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Topics - icykalimu

Pages: [1]
Diskusi Umum / Marilah Berdana
« on: 21 February 2015, 07:52:20 AM »
Kebanyakan orang pada umumnya tidak suka berdana.
Karena tidak pernah terbersit sedikitpun pikiran untuk berdana muncul.
Maka harus ada orang yang mengajaknya / mendorongnya utk berdana.
Manfaat berdana ada banyak. Beberapa tercantum di Nidhikanda Sutta.

Ini kutipannya:
Gemar berdana dan memiliki moral yang baik, dapat menahan nafsu serta mempunyai pengendalian diri, adalah timbunan "Harta" yang terbaik, bagi seorang wanita maupun pria. "Harta" tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan berbuat kebajikan, kepada cetiya-cetiya atau Sangha, kepada orang lain atau para tamu, kepada Ibu dan Ayah, atau kepada orang yang lebih tua.
Inilah "Harta" yang disimpan paling sempurna, tidak mungkin hilang, tidak mungkin ditinggalkan, walaupun suatu saat akan meninggal, ia tetap akan membawanya. Tak seorangpun yang dapat mengambil "Harta" itu, perampok-perampokpun tidak dapat merampasnya. Oleh karena itu, lakukanlah perbuatan-perbuatan bajik karena inilah "Harta" yang paling baik.
Inilah "Harta" yang sangat memuaskan, yang diinginkan para dewa dan manusia, dengan buah kebajikan yang ditimbunnya, apa yang diinginkan akan tercapai. Wajah cantik dan suara merdu, kemolekan dan kejelitaan, kekuasaan dan pengikut, semua diperoleh berkat buah kebajikan itu. Kedaulatan dan kekuasaan kerajaan besar, kebahagiaan seorang raja Cakkavati, atau kekuasaan dewa di alam surga, semuanya diperoleh berkat buah kebajikan itu.
Setiap kejayaan manusia, setiap kebahagiaan surga, bahkan kesempurnaan Nibbana, semuanya diperoleh berkat buah kebajikan itu. Memiliki sahabat-sahabat sejati, memiliki kebijaksanaan dan mencapai pembebasan, semuanya diperoleh berkat buah kebajikan itu.
Memiliki pengetahuan untuk mencapai pembebasan, mencapai kesempurnaan sebagai seorang siswa, menjadi Pacceka Buddha atau Samma Sambuddha, semuanya diperoleh berkat buah kebajikan itu.

Berdana kalau terpaksa nilainya sangat kecil.
Contohnya sumbangan utk pernikahan / kematian.
Sudah menjadi tradisi bahwa kalau datang ke pernikahan / kematian pasti menyumbang.
Maka nilai kebajikannya kecil.
Di beberapa vihara ada yg sumbangannya pakai kantong diedarkan waktu kebaktian.
Ini juga nilainya kecil karena gengsi kalau tdk memasukkan uang.
Jadi ini termasuk pemaksaan.
Seharusnya vihara memakai kotak sumbangan saja.
Di temboknya ditempelkan manfaat berdana dari Nidhikanda Sutta misalnya.
Supaya org berdana dgn kesadarannya sendiri, bukan karena terpaksa.

Sebarkan dana anda, jangan cuma berdana ke satu tempat.
Bisa ke panti asuhan, panti jompo, vihara, dll.
Dan tdk harus berupa uang. Bisa berupa beras, pakaian baru (nilainya lebih dari pakaian bekas), buku buddhis, dll.

Berdana kalau bisa rutin setiap bulan / minggu.
Ada beberapa prinsip yang bisa dipakai utk berdana:
Rp 100.000 di sini sbg contoh. Anda bisa mengganti dgn yg lain terserah anda.
1. Kalau anda bisa berhemat Rp 100.000, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
2. Kalau anda melakukan pemborosan Rp 100.000, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
3. Kalau ada org yg menipu uang anda Rp 100.000, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
4. Kalau ada yg utang uang anda Rp 100.000, dan tdk dibayar, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
5. Kalau ada yg mencuri anda Rp 100.000, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
6. Kalau ada yg merampok anda Rp 100.000, berdanalah Rp 100.000.
Dgn begini anda bisa berdana setiap saat.

