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Humor / (Joke) Puisi
« on: 04 August 2007, 08:54:21 AM »
Puisi Karyawan Kreatif
Akulah pekerja kreatif
gak ada kerjaan aku nyari kerjaan
masih gak ada kerjaan juga
aku nyari-nyari siapa yang bisa dikerjain...

Aku pekerja kreatif
jam rumah aku lebihi 10 menit
biar tidak terlambat kantor.
jam kantor aku kurangi sepuluh menit
biar rasanya kayak pulang awal...

Aku pekerja kreatif
meja bersih aku berantakin
biar keliatan sibuk meja berantakan
aku beri tumpukan tinggi
biar monitor gak dilihat orang...

Aku pekerja kreatif
jam makan siang aku ng-imel
jam makan siang habis aku makan siang
jam kerja berlangsung aku ke musholla
atau ke pantry atau ke toilet atau ke bank
atau ke...

Akulah pekerja kreatif
gak ada yang nelpon aku telpon-telponan
telpon rumah gak diangkat
aku telpon temen
telpon temen lagi sibuk aku telpon se pupu
telpon sepupu batereinya habis
aku nelpon salah sambung...

Aku pekerja kreatif
boss ada aku di meja
boss gak ada aku di manaa gitu...

Aku pekerja paling kreatif
kompi kantor aku buat permainan interktif
(ngegame -red)
telpon kantor aku buat nelpon temen kuliah
printer kantor aku buat ngeprint CV
fax kantor aku buat ngefax obyekan
internet kantor aku buat browsing loker
imel kantor aku buat ikutan milis

Puisi Karyawan Stress

Akulah karyawan paling rajin di dunia,
Berani berkorban nggak pernah ngedongkol,
Meski hati merana tapi tetap berdedikasi ,
Meski hari menjelang sore gini aku tetap masih
> dikantor ,

Akulah karyawan paling pantes dapet promosi,
Selalu paling depan ngisi daftar absensi ,
Di antara rekan akulah yang paling rajin ,
Temen yang nggak masuk pun aku absenin

Jam 8 kurang udah masuk kantor ,
Tidak lupa membeli koran,
Di koran banyak berita koruptor ,
Kenapa gua nggak kebagian ?

Sekarang hidup bener-bener nggak aman ,
Pake handphone di mobil digedor kapak merah ,
Itulah kenapa aku nggak beli mobil dan handphone ,

Tahun pertama ngantor masih tinggal di kost,
Tahun ketujuh ngantor udah pindah tempat kost,
Tahun pertama pergi-pulang nebeng tukang pos,
Di saat krismon pergi-pulang nebeng boss,

Akulah karyawan yang paling setia,
Sedari peletakan batu pertama kantor, aku jadi
> kulinya,
Sampai kantor punya jaringan komputer, aku jadi
> net-admin-nya,
Sampai kantor diledakin , aku jadi otaknya... !!
Ha..ha..ha.. !!!

Personality / Kumpulan Zodiak, Perbintangan, Dll...
« on: 03 August 2007, 06:07:36 PM »
Iseng2 dapat dari Milis sebelah.. and happy fun..
Apa bisa jadi Pedoman Cowok Single Buddhis ?   :))

Akurat gak "Pedoman" di bawah ini.. Harap diisi ya poolingnya..  =))


Ketika dia jatuh cinta, ia akan bertingkah seakan tidak pasti.
Pertama, malu-malu dan sok sopan didekat anda. Kedua, dia akan lengketbagaikan lem ke anda dan akan berusaha selalu berada didekat anda setiap saat.Ia akan berusaha untuk pulang bersama, atau makan siang dengan anda. Sebenarnya hal ini cukup OK, jika anda menyukainya juga.

Tapi jika tidak, tentunya anda akan luar biasa terganggu. Ia benci
dibicarakan dan digosipkan oleh orang lain. Jika tahu, maka ia
akan sangat terluka. Sebetulnya ia adalah tipe pemalu, kecuali jika ia
dipengaruhi zodiak lainnya. Ia bukan tipe berani atau penantang, maka jika anda menyukainya, lebih baik anda mulai duluan.

Ia menyukai musik dengan nada yang selalu berubah, maka pada saattertentu ia bisa lucu dan ceria, kemudian tiba-tiba dapat berubah menjadisedih dan terkesan depresi. Bagi orang tertentu, ia dapat terlihat "overakting" atau "over reakting" Ketika ia depresi, ia akan pergi keluar danmencari hal-hal yang membuatnya merasa sedikit lega.

Ia cinta uang, dan ia menganggap uang sebagai "bahagia"dan
bukannya "Tuhan." Ia tidak akan pernah meremehkan anda walaupun anda tidak punyauang, dia akan membantu anda untuk mencari uang, dan menabung. Ia bukanorang yang suka dengan kemewahan dan terkadang akan melarang anda membelikanhadiah yang mahal dan tidak terlalu berguna.

Ia adalah tipe orang yang menikmati berjalan-jalan dengan tenang
dan damai. Wanita cancer juga dipengaruhi oleh bulan, maka dibawah sinarbulan dia akan tampil mempesona. Ia selalu takut akan banyak hal. Ia takut karenakurang pandai, kurang cantik. Walaupun ia tidak gemuk, ia tetap tidakakan puas.

Meyakinkan bahwa ia tampak cantik akan sangat membantu, karena
mood-nya dapat berubah sampai 4 kali dalam satu hari. Ia bukannya pelit,tapi anda akan terkejut melihat koleksi barang-barang kuno rusak miliknya.Ia melihat bahwa semua hal berguna baginya. Ia akan menemukan cara untukmenggunakan mereka kembali, suatu saat nanti. Ia bukan tipe pencemburu, tapicenderung posesif.

Hal terbaik dari dirinya adalah ia akan mengorbankan apapun bagi
orang yang dicintainya tanpa adanya batasan. Jangan tinggalkan dia pada saatdia bermasalah, ia tidak akan pernah melupakannya. Ia bukan tipelemah, walaupun ia nampak seperti mereka, contohnya adalah pada saat andabertengkar dengannya, ia mungkin akan menangis luar biasa.

Begitu anda meninggalkannya, ia akan segera menghapus air matanya,dan akan membenahi tempat tinggalnya seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Iaadalah ibu yang sangat berhati-hati dan akan selalu menjaga anaknya di tiaplangkahnya. Jika ia adalah istri anda, tidak akan menjadi masalah,tetapi jikaia adalah ibu mertua anda, nah.. itu baru masalah.

Tapi jangan kuatir, tipe ibu mertua seperti ini tidak akan
menjadikan anaknya sebagai "teman masa tua." Ia dapat berubah menjadi sangatmudah marah, dan dapat bertengkar mengenai hal sekecil apapun dengananda seperti kebanyakan wanita, tetapi ia akan selalu rela menunggui danmerawat anda.

Jika anda menghilang selama beberapa hari, ia akan menunggui
anda,tetapi tidak untuk waktu lama. Ujian semacam ini sangat beresiko, danlebih baik tidak dilakukan. Wanita Cancer membutuhkan 2 hal untuk dapatmerasa bahagia, mereka adalah "Kerja" dan "Cinta". Ia dapat tinggal dalam rumahberdebu, tetapi ia tidak dapat tinggal di dalamnya tanpa cinta.


