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Vegetarian / susu dari biji wijen
« on: 09 June 2015, 12:07:39 PM »
lagi minum susu dari biji wijen, ternyata banyak manfaatnya.

20 Huge Health Benefits of Sesame

20 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds
1. Full of Great Protein
Sesame seeds are full of high quality protein making up 20 percent of the seed with 4.7 grams of protein
per ounce.

2. Helps Prevent Diabetes
Sesame seeds contain magnesium and other nutrients. Sesame oil has been shown to prevent diabetes,
and it can also improve plasma glucose in hypersensitive diabetics.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure
The same study above reveals how sesame oil lowers blood pressure in diabetics. Sesame seeds are full
of magnesium – a key nutrient known to help lower blood pressure.

4. Lowers Cholesterol
Sesame helps lower cholesterol levels, because it contains phytosterols that block cholesterol production.
Black sesame seeds are especially high in phytosterols.

5. Good for Digestion
The high fiber content of sesame seeds helps the intestines with elimination.

6. For Healthy Skin
The high zinc content helps produce collagen, giving skin more elasticity and helping repair damaged body
tissues. Regular use of sesame oil can reduce skin cancer. Learn more about Sesame Benefits For Your
Skin .

7. Boosts Heart Health
Sesame seed oil can help heart health by preventing atherosclerotic lesions with the antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory compound known as sesamol.

8. Prevents Cancer
Sesame seeds contain anti-cancer compounds including phytic acid, magnesium and phytosterols . Sesame
seeds have the highest phytosterol content of all seeds and nuts.

9. Helps Lessen Anxiety
Sesame seeds contain the stress-relieving minerals magnesium and calcium. Sesame also contains the
calming vitamins thiamin and tryptophan that help produce serotonin, which reduces pain, assists moods
and helps you sleep deeply.

10. Alleviates Anemia
Black sesame seeds are particularly rich in iron, so they’re highly recommended for those with anemia and

11. Protects from Radiation Damage to DNA
Sesamol in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has been shown to protect against DNA damage caused by

12. Relieves Arthritis
The high copper content in sesame seeds prevents and relieves arthritis, and strengthens bones, joints and
blood vessels.

13. Protects Your Liver from Alcohol
Sesame helps protect you from alcohol’s impact on your liver, helping you maintain healthy liver function.

14. Prevents Wrinkles
Sesame seed oil prevents harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun from damaging your skin, thus preventing the
appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.

15. Encourages Bone Health and Prevents Osteoporosis
A handful of sesame seeds contains more calcium than a glass of milk. Also the high zinc content of
sesame boosts bone mineral density.
16. Help Your Baby’s Health

A sesame oil massage improves growth and improves sleep. Rashes on a baby’s skin — especially where
the diaper is — can be protected with sesame seed oil by rubbing it in. As a bonus, sesame also helps
reverse dry skin.

17. Good for Eye Health: In traditional Chinese medicine there is a relationship between the liver and eyes.
The liver sends blood to the eyes to support functioning. Black sesame seeds are the best for this.

18. Good for Oral Health: Oil pulling, has been used for oral health for thousands of years in Ayurveda to
reduce dental plaque , whiten your teeth and boost overall health. Learn How To Do Oil Pulling
19. Good for Respiratory Health: The magnesium in sesame seeds helps prevent respiratory disorders by
preventing airway spasm and asthma.

20. Hair Benefits: Sesame seed oil is full of nutrients which are needed for a healthy scalp and hair. See
how to use sesame oil in the hair here .


Teknologi Informasi / wifi corner.id (pojok wifi untuk berwifi )
« on: 22 April 2015, 08:30:33 PM »

Dapatkan layanan internet kecepatan tinggi hingga 100 Mbps. Saat ini Telkom Indonesia mempersembahkan inovasi layanan WiFi Corner di ribuan titik di berbagai kota di penjuru nusantara. Hal ini merupakan bentuk edukasi dan penetrasi internet kecepatan tinggi di Indonesia.

Pengguna voucher wifi.id bisa ikut menikmati layanan WiFi Corner dengan akses unlimited harga Rp 5 ribu untuk penggunaan 1 hari, Rp50 ribu untuk 30 hari, dan voucher wifi.id Brasil seharga Rp 99 ribu untuk penggunaan 90 hari.



