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Messages - mettakaruna

Pages: [1] 2
Lowongan / Re: Low Staf Finance - Tangerang
« on: 20 September 2010, 10:41:37 AM »
Bisa saja tapi harus berpengalaman

Lowongan / Low Staf Finance - Tangerang
« on: 17 September 2010, 03:49:16 PM »
Perusahaan PET & Bottle Hotfill manufacturer yg berlokasi dikawasan industri - Tangerang mencari Staf Finance, dengan kriteris sbb :

*   Single (belum menikah)
*   Wanita usia max 27 tahun
*   Berdomisili ditangerang
*   Min D3, diutamakan S1 (SMU/SMK Berpengalaman)
*   Fresh Graduate
*   Mampu mengoperasikan MS Office
*   Tekun, teliti & mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Bila tertarik kirimkan CV, Riwayat Hidup, Scan ijasah, Foto Diri ke email : lusy.erawaty [at] indotirtaabadi.com

DhammaCitta Press / Re: Laporan Distribusi Pro 3
« on: 20 December 2008, 11:10:58 PM »
Laporan distribusi  (sory baru skrg bs post ) :

1. Ristadaya - Graha Raya Bintaro
2. Suhendro - Jakarta
3. Hendri Talim - Bugel Indah (Tangerang)
4. Titien Widjaja - Cimone (Tangerang)
5. Muliady - Sarua Permai (Ciputat)

Ada 2 orang yg berdana tapi blom sempat aku transferin yaitu Ristadaya & Hendri Talim, nanti kalo uda transfer, aku post ke thread dana nya, thnx u

DhammaCitta Press / Re: woi... uda buku ke dua nech... haa...
« on: 28 May 2008, 08:10:44 AM »
Ini mettakaruna hasil kawin silang metta dan karuna ya.....? :))

Kabur dulu akhh...sebelum di ketok :P

 [at]  bond =  :hammer: gini2 aye uda punya suami nih  ;D

Waduh gimana tuh kedudukan seimbang antara no 1 dan no 3, dua2nya aja deh  ;D

DhammaCitta Press / Re: woi... uda buku ke dua nech... haa...
« on: 27 May 2008, 02:22:44 PM »
metta + karuna = anaknya jadi mettakaruna ;D

Sadhu sadhu sadhu  _/\_

Salam kenal jg Evo  :), GOOOOOOOOo no 3  8)

DhammaCitta Press / Re: woi... uda buku ke dua nech... haa...
« on: 27 May 2008, 09:48:55 AM »
Aku pilih no 3 aja, sepertinya jarang ada buku mengenai Ananda


Please read and sign the petition below and forward it to your friends and family.

It is requested that the 50th person send the petition with signatures to:

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar e-mail:  thuriya [at] aol.com

Petition Campaign for Buddhist Solidarity with the Monks and Nuns of Burma
"Love and kindness must win over everything"
We, the people of the world, implore the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC, the official name of the military regime of Burma (Myanmar)) to refrain from taking any actions that:

   1. Physically harm the Buddhist monks and nuns participating in the protest marches currently taking place in major cities and towns in Burma
   2. Infiltrate the protesting groups by pretending to be monks and nuns (via having the head shaven and dressing in monks' robes) and then instigating violence from within through such pretension
   3. Offer poisoned foods as alms (Dana)
   4. Arresting and beating up people or persons who offers food and water (dana) to the monks
   5. Arresting the protesting monks and treating them like criminals, such as catching the monks by lariats and ropes, tying them up with wires and strapping them onto electrical poles, slapping their cheeks, kicking them with military boots and hitting their heads with rifle butts.

We appeal to the members of the military regime to act in accordance with the sacred Buddha-Dharma, in the spirit of loving-kindness, compassion and non-violence.
We implore the military regime to accede to the wishes of the common people of Burma, to establish the conditions for the flowering of justice, democracy and liberty.
We wish to convey our admiration and support to the large number of Buddhists monks and fellow Dharma practitioners for advocating democracy and freedom in Burma, and would like to appeal to all freedom-loving people all over the world to support such non-violent movements.
We pray for the success of this peace movement and the early release of Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

1.  Adin Eichler - San Francisco USA
2.  Bhikkhu Kancano - England
3.  Upaseno Bhikkhu - Indonesia
4.  Heru wahono - Indonesia
5.  Edi Wijaya - Indonesia
6.  Andy Zain - Indonesia
7.  Benny Wu - Indonesia
8.  Jeffrey Leonard - Indonesia
9.  Frans Lius - Indonesia
10. Hedi Kasmanto - Indonesia
11. Candani - Indonesia
12. Felix Thioris - Indonesia
13. Willibordus - Indonesia
14. Alex Chandra - Indonesia
15. Dewi astuti - Indonesia
16. Surya Sanjaya - Indonesia
17. Padma Metti - Indonesia
18. Effendy - Indonesia
19. Lily Warsiti - Indonesia
20. Vita Oktavera - Indonesia
21. Lusy Erawaty - Indonesia

Please read and sign the petition below and forward it to your friends and family.