Wanita yang jangkung, langsing, dan tenang. Begitu marah, ia akan
sangat galak. Ia akan dapat bekerja dengan lebih baik daripada beberapapria, dan dia adalah wanita yang sangat percaya diri. Menurut
pendapatnya, wanita bukanlah sekedar bunga untuk penghias rumah atau kantor danjelas bukan gender yang lemah yang membutuhkan pertolongan saja.

Ia suka mengendalikan dan menyembunyikan emosi di yang lemah. Iatidak akan pernah mencoba untuk mengubah siapapun, dan ia akan berusaha menerima mereka apa adanya. Jika ia tidak menyukai seseorang, makaia tidak akan akan mengkritik atau memberi komentar, ia akan samasekali tidak memperdulikan orang itu.

Ia benci bunga plastik dan bunga buatan karena hal itu terkan tidak
tulus. Ia menyukai bunga hidup dan baunya. Ia juga menyukai cowok
yang memakai pewangi after shave. Jika anda adalah tipe orang yang akan memakai Jeans anda sampai sebulan, baru kemudian mencucinya, atauorang yang memakai sepatu lama, lebih baik anda melupakannya.

Ia mencintai musik dan alam, walaupun terkadang muncul juga kasus
langka, (tidak menyukainya). Ia suka berpiknik di alam bebas,
maka, jika anda tidak punya banyak waktu untuknya, anda lebih baik mengajaknya dalam perjalanan memancing. Dia tidak sepencemburu wanita Leo atau Aquarius, tetapi jangan pernah melintasi batas.

Lebih baik anda tidak melihat dia marah, terutama didepan publik
dimana dia dapat merasa dipermalukan secara umum. Ia suka berdandan danmemakai baju dengan sempurna dan sangat rapi, maka jangan pernah memaksadia cepat-cepat melakukan hal ini. Ia memiliki tujuan sendiri dalam hidupnya, dan tidak perduli apakah anda memiliki gelar doktor atau tidak, jika ia menanggap anda tidak cerdas, maka dia tidak akanpeduli tentang anda sama sekali.

Ia suka bertemu dengan karakter orang cerdas, bukan karena
sertifikat yang menyatakan bahwa ia cerdas. Jika memang anda tidak mampu menunjukkan bahwa anda cerdas, lebih baik anda segera menyingkirpergi. Ia tidak pernah menyukai pemimpi yang membicarakan mengenaimimpinya, tetapi tidak pernah berusaha mewujudkan mimpinya.

Jangan pernah mengatakan kepadanya "semua orang melakukannya, makakamu sebaiknya juga", atau "rasanya lebih baik kamu lakukan, karena itubaik buat kamu", karena ia hanya akan mau melakukan apa yang ia maulakukan. Ia adalah orang yang rapi, jadi jika kamar anda mirip kandang babi, jangan pernah ajak dia masuk kedalam kamar anda.

Jika anda pergi kencan, cobalah tampil serapi dan sebersih
mungkin, kuku juga bersih, atau kalau tidak, kencan itu akan menjadi kencanterakhir anda. Ia adalah tipe cewek yang 'cool' dan tidak akan merengek-rengek, begitu menyenangkan di telinga anda. Ia adalah tipe yang pelan tapi pasti. Ia akan selalu menghormati dan menghargai anda dan tidakakan pernah membuat anda malu.

Jika ia mencintai anda, ia akan selalu membantu anda melakukan
apapun yang anda lakukan. Ia suka membantu orang tanpa pamrih. Jika iameminta anda melakukan sesuatu, dan anda tidak membantu, maka ia akanmerasa sangat kecewa. Ia memiliki harapan yang tinggi dan percaya diriyang tinggi, ia lebih mempercayai kemampuan diri dan kepercayaan dirinya daripada "keberuntungan."

Jika istri anda adalah capricornus, maka anda akan memiliki rumah
yang indah dan nyaman, dan makanan yang enak. Jika orang tua anda
mengunjungi rumah anda, mereka akan merasa puas. Ia adalah seorang 3 in 1, ibu, istri, dan wanita rumah tangga sempurna, dan anda pun dapatmengatakan "bahagia selamanya."


Jika anda mencintai wanita tipe ini, anda harus bersiap-siap
menjadi bahagia selamanya atau sangat bersedih. Ia adalah wanita supersibuk dengan masalah-masalahnya, persis seperti cowok dengan zodiak yangsama. Ia mampu hidup sendiri tanpa adanya pria dalam kehidupannya, orangyang benar-benar kuat. Bukan karena ia tidak dapat menemukan cowokimpiannya, tetapi jika ia memang tidak dapat menemukan cowok demikian, apaboleh buat.

Apalagi karena memang dia berpikir bahwa dia mampu melakukan
apapun yang mampu dilakukan seorang pria. Ia adalah seorang pemimpin, tipeorang yang benar-benar penuh percaya diri. Ia suka melakukan segalanya sendiri, membuka pintu sendiri, melayani diri sendiri. Karena ia berpikir menunggu bantuan orang lain hanyalah membuang waktu saja,dan dia tidak cukup sabar menunggu orang lain melakukan hal itu.

Jika ia duluan mengajak anda kencan, jangan pikir bahwa ia akan
mulai menggoda anda duluan. Ia melakukannya karena dipikirnya menungguanda mengajak kencan akan sangat membosankan dan membuang-buang waktusaja.
Ia sangat menyukai cowok cool yang terkadang bertingkah seakan cuek terhadap dirinya, maka ia akan memiliki kesempatan untuk
menunjukkan kepercayaan dirinya.

Ia suka untuk menebak reaksi seseorang pria, tapi pada saat yang
bersamaan ia suka sekali jika ada banyak pria menginginkan
dirinya. Ia adalah tipe orang yang berani yang mampu melakukan banyak halsecara berbeda dari orang lain dalam lingkungan yang sama. Ia beraniberjuang untuk mendapatkan apa yang ia pikir menjadi miliknya.

Walaupun ia bertingkah penuh percaya diri, ia seringkali merasa
kesepian dan sendiri. Jika ia putus dengan orang lain, ia tidak akan
memperlihatkan emosi apapun, walaupun sebenarnya ia dipenuhi
dengan rasa sakit dan penderitaan. Tidak lama kemudian, dia akan kembalimenjadiorang yang cerah ceria, karena dia selalu melihat dunia secarapositif dan memiliki "Kepercayaan" pada kata "Cinta."

Ia memiliki lebih banyak teman cowok daripada cewek, maka jika anda berpacaran dengan dia, jangan menjadi tipe pencemburu. Ia mungkin sedikit pencemburu, tapi ia sangat membenci tipe cowok pencemburu.Ia mencintai "kebebasan" baik sebelum dan sesudah menikah, kebebasandia harus sama dan tidak boleh diikat.

Ia ingin anda mempercayainya, bahkan mungkin jika ia tidak
mempercayaianda. Ia suka menjadi pihak yang "benar", maka jika anda bertengkar dengannya, biarkan dia menang, jika memang hal yang dipertengkarkan bukan masalah besar.