GROGOL PETAMBURAN (Pos Kota) – Anggota Puslabfor Mabes Polri tengah mengusut kebakaran yang menewaskan tiga orang dalam sekeluarga, di Jalan Semeru Raya Gang VI Nomor 23 RT 01 RW 10 Kleurahan Grogol, Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (8/4/2015).

Ketiga korban diduga terjebak dalam kobaran api, sehingga hangus terbakar. Kini jasad korban dibawa ke RSCM Jakarta, Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat. Ketiga korban adalah Edi Susanto, 60, Tam Bin Tjin,55 dan Kendy, 20.

AKP Ewo, Wakapolsek Tanjung Duren, mengatakan pihaknya akan mendatangkan anggota Puslabfor Mabes Polri untuk menyelidiki penyebab kebakaran. Sementara pemilik rumah Edi Susanto (A Haw) diketahui seorang pedagang sepeda motor bekas, namun disayangkan oleh petugas, rumah korban dipasangi teralis besi sehingga korban sulit untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kobaran api.

Dia ke luar rumah dan melihat rumah korban sudah terbakar. Dibantu sejumlah warga lain, mereka mendobrak pintu dan memadamkan kobaran api, namun kobaran api sudah membesar sehingga korban tidak dapat tertolong dan meninggal di lokasi kejadian.

Lurah Grogol, Febriandri Suharto, di tempat terpisah, menjelaskan bahwa kebakaran itu sekitar pukul 05.00 wib, api diduga berasal dari api dupa atau hio yang langsung menyambar sepeda motor yang berada di dalam ruang depan. Akibatnya api berkobar dan membakar ruang depan yang merupakan akses pintu keluar rumah.

Tiga orang korban yang merupakan satu keluarga terjebak berada di ruang belakang. Akibatnya mereka tewas karena terbakar. Mereka adalah Tan Bin Tjhin (perempuan), 50, Edy Susanto, 60 (kepala keluarga) dan Kendi (anak perempuan) 20.

“Anak perempuannya ditemukan dalam kamar mandi, kemungkinan dia berusaha menyelamatkan diri tapi karena banyak asap, jadi kehabisan oksigen. Sedangkan dua korban lainnya terbakar. Korban langsung dibawa ke RS Cipto,” kata Febbriandri.

Sebanyak 15 unit pemadam kebakaran dikerahkan untuk memadamkan api dan melokalisir agar tidak merembet ke rumah lainnya. Petugas pemadam kebakaran dan warga kesulitan untuk menyelamatkan korban karena rumah korban dipagar teralis.


ini pastinya sembahyang kwan im sejit jatuh kemarin malem dan hari ini

Waroeng English / Reflection at the Moment of Using the Requisites
« on: 23 March 2015, 03:39:38 PM »
Reflection at the Moment of Using the Requisites

(LEADER) Handa mayam tankhanika-paccavekhana-patham:
Now let us recite the passage for reflection at the moment [of using the requisites]:

(ALL) [Phisankha yoniso] Civaram patisevami
considering it thougtfully, i use the robe

yavadeva sitassa patighataya
Simply to counteract cold

unhassa patighataya
to counteract heat

Damsa-makasa-vatatapa-sirimsapa-samphassanam patighataya
To countact the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun & reptiles

Yavadeva hirikopina-paticchadan'atthan
Simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame.

Patisankho yoniso pindapatam patisevami
Considering it thoughtfully, I use alms food

N'va davaya na madaya na mandanaya na vibhusanaya
Not playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification

Yavadeva imassa kayassa thitiya yapanaya vihimsuparatiya brahma-cariyanuggahaya
but simply for the the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy-life

'iti puranan-ca vedanam patihankhami navan-ca vedanam na uppadessami
[thinking] 'thus will I destroy old feelings [of hunger] and not create new feelings [from overeating]

Yatra ca me bhavissati anavajjata ca phasu-viharo cati
I will maintain myself, be blameless & live in comfort

Patisankha yoniso senasanam patisevami
Considering it thoughtfully, I use the lodging

yavadeva sitassa patighataya
Simply to counteract cold

unhassa patighataya
to counteract heat

Damsa-makasa-vatatapa-sirimsapa-samphassanam patighataya
To countact the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun & reptiles

Yavadeva utuparissaya-vinodanam patisallanaram'attham
simply as protection from inclemencies of weather and for enjoyment of seclusion,

Patisankha yoniso gilana-paccaya-bhesajjam parikkharam patisevami
Considering them thoughtfully, I use medicinal requisites for curing the sick

Yavadeva uppannanam veyyabadhikanam vedananam patighataya
simply to counteract any pains of illnees that have arisen,

and for maximum freedom from disease

vihara dharma bakti jin de yuan terbakar tgl 2 maret 2015 jam 03:00

Jakarta - Kebakaran di Vihara Dharma Bakti di Jalan Kemenangan, Glodok, Jakarta Barat sudah padam.

