Buddhisme Awal, Sekte dan Tradisi > Buddhisme Awal

Tahun Wafat Buddha

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Terdapat beberapa macam anggapan tahun ketika Buddha wafat.

Tradisi yang umum di Korea dan Jepang adalah 949 BC, tapi juga terdapat tradisi yang menganut tahun 878 dan 686 BC sebagai tahun wafat Buddha.

Berdasarkan Purana yang mencatat Mahabarata (asumsi 3138 BC) dan generasi raja-raja sesudahnya, didapatkan Raja Kshemajit dan Bimbisara yang sejaman dengan Suddhodhana, dan peralihannya ke Ajatasattu adalah tahun Buddha meninggalkan keduniawian. Didapatkan tahun wafat yaitu 1880 atau 1807 BC.

Ada juga pencarian berdasarkan deskripsi-deskripsi di literatur Buddhis, dicocologi dengan astronomi, dan didapatkan 1807 atau 1510 BC.

Di Indonesia, Vietnam dan World Fellowship of Buddhist menggunakan 544 - 543 BC, sehingga 2014 ini kita rayakan Waisak ke 2558. Perhitungan ini berdasarkan sumber dari Srilanka yaitu Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, dan Samantapasadika dengan menghitung mundur tahun Asoka naik takhta pada akhir 326 BC masehi yang adalah 218 tahun sejak Buddha Parinibbana. Perhitungan ini disebut sebagai Long Chronology.

Tahun 1836, G. Turnour, seorang penerjemah Mahavamsa menemukan kesalahan perhitungan ini sebab telah diketahui secara sejarah bahwa Asoka naik takhta tahun 263, sehingga perhitungan semula adalah meleset sekitar 60 tahun. Jadi perhitungan awal dimajukan 63 tahun jadi 486 BC, dan ini disebut Corrected Long Chronology.

Dari sumber-sumber Sarvastivada, Samayabhedoparacanacakra (T 2032. 十八部論 & 2033. 部執異論) di India, terdapat berbagai variasi 116, dan 160 tahun sejak Buddha  wafat sampai jaman Asoka, jadi didapat 386 dan 368 BC. Perhitungan ini disebut Short Chronology. Ditinjau dari 5 generasi pewaris vinaya, jarak waktu yang lebih pendek ini lebih masuk akal ketimbang 218 tahun. Secara arkeologis, tahun belakangan ini juga lebih mendukung karena terdapat berbagai tempat yang dikatakan dikunjungi oleh Buddha baru dibangun belakangan. G. Erdosy yang meninjau dari ekonomi moneter juga memberi hipotesis iklim politik yang digambarkan adalah lebih belakangan daripada 400 BC.

Selain ini juga ada penanggalan berdasarkan catatan titik (Dotted Record), yaitu jumlah titik yang diimbuhkan setiap akhir pavarana setelah wafat Buddha oleh para pewaris vinaya, dan didapatkan tahun 486 BC. Namun karena diketahui bahwa sutta-vinaya diturunkan secara oral maka kisah meletakkan titik pada masa awal kurang kredibel. Selain itu karena berasal dari sumber yang sama (terjemahan Samantapasadika), maka tidak dianggap sebagai sumber independen untuk komparasi.

Tahun 1988, diadakan simposium bernama “The Dating of the Historical Buddha” di Gottingen, Jerman. Terdapat aneka hipotesis dengan rentang 486 BC sampai 261 BC, namun memang sampai sekarang masih belum dapat ditentukan secara pasti.

Jika rekan-rekan memiliki pendapat berdasar sumber lain, silahkan tambahkan untuk memperluas pengetahuan kita semua.

Ada baiknya jika pengetahuan
Diberikan berdasarkan
Apa yang diajarkan dan apa yg tidak.

Bukan bermaksud menggurui
Namun hal hal semacam ini
Tidak berkaitan dengan melemahnya

Banyak pengetahuan diluar diajarkan buddha
Namun buddha membatasi
Pada pengetahuan yg membawa
Kesadaran yg lebih tinggi
U mencapai kehidupan yg lebih tinggi
Setelah kematian.

Masalah arkeologi memang
Tidak ada habisnya
Karena bukti buktinya sudah berlalu
Ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun
Ada baiknya tidak menimbulkan perbedaan
Apalagi perpecahan bagi umat buddha.

Ini dari catatan mistik tiongkok

In the Eastern Han, during the third year of the Yung ping reign period (a.d. 62), Emperor Ming dreamed that a golden man with a halo of light above his head flew into the imperial palace. The next day he asked his cabinet ministers about the dream, and an astrologer named Fu Yi said to the emperor, have heard that in India there was a holy sage whom people called Buddha. Your dream, Your Majesty, is certainly of the Buddha. " At that time a scholar named Wang Zun also told the emperor, about a book was written in the Zhou Dynasty called Records of Strange Events (Yi Ji). That book states that when the Buddha was born in the Zhou Dynasty during the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Zhao (around 1024 b.c.), the creeks and rivers overflowed their banks, the entire earth quaked, and a five-colored auspicious light pierced the heavens. At that time there was an astrologer and diviner named Su You . He consulted the I Ching [Book of Changes] and got the hexagram qian, nine in the fifth place, lying dragon in the heavens. ' Su You ascertained that a great sage had been born in India who would transmit a teaching that would come to China after a thousand years.