Ia adalah tipe orang yang langsung dan terbuka, maka jika ia tidak
lagi mencintai anda, ia akan mengatakannya langsung kepada anda.

Cinta dan hubungan yang dia bangun selalu nyata, maka jika ia
mengatakan "Kita bubar" maka sudah saatnya anda bubar, dia tidak sedang menguji anda. Ia bukan tipe cewek yang mudah terluka, maka anda tidak perlu kuatir mengenai dirinya, ia mampu untuk bangkit sendiri. Jika ia bersama anda ketika anda sakit, maka dia akan merawat anda, bahkan merawat  anda berarti "pinjaman kecil" baginya.

Jangan pernah menyimpan rahasia dari dirinya, hal ini sangat
dibencinya dan dapat membuatnya sangat marah. Ketika ia sedih, mengertilahdia. Ketika ia bahagia, bahagialah bersamanya, ia menyukainya. Andatidak akan pernah bosan bersama cewek tipe ini. Mereka yang dekatdengannya akan tahu bahwa dibalik semua percaya diri dan sifatnya yangberdarah dingin, ia sama rentannya seperti semua wanita.

Ia adalah orang yang menyenangkan dan banyak bicara, dan ia suka
menggoda anda. Jangan biarkan dia berbicara sendiri, karena bila
hal itu terjadi, ia akan meninggalkan anda. Ia memiliki banyak tipe
pekerjan, karena ia percaya bahwa apa yang bisa dialakukan kaum pria, bisajuga dilakukannya. Jika anda ingin mempekerjakannya, jangan harap.

Ketika ia sedang jatuh cinta, ia akan meninggalkan pekerjaannya di
siang hari hanya untuk menemui anda, tetapi dia akan segera kembali ke pekerjaannya dan kembali serius bekerja. Jika anda mampu untuk
hidup dan mencintai seorang "wanita pekerja", maka anda akan pas dengannya.Jika ia marah, carilah tempat berteduh dari "badai".

Tapi kemarahannya hanya akan sebentar saja. Ia bukan tipe pembalas dendam, dan tidak akan memikirkan mengenai saat "pembalasan".banyak orang berpikir bahwa dia benar-benar "cowok hebat", walaupunsebenarnya dia benar-benar 100% cewek. Ia mudah terluka, maka sebaiknya anda bersikap baik padanya.

Jika ia benar-benar mencintai anda, maka anda beruntung, karena ia
adalah orang yang jujur, tulus, dan tidak akan pernah membuat anda
bosan. Anda harus mengerti bahwa terkadang ia akan menjadi terlalu
percaya diri, dan terkadang cenderung bersikap ngeboss.

Diskusi Umum / Kontrasepsi
« on: 03 August 2007, 07:07:49 AM »
Terpikir dari postnya Sdr. Morpheus.
Ini untuk Anda.. Karena cowok jadi dikasih  (*) saja  :))

Dari postnya Sdr. Morpheus ada dibahas mengenai Kontrasepsi.

Bagaimana pandangan Buddhist mengenai Kontrasepsi.
Memang kontrasepsi memang tidak ada terjadi pembunuhan janin,
tetapi bukankah menghalangi terjadinya pembuahan / pertemuan sperma dan ovum

Silakan dimulai.. ;D

Humor / Some Joke in IT
« on: 02 August 2007, 12:17:05 PM »
Risk of Married with Programmer

Sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah dengan IT Guys pikir dulu masak-masak dan jangan menyesal kemudian. Makanya perhatikan baik-baik percakapan antara
seorang istri dengan suaminya, seorang Software Engineer:

Suami: (Pulang telat dari kantor) "Selamat malam sayang, sekarang saya logged in
Istri: Apakah kamu bawa oleh-oleh yang aku minta?
Suami: Bad command or filename.

Istri: Tapi aku bilangnya dari tadi pagi!
Suami: Errorneous syntax. Abort?

Istri: Trus, bagaimana tentang beli televisi baru?
Suami: Variable not found...

Istri: OK deh, kalo gitu aku minta kartu kreditmu. Aku mau belanja sendiri aja.
Suami: Sharing Violation. Access denied...

Istri: Apakah kamu lebih mencintai komputer daripada aku? Atau kamu hanya main-main saja?
Suami: Too many parameters.. .

Istri: Itu kesalahan terbesar kalo saya menikahi orang "idiot" sepertimu.
Suami: Data type mismatch.

Istri: Kamu tidak berguna.
Suami: It,s by Default.

Istri: Bagaimana dengan gajimu?
Suami: File in use ... Try later.

Istri: Kalo gitu apa posisiku di keluarga ini?
Suami: Unknown Virus.

Pojok Seni / Avatar
« on: 30 July 2007, 08:56:12 AM »
Bagusnya dikumpulin saja animasi buat avatar..
Kalau suka tinggal klik kanan dan save as..

Lingkungan / Dajjal a.k.a. Sai Babamuncul di India
« on: 29 July 2007, 07:38:50 PM »
Ini ada cerita lucu dari Forum Buddhism Indonesia di Friendster.  =))
Makin aneh2 saja orang2 zaman sekarang..

Quote from: Post dari Sdr. Joenatan di Friendster
Klik SINI untuk detail


Salah satu tanda akhir zaman yang akhir-akhir ini cukup menyedot perhatian adalah kehadiran seorang bernama Sai Baba, dia lahir dan tinggal di Desa Nilayam Puthaparti, wilayah timur Khurasan, tepatnya India Selatan. Benarkah dia Dajjal sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah saw dalam haditsnya? Ada dua hadits yang menyebutkan hal ini; pertama, hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw bersabda kepada kami, Dajjal akan keluar dari bumi ini dibagian timur bernama Khurasan (Jamiu at Tirmidzi). Kedua, sabda Rasulullah saw, Ketahuilah, bahwa dia berada di laut Syam atau laut Yaman. Oh tidak, bahkan ia akan datang dari arah timur. Apa itu dari arah timur… dan Beliau berisyarat dengan tangannya menunjuk ke arah timur (Shahih Muslim).

Hal yang cukup mengejutkan, sudah ribuan muslimin yang terjebak pada fitnah lelaki yang tertuduh sebagai Dajjal ini. Dan sudah lebih dari puluhan juta manusia dari berbagai suku bangsa dan agama yang masuk dalam tipu dayanya. Laki-laki ini bagai medan magnet raksasa yang mampu menyedot perhatian seluruh manusia dari berbagai negara. Mereka datang untuk memohon berkah dan karamah darinya. Dan lebih parah lagi, mereka yang datang menemuinya semakin yakin bahwa tokoh tersebut adalah Tuhan yang dijanjikan muncul di akhir zaman. Dialah Begawan Shri Satya Sai Baba Sang Avatar, seorang lelaki kribo yang tinggal di wilayah timur Khurasan, tepatnya India Selatan. Desa Nilayam Putthaparti. Laki-laki itu memiliki kemampuan menghidupkan orang mati, menyembuhkan orang lumpuh dan buta, bahkan mampu menurunkan hujan dan mengeluarkan tepung dari tangannya. Ia juga mampu berjalan melintasi belahan bumi dalam sekejap, menciptakan patung emas, merubah besi menjadi emas, dan banyak lagi berbagai fitnah yang ditunjukkan oleh Sai Baba kepada ribuan orang - bahkan - jutaan yang datang dari berbagai suku bangsa dan agama. Maka sudah saatnya bagi setiap muslim untuk mengetahui masalah ini, agar dirinya tidak menjadi korban berikutnya dari fitnah Sai Baba ini.

