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Humor / [Joke] Gambar acak
« on: 28 September 2010, 05:42:31 AM »
Setiap kali posting/reload page, akan ganti gambar

WARNING: terkadang ada gambar atau tulisan yg mungkin tidak cocok dengan anda.

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The Buddhist Channel, Sept 26, 2010

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – World renowned Venerable Thich Nhat Hahn in his keynote address at the World Buddhist Conference 2010 currently held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, have urged politicians in parliaments, business executives in corporations, teachers in classrooms and families to adopt the “5 mindfulness training” as first steps in redeeming this planet from our destructive tendencies.

By way of integrating the “5 mindfulness training” (which is based on the 5 moral precepts ) into the core values of the mentioned institutions, Thich Nhat Hahn says that such collective effort will be able to bring about happiness and the well being of the world.

“When we implement these mindfulness trainings with understanding and compassion, we transfer happiness to the world. Corporations using these trainings will be able to realize profit not just in terms of making money, but profits that can also help to protect the planet,” reasons the venerable.

This famed Zen Master said that it was possible for corporations or parliaments to cultivate happiness and compassion within. He explained that each of these institutions can be treated as Sangha, very much like the traditional community of monks and nuns.

As with the Sangha, he says that these entities can also practice deep listening and loving speech. When they do this, then they will be opportunities to transform the parliament, corporation, classrooms and families in Sangha.
“When this happen, we will be able to understand the suffering of each other, and our actions shall bring good happiness and well being to the world,” he said.

The venerable pointed to a situation as to how the current generation had failed future generations.

Citing unbridled consumerism and unmindful living as the cause, he said that a practical way to the save the planet is to encourage collective practice by the young.

“One Buddha is not enough. We need many Buddhas,” he reasoned.

He said that now the onus of the younger generation is to become “activists of the 5 mindfulness training”.

It is through deep listening and compassion within that parliaments, corporations, classrooms and families can be transformed into mindful Sanghas. And it is by these transformations thereby lies the hope of salvation for this planet.

The World Buddhist Conference 2010 is being held in the Malaysian capital from Sept 25-26, 2010. Nine speakers including Ven Thich Nhat Hahn have been invited to share their experiences and wisdom on the theme “Living in Harmony, When Things Fall Apart”.

Waroeng English / [image] Creative exam answers
« on: 24 September 2010, 05:22:53 PM »

Seremonial / Ibunda Bhante Panna telah meninggal
« on: 24 September 2010, 02:34:11 PM »
Dear rekan-rekan sekalian,

Saya dapat kabar bahwa Ibunda dari Bhante Panna telah meninggal dan disemayamkan di Rumah Duka Gatot Subroto.

Tgl 25 Pagi jam 8 akan tutup peti. Sabtu dan minggu ada Kebaktian Jam 2 dan Jam 7 Malam. Senin tgl 27 akan dikremasi


Ibu  Baniati (Ny. Hinggomulyo) dalam usia 87 tahun
Ibunda tercinta dari Yang Mulia Bhikkhu Sri Pannyavaro  Mahathera
Jenazah disemayamkan di
Rumah Duka RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Senen, Jakarta Ruang H-I dan akan dikremasikan di Krematorium Nirwana, Marunda, pada hari Senin, 27 September 2010.

Berangkat dari rumah duka pukul 08.00.
Abu Jenazah akan disemayamkan pula di rumah keluarga,
Jl. Dr. Sutomo 15,  Blora pada tanggal 29-30 September 2010 dan dikebumikan di pemakaman Watugede pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2010.

Berangkat dari rumah pukul 08.00.

Jika ada informasi tambahan nanti saya post juga, atau rekan-rekan ada informasinya mohon ditambahkan.

