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Buddhisme Awal, Sekte dan Tradisi => Mahayana => Sutra Mahayana => Topic started by: Mahadeva on 12 June 2011, 10:41:03 AM

Title: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 12 June 2011, 10:41:03 AM
Om Mani Padme Hum tercatat pertama kali ada di Karandavyuha Sutra.

Ini Sutra ttg Guan Shi Yin

ini terjemahan inggrisnya

ada di chapter 4 mantranya

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 12 June 2011, 12:03:49 PM
Om Mani Padme Hum tercatat pertama kali ada di Karandavyuha Sutra.

Ini Sutra ttg Guan Shi Yin

ini terjemahan inggrisnya

ada di chapter 4 mantranya


bro tanya ya,
link yang anda kasih sudah sy buka, terlampir saya cuplik disini :
Buddha speaks Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra

(Also known as:)
Avalokitesvara-guna-karanda-vyuha Sutra
Karanda-vyuha Sutra

(Tripitaka No. 1050)

Translated during the Song Dynasty by Kustana Tripitaka Master TinSeekJoy

saya telusuri untuk Song dynasty kapan mulai memerintah di China, ini dpt dari wikipedia, spt ini sy quotekan :
The Song Dynasty (Chinese: 宋朝; pinyin: Sòng Cháo; Wade-Giles: Sung Ch'ao; IPA: [sʊ̂ŋ tʂʰɑ̌ʊ̯]) was a ruling dynasty in China between 960 and 1279;...........dst

bila saya bandingkan dg Tibetan kok malah Tibetan yg lebih dulu ya. disini dikatakan sejak th.755-797....jadi kalo kita mau bicara ttg "BERASAL DARI" tentu yg paling mula, yang paling awal, yang paling duluan ya yang dpt dikatakan awal mula, lantas bila dikaitkan anda mengatakan berasal dari dynasty yang sekitar th.960 berarti lebih duluan donk dg Tibet th.755....gimana bro?

ini kemarin baru sempet ngeringkas dari hal.1-10

Referensi dari Buku “Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”, karya : DR.Anukue Chandra Banerjee, MA, LL.B, PhD, F.A.S, F.R.A.S (London), Ex-Director Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology and Other, Buddhist Studies, Gangtok, Formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Pali, Ex-Dean, Faculty of Arts, Calcutta University. Terbitan thn 1984, dicetak oleh Sri Sakti Ranjan Mishra United Printers, Calcutta.

Sebelum Agama Buddha masuk ke Tibet disana telah ada aliran pemujaan (cult) yang bernama “Bon” dimana arti nama tsb tidak diketemukan dalam kamus, bahkan hingga kamus bahasa Tibetpun tidak menyajikan arti nama tsb. Istilah tsb dpt diketemukan dalam buku “A Tibetan-English Dictionary” karya S.C.Das yang dinyatakan “Bon” sebagai “Pemujaan (Fetisisme), Menyembah Setan (demon worship) dan perapalan mantera-2 (propitiation by means incantation), namun tidak menyediakan apa arti dari kata bon itu sendiri.

Dengan berjalannya waktu terjadi perpecahan aliran Bon ini menjadi terpecah sebagai “Bonchhal-nag (Black Bon)” yang menyatakan diri “Aliran Orisinil” dan “Bonchhal-kar with Bon-terma (White Bon and Treasured Bon)”.

Buku ini mencatat Agama Buddha mulai berkembang di Tibet sejak th.755-797, masa pemerintahan Raja Khri-srong-lde-btsen, yang dianggap sebagai inkarnasi Manjusri bahkan hingga saat kini. Mendapatkan pengaruh yang kuat sekali dari Ibundanya yaitu seorang Putri Kerajaan dari China yang merupakan pemeluk taat Agama Buddha. Beliau memproklamasikan agar seluruh pemeluk Bon berpindah keyakinan ke Agama Buddha. Salah seorang guru besar Bon bernama Rin-chen-mchog mendapat hukuman dari raja dikarenakan tidak mau memeluk Agama Buddha dan terkenal kemudian menjadi musuh besar Agama Buddha. Bersama seluruh pengikutnya beliau menyusun kitab suci mereka secara diam2 dengan memadukan Agama Buddha dan Agama Hindu.  Kitab suci ini dinyatakan sebagai “Kitab Suci Asli Bon” mereka kemudian disebut Nying-ma-pa, yang berarti yang tua, yang kemudian mendirikan sekte asli Buddhisme oleh Padmasambhava di Tibet. Orang-2 mencurigai keaslian Kitab Suci ini merupakan plagiat dari Buddhisme. Raja adalah pelindung Agama Buddha segera melakukan penekanan kepada mereka karena telah mengkonversi ajaran Agama Buddha kedalam Bon. Mereka bertahan dan konflik terbuka tidak terelakkan untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Tibet dalam masa pemerintahannya. Beberapa pengikut Bon dan gurunya telah dipenggal, yang tersisa bersembunyi dalam gua-2 dan melanjutkan penulisan Kitab Suci mereka disana. Mereka dinamakan sebagai Bon-gter-ma (the Hidden Treasures of the Bon-pos), kitab-2 ini menjadi terkenal dengan nama Prajñāpāramitā, Dzogs-pa chen-po (Mahāsandhi) dan seperti, ada banyak kitab-2 yang tidak ada perbedaan sama sekali baik secara teknik dan pola ini adalah “Bonchhal-kar (Bon-kar, White Bon)”, Bon yang bertransformasi.