Beberapa korelasi dan keserupaan antara Sai Baba sang Avatar dan sifat-sifat Dajjal yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah saw; Dajjal memiliki kemampuan berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dengan cepat, dan kecepatannya seperti badai atau secepat awan yang ditiup angin kencang, Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan berjalan menjelajahi bumi dalam perhitungan kejapan mata. Dajjal memiliki banyak pengikut bahkan di akhir zaman nanti banyak manusia yang berangan-angan untuk berjumpa dengan Dajjal, Sai Baba memiliki pengikut yang jumlahnya puluhan juta manusia. Dajjal mampu menghidupkan orang mati dan menyembuhkan orang sakit, Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan menghidupkan orang mati dan menyembuhkan para penderita kanker. Dajjal bisa menurunkan hujan, Sai Baba juga mampu menurunkan hujan dan mendatangkan air untuk penduduk Prasanti Nilayam. Dajjal bisa berpindah raga dan tempat, dari satu bentuk ke bentuk lainnya, Sai Baba bisa berpindah dari satu jasad ke jasad yang lain yang merupakan bentuk reinkarnasi dirinya. Dajjal akan mengaku sebagai Tuhan, Sai Baba mengklaim bahwa dirinya adalah Tuhan penguasa alam semesta. Dajjal datang dan bersama ada gunung roti dan sungai air, Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan mengeluarkan vibhuti (tepung suci) di udara dari tangannya. Dajjal akan muncul dan mengaku sebagai Nabi, Sai Baba mengaku akan menjelma sebagai al-Masih Isa setelah tahun 2020. Dajjal akan muncul lalu mengaku sebagai orang bijak, sehingga banyak sekali orang yang tertarik untuk mengikutinya, Sai Baba mengaku sebagai orang bijak yang membawa misi kebajikan untuk jagat raya. Dajjal pimpinan orang Yahudi, Sai Baba memiliki misi menyebarkan teologi zionis.

Pada akhirnya, kita telah mengetahui betapa besarnya fitnah dan subhat yang ditimbulkan oleh Sai Baba ini. Lalu apa yang harus kita lakukan dalam menghadapi fitnahnya? Bagaimana jika tuduhan bahwa Sai Baba ini kelak terbukti sebagai Dajjal yang dijanjikan, dan bagaimana jika ia hanya salah satu dari 30 Dajjal pendusta penebar subhat?

Jika benar bahwa Begawan Sai Baba adalah Dajjal yang dimaksud, maka antisipasi yang paling dini adalah hendaknya setiap muslim tidak pernah melupakan doa perlindungan dari fitnah Dajjal, juga membaca sepuluh awal dan sepuluh akhir surat al Kahfi, setidaknya pada setiap malam Jum’at. Selebihnya, jangan sekali-kali berfikir untuk mendatanginya, meski sebatas penasaran dan sekedar ingin tahu, apalagi untuk mencari solusi darinya, na’udzubillah. Sudah banyak kyai dan ulama India yang melakukan hal itu. Mereka datang untuk sekedar ingin tahu atau klarifikasi atas semua isu tersebut. Akan tetapi yang terjadi justru sebaliknya, tiba-tiba saja mereka takluk dan mengakui kebenaran ajaran yang dibawa oleh Sai Baba. Umat Islam di Nilayam Putthaparti yang dibangunkan masjid oleh Sai Baba-pun tak kuasa untuk tidak mengakui kebenaran dan kebesarannya, bahkan mereka berani memberikan pujian bahwa Sai Baba lah yang membuat keimanan mereka bertambah dan pengetahuan mereka tentang Islam dan Alquran menjadi lebih baik.

Mari kita diskusikan.. :) Bagaimana tanggapan rekan2 sedhamma..


Diskusi Umum / Science bagian dari Dhamma ?
« on: 26 July 2007, 09:26:38 AM »
Jadi Science bagian dari Dhamma ? atau Dhamma bagian dari Science ?

Jadi ingat belajar himpunan waktu SMP
AUB = A gabung B
AnB = A bagian dari B


Ulasan Buku, Majalah, Musik atau Film / Penelitian mengenai Air
« on: 25 July 2007, 11:06:12 AM »
Namo Buddhaya All,

Sekedar sharing, sudah ada penelitian mengenai Air.. (kebetulan saya dapat dari forum Buddhis sebelah)

Intinya, ternyata kristal air tersebut dapat berubah-ubah tergantung keadaan.
Bila dilantunkan lagu metal keras, atau kata2 kebencian maka kristalnya akan pecah
Bila dilantunkan sutra lembut dicontohkan sutra tibet, maka kristal yang terbentuk juga cantik

Dan sebagai contoh perbandingan di Fujiwara, telah diambil sampel air sebelum dan sesudah perayaan.
Dan hasilnya kristal air sesudah perayaan lebih bagus.

Mungkin ini bisa menjadi jawaban mengapa air parita sewaktu pembacaan Ratana Sutta
bisa menyembuhkan di kota Vesali

Semoga bermanfaat

Miraculous Messages from Water

How water structure reflects our consciousness

by WellnessGoods.com

Water has a very important message for us. Water is telling us to take a much deeper look at our selves. When we do look at our selves through the mirror of water, the message becomes amazingly, crystal, clear. We know that human life is directly connected to the quality of our water, both within and all around us.

The photographs and information in this article reflect the work of Masaru Emoto, a creative and visionary Japanese researcher Mr. Emoto has published an important book, "The Message from Water" from the findings of his worldwide research If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here, taken from the book of his published results, will change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly.

How the molecular structure of water is affected...

From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity are vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.

Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities. His work clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water and the effect of the environment upon the structure of the water.

Discover how each source has an effect on the visual photographed structure...

Snow has been falling on the earth for more than a few million years. Each snowflake, as we have been told, has a very unique shape and structure. By freezing water and taking a photograph of the structure, as Mr. Emoto has done, you get incredible information about the water.

Mr. Emoto has discovered many fascinating differences in the crystalline structures of water from many different sources and different conditions around the planet. Water from pristine mountain streams and springs show the beautifully formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas and stagnated water from water pipes and storage dams show definitively distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures.

Sanbu-ichi Yusui Spring water,

Japan Shimanto River, referred to as the last clean stream in Japan

Antarctic Ice

Fountain in Lourdes, France

Biwako Lake, the largest lake at the center of Japan and the water pool of the Kinki Region. Pollution is getting worse.

Yodo River, Japan, pours into the Bay of Osaka. The river passes through most of the major cities in Kasai.

Untreated Distilled Water

Fujiwara Dam, before offering a prayer

Fujiwara Dam, after offering a prayer

With the recent popularity in music therapy, Mr. Emoto decided to see what effects music has on the structuring of water. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen.

Beethoven's Pastorale

Tibet Sutra

Kawachi Folk Dance

After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed.

Heavy Metal Music

You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You

Adolph Hitler

Thank You

Love and Appreciation

Mother Teresa

NB : Lanjutannya silakan baca di web yang bersangkutan saja..

