experiences across PCs and devices.”

Over the last six months, Adobe has added more robust cross-platform mobile development features to Flash Professional and added native iOS streaming to Flash Media Server. This aligns with our past conversations with Adobe, which included a strong commitment to Flash as a development platform separate from a technology stack.

Overall, it’s a belated victory of sorts for the late Steve Jobs who railed against the use of what he saw as a buggy, security hole-ridden platform on mobile devices. What’s unclear, though, is what Flash’s exit from the mobile arena means for Flash’s long-term, overall survival.

What do you think? Is Adobe giving up too soon on the Flash Mobile Player, or has it made the right decision? Tell us in the comments.

Lingkungan / Iklan Google - Recommended
« on: 19 September 2011, 01:23:24 PM »

Kafe Jongkok / something interesting...
« on: 16 August 2011, 01:08:41 PM »
ini kisah parasit yg menginvansi kepala manusia dan mengambil alihnya. "migi" adalah parasit yg gagal dan hanya berhasil meguasai lengan kanan inangnya, ia adalah parasit yg senang belajar & memiliki rasa ingin tahu yg besar. menariknya si penulis membahas "nature" dari semua mahkluk hidup yg paling mendasar yaitu utk bertahan hidup. di akhir cerita, migi memilih utk:

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Politik, ekonomi, Sosial dan budaya Umum / Pengenalan Trading
« on: 12 July 2011, 03:48:15 PM »
atas permintaan sobat, saya coba jelasin dikit yg saya tau tentang trading. saya sendiri jg masih trader pemula  ^:)^ jadi ga bermaksud menggurui disini. kalau ada yg ingin share juga welcome bgt. & saya sendiri menganggap sharing adalah salah satu proses belajar juga. jadi jgn ragu2 utk share ;)

Trading maksudnya adalah kegiatan jual-beli. udah pada tau la ya...

dg kemajuan teknologi informasi (komputer) sekarang, ada beberapa jenis aksi trading menjadi lebih mudah, kemudahannya diantaranya:
  • ga perlu cari penjual/pembeli ketika ingin transaksi
  • ga perlu ke TKP (cukup dg komputer terkoneksi inet)
  • ga perlu banyak omong, cukup klik

yg bisa di-trade adalah:
  • saham (saham2 perusahaan yg terdaftar di bursa)
  • forex (atau valuta asing) adalah mata uang negara lain
  • komoditas (barang seperti gandum, kedelai, kopi, dll... termasuk oil, natural gas)
  • logam berharga, seperti emas, perak, platinum, paladium (termasuk komoditas jg, tp saya pisahin aja utk membedakan dg komoditas sehari2)

Politik, ekonomi, Sosial dan budaya Umum / Trading Psychology
« on: 10 July 2011, 06:13:36 PM »
(memulai diskusi dg simple)

kegagalan (kerugian) dalam trading disamping oleh disebabkan kurangnya keahlian dalam menempatkan posisi (jual-beli) juga disebabkan oleh faktor emosional trader yg tidak terkendali. faktor emosi ini lebih rumit dihadapi karena tidak dapat dipelajari kecuali melalui pengalaman.

menariknya secara garis besar faktor emosi yg merugikan trader ada 2, yaitu: greed dan fear. greed pada buddhisme disebut dg lobha ;) & fear adalah bahasa lain dari dosa --- penolakan thd objek yg tidak disukai. saya menemukan bahwa ketika kita melakukan trading, lebih banyak kita melakukan self-reflection utk melihat apakah kita sedang serakah atau takut, dg kata lain seperti melatih kesadaran juga a.k.a meditasi... sepertinya ketika mendalami psikologis, kita akan kembali pada Buddhisme lho...


Teknologi Informasi / Masalah2 di Android OS
« on: 20 April 2011, 05:19:46 PM »
ada yg pernah mengalami hal2 berikut ga di Android OS?

~ wifi tidak bisa ON (apalagi mo konek). gejalanya adalah di ON kan, ter-OFF lagi. kalau disetting, keliatan statusnya: Error. solusinya adalah: soft reset a.k.a restart
~ setelah restart, susunan app dalam app drawer hancur berantakan (Samsung's TouchWiz). jadi sia2 deh disusun per page...
~ keyboard suka ngelag bahkan sampe 2 detik per keystroke.
~ gallery kadang2 tidak keluar, cuma background blank, tp keluar masuk :hammer: lagi bisa
~ app ym (official) salah menampilkan teman pada posisi offline / online (sering kebalik).
~ multitasking? multithreading ga? byk app yg ketika nge-load advertising nya jadi nge-lag...

yg saya alami di hape Samsung Galaxy Ace, android froyo, official rom, tidak di-rooting... sungguh kecewa...