Terima kasih

Gadget dan Toys / [Video] Samsung Galaxy Tab official video
« on: 24 September 2010, 07:03:31 AM »

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Toolbar di DC
« on: 23 September 2010, 08:38:26 PM »
Sedang dalam testing :) tuliskan pendapat anda :)

Lingkungan / The Case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem
« on: 20 September 2010, 11:17:28 AM »
Singkat kata, menurut artikel ini antara kematian dan kelahiran/persalinan itu selisih 10 hari

Hanan lahir di Lebanon, pada pertengahan 1930-an. Ketika dia berusia dua puluh, Hanan menikah Farouk Mansour, seorang anggota keluarga dengan baik untuk melakukan Libanon. Pasangan ini memiliki dua anak perempuan, bernama Leila dan Galareh. Hanan punya kakak bernama Nabih, yang menjadi terkemuka dalam masyarakat Lebanon, tetapi mati sebagai seorang pemuda dalam kecelakaan pesawat.

Setelah memiliki anak perempuan yang kedua, Hanan mengembangkan masalah jantung dan para dokter menyarankan untuk tidak punya anak lagi. Tidak mengindahkan peringatan, Hanan memiliki anak ketiga, seorang putra, pada tahun 1962. Pada 1963, tak lama setelah kematian kakaknya Nabih, kesehatan Hanan mulai memburuk. Hanan kemudian mulai berbicara tentang kematian. Farouk, suami Hanan, mengatakan bahwa Hanan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa "dia akan bereinkarnasi dan punya banyak mengatakan tentang kehidupan sebelumnya." Ini terjadi dua tahun sebelum kematiannya. Pada usia tiga puluh enam, Hanan pergi ke Richmond, Virginia, untuk menjalani operasi jantung. Hanan mencoba telepon putrinya Leila sebelum operasi, tapi tidak bisa lewat. Hanan meninggal karena komplikasi hari setelah operasi.

Sepuluh hari setelah Hanan meninggal, Suzanne Ghanem lahir. ibu Suzanne Ian Stevenson mengatakan bahwa tak lama sebelum kelahiran Suzanne, "Aku bermimpi aku akan memiliki bayi perempuan. Aku bertemu seorang wanita dan saya mencium dan memeluknya. Dia berkata, "Aku akan datang kepada Anda 'Wanita. Adalah sekitar empat puluh. Kemudian, ketika aku melihat foto Hanan, saya pikir itu terlihat seperti wanita dalam mimpi saya "Dengan kata lain., Ibu Suzanne Ghanem yang bermimpi bahwa ia akan memiliki anak yang memiliki penampilan Hanan Monsour, dan mimpi ini menjadi kenyataan.

Pada usia 16 bulan, Suzanne menarik telepon lolos seakan-akan ia mencoba berbicara ke dalamnya dan berkata, berulang-ulang, "Halo, Leila?" Keluarga tidak tahu siapa Leila itu. Ketika dia tua, Suzanne menjelaskan bahwa Leila adalah salah satu dari anak-anaknya dan bahwa ia tidak Suzanne, tapi Hanan. Keluarga bertanya, "Hanan apa?" jawab Suzanne, "Kepala saya masih kecil. Tunggu sampai lebih besar, dan aku mungkin akan memberitahu Anda. "Pada waktu ia berumur dua tahun, ia telah menyebutkan nama-nama anak-anak lain, suaminya, Farouk, dan nama-nama orang tuanya dan saudara-saudaranya - tiga belas nama dalam semua .

Kenalan melakukan penyelidikan di kota di mana Monsours tinggal. Ketika mereka mendengar tentang kasus tersebut, Monsours mengunjungi Suzanne. Para Monsours awalnya skeptis tentang klaim gadis itu. Mereka menjadi orang yang beriman ketika Suzanne mengidentifikasi semua saudara Hanan ini, memilih mereka dan nama mereka secara akurat. Suzanne juga tahu bahwa Hanan telah memberikan perhiasannya kepada kakaknya Hercule di Virginia, sebelum operasi hatinya. Hanan diperintahkan kakaknya untuk membagi perhiasan di antara anak-anaknya. Tidak ada di luar salah satu keluarga Monsour tahu tentang perhiasan.