Petugas Sudin Pemadam Kebakaran (Damkar) Jakarta Barat memastikan hanya kompleks Vihara yang dilalap api, tidak merembet ke pemukiman.

"Sekarang api sudah padam, dan yang terbakar hanya vihara," ujar Bambang, petugas Sudin Damkar Jakbar saat dikonfirmasi, Senin (2/3/2015).

Belum dapat dipastikan berapa kerugian yang terjadi termasuk ada tidaknya korban luka akibat kebakaran ini. "Belum tahu berapa pastinya, karena petugas baru saja sampai," sebutnya.

Kebakaran yang terjadi sekitar pukul 03.55 WIB ini diduga bermula dari percikan api kayu dupa dari vihara tersebut. Api yang kian membesar membuat petugas Damkar yang semula hanya menurunkan 24 unit mobil pemadam menjadi 30 unit. Sekitar dua jam lebih berjibaku, akhirnya petugas dapat memadamkan api pukul 06.00 WIB.



Vegetarian / [vegan] Chia seeds ( Salvia hispanica) for eggless foods
« on: 18 February 2015, 07:28:14 PM »

Salvia hispanica , commonly known as chia , is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala.[2] The 16th-century Codex Mendoza provides evidence that it was cultivated by the Aztec in pre-Columbian times; economic historians have suggested it was as important as maize as a food crop. [3] Ground or whole chia seeds are still used in Paraguay , Bolivia, Argentina , Mexico and Guatemala for nutritious drinks and as a food source

Chia is grown commercially for its seed , a food that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids , since the seeds yield 25–30% extractable oil , including α-linolenic acid (ALA). Of total fat, the composition of the oil can be 55% ω-3 , 18% ω-6 , 6% ω-9 , and 10% saturated fat. [8]

Chia seeds are typically small ovals with a diameter of about 1 mm (0.039 in). They are mottle-colored with brown, gray, black and white. The seeds are hydrophilic, absorbing up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked. While soaking, the seeds develop a mucilaginous gel-like coating that gives chia- based beverages a distinctive texture.

Chia seed is traditionally consumed in Mexico , and the southwestern United States , but is not widely known in Europe . Chia (or chian or chien) has mostly been identified as Salvia hispanica L. Today, chia is grown commercially in its native Mexico , and in Bolivia, Argentina , Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Australia . In 2008, Australia was the world's largest producer of chia. [9] A similar species, Salvia columbariae or golden chia, is used in the same way but is not grown commercially for food. Salvia hispanica seed is marketed most often under its common name "chia",but also under several trademarks.

According to the USDA , a one ounce (28 gram) serving of chia seeds contains 9 grams of fat, 5 milligrams of sodium , 11 grams of dietary fiber , 4 grams of protein , 18% of the recommended daily intake of calcium , 27% phosphorus and 30% manganese. [8] These nutrient values are similar to other edible seeds, such as flax or sesame .[10][11]

In 2009, the European Union approved chia seeds as a novel food , allowing up to 5% of a bread product's total matter. [12]

Chia seeds may be added to other foods as a topping or put into smoothies , breakfast cereals , energy bars , granola bars , yogurt , tortillas , bread , made into a gelatin-like substance or consumed raw. [13][14]
[15][16] The gelatin -gel can be used to replace as much as 25% of egg content and oil in cakes while providing other nutrients.



Patreon, based in San Francisco, is a crowdfunding platform created by musician Jack Conte and developer Sam Yam.[1] It allows artists to obtain funding from patrons on a recurring basis or per artwork. [2] It is popular with YouTube content creators, musicians, and webcomic artists and has been featured in Forbes, Time, and Billboard magazines.

Artists set up a page on the Patreon website, where patrons can pledge to donate a given amount of money to an artist every time she or he creates a piece of art, optionally setting a monthly maximum. Alternatively a fixed monthly amount can be pledged. This is different from other crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, where artists obtain a single sum after a successful campaign and typically have to start over for every new piece.[3] Similar to other platforms however, artists will often provide rewards for their patrons.[7][8] Patreon takes a 5% commission on pledges.[9]


Jakarta - Setiap kali musim panen buah leci tiba, wabah penyakit pada anak-anak di India terjadi. Wabah di daerah miskin ini menelan banyak korban setiap tahun. Sepertiga dari korba anak-anak meninggal dunia.