Kadang ada org yg berpikir: saya sudah berdana rutin setiap bulan, tapi kok kehidupan saya tetap seperti ini?
Kalau mau setahun sekali anda berdana dgn jumlah jauh di atas dana rutin anda (misal 10x lipat).
Mirip seperti anda menabung uang setiap bulan, dan setahun sekali deposito uang.
Maka anda menabung kebajikan setiap bulan, dan setahun sekali deposito kebajikan.
Ingat manfaat berdana tdk instan. Butuh waktu seperti tanaman yg tumbuh juga membutuhkan waktu.
Berdanalah dgn pikiran positif. Jangan berdana supaya tambah kaya.
Waktu berdana ucapkan dlm hati semoga semua makhluk berbahagia 3x sambil memikirkan bahwa anda berdana supaya semua makhluk berbahagia.

Diskusi Umum / Kebenaran Mulia Pertama Bukan Hidup Adalah Dukkha
« on: 03 December 2014, 09:26:18 AM »
Dhammapada 1: "Pikiran adalah pelopor dari segala sesuatu,
pikiran adalah pemimpin,
pikiran adalah pembentuk.
Bila seseorang berbicara atau berbuat dengan pikiran jahat,
maka penderitaan akan mengikutinya,
bagaikan roda pedati mengikuti langkah kaki lembu yang menariknya."

Jika anda berpikir hidup adalah dukkha, maka hidup anda akan menderita.
Kebenaran mulia pertama: "Inilah kebenaran mulia tentang dukkha."
Bukan hidup adalah dukkha.

Di dalam Samyutta Nikaya dijabarkan lebih lanjut:
"Lahir adalah dukkha, usia tua adalah dukkha, sakit adalah dukkha, mati adalah dukkha ; dukacita, ratapan, keluhan, kesedihan, ketidaksenangan dan keputusasaan adalah dukkha ; berkumpul dengan sesuatu yang tidak disukai adalah dukkha, terpisah dari sesuatu yang kita sukai adalah dukkha ; singkat kata, lima agregat adalah dukkha."
Tidak ada kata hidup adalah dukkha di situ.

Dan lagi kebenaran mulia ada empat. Tidak bisa berhenti di kebenaran mulia pertama saja.
Anggaplah dukkha seperti penyakit, dan Buddha adalah dokternya.
Inilah penyakit, sebabnya penyakit, lenyapnya penyakit, dan jalan menuju lenyapnya penyakit.
Kalau dokter berhenti di inilah penyakit, maka penyakit itu tidak bisa sembuh.
Jadi kebenaran mulia pun harus dipahami secara keseluruhan.

Sains / Near death, explained
« on: 12 October 2014, 06:34:15 PM »
Sumber: http://www.salon.com/2012/04/21/near_death_explained/
New science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences -- with shocking results.

 This article was adapted from the new book "Brain Wars", from Harper One.

In 1991, Atlanta-based singer and songwriter Pam Reynolds felt extremely dizzy, lost her ability to speak, and had difficulty moving her body. A CAT scan showed that she had a giant artery aneurysm—a grossly swollen blood vessel in the wall of her basilar artery, close to the brain stem. If it burst, which could happen at any moment, it would kill her. But the standard surgery to drain and repair it might kill her too.

With no other options, Pam turned to a last, desperate measure offered by neurosurgeon Robert Spetzler at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Spetzler was a specialist and pioneer in hypothermic cardiac arrest—a daring surgical procedure nicknamed “Operation Standstill.” Spetzler would bring Pam’s body down to a temperature so low that she was essentially dead. Her brain would not function, but it would be able to survive longer without oxygen at this temperature. The low temperature would also soften the swollen blood vessels, allowing them to be operated on with less risk of bursting. When the procedure was complete, the surgical team would bring her back to a normal temperature before irreversible damage set in.

Essentially, Pam agreed to die in order to save her life—and in the process had what is perhaps the most famous case of independent corroboration of out of body experience (OBE) perceptions on record. This case is especially important because cardiologist Michael Sabom was able to obtain verification from medical personnel regarding crucial details of the surgical intervention that Pam reported. Here’s what happened.

Pam was brought into the operating room at 7:15 a.m., she was given general anesthesia, and she quickly lost conscious awareness. At this point, Spetzler and his team of more than 20 physicians, nurses, and technicians went to work. They lubricated Pam’s eyes to prevent drying, and taped them shut. They attached EEG electrodes to monitor the electrical activity of her cerebral cortex. They inserted small, molded speakers into her ears and secured them with gauze and tape. The speakers would emit repeated 100-decibel clicks—approximately the noise produced by a speeding express train—eliminating outside sounds and measuring the activity of her brainstem.

