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Messages - vathena

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 61
Theravada / Re: Alam Neraka
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:52:24 PM »
harus diingat loh bhw alam2 kehidupan itu sendiri tidaklah kekal, bahkan saat kiamat nanti, hanya tersisa alam arupa brahma saja sedangkan alam2 kehidupan lainnya di bawahnya musnah semua

selain makhluk2 yang berada dialam arupa brahma , makhluk2 yang dialam lain yang musnah akan musnah dan menghilang begitu saja ? bagaimana dengan karmanya ?

dan apakah buddha2 yang lain (yang pernah menjabat) akan tetap ada sepanjang masa ?

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:46:56 PM »
nonton = melihat dengan kedua mata

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:43:55 PM »
mau tanya , kalau nonton film porno gimana dalam pandangan agama buddha ?

PS : cuma nanya doang nich , bukan mau nonton :))

Seremonial / Re: Shadow ultah 2 oktober , Happy Birthday Shadow !
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:41:27 PM »
gw akrab sama shadow karena banyak kesamaan hobi :D
kenal dia juga yach ? kasihan dianya dipanggil baygon bro , :))
msn nya yang ada inc2 itu ,

cari di msn ngak ada , di DC juga ngak nongol , fs udah berbulan2 ngak main , ngak ada fb pulak , mau cari lewat hp tapi hp aye ngak punya :( . akh , shadow lenyap ditelan bumi .

Seremonial / Re: Shadow ultah 2 oktober , Happy Birthday Shadow !
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:18:53 PM »
shadow , kemana saja kamu , msn ngak ol , ngak ada di DC juga :(
rindu aku rindu , :))

Seremonial / Shadow ultah 2 oktober , Happy Birthday Shadow !
« on: 01 October 2009, 05:17:44 PM »
a poem for you sis ,  ;D

It’s your birthday time again
It’s true; there’s no denying
Another year has come and gone
You know that I’m not lying

So for you, the birthday person
Here’s what I want to say
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet
In every delightful way

So happy birthday to you
Have lots of birthday fun
May your birthday wishes all come true
Even if you have a ton

Spoiler: ShowHide

 [at] johan3000
wait 720 hours yach

 [at] johan3000 & xuvie
yuhuuuu , you got GRP

 [at] titin
yehaaaa , just like what ko medho said , it's just for fun . we are now playing with imagination .
who knows someday that 'thing' can be really created , imagination come from mind , and it can make something come true , law of attraction LOL .

(gilee , bahasa inggris gw hancur)

yach tinggal di klik ajah , gitu ajah kok repot .

melia yansil , bro indra , bro sacheng , bro hatred got +1 GRP from me .

hhheeeemmmmmm , because of my kindness :)) :)) :)) , all my DC friends who answered these question will get +1 GRP from me , because the solution that they gave .

especially for ko medho en bro forte , they will get +2 GRP from me because they gave what I want , they create a thing to solve these problem . ko medho en bro forte , I owe you +1 for the next month .

ooppzzz , I forgot to write in english , :-[

 [at] johan3r en bro hatred
good answers actually , but still not as creative as bro forte :)) , bro forte created a thing .
but thanks for your solution , it can be use for the real life .

 [at] forte
wow wow , barang ciptaannya bagus2 juga loh , sayang aye ngak gitu ngerti artinyaa :)) :)) :)) , boleh tolong ditranslate ngak bro forte ? tapi sebelumnya , aye send GRP untuk benda kreatifnya bro forte :)

 [at] suhu medho
wow , ko medho is sooo creative , good idea ,
but , but , ko medho , tolong translate yang nomor 1 dan 3 dong , maklum b.inggris aye masih dangkal  :-[

GRP for you ko medho :D

teman yang lain , ayok jangan kalah dong sama ko medho :))

 [at] ko indra
good solution , but it will better if you create a thing like ko medho .  :)

I mean create a THING to solve these problem , anything as crazy as you were :)) .
just like melia yansil , she created a glasses which have a wiper , thank you .

but still thanks to ko medho , bro forte for the idea .

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