Buddhisme untuk Pemula / Kumpulan Website Buddhisme
« on: 11 July 2007, 11:52:21 AM »
Namo Buddhaya All
Bagaimana jika dibuat kumpulan Website Buddhism agar mempermudah rujukan,
dan untuk web yang jarang didengar dibuat kategori untuk mempermudah pencarian

 [at] Sdr. Sumedho
Bisa tidak ya khusus post ini dibuat semua orang bisa mengeditnya,
jadi rekan2 sedhamma yang ada di sini dapat mempostkan website baru yang
berguna bagi kita semua..  ;D
Kumpulan Website Buddhisme

Urutan berdasarkan Abjad
Pesan : Karena diurutkan berdasarkan abjad sesuai dengan judul website, maka untuk memudahkan pencarian diharapkan rekan sedhamma menggunakan fasilitas Find (Ctrl - F) pada browser yang digunakan.

Quote from: Huruf A

A Buddhist Library
About Dharma
Access to Insight: Readings In Theravada Buddhism
An Introduction to Buddhism

Quote from: Huruf B

Bodhikusuma Buddhist and Meditation Centre
Buddha Net - World Wide Buddhist Information and Education Network
Buddhism in Canada
Buddhism in China (中国佛教信息网)
Buddhism Online
Buddhism Portal  E-Sangha
Buddhist Channel | Dragon Sect of Tibetan Buddhism celebrates 800th anniversary in Ladakh
Buddhist Gallery
Buddhist Society of Western Australia - You yourself must strive, the Buddhas only point the way
BuddhistOnline - The Gateway to Buddhism in Indonesia

Quote from: Huruf C


Quote from: Huruf D
Dhamma Study:Buddhism as Buddha taught in the Tipitaka, vipassana explained by Sujin Boriharnwanaket
Dhamma Sukkha Meditation Center (Organisasi)
Dhammacitta (Forum)
Dhammadesana - Learn Buddhism Together
Dhammapada E-book versi Indonesia (Kitab Suci/Holy Book)
Dhammathai.org : Buddhism World Wide Web
Dharma The Cat's ebook (Kartun/Cartoon)
Dharmaprabha (Organisasi)
Dharmaprabha Majalah Buddhis Online
Dian Dharma (Organisasi)
Digital International Buddhism Organization (Organisasi)

Quote from: Huruf E

E-sangha, Buddhist Forum and Buddhism Forum
Ehipassiko Foundation
Encouraging, Inspiring, Motivating Quotations, Excerpts, Stories. Buddha's teachings, Sun Tzu the art of war 

Quote from: Huruf F

Quote from: Huruf G


Quote from: Huruf H

How to Successfully Become a Vegetarian (Vegetarian)

Quote from: Huruf I

Indonesia Tipitaka Center (Kitab Suci/Holy Book)

Quote from: Huruf J

Japanese Buddhism

Quote from: Huruf K

Kadam Choeling Bandung - Dharma Center
Kalyanadhammo - Indonesian Buddhist Yellow Pages
Katinka Hesselink Net - Buddha's World (Buddhism)
Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis Universitas Indonesia (Organisasi)
Kongres Agung Sangha Indonesia (Organisasi)

Quote from: Huruf L


Quote from: Huruf M

MABINDO - Masyarakat Buddhis Indonesia (Organisasi)
Mt. Jiuhua Buddhism Online / 九华山佛教在线
Mt. Jiuhua Buddhism Online Song / 九华山佛教在线 (Music/Lagu)

Quote from: Huruf N


Quote from: Huruf O


Quote from: Huruf P

Pali - English Dict (Kamus/Dictionary)
PATRIA - Pemuda Theravada Indonesia
Purify Our Mind

Quote from: Huruf R


Quote from: Huruf S

Sacred Text : Buddhism
Sakyadhita : The International Association of Buddhist Women (Organisasi)
Samaggi Phala (Organisasi)
Sanskrit Glossary
Shabkar.org : On Vegetarianism As Buddhist Way of Life (Vegetarian)
Single Buddhist (Mailing List Biro Jodoh)
Sutra Online

Quote from: Huruf T

Tipitaka (Kitab Suci/Holy Book)
Tzu Chi Foundation
Tzu Chi Foundation (Taiwan)
Tzu Chi - Home (Indonesia)

Quote from: Huruf U

Urban Dharma - Buddhism in America

Quote from: Huruf V

Vidyasena's Homepage
Vihara Dhammadipa Surabaya (Organisasi)

Quote from: Huruf W

WALUBI - Perwakilan Umat Buddha Indonesia (Organisasi)
Welcome to Borobudur.tv (Candi)


Quote from: Huruf X


Quote from: Huruf Y


Quote from: Huruf Z

Zen Koan - Ashidakim.Com (Zen)

Quote from: Special Thanks :
-Langit Biru- -Morpheus- -Maitri- -Kelana- -Senasana- -Markosprawira- -Hendra Susanto- -Dhanuttono- -Kemenyan- -HokBen- -San- -Hikoza83-
Terima kasih atas bantuan kontributor untuk meng-update thread ini ^:)^

Pojok Seni / Background Friendster
« on: 09 July 2007, 06:59:57 PM »
Bagi yang suka bermain friendster dan ingin gambar background Buddhism,
Gambar tersebut saya ambil dengan googling terus saya edit sedikit pakai ACDSee biar bisa jadi background di friendster


Buddha Gotama

Buddha Gotama & Mucalinda

Silakan :D
Maaf jika hasilnya kurang memuaskan, masalahnya saya tidak ahli dalam photoshop

Pojok Seni / Animasi Amitabha Buddha
« on: 09 July 2007, 06:53:11 PM »
Saya ada buat animasi Amitaba Buddha dalam bentuk GIF yang sederhana..
Cara buatnya cuma memainkan tingkat intensitas contrast dan brightness yang
disusun dalam format GIF

Silakan.. :D


Mahayana / Ksitigarbha
« on: 09 July 2007, 06:43:09 PM »

K?itigarbha Bodhisattva (????), often known by the Japanese name Jiz? (??) or the Chinese name Dizang (?? Dìzàng), is a popular Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, usually depicted as a monk. The name Jiz? or Dizang may be translated as "Earth Treasury", "Earth Store", "Earth Matrix", or "Earth Womb."

K?itigarbha Bodhisattva is often referred to, because of his vow to not achieve Buddhahood until all hells are vacated, as the Bodhisattva of the Hell beings. His famous vow recited by many Buddhists is "Not until the hells are emptied will I become a Buddha; Not until all beings are saved will I certify to Bodhi."