Karena penyebab penyakit yang berakibat kematian belum juga terungkap, sekelompok peneliti di India melakukan sejumlah riset. Riset dilakukan di daerah termiskin di India yang sering dilanda wabah.

Wabah penyakit yang membuat ribuan anak sakit di India Utara ini diduga ada kaitan dengan buah leci. Hal ini dltulis dalam laporan di Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report dan dipublikasikan Centres for Desease Control and Prevention.

Setiap tahun anak-anak dirawat di rumah sakit di India karena menderita kehilangan kesadaran, koma hingga meninggal dunia. Sepertiga jumlah pasien anak karena penyakit ini meninggal. Namun, sesaat kemudian epidemik ini hilang. Hingga kini penyebab penyakit ini sedang diteliti para peneliti.

Sejumlah hal dicurigai sebagai penyebab seperti pestisida, logam berat juga diuji. Namun, peneliti mencurigai racun yang terdapat pada biji leci yang membuat gula darah menurun drasts dan menyebabkan kondisi fatal.

Wabah ini terjadi di Muzaffarpur, daerah perkebunan leci yang besar di India. Wabah penyakit muncul saat buah leci mulai masak dan panen dilakukan.

Menurut NY Times� (30/1) hal yang sama juga terjadi di sentra penghasil leci di Bangladesh dan Vietnam. Peneliti berharap penelitian ini akan terus berlanjut untuk memastikan racun buah leci yang jadi penyebabnya sehingga obat segera bisa dikembangkan.


buah leci pada umumnya di makan daging buah nya, untuk anak anak perlu di waspadai bijinya jangan sampai termakan.

Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging

Two teams of scientists published studies on Sunday showing that blood from young
mice reverses aging in old mice, rejuvenating their muscles and brains. As ghoulish
as the research may sound, experts said that it could lead to treatments for disorders
like Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.

“I am extremely excited,” said Rudolph Tanzi, a professor of neurology at Harvard
Medical School, who was not involved in the research. “These findings could be a
game changer.”

The research builds on centuries of speculation that the blood of young people
contains substances that might rejuvenate older adults.

In the 1950s, Clive M. McCay of Cornell University and his colleagues tested the
notion by delivering the blood of young rats into old ones. To do so, they joined rats
in pairs by stitching together the skin on their flanks. After this procedure, called
parabiosis , blood vessels grew and joined the rats’ circulatory systems. The blood
from the young rat flowed into the old one, and vice versa.

Later, Dr. McCay and his colleagues performed necropsies and found that the
cartilage of the old rats looked more youthful than it would have otherwise. But the
scientists could not say how the transformations happened. There was not enough
known at the time about how the body rejuvenates itself.

It later became clear that stem cells are essential for keeping tissues vital. When
tissues are damaged, stem cells move in and produce new cells to replace the dying
ones. As people get older, their stem cells gradually falter.
In the early 2000s, scientists realized that stem cells were not dying off in aging

“There were plenty of stem cells there,” recalled Thomas A. Rando , a professor of
neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. “They just don’t get the right

Dr. Rando and his colleagues wondered what signals the old stem cells would receive
if they were bathed in young blood. To find out, they revived Dr. McCay’s

The scientists joined old and young mice for five weeks and then examined them.
The muscles of the old mice had healed about as quickly as those of the young mice,
the scientists reported in 2005 . In addition, the old mice had grown new liver cells at
a youthful rate.

The young mice, on the other hand, had effectively grown prematurely old. Their
muscles had healed more slowly, and their stem cells had not turned into new cells
as quickly as they had before the procedure.

The experiment indicated that there were compounds in the blood of the young mice
that could awaken old stem cells and rejuvenate aging tissue. Likewise, the blood of
the old mice had compounds that dampened the resilience of the young mice.
Amy J. Wagers , a member of Dr. Rando’s team, continued to study the blood of
young mice after she moved in 2004 to Harvard, where she is an associate professor.
Last year, she and her colleagues demonstrated that it could rejuvenate the hearts of
old mice.