Gadget dan Toys / Xperia Arc
« on: 06 April 2011, 02:35:48 PM »

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Teknologi Informasi / 2011 Year of Copycat = Copycat Rocks
« on: 25 March 2011, 11:02:09 PM »
this is an answer from a copycat:

tablet tertipis di dunia

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they copy the price too :))

Jurnal Pribadi / Kumpulan Pertanyaan Aneh
« on: 06 February 2011, 03:42:00 PM »

sebenarnya ini thread curhat =)) makanya ditaruh di Journal Pribadi
kadang dalam hidup kita ketemu suatu pilihan yg susah utk diambil...
(mungkin ke depan saya akan bertanya pertanyaan2 konyol juga yg bukan keputusan hidup :hammer: )
jadi saya menanyakan pertanyaan di sini dg maksud sapa tau ada yg wise bisa memberi pencerahan hehe...
dan kadang pertanyaan sederhana bisa dijawab oleh orang lain, sementara diri sendiri yg ditengah kemelut susah utk memutuskan.

trims utk semua waktu, perhatian, partisipasi membaca & menjawab yg diberikan.

may all being free from suffering

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi / [ask] gmn cara matiin i-ring?
« on: 29 January 2011, 04:06:57 AM »
gimana cara matiin iring (nada dering indosat)?
tiba2 dapat sms dapat i-ring gratis 7 hari & akan otomatis diperpanjang... :hammer:

Tolong ! / nanya soal pajak
« on: 21 January 2011, 12:43:32 PM »
gw dpt surat teguran pajak, yg isinya kira2 berbunyi:

"Saudara masih ada tugakan pajak sbb:
999/WPJ.99/KB.99/2005 (semua digit yg penting diganti 99 hehe) Rp.600.702,- Jatuh Tempo: 04 Agustus 2005

harus dilunasi 21 hari sejak diterbitkan surat teguran ini atau berlanjut ke surat paksa."

tgl surat teguran adalah 22 Desember 2010, ada nama & nip yg menerbitkan.

padahal gw wajib pajak teladan yg setor rutin tak pernah telat :hammer:
bukannya dapat diskon malah dapat teguran yg thn 2005 :no:

gimana nih? bayar kemana jg ga jelas... tugakan apa jg ga jelas... sebelumnya saya pernah jg dpt surat yg menyatakan saya belum punya npwp sementara punya usaha (padahal dah punya npwp) & berujung ke uang kopi senilai 2jt (thn 2004). jadinya saya ragu mo kontek orang pajak nih, omongannya uud deh...

Dapatkah kebencian dipadamkan dg kebencian? rasanya udah pada tau ya... jawabannya ada di Dhammapada yg terkenal...

bagaimana, kalau:
"Dapatkah nafsu dipadamkan dengan nafsu?"

let's see cuplikan berikut, bukan oleh Buddha ya, (bukan Itivuttaka :P)

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I have heard that on one occasion Ven. Ananda was staying in Kosambi, at Ghosita's Park. Then the Brahman Unnabha went to where Ven. Ananda was staying and on arrival greeted him courteously. After an exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there, he said to Ven. Ananda: "Master Ananda, what is the aim of this holy life lived under Gotama the contemplative?"

"Brahman, the holy life is lived under the Blessed One with the aim of abandoning desire."

"Is there a path, is there a practice, for the abandoning of that desire?"

"Yes, there is a path, there is a practice, for the abandoning of that desire."

"What is the path, the practice, for the abandoning of that desire?"

"Brahman, there is the case where a monk develops the base of power endowed with concentration founded on desire & the fabrications of exertion. He develops the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence... concentration founded on intent... concentration founded on discrimination & the fabrications of exertion. This, Brahman, is the path, this is the practice for the abandoning of that desire."

"If that's so, Master Ananda, then it's an endless path, and not one with an end, for it's impossible that one could abandon desire by means of desire."

"In that case, brahman, let me question you on this matter. Answer as you see fit. What do you think: Didn't you first have desire, thinking, 'I'll go to the park,' and then when you reached the park, wasn't that particular desire allayed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Didn't you first have persistence, thinking, 'I'll go to the park,' and then when you reached the park, wasn't that particular persistence allayed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Didn't you first have the intent, thinking, 'I'll go to the park,' and then when you reached the park, wasn't that particular intent allayed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Didn't you first have [an act of] discrimination, thinking, 'I'll go to the park,' and then when you reached the park, wasn't that particular act of discrimination allayed?"

"Yes, sir."

"So it is with an arahant whose mental effluents are ended, who has reached fulfillment, done the task, laid down the burden, attained the true goal, totally destroyed the fetter of becoming, and who is released through right gnosis. Whatever desire he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular desire is allayed. Whatever persistence he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular persistence is allayed. Whatever intent he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular intent is allayed. Whatever discrimination he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular discrimination is allayed. So what do you think, brahman? Is this an endless path, or one with an end?"

"You're right, Master Ananda. This is a path with an end, and not an endless one. Magnificent, Master Ananda! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has Master Ananda — through many lines of reasoning — made the Dhamma clear. I go to Master Gotama for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Sangha of monks. May Master Ananda remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge, from this day forward, for life."

jika demikian, bagaimana jika kebencian sudah terlampiaskan? pikirkan  >:D

Diskusi Umum / without insight
« on: 20 January 2011, 04:20:34 PM »
With no ardor, no concern, lazy, with low persistence, full of sloth & drowsiness, shameless, without respect: he's incapable, a monk like this, of touching superlative self-awakening. But whoever is mindful, masterful, absorbed in jhana, ardent, concerned, & heedful, cutting the fetter of birth & aging, touches right here a self-awakening un- surpassed. Iti27

ada yg bisa kasih penjelasan? hmmm...

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