Sebelum dia bisa membaca atau menulis, Suzanne menuliskan nomor telepon di selembar kertas. Kemudian, ketika keluarga pergi ke rumah Monsour, mereka menemukan bahwa nomor telepon sesuai nomor Monsour, kecuali bahwa angka lasttwo itu ditransposisikan. Sebagai seorang anak, Suzanne bisa menyebutkan orasi yang diucapkan di pemakaman saudara Hanan's, Nabih. Suzanne keluarga rekaman pembacaan, meskipun rekaman itu akhirnya hilang.

Pada usia lima tahun, Suzanne akan menelepon Farouk tiga kali sehari. Ketika Suzanne mengunjungi Farouk, ia akan duduk di pangkuannya dan sisanya kepalanya di dadanya. Pada usia 25 tahun, Suzanne Farouk masih telepon. Farouk, polisi karir, telah menerima Suzanne sebagai reinkarnasi istri almarhum, Hanan. Untuk mendukung kesimpulan ini, Farouk menunjukkan bahwa dari foto, Suzanne akurat memilih puluhan orang mereka telah berkenalan dengan, dan tahu informasi lainnya yang hanya Hanan pasti tahu.

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Hanan was born in Lebanon, in the mid-1930s. When she was twenty, Hanan married Farouk Mansour, a member of a well to do Lebanese family. The couple had two daughters, named Leila and Galareh. Hanan had a brother named Nabih, who became prominent in Lebanese society, but died as a young man in a plane crash.

After having her second daughter, Hanan developed a heart problem and her doctors advised her not to have any more children. Not heeding the warning, Hanan had a third child, a son, in 1962. In 1963, shortly after the death of her brother Nabih, Hanan's health started to deteriorate. Hanan then started to talk about dying. Farouk, Hanan's husband, said that Hanan told him that "she was going to be reincarnated and have lots to say about her previous life." This was two years before her death. At age of thirty-six, Hanan traveled to Richmond, Virginia, to have heart surgery. Hanan tried to telephone her daughter Leila before the operation, but couldn’t get through. Hanan died of complications the day after surgery.

Ten days after Hanan died, Suzanne Ghanem was born. Suzanne’s mother told Ian Stevenson that shortly before Suzanne’s birth, “I dreamed I was going to have a baby girl. I met a woman and I kissed and hugged her. She said, ‘I am going to come to you.’ The woman in was about forty. Later, when I saw Hanan’s picture, I thought it looked like the woman in my dream.” In other words, Suzanne Ghanem’s mother had a dream that she would have a child that had the appearance of Hanan Monsour, and this dream became reality.

At 16 months of age, Suzanne pulled the phone off the hook as if she was trying to talk into it and said, over and over, “Hello, Leila?” The family didn’t know who Leila was. When she got older, Suzanne explained that Leila was one of her children and that she was not Suzanne, but Hanan. The family asked, “Hanan what?” Suzanne replied, “My head is still small. Wait until it is bigger, and I might tell you.” By the time she was two, she had mentioned the names of her other children, her husband, Farouk, and the names of her parents and her brothers--thirteen names in all.

Acquaintances made inquiries in the town where the Monsours lived. When they heard about the case, the Monsours visited Suzanne. The Monsours were initially skeptical about the girl's claims. They became believers when Suzanne identified all of Hanan’s relatives, picking them out and naming them accurately. Suzanne also knew that Hanan had given her jewels to her brother Hercule in Virginia, prior to her heart surgery. Hanan instructed her brother to divide the jewelry among her daughters. No one outside of the Monsour family knew about the jewels.

Click to Enlarge!

Before she could read or write, Suzanne scribbled a phone number on a piece of paper. Later, when the family went to the Monsour's home, they found that the phone number matched the Monsour’s number, except that the lasttwo digits were transposed. As a child, Suzanne could recite the oration spoken at the funeral of Hanan's brother, Nabih. Suzanne's family taped the recitation, though the tape was eventually lost.