To pinpoint the molecules responsible for the change, Dr. Wagers and her colleagues
screened the animals’ blood and found that a protein called GDF11 was abundant in
young mice and scarce in old ones. To see if GDF11 was crucial to the parabiosis
effect, the scientists produced a supply of the protein and injected it into old mice.
Even on its own, GDF11 rejuvenated their hearts .

Dr. Wagers and her colleagues wondered whether GDF11 was responsible for the
rejuvenation of other tissues. In the current issue of the journal Science, they report
an experiment on skeletal muscle in mice. They found that GDF11 revived stem cells
in old muscles , making old mice stronger and increasing their endurance.


mitos drakula awet muda karena minum darah orang muda ternyata benar yah, lupa ada sejarah tentang kaisar wanita yang mandi darah orang orang berusia muda agar tetap awet muda.


Penampakan kartu bpjs (e-id) punya teman, dia iuran bulan nya Rp42.500,-/bulan, kelas rawat II juga ada nomer untuk pembayaran iuran di tiga bank yaitu bri, bni dan bank mandiri.

Ternyata ini e-id nya bpjs mesti di tukar lagi dgn kartu bpjsnya di kantor bpjs

Kafe Jongkok / PLN
« on: 30 October 2014, 10:57:56 AM »
PLN, kadang bingung juga yah si pln sendiri saat ini bila kita call center dan melakukan pelaporan sesudah pelaporan di bilang untuk tidak memberi tips dan bla bla bla untuk indonesia yang lebih baik.

Tetapi bila seperti kemarin tgl 29-10-2014 terjadi gardu (+ meteran listrik) nya meledak, petugas pln nya terluka bakar ke dua tangan nya, deretan toko yang terpengaruh pada akhirnya ada yang mengeluarkan ongkos untuk mengganti gardu yang kuno itu dgn gardu baru, toko sebelah ada memberi uang rp 100.000 kepada petugas yang luka untuk membantu pengobatan nya.

Memberi tips pada petugas pln ini kadang kita ragu karena call center telah dgn tegas memberitahu untuk tidak memberi, seperti di ketahui ini toko toko, bila terjadi di sekitar rumah yang lingkungan nya kurang mampu bagaimana? apakah mereka juga harus mengeluarkan uang extra untuk hal ini, apa kah mungkin akan terjadi diskrimjnasi pelayanan nanti nya?

Menurut kalian bagaimana? beri tips atau tidak?

Jakarta - Seorang petani buah di Australia Barat telah menggunakan sosial media seperti Facebook untuk menjual langsung jeruk yang dihasilkan dari ladangnya dan mengatakan hasilnya cukup memuaskan.

Belinda Needle mengelola perkebunan di Yallingup Siding, sekitar 247 km dari Perth, dimana dia sana dia menanam sekitar 8 ribu pohong jeruk naval, dan 100 jeruk mandarin imperial.

Needle sudah menjalani usaha ini lebih dari 20 tahun.
Dia mengatakan dia menjual langsung produksinya ke konsumen karena nilai keuntungannya tidak cukup besar bagi petani kecil bila mereka menjual lewat supermarket.


semoga berita ini memberi inspirasi bagi para petani indonesia untuk turut menjual product nya juga di medsos.

Kesehatan / Europeans Snub America's 'Chlorinated Chicken'
« on: 01 October 2014, 11:08:41 PM »
The US industrial farming system is proving to be a stumbling block in the negotiation of a major free trade agreement between the United States and the EU. As negotiators from the two sides meet in Washington for the seventh round of talks over the creation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), many Europeans are saying they don’t want to eat industrially produced American chicken due to the anti-microbial chlorine baths the birds get before hitting the store shelves. According to NPR, the chlorine bath has been banned in Europe since the 1990s, and many Europeans are concerned about the health effects of consuming American food.

“In Europe there is definitely a disgust about chlorinated chicken,” Mute Schimpf, an activist with Friends of the Earth Europe told NPR. It’s an example of the opposition to the TTIP in Europe where some people worry the agreement would lower their food standards. But according to Scott Russell, professor of poultry processing at the University of Georgia , chlorine isn’t a public health concern. “Most of these concerns about chemical use and those kinds of things are blown up in the media to become a problem that really doesn’t exist,” Russell told NPR. He notes that American chicken processors use about a cap full of chlorine per gallon in a tank of water used to chill chicken carcasses. He adds that the chlorine is used to disinfect the chicken and later gets washed off, making it of little threat to the people who eat it.


bagaimana pun juga biar pun setelah di cuci kembali tetap akan ada sedikit residu yang menempel di ayam tersebut, biarpun yang bicara seperti orang yang sangat ahli sekali tetap harus di waspadai, apa yang dilakukan eropa sepertinya sudah dalam jalur yang benar mempersedikit zat zat kimia yang terkonsumsi oleh manusia.

siap siap menggunakan kartu kredit menggunakan pin mulai 1 january 2015, mesin edc wa sudah di ganti untuk persiapan kartu kredit menggunakan pin, bila salah tiga kali pin nya maka kena blokir.