Then King Zhao of Zhou ordered that the details of the event be carved in stone and recorded. He then buried the stone at a certain spot south of the city, to wait and see if the event would actually occur--to see if a thousand years hence the Buddhadharma would actually be transmitted to China.

Later in the Zhou Dynasty, during the reign of King Mu (1001 946 b.c.), there was a massive earthquake that shook heaven and earth. A white rainbow with twelve rays was seen extending across the sun. Rainbows are mentioned in the Shurangama Sutra. This was a white rainbow which seemed to arch across the sun during the daytime. This rainbow appeared just as the Buddha was about to enter Nirvana. Although India was far from China, the Chinese were aware of what was happening. The Buddha appearance in the world was no chance event. When the Buddha was born in India, all the creeks and rivers overflowed their banks in China. There were floods, and the entire earth quaked. When the Buddha entered Nirvana, a white rainbow with twelve rays arched across the sun. Around this time another astrologer named Hu Duo used the I Ching to consult the hexagrams. He concluded, great sage from the West has left the world. During the Zhou Dynasty, in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Zhao (around 1024 b.c.), this great sage was born in India, and now he has entered Nirvana. " Despite their distance, the Chinese knew about these events that happened in India. In China there were diviners who could predict such events accurately.



--- Quote from: wirya on 16 December 2014, 08:00:18 PM ---Ada baiknya jika pengetahuan
Diberikan berdasarkan
Apa yang diajarkan dan apa yg tidak.

Bukan bermaksud menggurui
Namun hal hal semacam ini
Tidak berkaitan dengan melemahnya

Banyak pengetahuan diluar diajarkan buddha
Namun buddha membatasi
Pada pengetahuan yg membawa
Kesadaran yg lebih tinggi
U mencapai kehidupan yg lebih tinggi
Setelah kematian.

Masalah arkeologi memang
Tidak ada habisnya
Karena bukti buktinya sudah berlalu
Ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun
Ada baiknya tidak menimbulkan perbedaan
Apalagi perpecahan bagi umat buddha.

--- End quote ---
Board ini memang tidak untuk type "kerbau yang dicucuk hidungnya" seperti anda. Jika anda merasa terusik, silahkan enyah dari sini. Berikutnya jika tidak sesuai topik, akan saya hapus. Terima kasih.


--- Quote from: xenocross on 16 December 2014, 08:49:35 PM ---Ini dari catatan mistik tiongkok

In the Eastern Han, during the third year of the Yung ping reign period (a.d. 62), Emperor Ming dreamed that a golden man with a halo of light above his head flew into the imperial palace. The next day he asked his cabinet ministers about the dream, and an astrologer named Fu Yi said to the emperor, have heard that in India there was a holy sage whom people called Buddha. Your dream, Your Majesty, is certainly of the Buddha. " At that time a scholar named Wang Zun also told the emperor, about a book was written in the Zhou Dynasty called Records of Strange Events (Yi Ji). That book states that when the Buddha was born in the Zhou Dynasty during the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Zhao (around 1024 b.c.), the creeks and rivers overflowed their banks, the entire earth quaked, and a five-colored auspicious light pierced the heavens. At that time there was an astrologer and diviner named Su You . He consulted the I Ching [Book of Changes] and got the hexagram qian, nine in the fifth place, lying dragon in the heavens. ' Su You ascertained that a great sage had been born in India who would transmit a teaching that would come to China after a thousand years.

Then King Zhao of Zhou ordered that the details of the event be carved in stone and recorded. He then buried the stone at a certain spot south of the city, to wait and see if the event would actually occur--to see if a thousand years hence the Buddhadharma would actually be transmitted to China.

Later in the Zhou Dynasty, during the reign of King Mu (1001 946 b.c.), there was a massive earthquake that shook heaven and earth. A white rainbow with twelve rays was seen extending across the sun. Rainbows are mentioned in the Shurangama Sutra. This was a white rainbow which seemed to arch across the sun during the daytime. This rainbow appeared just as the Buddha was about to enter Nirvana. Although India was far from China, the Chinese were aware of what was happening. The Buddha appearance in the world was no chance event. When the Buddha was born in India, all the creeks and rivers overflowed their banks in China. There were floods, and the entire earth quaked. When the Buddha entered Nirvana, a white rainbow with twelve rays arched across the sun. Around this time another astrologer named Hu Duo used the I Ching to consult the hexagrams. He concluded, great sage from the West has left the world. During the Zhou Dynasty, in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Zhao (around 1024 b.c.), this great sage was born in India, and now he has entered Nirvana. " Despite their distance, the Chinese knew about these events that happened in India. In China there were diviners who could predict such events accurately.


--- End quote ---
Info yang menarik. Tentang hal ini, apakah ada catatan non-religius yang mencatat kejadian serupa, atau masih adakah batu yang mencatat detail tersebut?

Soal di China, saya pernah baca kalau penganut Buddhis di sana memajukan tahun Buddha agar bisa dianggap sejaman atau bahkan lebih dulu dari Lao Tzu.


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