Ketika raja Glang-dar-ma turun dari tahta Agama Buddha kehilangan perlindungan, Bon kembali mendpt kesempatan memperkaya Kitab-2 Suci mereka lebih lanjut. Seseorang bernama Gahed-rgur-klu-dgah dari Tsang-pya mengkonversi banyak sekali naskah2 Buddhisme sebagai Bon disebuah tempat Ziarah Bon Dar-yul-dro-lag. Dia mentransformasi istilah-2 tehnikal dan material Buddhisme menjadi berbeda. Bahkan hingga banyak sekali nama-2 karya Buddhisme telah diubahnya. Prajñāpāramitā (Yum-chhen) menjadi dikenal sebagai Kham-chhen, Nyi-shu-nga-pa dalam 25 chapter sebagai Kham-chhung, Gtan-lad-bad-pa sebagai Bon-mdo, 5 kelas mantra (gZungs-sde-lnga—Pañcādhāraṇī) sebagai Klu-hbum-dkar-na-khra-gsum. Naskah-2 ini dia sembunyikan di bebatuan di Mtsho-lnga-hdren-chhung. Selanjutnya naskah-2 yg disembunyikan ini diketemukan dalam kesempatan penemuan. Bon yang bertransformasi ini dinamakan Chhal-dkar (white-water). Topik dari naskah-2 tersebut : segala sesuatu tidak kekal (anityatā), perbuatan (karma), akibat (phala), cinta kasih (maitrī), kasih sayang (karuṇā), berpikir tentang pencerahan (Bodhicitta) dan 6 kebajikan (pāramitā).  Juga ada subsitusi yang khas untuk 5 jalan (ways of emancipation), 10 tingkatan (daśa bhūmi), tiga tubuh suci (trikāya), tindakan-2 Tantra, inisiasi dan meditasi, sumpah, penyucian, persembahan api (homa), persembahan diagram (maṇḍala), ritual untuk kematian, Arahat, Bodhisattva, śunyatā, Tathāgata, Buddha, Vairacana, Śāriputra, Maudgalyāyana, dll. Dari hal-2 tsb diatas jelaslah Kitab Suci Bon plagiat semata dari Buddhisme. Untuk mengelilingi obyek suci, Bon-pos menggunakan arah terbalik dari Buddhisme yang searah jarum jam, tapi mereka dari kiri ke kanan. Mereka menggunakan formula pujian yg terkenal “Om Matri Muye Sale du” ditempat suci Avalokitesvara menjadi formula “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Aliran Bon-po dapat dikatakan pengulangan yang sama dengan Tao-sse yang mana ke-2 Aliran ini mengambil sebagian besar Buddhisme.

Yang tipe serupa untuk Adibuddha dalam sistim Vajrayana dinamakan kun-tu-bzang-po dalam Sanskrit Samantabhadra, sama sebagai Adibuddha dari Padmaisme. Filosofis menganggap Samantabhadra merupakan absolute tertinggi.

berhubung saya masih taraf belajar maafkan jika terdapat kesalahan menerjemahkan.

semoga sedikit ringkasan ini ada manfaatnya, kelanjutannya nanti sy lanjutkan (sy akan ketikkan dulu), sebenarnya awal adanya Tantrayana justru dari permaisuri dari China dan Nepal (Raja memiliki 2 permaisuri). yang kemudian disebut "Tara Putih" adalah yg dari China dan yang dari Nepal "Tara Hijau". jadi bagi pemuja "Tara Putih" dia adalah permaisuri yg berasal dari China.

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 12 June 2011, 01:36:05 PM
thanks Samaneri buat infonya..saya memang cari di wikipedia. iya link itu memang hasil translatenya dari sanskrit ke mandarin trus dari mandarin ke inggris...tapi kalau sutra asli karanda vyuha dalam sanskrit kan lebih dulu dari tibetan. karena saya baca di wikipedia juga, sutra itu juga dipakai di tibet. Jadi yang dimaksud 'berasal dari' adalah berasal dari sutra aslinya sebelum diterjemahkan. kalau terjemahan ke mandarinnya memang bisa saja kalah awal dari tibetan.

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 12 June 2011, 03:52:23 PM
thanks Samaneri buat infonya..saya memang cari di wikipedia. iya link itu memang hasil translatenya dari sanskrit ke mandarin trus dari mandarin ke inggris...tapi kalau sutra asli karanda vyuha dalam sanskrit kan lebih dulu dari tibetan. karena saya baca di wikipedia juga, sutra itu juga dipakai di tibet. Jadi yang dimaksud 'berasal dari' adalah berasal dari sutra aslinya sebelum diterjemahkan. kalau terjemahan ke mandarinnya memang bisa saja kalah awal dari tibetan.

ok bro, jika yg dimaksud bro adalah sutra aslinya yg masih dari bhs asli. jadi anda ingin memberikan link sutranya bhw "Om Mani Padme Hum" berasal dari sutra ini. kalo saya buka2 link itu kok kalimat yang menyebutkan "Om Mani Padme Hum" ga ketemu ya bro? bisa bantu bro, tolong dicarikan mana kalimat tsb ? thanks banget atas bantuannya.
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Kelana on 12 June 2011, 04:28:22 PM
ok bro, jika yg dimaksud bro adalah sutra aslinya yg masih dari bhs asli. jadi anda ingin memberikan link sutranya bhw "Om Mani Padme Hum" berasal dari sutra ini. kalo saya buka2 link itu kok kalimat yang menyebutkan "Om Mani Padme Hum" ga ketemu ya bro? bisa bantu bro, tolong dicarikan mana kalimat tsb ? thanks banget atas bantuannya.

Ada di Chapter 4 , Samaneri, dan tulisannya di sana : Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum bukan Om Mani Padme Hum

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 12 June 2011, 04:36:58 PM
Ada di Chapter 4 , Samaneri, dan tulisannya di sana : Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum bukan Om Mani Padme Hum


thanks bro Kelana, yang ini ya...
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Chapter 4

At that time, Eliminate-Obstructions(Sarva-nivaraNaviskambhin) Bodhisattva said to the Buddha: "Bhagavan(World Honored One), now how can I get this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani? Anyone who has it will be accordant with innumerable Dhyanas and Samadhis. Having this Dharani is the same as attaining Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi. It leads us to the door of liberation and reveals the state of Nirvana. It eliminates greed, angers and ignorance forever and perfects the Dharma-Stores. It breaks transmigrations in the five destinies and purifies all hells. It eliminates all afflictions and saves all animals. Its perfect Dharma-Flavor cannot be fully proclaimed even by Universal-Wisdom(sarva-jnana). Bhagavan, I need this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani. For this Dharani, I can fill the four great continents with treasures and donate all of them in order to write it down. Bhagavan, if there is not enough ink, paper or pen, I can prick my body to take out my blood and use it as the ink, I can peel off my skin and use it as the paper, and I can crack my bone and use it as the pen. Bhagavan, I am not miserly and will never regret for doing so, I respect this Dharani as if it is my parent."