At 8:40 a.m., the tray of surgical instruments was uncovered, and Robert Spetzler began cutting through Pam’s skull with a special surgical saw that produced a noise similar to a dental drill. At this moment, Pam later said, she felt herself “pop” out of her body and hover above it, watching as doctors worked on her body.

Although she no longer had use of her eyes and ears, she described her observations in terms of her senses and perceptions. “I thought the way they had my head shaved was very peculiar,” she said. “I expected them to take all of the hair, but they did not.” She also described the Midas Rex bone saw (“The saw thing that I hated the sound of looked like an electric toothbrush and it had a dent in it … ”) and the dental-drill sound it made with considerable accuracy.

Meanwhile, Spetzler was removing the outermost membrane of Pamela’s brain, cutting it open with scissors. At about the same time, a female cardiac surgeon was attempting to locate the femoral artery in Pam’s right groin. Remarkably, Pam later claimed to remember a female voice saying, “We have a problem. Her arteries are too small.” And then a male voice: “Try the other side.” Medical records confirm this conversation, yet Pam could not have heard them.

The cardiac surgeon was right—Pam’s blood vessels were indeed too small to accept the abundant blood flow requested by the cardiopulmonary bypass machine, so at 10:50 a.m., a tube was inserted into Pam’s left femoral artery and connected to the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. The warm blood circulated from the artery into the cylinders of the bypass machine, where it was cooled down before being returned to her body. Her body temperature began to fall, and at 11:05 a.m. Pam’s heart stopped. Her EEG brain waves flattened into total silence. A few minutes later, her brain stem became totally unresponsive, and her body temperature fell to a sepulchral 60 degrees Fahrenheit. At 11:25 a.m., the team tilted up the head of the operating table, turned off the bypass machine, and drained the blood from her body. Pamela Reynolds was clinically dead.

At this point, Pam’s out-of-body adventure transformed into a near-death experience (NDE): She recalls floating out of the operating room and traveling down a tunnel with a light. She saw deceased relatives and friends, including her long-dead grandmother, waiting at the end of this tunnel. She entered the presence of a brilliant, wonderfully warm and loving light, and sensed that her soul was part of God and that everything in existence was created from the light (the breathing of God). But this extraordinary experience ended abruptly, as Reynolds’s deceased uncle led her back to her body—a feeling she described as “plunging into a pool of ice.”

Meanwhile, in the operating room, the surgery had come to an end. When all the blood had drained from Pam’s brain, the aneurysm simply collapsed and Spetzler clipped it off. Soon, the bypass machine was turned on and warm blood was pumped back into her body. As her body temperature started to increase, her brainsteam began to respond to the clicking speakers in her ears and the EEG recorded electrical activity in the cortex. The bypass machine was turned off at 12:32 p.m. Pam’s life had been restored, and she was taken to the recovery room in stable condition at 2:10 p.m.

Diskusi Umum / Kenapa Buddha Tidak Mengajar Ke Seluruh Penjuru Dunia?
« on: 08 October 2014, 10:22:42 AM »
Buddha memiliki iddhi dari satu menjadi banyak, mengunjungi alam2 lain sampai ke alam Brahma.
Kenapa tidak menjadi sejuta dan mengajar ke seluruh penjuru dunia?

Meditasi / Buddhayakan Meditasi
« on: 02 May 2012, 08:19:24 AM »
Ayo Buddhayakan meditasi.
Umat I saja sholat sehari 5x. misal min 10-15 menit tiap kali, maka 1 hari 50-75 menit tiap hari. Tanpa bolong, tanpa malas.
Tapi umat Buddha meditasi 15 menit sehari saja bilang gak sempat, gak punya waktu.
Maka mulai sekarang Buddhayakan meditasi min 60 menit sehari.
Bisa dibagi-bagi, misal 15 menit meditasi jalan, 15 menit meditasi duduk, 15 menit meditasi jalan, 15 menit meditasi duduk.
Setelah terbiasa, 30 menit meditasi jalan, 30 menit meditasi duduk.
Lalu ditingkatkan lagi menjadi 30 menit meditasi jalan, 1 jam meditasi duduk. dst...