Usually depicted as a monk with a nimbus around his shaved head, he carries a staff to force open the gates of hell and a wish-fulfilling jewel to light up the darkness.
    * 1 Overview
          o 1.1 In Japan
          o 1.2 In China
    * 2 Source
          o 2.1 As Sacred Girl
          o 2.2 As a Monk
    * 3 Iconography
          o 3.1 Traditional iconography
          o 3.2 Misconceptions
          o 3.3 Popular iconography in Japan
          o 3.4 Akasagarbha
    * 4 External links


In Japan

In Japan, K?itigarbha, known as Jiz?, or Ojiz?-sama as he is affectionately known, is one of the most loved of all Japanese divinities. His statues are a common sight, especially by roadsides and in graveyards. Traditionally, he is seen as the guardian of children, particularly children who died before their parents. Since the 1980s, the tendency developed in which he was worshipped as the guardian of the souls of mizuko, the souls of stillborn, miscarried or aborted fetuses. In Japanese mythology, it is said that the souls of children who die before their parents are unable to cross the mythical Sanzu River on their way to the afterlife because they have not had the chance to accumulate enough good deeds and because they have made the parents suffer. It is believed that Jiz? saves these souls from having to pile stones eternally on the bank of the river as penance, by hiding them from demons in his robe, and letting them hear mantras.[citation needed]

Jiz? statues are usually accompanied by a little pile of stones and pebbles, put there by people in the hope that it would shorten the time children have to suffer in the underworld (the act is derived from the tradition of building stupas as an act of merit-making) . The statues can sometimes be seen wearing tiny children's clothing or bibs, or with toys, put there by grieving parents to help their lost ones and hoping that Jiz? would specially protect them. Sometimes the offerings are put there by parents to thank Jiz? for saving their children from a serious illness. Jiz?'s features are also commonly made more babylike in order to resemble the children he protects.

As he is seen as the saviour of souls who have to suffer in the underworld, his statues are common in cemeteries. He is also believed to be the protective deity of travellers, and roadside statues of Jiz? are a common sight in Japan. Firefighters are also believed to be under the protection of Jiz?.

In China

K?itigarbha is one of the four principal bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism. The others are Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Avalokitesvara.

At the pre-Tang Dynasty grottos in Dunhuang and Longmen, he is depicted in classical bodhisattva shape. After the Tang Dynasty, he became increasingly depicted as a monk, carrying rosaries and a staff.

His full name in Chinese is Dayuan Dizang Pusa (Traditional Chinese: ??????; Simplified Chinese: ??????; Pinyin: Dàyuàn Dìzàng Púsà), or the Bodhisattva King Dizang of the Great Vow. This is a reference to his pledge, as recorded in the sutras, to take responsibility for the instruction of all souls in Heaven, Earth, and Hell, in the era between the death of Gautama Buddha and the rise of Maitreya Buddha. Because of this important role, shrines to K?itigarbha often occupy a central role in Chinese Buddhist temples of the Chan sect, such as at the famed Shaolin Temple.

Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui is regarded as K?itigarbha's seat. It is one of the four great Buddhist mountains of China, and at one time housed more than 300 temples. Today, 95 of these are open to the public. The mountain is a popular destination for pilgrims offering dedications to K?itigarbha.

In some areas, the admixture of traditional religions has led to K?itigarbha being also regarded as a Taoist deity. For example, in Taiwan, followers of Buddhism, Taoism or folk religion can be found venerating K?itigarbha, where he is often appealed to for protection against earthquakes. There, and in Hong Kong and among Overseas Chinese communities, his images are usually found in the memorial halls of Buddhist and Taoist temples.

The story of K?itigarbha is described in the Sutra of The Great Vows of K?itigarbha Bodhisattva, one of the most popular Mahayana Buddhist sutras. This sutra is said to have been spoken by the Buddha towards the end of his life to the beings of the Tr?yastri??a Heaven as a mark of gratitude and remembrance for his beloved mother, M?y?dev?.[citation needed] It stated that K?itigarbha practiced filial piety as a mortal, which eventually led to making great vows to save all sentient beings.

As Sacred Girl

In the K?itigarbha Sutra, the Buddha claimed that in the distant past aeons, K?itigarbha was a Brahmin maiden by the name of Sacred Girl. She was deeply troubled when her mother died, because she had often been slanderous towards the Triple Gem.

To save her from the great tortures of hell, the young girl sold whatever she had and used the money to buy offerings which she offered daily to the Buddha of her time, known as The Buddha of Flower of Meditation and Enlightenment. She made fervent prayers that her mother be spared of the pains of hell and appealed to the Buddha for help.

One day at the temple, while she was pleading for help, she heard the voice of the Buddha advising her to go home immediately and there to sit down and recite his name if she wanted to know where her mother was. She did as she was told and while doing so, her consciousness was transported to a Hell Realm where she met a guardian who informed her that through her fervent prayers and pious offerings, her mother had accumulated much merit and therefore, she had already been released from hell and ascended to heaven. She was greatly relieved and should have been extremely happy, but the sight of the great suffering she had witnessed in Hell so touched her tender heart that she made a vow to do her very best to relieve beings of their suffering forever in her future lives of kalpas to come.

As a Monk

There is another legend about how K?itigarbha manifested in China, and chose his bodhimanda to be Mount Jiuhua, one of the Four Sacred Mountains of China in Buddhism.

In the Eastern Han dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Ming, Buddhism started to flourish, reaching its peak in the era of the Tang Dynasty, eventually spreading to Japan and Korea. At the time, monks and scholars arrived from those countries to seek the Dharma in China. One of these pilgrims was a former prince of Korea, which was at the time divided into three countries (Silla, Goguryeo and Baekje). The monk, whose Korean name was Kim Kiaokak (Ch: Jin Qiaojue) was a prince from Silla who became a monastic under the name of Earth Store (Also called Jijang, the Korean pronunciation of Dizang). He came to the region of Anhui to Mount Jiuhua. After ascending, he decided to build a hut in a deep mountain area so that he may be able to cultivate.

According to records, the monk was bitten by a poisonous snake, but did not move, thus letting the snake go. A woman happened to pass by and gave the monk medicines to cure him of the venom, as well as a spring on her son's behalf. For a few years, the monk continued to meditate in his hut, until one day, a scholar named Chu-Ke led a group of friends and family to visit the mountain. Noticing the monk meditating in the hut, they went and took a look at his condition. They had noticed that the monk's bowl did not contain any food, and that his hair had grown back.

Feeling pity on the monk, Scholar Chu decided to build a temple as an offering to the monk. The whole group descended the mountain immediately to discuss plans to build the temple. Mount Jiuhua was also property of a wealthy person named the elder Wen-Ke, who obliged to build a temple on his mountain. Therefore, Wen-Ke and the group ascended the mountain once more and asked the monk how much land he needed.

The monk replied that he needed a piece of land that could be covered fully by his kasaya. Bewildered that a piece of sash could not be enough land to build a temple, the monk surprised them as he threw the kasaya in the air, and the robe expanded in size, covering the entire mountain! Elder Wen-Ke had then decided to renounce the entire mountain to the monk, and became the monk's protector. Sometime later, Wen-Ke's son also left the home life to start his life as a monk.

The monk lived in Mount Jiuhua for seventy five years before passing away at the age of ninety-nine. Three years after his nirvana, his tomb was opened, only to reveal that the body had not decayed. Because the monk led his wayplace with much difficulty, most people had the intuition to believe that he was indeed the transformation body of K?itigarbha.

Monk Jijang's well-preserved, dehydrated body may still be viewed today at the monastery he built on Mount Jiuhua.