(* The four great continents are:
1) The Southern Continent of Jambudvipa;
2) The Eastern Continent of Purva-videha;
3) The Western Continent of Avara-godaniya;
4) The Northern Continent of Uttara-kuru)

Then the Buddha told Eliminate-Obstructions Bodhisattva: "Virtuous man, I remember that in the past, for this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, I had been to as many worlds as there are atoms in the universe, and had offered and sustained countless hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of Tathagatas. But I had never gained or heard this Dharani in any of the worlds of those Tathagatas. Afterward, there was a Buddha named Treasure-Supremacy (Ratnottama), Thus-Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, taming and subduing hero, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One."

"At that time, I wept sorrowfully in front of that Buddha, and then that Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha told me: 'Virtuous man, do not weep so sorrowfully. Virtuous man, you should go there, go to the world of Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha. That Buddha knows this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani.'"

"Virtuous man, I then said farewell to Treasure-Supremacy Tathagata, left his world, and went to the Buddha-World of Lotus-Supremacy (Padmottama) Tathagata. Having arrived there, I bowed to the feet of the Buddha, with my joining palms ahead, I said: 'Bhagavan, please give me the Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, which is the king of True-Words(mantra), being mindful of even its name can eliminate sins and filth and make us attain Bodhi quickly. I am tired, because I had been to innumerable worlds but could not get it, and I am finally here now.'"

"Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata then told me the merits and virtues of this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani: 'Virtuous man, I can count the number of all atoms of the universe, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani just once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, I can count all the sands in the great oceans one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a storehouse made by heavenly beings, it is 1000 yojana in length, 1000 yojana in width and 100 yojana in height, it is filled with sesame seeds and has no extra space for even one needle. The guardian of this storehouse will not become old and will not die; he throws one sesame seed out every 100 kalpas, in such a manner, he throws out all the sesame seeds in the storehouse, I can count that number, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, there are various paddies, wheat, etc. planted all over the four great continents, dragon kings make the rain fall down and then all plants are matured. People harvest all the crops and get all grains, and spread them all over the southern continent (Jambudvipa). Virtuous man, I can count all those grains one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, in the southern continent (Jambudvipa), all the great rivers that are flowing day and night are: Sido river, Kiga river, Yamuna river, Vachu river, Siadarunra river, Candana-bhaga river, Ahravadi river, Sumagata river, Simahagarasunali river, etc. Those rivers, each along with their 5000 branch rivers, are flowing into oceans day and night. Virtuous man, I can count the drops of water of all those great rivers one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, for all four-feet sentient beings in the four great continents, such as lions, elephants, horses, yaks, buffalos, tigers, wolves, monkeys, deer, goats, sheep, jackals, rabbits, and so on. I can count all the hair of them one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a Diamond-hook (Vajrankusa) mountain king, which is 99 thousand yojana in height, 84 thousand yojana in depth, 84 thousand yojana in length and 84 thousand yojana in width. And a person who will never become old and will never die has to spend one kalpa to circumambulate that mountain once. For such a mountain king, I can use a Kausika-cloth(a heavenly extremely thin cloth) to wipe it off, but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a huge ocean which is 84 thousand yojana in depth, and its surface area is immeasurable. I can dip a single tip of hair in that ocean repeatedly to use up all the water, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, I can count up all leaves of the great Srisa forest one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if all men, women and children in the four great continents become Bodhisattvas of the seven Bhumi(stage), then the sum of their merits and virtues is equal to the merits and virtues gained by chanting Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if it rains days and nights for fully one kalpa, I can count the drops of those rainwater one by one; but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, the number of the merits and virtues that he gains are much more than the number of those drops.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if one billion Tathagatas stay together in one place, any some person offers and sustains them with various clothes, drinks, foods, seats, beds, soup, medicine, and many other goods, in such a way those Tathagatas count the merits and virtues of this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani together for one heavenly kalpa, but they cannot figure out the sum.'"

"'I also cannot figure out that not only when I am now in this world, but also when I am in Samadhi.'"

"'Virtuous man, this Dharma is delicate and wonderful, it corresponds to all preparative practices, analytical meditations and wisdom. You will gain this delicate and wonderful Heart-Dharma in the future. That Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is expert at this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani. Virtuous man, in the past, after the preparative practices, I had been to countless hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of worlds, and finally I arrived the world of Infinite-Life(Amitayus) Tathagata. For this Dharma, I joined my palms together, wept and cried in front of him.'"

"'At that time, because Infinite-Life Tathagata knows my present and future, he said to me: 'Virtuous man, do you need this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Meditation-and-Practice-Yoga?' I then replied: 'Yes I need this Dharma, Bhagavan, I need this Dharma, Sugata(well gone). I need it like a thirsty person needs water. Bhagavan, in order to learn this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, I had been to innumerable worlds, had offered and sustained innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of Tathagatas, but I have not gained this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Dharani. Bhagavan, please heal my foolishness, just like making a poor person rich, like telling the correct way for a person who lost his way, like planting Sala-trees beside the thoroughfare to make shelters under the flaming sun. Bhagavan, I am thirsty for this Dharma, please teach me, to make me stay in the ultimate enlightenment and wear the Vajra-Armor.''"

"'At that time, Infinite-Life Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with the Kalavinka (*) sound: 'Virtuous man, do you see that, for this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, this Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha have traveled throughout innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of worlds. Virtuous man, you should tell him this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, because this Tathagata comes for it.'"