Jangan banyak alasan.
Takut jadi gila, sombong, kesurupan. Itu semua cuma alasan.
Kalau anda percaya dgn kamma baik anda dan bermeditasi buddhis dgn benar gak akan kesurupan.
Mulai dgn Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammâ-Sambuddhassa 3x
Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatta 3x.
Setelah itu kosongkan pikiran anda dari masa lalu, masa depan, kata2 dlm hati. Sadari saat ini.
Dulu aku juga salah mengira kalau org yg kesurupan kalau pikiran kosong. Ternyata org yg pikiran kacau & mudah terpengaruh yg gampang kesurupan / kena hipnotis.
Mengosongkan pikiran itu susah.
Jaman dulu kalau kita mau menonton tari2an, nyanyi2an, pertunjukan, hrs datang ke tempatnya.
Tapi di jaman sekarang ada kotak ajaib bernama televisi, komputer, handphone.
Kita bisa menonton semua itu kapan saja.
Sehingga waktu meditasi tiba2 terdengar suara cry cry can't you see the music ( yes i can't see the music, but i can hear it in my mind now. so get out.) :))
Sehingga aku pernah dengar dari temanku yg retret meditasi seminggu saja seperti di neraka.
Setelah pikiran tenang, tdk memikirkan masa lalu, masa depan, ngobrol2 sendiri, barulah kita mulai konsentrasi ke objek.
Kalau pikiran masih kacau coba dikonsetrasikan ke objek susah. meditasi 1 jam pun hasilnya kecil.

Sungguh sulit terlahir sebagai manusia. Lebih sulit lagi mengenal ajaran Buddha. Kita sekarang begitu dekat dengan ajaran Buddha, jangan sia2kan kesempatan ini. Mulai meditasi sekarang juga!

Kafe Jongkok / Ayo cek agamamu di sini
« on: 16 July 2011, 08:49:55 PM »

ini hasilku:
1.    Theravada Buddhism (100%)
2.    Jainism (79%)
3.    Mahayana Buddhism (75%)
4.    Unitarian Universalism (73%)
5.    Hinduism (69%)
6.    Neo-Pagan (62%)
7.    Sikhism (57%)
8.    Secular Humanism (55%)
9.    Liberal Quakers (54%)
10.    New Age (53%)
11.    Taoism (52%)
12.    Nontheist (46%)
13.    Orthodox Judaism (38%)
14.    Jehovah's Witness (34%)
15.    Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (34%)
16.    Seventh Day Adventist (30%)
17.    Baha'i Faith (29%)
18.    New Thought (29%)
19.    Orthodox Quaker (29%)
20.    Scientology (28%)
21.    Eastern Orthodox (26%)
22.    Islam (26%)
23.    Roman Catholic (26%)
24.    Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (26%)
25.    Reform Judaism (24%)
26.    Church of  Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (23%)
27.    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (14%)

Theravada / Abhidhamma in Daily life by Nina van Gorkom
« on: 01 July 2011, 07:18:14 PM »
Abhidhamma in Daily life

 The Buddha's teachings, contained in the 'Tipitaka' (Three Baskets) are: the Vinaya (Book of Discipline for the monks) , the Suttanta (Discourse) , the Abhidhamma.

All three parts of the Tipitaka can be an inexhaustible source of inspiration and encouragement to the practice, leading to the eradication of wrong view and eventually of the other defilements.

In all three parts of the Tipitaka we are taught about 'dhamma' , about everything which is real. Seeing is a dhamma, it is real. Colour is a dhamma, it is real. Feeling is a dhamma, it is real. Our defilements are dhammas, they are realities.

When the Buddha attained enlightenment he clearly knew  all dhammas as they really are. He taught Dhamma to us in order that we also may know realities as they are.

Without the Buddha's teaching we would be ignorant of reality. We are inclined to take for permanent what is impermanent, for pleasant what is sorrowful, for self what is not self. The aim of all three parts of the Tipitaka is to teach people the development of the way leading to the end of defilements.

The Vinaya contains the rules for the monks for the living to perfection of the 'brahman life'. The goal of the 'brahman life' is the eradication of all defilements.

Not only the monks, but also laypeople should study the Vinaya. We read about the instances that monks deviated from their purity of life; when there was such a case, a rule was laid down in order to help them to be watchful. When we read the Vinaya we are reminded of our own lobha (attachment), dosa (aversion) and moha (ignorance), they are realities. As long as they are not eradicated they can arise any time. We are reminded how deeply rooted defilements are and what they can lead to. When one considers this, one is urged to develop the Eightfold Path which leads to the eradication of wrong view, jealousy, stinginess, conceit and all other defilements.