Ada seorang wanita setengah baya yang sangat gemuk dan ia sangat ingin menurunkan
berat badan. Ia telah mencoba segala macam pelatihan dan program diet, namun tidak
satupun dari program tersebut yang telah berhasil menurunkan berat badannya. Olah
raga adalah kegiatan yang paling sukses untuk menurunkan berat badan tetapi ia tidak
pernah olah raga, karena ia cukup malas untuk melakukan kegiatan tersebut. Dalam
rutinitas kehidupannya, ia memiliki porsi makan yang cukup besar, karena di dalam
pikiranya hanya ada makan dan makan.
Suatu hari, ia membaca beberap majalah program diet, dan ia menemukan sebuah iklan
diet sukses yaitu dengan meminum Pil Diet .
Iklan tersebut mengatakan bahwa "Penurunan berat badan dengan mengkonsumsi Pil Diet,
dijamin hanya dalam dua minggu, berat badan anda telah telah turun!" .
Iklan tersebut telah menjual Pil Diet secara online melalui internet, sehingga wanita itu
memutuskan untuk membeli Pil Diet tersebut untuk persediaan satu bulan.
Beberapa hari kemudian, ia telah menerima sebuah paket lewat pos, ketika ia
membukanya, ia sangat terkejut melihat isi dari Pil Diet tersebut, bahwa Pil Diet tersebut
hanya berisi dua belas dalam ukuran Pil besar. Instruksi dari cara mengkonsumsi Pil Diet
tersebut ialah bahwa ia harus meminum satu Pil Diet per bulan, dan setelah itu ia harus
menghindari makanan yang pedas dan minuman alkohol.
Hari-hari pun telah berlalu, selama ia mengkonsumsi Pil Diet, dengan cepat ia mulai
kehilangan berat badan lebih dan lebih hanya dalam waktu singkat. Ia telah bangga dan
mengagumi tubuh langsing barunya setiap kali ia bercermin. Perubahan itu sangat
menakjubkan bagi dirinya.
Sayangnya, dengan tubuh barunya itu ia mulai merasa lelah, kondisi tubuhnya mulai
lemah dan hampir setiap hari ia menderita sakit perut.
Rasa sakit perut yang ia derita pada akhirnya menjadi begitu parah dan hebat, sehingga
ia dipaksa untuk pergi ke rumah sakit oleh kedua orang tuanya. Seorang dokter telah
memeriksa wanita itu dan ia menjadi sedikit khawatir oleh kondisi wanita itu, setelah
melakukan x-ray di perutnya, kemudian dokter bertanya kepada wanita itu "Sebelum ada
sakit perut, jenis makanan apa yang telah anda makan? , kemudian wanita itu menjawab
"Tidak, saya tidak makan apapun, karena nafsu makan saya selama minggu ini telah berkurang
dan saya sudah hampir tidak makan apa-apa lagi sejak saya mengkonsumsi Pil Diet",
kemudian dokter meminta untuk melihat botol Pil tersebut dan mengambil satu Pil dan
mematahkan Pil tersebut menjadi dua bagian kemudian membawa isi Pil itu ke
laboratorium untuk dianalisis.
Selama satu jam, sang dokter kembali bertemu dengan wanita itu, dan ia mempunyai
kabar buruk untuk disampaikan kepada wanita itu. Karena Pil Diet yang selama ini ia
konsumsi adalah sebuah serbuk yang mengandung telur cacing pita, dan hasil x-ray menunjukan
bahwa kondisi perut wanita itu sudah sangat parah karena beberapa organ telah hancur, usus
besar nampak seperti berlubang-lubang, dan lambungnya mengalami kebocoran yang hebat.
Kemudian ditemukan beberapa benda yang bergerak-gerak benda tersebut tidak hanya satu
bahkan puluhan, benda tersebut adalah Cacing Pita Dewasa!.


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