(* Kalavinka: A kind of bird. Kalavinkas are good at singing, their sound are extremely dulcet.)

"'Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to the Bhagavan: 'Anyone who did not see the Mandala(altar) cannot gain this Dharma, much less to know the Lotus Mudra(gesture), Mani-Holding Mudra, Universal-King Mudra, and the pure nature of the Mandala. The appearance of the Mandala is: The Mandala is five-elbows in length and five-elbows in width, there is an image of Amitabha(Infinite-Life) Buddha at the center of the Mandala; Indranila Curna(aromatic powder), Padmaraga Curna, Marakata Curna, Sphatika Curna, and Suvarnarupya Curna are scattered. On the right side of Amitabha Tathagata, there is an image of Maha-Mani-Dhara (Great-Mani-Holding) Bodhisattva, On the left side of the Buddha, there is an image of Six-Words-Great-Enlightenment(Four arms Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva). For the four arms image, the skin color is as white as the moon, and the body is decorated with various jewels; His left hand is holding a lotus, on the lotus there is a Mani pearl; His right hand is holding a rosary(prayer beads); His lower two hands are making a Universal-King Mudra. Under the feet of Six-Words-Great-Enlightenment, there are some heavenly beings decorated with various jewels. Each of those heavenly being is holding an incense burner in his right hand, and holding a bowl filled with treasures in his left hand. At the four corners of the Mandala, there are the four guardian gods who are holding various weapons and staffs. At the four outer corner of the Mandala, there are four merit-bottles(purna-ghata/kalasa) filled with various Mani jewels. If any virtuous man or woman is ready to enter this Mandala, he can write down the names of all his relatives onto a paper, and throw the paper into the Mandala, then all those relatives will attain the Bodhisattva position, will get away from sufferings and attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi quickly. Acarya(teacher)s should not teach this method indiscreetly. If there are some persons who are good at teaching others with expedient and skillful means, trustfully believe in Mahayana, diligent in preparative practices, and willing to seek for liberation, for such persons, Acarya(teacher)s should teach them this Dharma and should not teach them any Exterior-Paths theories.''"

"'At that time, Amitabha Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "Virtuous man, if the virtuous men or women have those five kinds of Curnas, then they can set up this Mandala; but if they are poor or unable to get those Curnas, what should they do?' Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva replied: 'Bhagavan, as an expedient means, they can use various colored materials, and make offerings with various fragrant flowers. If they can not even do that, or when they are in lodgings, journeys, or when they are walking, the Acarya(teacher)s can create the Mandala with their mental power and make the Acarya Mudra.''"

"At that time, Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: 'Virtuous man, please tell me this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Dharani, I request it for the sake of innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of sentient beings, to make them escape from the sufferings of transmigrations and attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi quickly.' Thereupon, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani to Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata:

Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum


wah panjang banget sutranya, jadi sy potong....

disitu jelas banget tuh di sebut sebagai Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum, tapi kok dibilang lain ya dlm buku “Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”, karya : DR.Anukue Chandra Banerjee, MA, LL.B, PhD, F.A.S, F.R.A.S (London), Ex-Director Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology and Other, Buddhist Studies, Gangtok, Formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Pali, Ex-Dean, Faculty of Arts, Calcutta University.

Mereka menggunakan formula pujian yg terkenal “Om Matri Muye Sale du” ditempat suci Avalokitesvara menjadi formula “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Aliran Bon-po dapat dikatakan pengulangan yang sama dengan Tao-sse yang mana ke-2 Aliran ini mengambil sebagian besar Buddhisme.

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Kelana on 12 June 2011, 04:38:28 PM
thanks bro Kelana, yang ini ya...
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Chapter 4

At that time, Eliminate-Obstructions(Sarva-nivaraNaviskambhin) Bodhisattva said to the Buddha: "Bhagavan(World Honored One), now how can I get this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani? Anyone who has it will be accordant with innumerable Dhyanas and Samadhis. Having this Dharani is the same as attaining Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi. It leads us to the door of liberation and reveals the state of Nirvana. It eliminates greed, angers and ignorance forever and perfects the Dharma-Stores. It breaks transmigrations in the five destinies and purifies all hells. It eliminates all afflictions and saves all animals. Its perfect Dharma-Flavor cannot be fully proclaimed even by Universal-Wisdom(sarva-jnana). Bhagavan, I need this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani. For this Dharani, I can fill the four great continents with treasures and donate all of them in order to write it down. Bhagavan, if there is not enough ink, paper or pen, I can prick my body to take out my blood and use it as the ink, I can peel off my skin and use it as the paper, and I can crack my bone and use it as the pen. Bhagavan, I am not miserly and will never regret for doing so, I respect this Dharani as if it is my parent."

(* The four great continents are:
1) The Southern Continent of Jambudvipa;
2) The Eastern Continent of Purva-videha;
3) The Western Continent of Avara-godaniya;
4) The Northern Continent of Uttara-kuru)

Then the Buddha told Eliminate-Obstructions Bodhisattva: "Virtuous man, I remember that in the past, for this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, I had been to as many worlds as there are atoms in the universe, and had offered and sustained countless hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of Tathagatas. But I had never gained or heard this Dharani in any of the worlds of those Tathagatas. Afterward, there was a Buddha named Treasure-Supremacy (Ratnottama), Thus-Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, taming and subduing hero, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One."

"At that time, I wept sorrowfully in front of that Buddha, and then that Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha told me: 'Virtuous man, do not weep so sorrowfully. Virtuous man, you should go there, go to the world of Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha. That Buddha knows this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani.'"

"Virtuous man, I then said farewell to Treasure-Supremacy Tathagata, left his world, and went to the Buddha-World of Lotus-Supremacy (Padmottama) Tathagata. Having arrived there, I bowed to the feet of the Buddha, with my joining palms ahead, I said: 'Bhagavan, please give me the Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, which is the king of True-Words(mantra), being mindful of even its name can eliminate sins and filth and make us attain Bodhi quickly. I am tired, because I had been to innumerable worlds but could not get it, and I am finally here now.'"

"Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata then told me the merits and virtues of this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani: 'Virtuous man, I can count the number of all atoms of the universe, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani just once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, I can count all the sands in the great oceans one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a storehouse made by heavenly beings, it is 1000 yojana in length, 1000 yojana in width and 100 yojana in height, it is filled with sesame seeds and has no extra space for even one needle. The guardian of this storehouse will not become old and will not die; he throws one sesame seed out every 100 kalpas, in such a manner, he throws out all the sesame seeds in the storehouse, I can count that number, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, there are various paddies, wheat, etc. planted all over the four great continents, dragon kings make the rain fall down and then all plants are matured. People harvest all the crops and get all grains, and spread them all over the southern continent (Jambudvipa). Virtuous man, I can count all those grains one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, in the southern continent (Jambudvipa), all the great rivers that are flowing day and night are: Sido river, Kiga river, Yamuna river, Vachu river, Siadarunra river, Candana-bhaga river, Ahravadi river, Sumagata river, Simahagarasunali river, etc. Those rivers, each along with their 5000 branch rivers, are flowing into oceans day and night. Virtuous man, I can count the drops of water of all those great rivers one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, for all four-feet sentient beings in the four great continents, such as lions, elephants, horses, yaks, buffalos, tigers, wolves, monkeys, deer, goats, sheep, jackals, rabbits, and so on. I can count all the hair of them one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a Diamond-hook (Vajrankusa) mountain king, which is 99 thousand yojana in height, 84 thousand yojana in depth, 84 thousand yojana in length and 84 thousand yojana in width. And a person who will never become old and will never die has to spend one kalpa to circumambulate that mountain once. For such a mountain king, I can use a Kausika-cloth(a heavenly extremely thin cloth) to wipe it off, but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a huge ocean which is 84 thousand yojana in depth, and its surface area is immeasurable. I can dip a single tip of hair in that ocean repeatedly to use up all the water, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, I can count up all leaves of the great Srisa forest one by one, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if all men, women and children in the four great continents become Bodhisattvas of the seven Bhumi(stage), then the sum of their merits and virtues is equal to the merits and virtues gained by chanting Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if it rains days and nights for fully one kalpa, I can count the drops of those rainwater one by one; but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, the number of the merits and virtues that he gains are much more than the number of those drops.'"

"'Virtuous man, for another example, if one billion Tathagatas stay together in one place, any some person offers and sustains them with various clothes, drinks, foods, seats, beds, soup, medicine, and many other goods, in such a way those Tathagatas count the merits and virtues of this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani together for one heavenly kalpa, but they cannot figure out the sum.'"

"'I also cannot figure out that not only when I am now in this world, but also when I am in Samadhi.'"

"'Virtuous man, this Dharma is delicate and wonderful, it corresponds to all preparative practices, analytical meditations and wisdom. You will gain this delicate and wonderful Heart-Dharma in the future. That Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is expert at this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani. Virtuous man, in the past, after the preparative practices, I had been to countless hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of worlds, and finally I arrived the world of Infinite-Life(Amitayus) Tathagata. For this Dharma, I joined my palms together, wept and cried in front of him.'"

"'At that time, because Infinite-Life Tathagata knows my present and future, he said to me: 'Virtuous man, do you need this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Meditation-and-Practice-Yoga?' I then replied: 'Yes I need this Dharma, Bhagavan, I need this Dharma, Sugata(well gone). I need it like a thirsty person needs water. Bhagavan, in order to learn this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, I had been to innumerable worlds, had offered and sustained innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of Tathagatas, but I have not gained this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Dharani. Bhagavan, please heal my foolishness, just like making a poor person rich, like telling the correct way for a person who lost his way, like planting Sala-trees beside the thoroughfare to make shelters under the flaming sun. Bhagavan, I am thirsty for this Dharma, please teach me, to make me stay in the ultimate enlightenment and wear the Vajra-Armor.''"

"'At that time, Infinite-Life Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with the Kalavinka (*) sound: 'Virtuous man, do you see that, for this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, this Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha have traveled throughout innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of worlds. Virtuous man, you should tell him this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, because this Tathagata comes for it.'"

(* Kalavinka: A kind of bird. Kalavinkas are good at singing, their sound are extremely dulcet.)

"'Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to the Bhagavan: 'Anyone who did not see the Mandala(altar) cannot gain this Dharma, much less to know the Lotus Mudra(gesture), Mani-Holding Mudra, Universal-King Mudra, and the pure nature of the Mandala. The appearance of the Mandala is: The Mandala is five-elbows in length and five-elbows in width, there is an image of Amitabha(Infinite-Life) Buddha at the center of the Mandala; Indranila Curna(aromatic powder), Padmaraga Curna, Marakata Curna, Sphatika Curna, and Suvarnarupya Curna are scattered. On the right side of Amitabha Tathagata, there is an image of Maha-Mani-Dhara (Great-Mani-Holding) Bodhisattva, On the left side of the Buddha, there is an image of Six-Words-Great-Enlightenment(Four arms Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva). For the four arms image, the skin color is as white as the moon, and the body is decorated with various jewels; His left hand is holding a lotus, on the lotus there is a Mani pearl; His right hand is holding a rosary(prayer beads); His lower two hands are making a Universal-King Mudra. Under the feet of Six-Words-Great-Enlightenment, there are some heavenly beings decorated with various jewels. Each of those heavenly being is holding an incense burner in his right hand, and holding a bowl filled with treasures in his left hand. At the four corners of the Mandala, there are the four guardian gods who are holding various weapons and staffs. At the four outer corner of the Mandala, there are four merit-bottles(purna-ghata/kalasa) filled with various Mani jewels. If any virtuous man or woman is ready to enter this Mandala, he can write down the names of all his relatives onto a paper, and throw the paper into the Mandala, then all those relatives will attain the Bodhisattva position, will get away from sufferings and attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi quickly. Acarya(teacher)s should not teach this method indiscreetly. If there are some persons who are good at teaching others with expedient and skillful means, trustfully believe in Mahayana, diligent in preparative practices, and willing to seek for liberation, for such persons, Acarya(teacher)s should teach them this Dharma and should not teach them any Exterior-Paths theories.''"