Traditional iconography

In Buddhist iconography, K?itigarbha is typically depicted with a shaven head, dressed in a monk's simple robes (unlike most other bodhisattvas, who are dressed like Indian royalty). In his left hand, K?itigarbha holds a wish granting jewel; in his right hand, he holds a monk's staff called in Japanese a shakujo (??) (jingle staff), which is used to alert insects and small animals of his approach, so that he will not accidentally harm them. Such a staff is traditionally carried by high ranking monks of Chinese Buddhist temples. Usually, K?itigarbha will sometimes be seen wearing a crown depicting the Five Dhyani Buddhas, worn by Tibetan and Chinese monks in Tantric rituals.

In Japan, K?itigarbha is almost always depicted in a standing position; the posture of the adjacent picture is rather unusual.

Like other Bodhisattvas, K?itigarbha usually is seen standing upon a lotus base, symbolizing his release from the karmic wheel of rebirth. K?itigarbha's face and head are also idealized, featuring the third eye, elongated ears and the other standard attributes of an enlightened being.


Many uninformed Buddhists, Taoists, and those who believe in Chinese folk religion, see K?itigarbha as identical with Yama, the judge of Hell, but this is a misconception.

K?itigarbha has also often been mistaken by many uninformed Buddhists to be Xuanzang, the famous Tripitaka master of the Tang Dynasty who made the hazardous journey to the west to seek the Buddhist scriptures, and the basis for the fictional character from the Chinese novel Journey to the West. This is mainly due to the robe and the Five Buddha crown which both are seen to wear.

The Narihira Santosen Temple in Katsushika, Tokyo contains the "Bound Jizo" of ?oka Tadasuke fame, dating from the Edo Period. When petitions are requested before the Jiz?, the petitioner ties a rope about the statue. When the wish is granted, the petitioner unties the rope. At the new year, the ropes of the ungranted wishes are cut by the temple priest.


K?itigarbha has a twin known as ?k??agarbha (??? ;Ch. X?k?ngzàng, Jap. Kokuzo), the "Void Store". While theologically equally important, ?k??agarbha entirely lacks the popular cult of K?itigarbha.

Mahayana / Avalokitesvara
« on: 09 July 2007, 06:36:00 PM »

Avalokite?vara or Avalokiteshvar, ???????????? (Sanskrit, lit. "Lord who looks down") is the bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. He is the most widely revered bodhisattva in Buddhism. Avalokite?vara is also referred to as Padmap?ni ("Holder of the Lotus") or Loke?vara ("Lord of the World"). In East Asia, Avalokite?vara is known as ?? Guan Yin or Kannon/Kanzeon and is generally represented as female. In Tibetan, Avalokite?vara is known as Chenrezig, and he is said to be incarnated in the Dalai Lama.[1] In Mongolia, he is called Migjid Janraisig, Xongsim Bodisadv-a, or Nidüber Üjeg?i.

It is said that Japanese company Canon Inc has been derived from the Japanese name of the deity [2].
    * 1 Etymology
    * 2 Origin
          o 2.1 Western scholarship
          o 2.2 Mahayana account
          o 2.3 Vajrayana account
    * 3 Mantras
    * 4 The thousand arms of Avalokite?vara
    * 5 Tibetan Buddhist beliefs concerning Chenrezig
    * 6 Manifestations
    * 7 Reference
    * 8 See also
    * 9 External links
    * 10 Notes


The name Avalokite?vara is made of the following parts: the verbal prefix ava, which means "down"; lokita, a past participle of the verb lok ("to notice, behold, observe"), here used in an active sense (an occasional irregularity of Sanskrit grammar); and finally ??vara, "lord", "ruler", "sovereign" or "master". In accordance with the rules of sound combination, i?vara becomes e?vara. Combined, the parts mean "lord who gazes down (the world)". The word loka ("world") is absent from the name, but is implied. Loke?vara-r?ja ????? 'King of world sovereignty' is another epithet of Avalokite?vara. The Chinese interpretation of Loke?vara-r?ja ???? is 'World Sovereign King'. ??vara ?? n. lord, adj. free; unrestrained; unrestricted; liberated. In Chinese Dharma-character school ???, ?? vb. means ?? to dominate; to dictate; to govern; to predominate; to rule or to reign.

But according to recent research, the original form and meaning of the name was quite different. It was Avalokitasvara with the ending -svara ("sound, noise"), "Avalokitasvara" undoubtedly means 'who has perceived sound', a Brahmi compound with a passive participle as first member. That is, 'avalokita' is 'that which has been perceived', and the compound is very literally 'he who has sound perceived'", i.e. perceiver of the suffering sound of the worlds (6 realms). This is the exact equivalent of the Chinese translation Guan Yin. This name was later supplanted by the form containing the ending -??vara, which does not occur in Sanskrit before the seventh century. The original form Avalokitasvara already appears in Sanskrit fragments of the fifth century.

The original meaning of the name fits the Buddhist understanding of the role of a bodhisattva. The reinterpretation presenting him as an ??vara shows a strong influence of Shaivism, as the term ??vara was usually connected to the Hindu notion of a creator god and ruler of the world. Attributes of such a god were transmitted to the bodhisattva, but the mainstream of the Avalokite?vara worshippers upheld the Buddhist rejection of the doctrine of a primordial creator god.


Western scholarship

Western scholars have not reached a consensus on the origin of the reverence for Avalokite?vara. Some have suggested that Avalokite?vara, along with many other supernatural beings in Buddhism, was a borrowing or absorption by Mahayana Buddhism of one or more Hindu deities, in particular Shiva or Vishnu. In Theravada, Loke?vara (??, ????, ????), 'the lord, ruler or sovereign beholder of the world’, name of a Buddha; probably a development of the idea of Brahm?, Vishnu or ?iva as lokan?tha, 'lord of worlds'. In Indo-China especially it refers to Avalokite?vara, whose image or face, in masculine form, is frequently seen, e.g. at Angkor. A Buddha under whom Amit?bha, in a previous existence, entered into the ascetic life and made his forty-eight vows.

Mahayana account

According to Mahayana doctrine, Avalokite?vara is the bodhisattva who has made a great vow to listen to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone his own Buddhahood until he has assisted every being on earth in achieving nirvana. Mahayana sutras associated with Avalokite?vara include the Heart Sutra (as disciple of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni) and the Lotus Sutra, particularly the 25th chapter, which is sometimes referred to as the Avalokite?vara Sutra.

Six forms of Avalokite?vara in Mahayana (defined by Tian-tai, terrace) ?????: 1. ????great compassion, 2. ????great loving-kindness, 3. ??????lion-courage, 4. ??????universal light, 5. ??????leader amongst gods and men, 6. ??????, ?????? the great omnipresent Brahma. Each of this bodhisattva's six qualities of pity, etc., breaks the hindrances ?? respectively of the (6 realms) hells, pretas (hungry ghost), animals, asuras (demi god), men, and devas.

Vajrayana account

In the Tibetan tradition, Avalokite?vara is seen as arising from two sources. One is the relative source, where in a previous eon (kalpa) a devoted, compassionate Buddhist monk became a bodhisattva, transformed in the present kalpa into Avalokite?vara. That is not in conflict, however, with the ultimate source, which is Avalokite?vara as the universal manifestation of compassion. The bodhisattva is viewed as the anthropomorphised vehicle for the actual deity, serving to bring about a better understanding of Avalokite?vara to humankind.