At five years of age, Suzanne would call Farouk three times a day. When Suzanne visited Farouk, she would sit on his lap and rest her head against his chest. At 25 years of age, Suzanne still telephones Farouk. Farouk, a career policeman, has accepted Suzanne as the reincarnation of his deceased wife, Hanan. To support this conclusion, Farouk points out that from photographs, Suzanne accurately picked out scores of people they had been acquainted with, and knew other information that only Hanan would have known.

Video Game / Mengenang APM pada Starcraft
« on: 20 September 2010, 10:24:18 AM »

note: mereka adalah professional, itu pekerjaannya.

Teknologi Informasi / Program utk layar supaya tidak silau
« on: 16 September 2010, 05:33:36 AM »
Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow?

Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?

During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.

F.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.

It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better.

 Windows -> http://stereopsis.com/flux/flux-setup.exe
 Mac -> https://secure.herf.org/flux/Flux.zip
 Linux -> http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/linux.html

f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again.

Tell f.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it. F.lux will do the rest, automatically.

Lowongan / [2010 Q4] Opening for IBM & Microsoft Specialist
« on: 14 September 2010, 02:13:34 PM »
Prisma Global Solusi, an IBM Business Partner which focused on providing IT Enterprise Workgroup & Collaboration solutions and services based in Jakarta Barat is looking for new members for our growing clients demand. We invite interested, motivated and energetic individuals to join our current team as

[1]. Application Specialist - IBM Lotus Domino
[2]. System Specialist - IBM Lotus Domino

[3]. Senior Share Point Application & System Specialist
[4]. Junior Share Point Appication & System Specialist

Job Description
Working as individual or team for projects in clients' company
Design, Analyze, Develop, Implement, and Supporting applications
Performing on-site and offsite development and support
Presenting Demo or PoC to clients if required

University Degree (S1)
Good analytic and logical thinking
Good communication skill
Able to learn fast
Able to work independent or in group
Fresh graduates are welcome
Knowledge in Visual Basic or Delphi Programming (for [1])
Qualified candidates will be trained IBM Lotus Domino System (for [1] and [2]) .

No prior IBM Lotus Notes knowledge required (for [1] & [2])

Send your resume to hrd [at] prisma-solusi.com

Lowongan / Fwd: Lowongan at Techno One Consulting
« on: 06 September 2010, 10:11:50 AM »

Begin forwarded message:

We are Microsoft Partner and fast growing IT Company that focus on Microsoft Dynamics ERP Implementation. Currently we seeking a good candidate to join our team. We offer good career and challenges with good benefit and salary.
Junior ERP Technical Consultant
·         GPA above 3.0 of 4.0
·         Male / Female <= 25 years old
·         Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply
·         Fast learning with good motivation
Good knowledge in determining Object Oriented Programming Such as C# or Java and Web Programming (HTML, Javascript)
Having knowledge in .NET technology is a plus
Strong communication, planning, and organizational skills
Analytical, pro-active, fast learner, independent thinker, reliable and a dynamic team player
Good proficiency in English, speaking and writing
Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in computer science or information system
Out of town and overseas travel will be involved
Will be train with ERP Dynamics Ax
Junior ERP Functional Consultant
·         GPA above 3.0 of 4.0
·         Male / Female <= 25 years old
·         Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply
·         Fast learning with good motivation
Good knowledge in determining customer business requirements and objectives; demonstrated ability to develop application designs to meet those needs
Strong communication, planning, and organizational skills
Analytical, pro-active, fast learner, independent thinker, reliable and a dynamic team player
Good proficiency in English, speaking and writing
Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in business, accounting or information system
Out of town and overseas travel will be involved
·         Will be train with ERP Dynamics Ax
Please submit your CV to recruitment [at] techno1-consulting.com

The Mystery of the Breath Nimitta Or The Case of the Missing Simile
by Bhikkhu Sona


Bantuan Teknis, kritik dan saran. / Banned member
« on: 02 September 2010, 06:17:34 PM »
Disini akan didaftarkan banned member

Kesehatan / Bottled vs. Brewed: Study Reveals Healthiest Teas
« on: 23 August 2010, 07:18:37 AM »
Bottled vs. Brewed: Study Reveals Healthiest Teas
By LiveScience Staff
posted: 22 August 2010 10:18 am ET
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Labels on bottled tea beverages are typically plastered with declarations of their rich antioxidant content. But a new study suggests, if you're looking for high doses of healthful antioxidants, you might be better off brewing your tea at home.