"'At that time, Amitabha Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "Virtuous man, if the virtuous men or women have those five kinds of Curnas, then they can set up this Mandala; but if they are poor or unable to get those Curnas, what should they do?' Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva replied: 'Bhagavan, as an expedient means, they can use various colored materials, and make offerings with various fragrant flowers. If they can not even do that, or when they are in lodgings, journeys, or when they are walking, the Acarya(teacher)s can create the Mandala with their mental power and make the Acarya Mudra.''"

"At that time, Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: 'Virtuous man, please tell me this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-King-Dharani, I request it for the sake of innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of kotis of nayutas of sentient beings, to make them escape from the sufferings of transmigrations and attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi quickly.' Thereupon, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani to Lotus-Supremacy Tathagata:

Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum


Iya, Neri  _/\_
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 12 June 2011, 04:44:05 PM
Iya, Neri  _/\_

duhh...belum selesai udah langsung ngilang aja bro kelana ini...mana nih orangnya...
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 12 June 2011, 06:34:10 PM
ok bro, jika yg dimaksud bro adalah sutra aslinya yg masih dari bhs asli. jadi anda ingin memberikan link sutranya bhw "Om Mani Padme Hum" berasal dari sutra ini. kalo saya buka2 link itu kok kalimat yang menyebutkan "Om Mani Padme Hum" ga ketemu ya bro? bisa bantu bro, tolong dicarikan mana kalimat tsb ? thanks banget atas bantuannya.

iya Samaneri sudah dibantu mr Kelana..ada di chapter happy
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 12 June 2011, 08:59:24 PM
iya Samaneri sudah dibantu mr Kelana..ada di chapter happy

yah, khan masih ada yg saya tanyakan tuh bro...sbg TS bantu jawab donk.....
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 12 June 2011, 09:47:31 PM
yah, khan masih ada yg saya tanyakan tuh bro...sbg TS bantu jawab donk.....

hehe..iya Samaneri..tadi kelewatan baca pertanyaannya

 saya belum tahu jawabannya..hehe..

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 13 June 2011, 03:31:09 PM
saya mau tanya kutipan dari sutra ini artinya apa ya? (ada di chapter4)

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a Diamond-hook (Vajrankusa) mountain king, which is 99 thousand yojana in height, 84 thousand yojana in depth, 84 thousand yojana in length and 84 thousand yojana in width. And a person who will never become old and will never die has to spend one kalpa to circumambulate that mountain once. For such a mountain king, I can use a Kausika-cloth(a heavenly extremely thin cloth) to wipe it off, but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

trus kalo ini

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a storehouse made by heavenly beings, it is 1000 yojana in length, 1000 yojana in width and 100 yojana in height, it is filled with sesame seeds and has no extra space for even one needle. The guardian of this storehouse will not become old and will not die; he throws one sesame seed out every 100 kalpas, in such a manner, he throws out all the sesame seeds in the storehouse, I can count that number, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"


Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Kelana on 13 June 2011, 04:47:10 PM
disitu jelas banget tuh di sebut sebagai Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum, tapi kok dibilang lain ya dlm buku “Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”, karya : DR.Anukue Chandra Banerjee, MA, LL.B, PhD, F.A.S, F.R.A.S (London), Ex-Director Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology and Other, Buddhist Studies, Gangtok, Formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Pali, Ex-Dean, Faculty of Arts, Calcutta University.

Quote from: pannadevi on Yesterday at 12:03:49 PM
Mereka menggunakan formula pujian yg terkenal “Om Matri Muye Sale du” ditempat suci Avalokitesvara menjadi formula “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Aliran Bon-po dapat dikatakan pengulangan yang sama dengan Tao-sse yang mana ke-2 Aliran ini mengambil sebagian besar Buddhisme.

Maaf Neri, kemarin saya buru-buru.

Menurut perkiraan saya, “Om Matri Muye Sale du” adalah mantra dari kepercayaan Bon, kepercayaan Tibet. Jadi mungkin maksudnya yang dulunya menggunakan “Om Matri Muye Sale du”  , kemudian berubah menjadi “Om Mani Padme Hum” setelah Buddhisme berkembang di Tibet.
Ini hanya perkiraan saja, karena saya belum baca secara utuh "Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”


Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 17 June 2011, 10:30:25 AM
saya mau tanya kutipan dari sutra ini artinya apa ya? (ada di chapter4)

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a Diamond-hook (Vajrankusa) mountain king, which is 99 thousand yojana in height, 84 thousand yojana in depth, 84 thousand yojana in length and 84 thousand yojana in width. And a person who will never become old and will never die has to spend one kalpa to circumambulate that mountain once. For such a mountain king, I can use a Kausika-cloth(a heavenly extremely thin cloth) to wipe it off, but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

trus kalo ini

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a storehouse made by heavenly beings, it is 1000 yojana in length, 1000 yojana in width and 100 yojana in height, it is filled with sesame seeds and has no extra space for even one needle. The guardian of this storehouse will not become old and will not die; he throws one sesame seed out every 100 kalpas, in such a manner, he throws out all the sesame seeds in the storehouse, I can count that number, but virtuous man, if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani once, I cannot count the number of the merits and virtues that he gains.'"



kalo menurut saya intinya ada di yang sy beri tanda bold, jadi mereka akan mendapatkan mujijat tdk menjadi tua dan tidak mengalami mati serta mujijat lainnya spt yg dijabarkan diatas hingga ribuan yojana, memakai pakaian surgawi yang terindah yg juga dg segala keindahan hidup di surgawi ribuan yojana, dll pokoknya yang serba WAHH...cukup hanya sekali membaca SUTRA tsb....hebattt...sutra AMPUH...saya juga mau nih kalo gitu.... ^-^
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 17 June 2011, 10:31:53 AM
Maaf Neri, kemarin saya buru-buru.