Seven forms of Avalokite?vara in esoteric Buddhism ?????: 1. ??????not empty (or unerring) net, or lasso. Amoghap??a. 2. ???????1000-hand and 1000-eye, vara-sahasrabhuja-locana/Sahasrabhujasahasranetra, 3. ????horseheaded, Hayagriva, 4. ?????11-faced, Ekadasamukha, 5. ???? Cundi, 6. ?????wheel of sovereign power, Cintamani-cakra; 7. ???, ???holy one, ????arya Lokite?vara, the Holy sovereign beholder of the world (loka), a translation of ??vara, means ‘ruler’ or ‘sovereign’.


Tibetan Buddhism relates Chenrezig to the six-syllable mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. Thus, Chenrezig is also called Shadakshari ("Lord of the Six Syllables"). The connection between this famous mantra and Avalokite?vara already occurs in the Karandavyuha Sutra (probably late fourth or early fifth century), one of the first Buddhist works to have reached Tibet (before the end of the fifth century).

In Shingon Buddhism, the mantra used to praise Avalokite?vara is On Aro-rikya Sowaka (Oh, Unstained One, Hail!), but Om Mani Padme Hum is occasionally used as well.

The Great Compassion Mantra is a 82 syllable mantra spoken by Avalokite?vara to the assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and extolling the merits of chanting the mantra. This mantra is popular in China, Japan and Taiwan.

The thousand arms of Avalokite?vara
Avalokite?vara with 1,000 arms, part of the Dazu Rock Carvings at Mount Baoding, Dazu County, Chongqing, China.
Avalokite?vara with 1,000 arms, part of the Dazu Rock Carvings at Mount Baoding, Dazu County, Chongqing, China.

One prominent Buddhist story tells of Avalokite?vara vowing to never rest until he had freed all sentient beings from samsara. Despite strenuous effort, he realizes that still many unhappy beings were yet to be saved. After struggling to comprehend the needs of so many, his head splits into eleven pieces. Amitabha Buddha, seeing his plight, gives him eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the suffering. Upon hearing these cries and comprehending them, Avalokite?vara attempts to reach out to all those who needed aid, but found that his two arms shattered into pieces. Once more, Amitabha comes to his aid and invests him with a thousand arms with which to aid the suffering multitudes.[3]

Many Himalayan versions of the tale include eight arms with which Avalokite?vara skilfully upholds the dharma, each possessing its own particular implement, while more Chinese-specific ones give varying accounts of this number.

Avalokite?vara is an important deity in Tibetan Buddhism, and is regarded in the Vajrayana teachings as a Buddha. In the Mahayana teachings he is in general regarded as a high-level Bodhisattva. The Dalai Lama is considered by the Gelugpa sect and many other Tibetan Buddhists to be the primary earthly manifestation of Chenrezig. The Karmapa is considered by the Karma Kagyu sect to be Chenrezig's primary manifestation. It is said that Padmasambhava prophesied that Avalokite?vara will manifest himself in the Tulku lineages of the Dalai Lamas and the Karmapas. Another Tibetan source explains that Buddha Amithaba gave to one of his two main disciples, Avalokite?vara, the task to take upon himself the burden of caring for Tibet. That's why he as manifested himself not only as spiritual teachers in Tibet but also in the form of kings (like Trisong Detsen) or ministers.

Other manifestations popular in Tibet include Sahasra-bhuja (a form with a thousand arms) and Ek?da?amukha (a form with eleven faces).

In Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara acts as the consort and energizer of Avalokite?vara/Chenrezig. According to popular belief, Tara came into existence from a single tear shed by Chenrezig. When the tear fell to the ground it created a lake, and a lotus opening in the lake revealed Tara. In another version of this story, Tara emerges from the heart of Chenrezig. In either version, it is Chenrezig's outpouring of compassion which manifests Tara as a being.

Mahayana / Manjusri
« on: 09 July 2007, 06:27:27 PM »

Mañju?r? (Ch: ?? Wénsh? or ?????? Wénsh?shili Púsà; Jp: Monju; Tib: Jampelyang; New: ???????? Manjushree ), also written Manjushri, is the bodhisattva of keen awareness in Buddhism. A disciple of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, he represents wisdom, intelligence and realisation, and is one of the most popular Bodhisattvas following Avalokitesvara (Ch: Guan Yin).

Together with Shakyamuni and fellow disciple Samantabhadra he forms the Shakyamuni trinity (Jp: Sanzon Shaka). Manjusri is one of the Eight Wisdom Bodhisattvas and one of the Japanese Thirteen Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism he sometimes is depicted in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Vajrapani.

Manjusri is mentioned in many Mahayana sutras, particularly the Prajnaparamita Sutras. The Lotus Sutra assigns him a paradise called Vimala, which according to the Avatamsaka Sutra is located in the east. His consort in some traditions is Saraswati.[citation needed] He is also sometimes called Manjughosha.

Within Tibetan Buddhism, Manjushri is a tantric meditational deity or Yidam, and considered a fully enlightened Buddha.
    * 1 Manjusri Mantra
    * 2 Iconography
    * 3 Manchu
    * 4 Yamantaka
    * 5 Role in Nepalese Mythology
    * 6 External links

Manjusri Mantra

Chanting the Manjusri Mantra "Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih" is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one's skills in debating, memory, writing, explaining etc. "Dhih" is the seed syllable of the mantra and is chanted with greater emphasis.


Statue of Manjusri (Monju) at Senkoji in Onomichi, Japan

A male Bodhisattva, he is depicted wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing his realisation of wisdom which cuts through ignorance and wrong views. The scripture supported by the flower held in his left hand is the Prajnaparamita, representing his attainment of ultimate realisation and Enlightenment. Variations upon his traditional form as Manjusri include Guhya-Manjusri, Guhya-Manjuvajra, and Manjuswari, most of which are Tantric forms associated with Tibetan Buddhism. The two former appearances are generally accompanied by a shakti deity embracing the main figure, symbolising union of form and spirit, matter and energy.


According to legend Nurhaci, a military leader of the Jurchen tribes and founder of what became the Chinese imperial Qing Dynasty, believed himself to be a reincarnation of Manjusri. He therefore is said to have renamed his tribe the Manchu.


Yamantaka Vajrabhairav, British Museum

Yam?ntaka (meaning 'terminator of Yama i.e. Death') is seen as a wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the buddha of wisdom. Yam?ntaka (Tibetan: Shinjeshe, ??????????????; Wylie: Gshin-rje-gshed) is a Mah?y?na Buddhist yidam or i??adevat? of the Highest Yoga Tantra class in Vajrayana, popular within the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Role in Nepalese Mythology

According to Swayambhu Purana, the Kathmandu Valley was once a lake. It is believed that Manjushri saw a lotus flower in the center of the lake and cut a gorge at Chovar to allow the lake to drain. The place where the lotus flower settled became Swayambhunath Stupa and the valley thus became habitable.

The Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, who adhere to both Buddhism and Hinduism, reve

Waroeng Mandarin / ??
« on: 08 July 2007, 06:16:51 PM »

?? ?

????????? :

Sori jika bahasa mandarin saya amburadul, tolong dikoreksi juga ya..

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