In the Suttanta, Dhamma is explained to different people at different places. The Buddha taught about all realities appearing through the six doors, about cause and effect, about the practice leading to the end of all sorrow.

As regards the Abhidhamma, this is an exposition of all realities in detail. 'Abhi' literally means 'higher', thus ‘ Abhidhamma' means 'higher dhamma'. The form of this part of the Tipitaka is different, but the aim is the same: the eradication of wrong view and eventually of all defilements. Thus, when we study the many enumerations of realities, we should not forget the real purpose of the study. The theory (pariyatti) should encourage us to the practice (patipatti) which is necessary for the realization of the truth (pativedha). While we are studying the different namas and rupas and while we are pondering over them, we can be reminded to be aware of nama and rupa appearing at that moment. In this way we will  discover more and more that the Abhidhamma is about everything which is real, that is, the worlds appearing through the six doors.

This book is meant as an introduction to the study of the Abhidhamma. I hope that the reader, instead of being discouraged by the many enumerations and by the Pali terms which are used, will develop a growing interest in the realities to be experienced in and around himself.

Miss Sujin Boriharnwanaket has been of immense assistance and inspiration to me in my study of the Abhidhamma. She encouraged me to discover for myself that the Abhidhamma is about realities to be experienced through eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body-sense and mind-door. Thus I learnt that the study of the Abhidhamma is a process which continues all through life. I hope that the reader will have a similar experience and that he will be full of enthusiasm and gladness every time he studies realities which can be experienced!

I have quoted many times from the suttas in order to show that teaching contained in the Abhidhamma is no different from the teaching in the other parts of the Tipitaka. For the quotations I have mostly used the English translation of the 'Pali Text Society' (Translation Series). For the quotations from the 'Visuddhimagga' (Path of Purity) I have used the translation by Bhikkhu Nanamoli (Colombo, Sri Lanka,1964).

I have added some questions after the chapters which may help the reader to ponder over what he has read.

The venerable Phra Dhammadharo Bhikkhu gave me most helpful corrections and suggestions for the text of this book. Due to his effort the editing and printing of this book has been made possible.

The Hague                                                                             Nina Van Gorkom
Netherlands                                                                                               1975

Source: Abhidhamma.org

Pada jaman Sang Buddha, banyak pemimpin2 aliran lain yang berdiskusi dengan Buddha. Dan setelah selesai, pemimpin dan seluruh pengikutnya menyatakan berlindung kepada Buddha, Dhamma, dan Sangha.

Pada masa sekarang mengapa tidak ada kejadian seperti itu?

Misalnya saja Arahat berdiskusi dengan paus, dan setelah selesai, paus dan seluruh umat ka****k menyatakan berlindung kepada Buddha, Dhamma, dan Sangha.

Theravada / Sharing blog: The Real Truth of Life
« on: 29 March 2011, 09:10:55 PM »

Ini intronya:

What is the difference between dream and reality?
What if your life up until now is just a dream because you don’t know the truth of reality?

Imagine you're an RPG hero. RPG is abbreviation of role playing game, a game where you role as a hero who's going to save the world. You're travelling around the world.
At first you travel just to see the outside world. But in the middle of your travelling you see something that many people believe is truth, is actually a fake truth.
So you're going to find the real truth, and tell the world about it. But it's not a simple task. Many people will trying to stop you.
And no one will believe what you're saying. But you'll keep forward no matter what happen. Until you're confronting the leader of the fake truth who is called god by his believers.
You finally can kill the god whom many believe he is immortal. And tell the world about it. And peace come to this world.

What if some of the above story is not only in the game? What if it is happening in this world?
Something that you believe since you're a child is actually only a fairytale.
So people of the world, find the truth, learn the truth, and tell the world about it.

Here's some question that you must contemplating:
1. What is life? Why you're live? Why you're born?
2. Why some people born rich, some people born poor. Some people born good-looking, some people born ugly. Some people born without defect / handicap, some people born with defect / handicap.
3. More extreme is some people born rich, live rich, die rich. But some people born poor, live poor, die poor.
4. Do you know the true meaning of "I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me" that maybe even the author of that song don't know?
5. Do you know the origin of these terminologies: the conqueror, the almighty, the all-seeing, the subjector of all to his wishes, the omnipotent, the maker, the creator, the supreme one, the controller, the origin of life, and father to all that have been and shall be.

You can answer these question if you read the rest of this website. I will update it frequently, so stay tuned.


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