Menurut perkiraan saya, “Om Matri Muye Sale du” adalah mantra dari kepercayaan Bon, kepercayaan Tibet. Jadi mungkin maksudnya yang dulunya menggunakan “Om Matri Muye Sale du”  , kemudian berubah menjadi “Om Mani Padme Hum” setelah Buddhisme berkembang di Tibet.
Ini hanya perkiraan saja, karena saya belum baca secara utuh "Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”


thanks bro, bisa jadi bener juga, besok kalo kita ketemu, saya kasih deh bukunya itu kalo bro berminat.
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 19 June 2011, 07:15:04 AM

"'Virtuous man, for another example, suppose there is a Diamond-hook (Vajrankusa) mountain king, which is 99 thousand yojana in height, 84 thousand yojana in depth, 84 thousand yojana in length and 84 thousand yojana in width. And a person who will never become old and will never die has to spend one kalpa to circumambulate that mountain once. For such a mountain king, I can use a Kausika-cloth(a heavenly extremely thin cloth) to wipe it off, but if anyone chants this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time, I cannot fully tell how many merits and virtues he gains.'"

 kalau saya pikir, gunung ini besar sekali sehingga perlu 1 kalpa buat pradaksina, (lumayan lama lho). Trus mengusap gunung dengan kain untuk menghabiskan gunung itu, saya rasa butuh lebih dari 1 kalpa, nah melafal Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum ini jasanya melebihi banyaknya waktu yang diperlukan untuk pradaksina atau mengelus gunung itu.

Apakah interpretasi saya ini tepat? karena masih agak janggal ya?

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: GandalfTheElder on 19 June 2011, 07:59:33 AM
kalau saya pikir, gunung ini besar sekali sehingga perlu 1 kalpa buat pradaksina, (lumayan lama lho). Trus mengusap gunung dengan kain untuk menghabiskan gunung itu, saya rasa butuh lebih dari 1 kalpa, nah melafal Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum ini jasanya melebihi banyaknya waktu yang diperlukan untuk pradaksina atau mengelus gunung itu.

Apakah interpretasi saya ini tepat? karena masih agak janggal ya?


Butuh 1 kalpa buat pradaksina.
Dan kebajikannya hanya sebatas kain Kausika yang tipis sekali
Tak sebanding dengan kebajikan Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum yang diucapkan sekali dengan kesadaran dan Bodhicitta

Buddhisme tidak mengajarkan pertapaan keras dengan berpradaksina mengelilingi gunung 1 kalpa lamanya, praktik Buddhisme adalah meditasi melafalkan Om Mani Padme Hum dengan kesadaran dan Bodhicitta.

Demikian menurut saya kalimat tersebut.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
The Siddha Wanderer
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: GandalfTheElder on 19 June 2011, 08:06:44 AM
Maaf Neri, kemarin saya buru-buru.

Menurut perkiraan saya, “Om Matri Muye Sale du” adalah mantra dari kepercayaan Bon, kepercayaan Tibet. Jadi mungkin maksudnya yang dulunya menggunakan “Om Matri Muye Sale du”  , kemudian berubah menjadi “Om Mani Padme Hum” setelah Buddhisme berkembang di Tibet.
Ini hanya perkiraan saja, karena saya belum baca secara utuh "Aspect of Buddhist Culture from Tibetan Sources”

Om Mani Padme Hum adalah asli mantra Buddhis. Bila anda membaca lebih lanjut bahasa Inggrisnya hanya mengatakan "in place of" yang maksudnya adalah: kalau umat Buddhis melafalkan Om Mani Padme Hum adalah mantra rutin Buddhis, Om Matri Muye Sale Du adalah mantra Bon.

Sejarawan manapun sekarang ini, pasti mengatakan pengaruh Buddhisme pada Bon jauh lebih besar daripada pengaruh Bon ke Buddhisme, demikian juga Taoisme di Tiongkok, pengaruh Buddhisme pada mereka jauh daripada yang orang-orang bayangkan. Di negara manapun, Buddhisme terlihat mempertahankan integritas keaslian ajaran Dharma, sedangkan agama lokal seperti Bon dan Taois jelas" menyerap berbagai elemen Buddhis dalam praktik mereka untuk menyaingi popularitas Buddhisme yang tak terbendung pada saat itu.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
The Siddha Wanderer
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 19 June 2011, 08:46:38 AM
Om Mani Padme Hum adalah asli mantra Buddhis. Bila anda membaca lebih lanjut bahasa Inggrisnya hanya mengatakan "in place of" yang maksudnya adalah: kalau umat Buddhis melafalkan Om Mani Padme Hum adalah mantra rutin Buddhis, Om Matri Muye Sale Du adalah mantra Bon.

Sejarawan manapun sekarang ini, pasti mengatakan pengaruh Buddhisme pada Bon jauh lebih besar daripada pengaruh Bon ke Buddhisme, demikian juga Taoisme di Tiongkok, pengaruh Buddhisme pada mereka jauh daripada yang orang-orang bayangkan. Di negara manapun, Buddhisme terlihat mempertahankan integritas keaslian ajaran Dharma, sedangkan agama lokal seperti Bon dan Taois jelas" menyerap berbagai elemen Buddhis dalam praktik mereka untuk menyaingi popularitas Buddhisme yang tak terbendung pada saat itu.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
The Siddha Wanderer

iya bro kata "in plafe of" ada lanjutannya Avalokitesvara jadi dlm terjemahan sy "ditempat Avalokitesvara"

Spoiler: ShowHide

Mereka menggunakan formula pujian yg terkenal “Om Matri Muye Sale du” ditempat suci Avalokitesvara menjadi formula “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Aliran Bon-po dapat dikatakan pengulangan yang sama dengan Tao-sse yang mana ke-2 Aliran ini mengambil sebagian besar Buddhisme.