Many of the popular beverages included in the study contain fewer antioxidants than a single cup of home-brewed green or black tea, the researchers say. Some store-bought teas contain such small amounts that consumers would have to drink 20 bottles to get the antioxidants, also called polyphenols, present in one cup of tea.

"There is a huge gap between the perception that tea consumption is healthy and the actual amount of the healthful nutrients — polyphenols — found in bottled tea beverages. Our analysis of tea beverages found that the polyphenol content is extremely low," said study researcher Shiming Li, an analytical and natural product chemist at WellGen, Inc., a biotechnology company in North Brunswick, N.J., that develops medical foods for patients with diseases, including a proprietary black tea product that will be marketed for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

In addition, bottled beverages often contain large amounts of sugar that health-conscious consumers may be trying to avoid, Li said.

The study was presented Aug. 22 at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Boston.

Bottled vs. brewed

Antioxidants are substances that protect cells against damage from unstable molecules called free radicals. They may play a role in preventing a host of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

Li and colleagues measured the level of polyphenols of six brands of tea purchased from supermarkets. Half of them contained what Li characterized as "virtually no" antioxidants. The rest had small amounts of polyphenols that Li said probably would carry little health benefit, especially when considering the high sugar intake from tea beverages.

The six teas Li analyzed contained 81, 43, 40, 13, 4, and 3 milligrams of polyphenols per 16-ounce bottle. One average cup of home-brewed green or black tea, which costs only a few cents, contains 50-150 milligrams of polyphenols.

Less tea, more water

After water, tea is the world's most widely consumed beverage. Tea sales in the United States have quadrupled since 1990 and now total about $7 billion annually.

Some manufacturers do list polyphenol content on the bottle label, Li said. But the amounts may be incorrect, because there are no industry or government standards or guidelines for measuring and listing the polyphenolic compounds in a given product. A regular tea bag, for example, weighs about 2.2 grams and could contain as much as 175 mg of polyphenols, Li said. But polyphenols degrade and disappear as the tea bag is steeped in hot water. The polyphenol content also may vary as manufacturers change their processes, including the quantity and quality of tea used to prepare a batch and the tea brewing time.

"Polyphenols are bitter and astringent, but to target as many consumers as they can, manufacturers want to keep the bitterness and astringency at a minimum," Li explained. "The simplest way is to add less tea, which makes the tea polyphenol content low but tastes smoother and sweeter."

Li used a standard laboratory technique, termed high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), to make what he described as the first measurements of polyphenols in bottled tea beverages. He hopes the research will encourage similar use of HPLC by manufacturers and others to provide consumers with better nutritional information.

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Botol vs brewed: studi Mengungkapkan Teh sehat
Dengan LiveScience Staf
diposting: 22 Agustus 2010 10:18 ET
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Komentar (1) | Kenalkan (1)
Label pada minuman teh botol biasanya ditempeli dengan deklarasi konten mereka yang kaya antioksidan. Tapi sebuah penelitian baru menunjukkan, jika Anda mencari antioksidan dosis tinggi yang sehat, Anda mungkin lebih baik menyeduh teh Anda di rumah.

Banyak minuman populer dimasukkan dalam studi tersebut mengandung antioksidan kurang dari satu cangkir rumah-diseduh teh hijau atau hitam, kata para peneliti. Beberapa toko-membeli teh mengandung jumlah kecil seperti yang konsumen harus minum 20 botol untuk mendapatkan antioksidan, juga disebut polifenol, hadir dalam satu cangkir teh.