It is requested that the 50th person send the petition with signatures to:

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar e-mail:  thuriya [at] aol.com

Petition Campaign for Buddhist Solidarity with the Monks and Nuns of Burma
"Love and kindness must win over everything"
We, the people of the world, implore the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC, the official name of the military regime of Burma (Myanmar)) to refrain from taking any actions that:

   1. Physically harm the Buddhist monks and nuns participating in the protest marches currently taking place in major cities and towns in Burma
   2. Infiltrate the protesting groups by pretending to be monks and nuns (via having the head shaven and dressing in monks' robes) and then instigating violence from within through such pretension
   3. Offer poisoned foods as alms (Dana)
   4. Arresting and beating up people or persons who offers food and water (dana) to the monks
   5. Arresting the protesting monks and treating them like criminals, such as catching the monks by lariats and ropes, tying them up with wires and strapping them onto electrical poles, slapping their cheeks, kicking them with military boots and hitting their heads with rifle butts.

We appeal to the members of the military regime to act in accordance with the sacred Buddha-Dharma, in the spirit of loving-kindness, compassion and non-violence.
We implore the military regime to accede to the wishes of the common people of Burma, to establish the conditions for the flowering of justice, democracy and liberty.
We wish to convey our admiration and support to the large number of Buddhists monks and fellow Dharma practitioners for advocating democracy and freedom in Burma, and would like to appeal to all freedom-loving people all over the world to support such non-violent movements.
We pray for the success of this peace movement and the early release of Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

1.  Adin Eichler - San Francisco USA
2.  Bhikkhu Kancano - England
3.  Upaseno Bhikkhu - Indonesia
4.  Heru wahono - Indonesia
5.  Edi Wijaya - Indonesia
6.  Andy Zain - Indonesia
7.  Benny Wu - Indonesia
8.  Jeffrey Leonard - Indonesia
9.  Frans Lius - Indonesia
10. Hedi Kasmanto - Indonesia
11. Candani - Indonesia
12. Felix Thioris - Indonesia
13. Willibordus - Indonesia
14. Lusy Erawaty - Indonesia

satu lagi tambahannya cabang bisma - jakarta, bukan bandung. Tolong dimaafkan atas kesalahannya  ^:)^

 BCA cabang Bisma - Jakarta
Atas Nama : Yayasan Avalokitesvara Vipassana Graha
No Rekening : 582 - 01 333 92

Jadi malu nih salah melulu  :-[, ini yg final deh ! ngak ada salah2 lagi  _/\_

Aduh maaf beribu maaf, yg diatas nomornya salah lagi , berikut ini koreksi nomor rekeningnya, ini uda bener (suerrrrrr deh) :

BCA cabang Bisma - Bandung

Atas Nama : Yayasan Avalokitesvara Vipassana Graha

No Rekening : 582 - 01 333 92



Nomor rekening diatas ada yg salah, berikut ini koreksi nomor rekeningnya:

BCA cabang Bisma - Bandung

Atas Nama : Yayasan Avalokitesvara Vipassana Graha

No Rekening : 582 - 01 333 93



Program Meditasi Zen Agustus
Jadwal 10 - 12 Agustus 2007

Pelatih/instruktur : Bhiksu Nirmala Sasana (Suhu Xue Hua)
Tempat : Vihara Vajrabodhi
Jl Raya Padjajaran No. 1

Pendaftaran selambat-lambatnya tanggal 4 Agustus.
Contact person:
Ibu Mieke & Ibu Lie Hua (0254 - 325740, 322542)
Beatrice (0818 0700 277)
Anita (08158845982)
Jhon (085959512522)
Suryati (0818180096)

Selengkapnya bisa di lihat di brosur terlampir atau mengklik di link di bawah
ini atau menghubungi para contact person.
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/MeditasiZe n/files/Vajrabod hi/

Informasi dan Pengumuman Kegiatan Buddhis / Re: Retreat Nyung Nay
« on: 12 July 2007, 01:12:57 PM »
Aku jg bingung c hbs aku cuma forward email dr tmn  ;D , tapi bagi yg mau daftar hubungi no hp diatas aja, mgkn dia tau infonya lbh lengkap  _/\_

Salam metta,

Vegetarian / Re: Website vegetarian
« on: 11 July 2007, 12:55:25 PM »
Your welcome bapak admin :D, sekalian numpang promosi nih (bantuin Rudi) :)

Vegetarian / Website vegetarian
« on: 11 July 2007, 08:35:34 AM »
Teman-teman sedhamma, untuk mendapatkan info ttg vegetarian, resep masakan vege dan info2 lainnya mengenai vegetarian, bisa visit website : www.veggie123.com . Semoga informasi ini bisa membantu  ;D

Salam metta,

Pages: [1] 2