dan Bon memang menjiplak Buddhism, dibuku itu khan udah saya terjemahkan bhw mereka plagiat Buddhism, karena Raja memaksa penganut Bon agar memeluk Buddhism bagi yg menolak akan mendpt hukuman keras, sehingga salah satu guru Bon terbesar saat itu yg udah terkena hukuman membalas dg plagiat tsb, sehingga ajaran Buddhism masuk Bon yg seolah2 bhw Bon itu juga Buddhism pdhal amat BEDA. itu yg saya dapat dari kuliah sy bro. jadi kami diberi materi ini agar tahu bhw bagaimana Tibetan mempunyai karakteristik yg amat BEDA dg ajaran Buddhism yg sebenarnya. salah satu contoh : mudra2, ga ada khan sang Buddha mengajarkan murid2nya ttg mudra2 ini dan itu utk mewujudkan persembahan, ritual dll. demikian juga mandala, yg amat rumit dan cantik sekali sbg sebuah karya seni Buddhist, pdhal sang Buddha mengajarkan kita utk menanggalkan semua keduniawian, ini kok malah susah2 membuat yg sedemikian rumitnya sebuah mandala dg daya seni yg luar biasa istimewa indahnya. jadi khan BEDA banget dg ajaran Buddhism yg asli. itu lho bro yg dimaksudkan oleh materi kuliah sy.

btw, dalam kasus ini yg sy tanyakan adalah sutranya yg mana yg menyebutkan “Om Matri Muye Sale du” ?


Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Indra on 19 June 2011, 08:50:28 AM
ijadi khan BEDA banget dg ajaran Buddhism yg asli. itu lho bro yg dimaksudkan oleh materi kuliah sy.

ini bukan "test", dan silakan diabaikan jika tidak ingin menjawab.

saya ingin menanyakan yg bagaimanakah "ajaran Buddhism yg asli" itu?
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: pannadevi on 19 June 2011, 08:57:45 AM
ini bukan "test", dan silakan diabaikan jika tidak ingin menjawab.

saya ingin menanyakan yg bagaimanakah "ajaran Buddhism yg asli" itu?

hehehe....ok.ok.....bukan test..... ;D

maksud materi kuliah kami itu ttg Tibetan, agar kami paham seperti apa Tibetan itu, darimana asal mulanya, apa yg melatarbelakangi. memang ternyata beda, karena ajaran Sang Buddha yg asli khan TIDAK ADA semua jenis2 ritual tsb, bahkan syarat seorang Ariya yang Sotapanna (tingkatan terendah Ariya) adalah bebas dari 3 kekotoran bathin yg salah satunya silabbatapparamassa (melekat dg paham ritual tertentu mampu menolong kita atau membebaskan kita).

Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Nevada on 19 June 2011, 11:05:34 PM
hehehe....ok.ok.....bukan test..... ;D

maksud materi kuliah kami itu ttg Tibetan, agar kami paham seperti apa Tibetan itu, darimana asal mulanya, apa yg melatarbelakangi. memang ternyata beda, karena ajaran Sang Buddha yg asli khan TIDAK ADA semua jenis2 ritual tsb, bahkan syarat seorang Ariya yang Sotapanna (tingkatan terendah Ariya) adalah bebas dari 3 kekotoran bathin yg salah satunya silabbatapparamassa (melekat dg paham ritual tertentu mampu menolong kita atau membebaskan kita).


Aneh, kok belum ada penjelasan counter dari teman-teman Mahayanis / Tantrayanis (seperti biasanya) atas komentar pedas dari Samaneri Pannadevi ini?! ;D
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 20 June 2011, 09:17:56 AM
Aneh, kok belum ada penjelasan counter dari teman-teman Mahayanis / Tantrayanis (seperti biasanya) atas komentar pedas dari Samaneri Pannadevi ini?! ;D

kalo saya baca dari bukunya Lama Surya Das tentang kisah2 guru2 tibetan legendaris yang eksentrik, mereka malah mencoba menyadarkan murid2nya untuk tidak melekat pada ritual dengan tingkah laku yang unik.

saya juga liat beberapa rupam Buddha gaya thai dan beberapa di vihara theravada di indonesia juga pakai mudra kok.
(kadang vitarka, kadang Bhumisparsa, kadang varada, kadang dharmacakra)
mungkin kena pengaruh budaya lain saya belum cari.

mungkin saja ritual2 vajrayana itu untuk melatih kedisiplinan, membentuk karakter rajin. Ketimbang waktu dipakai ngelamun lebih baik visualisasi dan merenungkan sifat2 luhur Bodhisattva serta pakai mudra juga dan mantranya untuk melatih konsentrasi.

saya baca beberapa artikel tibetan, sangat dipentingkan juga cara berpikir yang baik, bodhicitta, metta, kebijaksanaan juga. bukan cuma tata cara mempersiapkan altar dan mandala saja.

kalau itu bukan ajran Buddha asli, saya juga belum cek...
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: The Ronald on 03 November 2011, 09:48:56 AM
telah di katakan sebelumnya... bahwa Bon Menjiplak Buddhism, atau juga Buddhism masuk ke bon, intinya ada percampuran ajaran...
jd ada ajaran tibetan dan sama dgn Buddhism yg asli dan ada juga yg beda...bukan berarti semua beda..

masalah mudra...dlm rupang thai..
yg jd pertanyaan ku muncul gaya atau modelnya duluan.. ato penamaannya sebagai mudra duluan?
dlm hal ini apakah Buddha.. melakukan mudra yg memang di kenal oleh masyarakat sebelumnya??
Buddha bersikap..dan kemudian sikap Buddha itu di namakan Mudra???
Title: Re: Om Mani Padme Hum berasal dari sutra ini.
Post by: Mahadeva on 20 January 2012, 11:07:38 AM
Ini ada kartun tentang asal mula  sutra karanda vyuha ini yang menceritakan asal mula " Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum"

bisa didownload versi flash dan vcd nya .(ada teks inggrisnya juga)