"Ada kesenjangan besar antara persepsi bahwa konsumsi teh yang sehat dan jumlah sebenarnya dari nutrisi sehat - polifenol - ditemukan dalam minuman teh botol. Analisis kami minuman teh menemukan bahwa kandungan polifenol sangat rendah," kata peneliti studi Shiming li, sebuah produk kimia analitis dan alam di WellGen, Inc, sebuah perusahaan bioteknologi di North Brunswick, NJ, yang mengembangkan makanan medis untuk pasien dengan penyakit, termasuk produk teh hitam eksklusif yang akan dipasarkan untuk manfaat anti-inflamasi.

Selain itu, minuman botol sering mengandung sejumlah besar gula yang sadar kesehatan konsumen mungkin berusaha untuk menghindari, Li mengatakan.

Penelitian ini disajikan 22 Agustus di National Rapat 240 American Chemical Society (ACS) di Boston.

Botol vs brewed

Antioksidan adalah zat yang melindungi sel terhadap kerusakan dari molekul tidak stabil yang disebut radikal bebas. Mereka dapat berperan dalam mencegah sejumlah penyakit, termasuk kanker, penyakit jantung dan Alzheimer.

Li dan koleganya mengukur tingkat polifenol dari enam merek teh yang dibeli dari supermarket. Setengah dari mereka berisi apa Li dicirikan sebagai "hampir tidak" antioksidan. Sisanya memiliki sejumlah kecil polifenol bahwa Li mengatakan mungkin akan membawa sedikit manfaat kesehatan, terutama bila mengingat asupan gula tinggi dari minuman teh.

Enam teh Li dianalisis berisi 81, 43, 40, 13, 4, dan 3 miligram polifenol per 16-ons botol. Satu cangkir rata-rata rumah-diseduh teh hijau atau hitam, yang biaya hanya beberapa sen, mengandung 50-150 miligram polifenol.

Kurang teh, air lebih

Setelah air, teh adalah minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi. penjualan teh di Amerika Serikat telah meningkat empat kali lipat sejak tahun 1990 dan sekarang total sekitar $ 7 miliar per tahun.

Beberapa produsen melakukan daftar isi polifenol pada label botol, Li mengatakan. Tetapi jumlah mungkin salah, karena tidak ada industri atau pemerintah standar atau pedoman untuk mengukur dan daftar senyawa polifenolik dalam produk tertentu. Sebuah kantong teh biasa, misalnya, memiliki berat sekitar 2,2 gram dan dapat berisi sebanyak 175 mg polifenol, Li mengatakan. Tapi polyphenols menurunkan dan menghilang sebagai kantong teh penting dalam air panas. Kandungan polifenol juga dapat bervariasi sebagai produsen mengubah proses mereka, termasuk kuantitas dan kualitas teh digunakan untuk menyiapkan batch dan waktu menyeduh teh.

"Polifenol adalah pahit dan zat, tetapi untuk menargetkan semakin banyak konsumen yang mereka dapat, produsen ingin menyimpan kepahitan dan astringency minimal," jelas Li. "Cara termudah adalah dengan menambahkan teh kurang, yang membuat isi polifenol teh rendah tapi selera halus dan manis."

Li menggunakan teknik laboratorium standar, disebut kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (HPLC), untuk membuat apa yang digambarkan sebagai pengukuran pertama polifenol dalam minuman teh botol. Ia berharap penelitian ini akan mendorong penggunaan HPLC yang sama dengan produsen dan lain-lain untuk menyediakan konsumen dengan informasi gizi yang lebih baik.

Pengembangan DhammaCitta / Facebook recommend Integration di DC
« on: 22 August 2010, 12:37:30 PM »
Sekarang ini sudah diberikan tombol "Sarankan" atau dalam englishnya itu "Recommend" pada setiap topic dan entri di perpustakaan atau di DCPedia.

Diharapkan topic dan materi bagus bisa kita rekomendasikan ke teman2x kita yg lain, sehingga bisa membawa manfaat lebih luas.

note: disini digunakan tombol dengan kata "sarankan"/recommend dibanding hanya sekatar "suka"/like.

ada komen atau saran lainnya silahkan

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