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Topics - Yani Puk

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Hobi dan Kegiatan Ektrakulikuler / POEM
« on: 27 December 2011, 05:35:32 PM »
Aku tersentuh tatkala sebuah gema menyapa
Ada isak tangis lirih yang tersimpan dalam di lubuk hati
Mungkin orang takkan mengira...
Mungkin orang takkan pernah menyangka...
Tatkala engkau berusaha tersenyum manakala kesedihan datang mendera

Engkau kelihatan begitu tegar...
Engkau terus berusaha menjalani hari,
... seolah tak ada masalah yang sedang kau hadapi
... padahal masalahmu sungguh sangat bervariasi
... dan cukup banyak yang harus segera kau selesaikan

Sementara engkau sebagai manusia biasa,
...pastilah memiliki banyak keterbatasan
Sungguh engkau pun sesungguhnya membutuhkan tempat untuk berbagi
Ada pundak penyangga saat kau lelah...
Ada penerang saat kau tersesat jalan...
Ada uluran tangan untuk bangkit saat kau terjatuh
Ada yang melindungi dan mendampingi saat kau berjalan
Dan ada jemari indah yang menghapus air mata saat kau bersedih

Itulah sebabnya manusia diciptakan berpasangan,
...agar satu sama lain bisa saling membantu
...saling mengerti dan memahami
...saling mencurahkan kasih sayang

Namun demikian setiap orang tentu memiliki jalan masing - masing
Dimana semuanya penuh dengan pilihan
Kita sendiri yang memilihnya
Dan ketika kita sedang berhadapan dengan suatu persoalan,
...hadapilah dengan arif dan bijaksana
...jangan kedepankan emosi
Bahkan ketika emosi datang memuncak,
...bersabarlah...dan ambilah air wudlu
...bersujud memohon petunjuk-Nya
Ambilah sebuah keputusan manakala fikiran sedang tenang
...karena tidak ada keputusan baik yang diambil saat kita sedang marah

Kita harus berusaha untuk tegar menjalani semuanya
...karena kalau bukan kita yang membuat ketegaran ini,
Lalu siapa ?
Orang lain hanya bicara sebatas simpati dan opini,
...sementara kita adalah orang yang menjalani
Dan yakinlah bahwa Allah Yang Maha Tahu pasti mengetahui,
...maka dengan fisik, fikiran, dan jiwa yang bersih
...dalam lantunan do'a yang kau panjatkan sepanjang malam
...insya Buddha...,mudjizat Yang Maha Pengasih pasti membimbing kita.

Personality / I met a guy who 30 years older than me
« on: 27 December 2011, 04:11:11 PM »
I just found this article when i don't have any idea for what kind of web to browse

Here you go:
Three years ago I met a guy who is 30 years older than me. He lives in another country but we became good friends through email.

After nine months I started to develop a fondness for him. But then, he told me he has a wife and daughter after the latter found out about us.

I was heartbroken but after a while, with his persistent persuasion, I decided to continue our friendship. As time went on, we became intimately in love with each other. Whenever possible, he would come to Malaysia to meet me (about once a year) or I would fly to his country.

Recently, after a trip to visit him, I realised I couldn't continue doing this anymore and asked for a breakup, or at least to stop correspondence until I was ready to treat him as "just a friend".

He begged me not to and said he would leave his wife soon. But after a while, he said to let fate take its path - if we can become husband and wife, so be it. If not, we still have a strong friendship to hold on to.

He asked me not to stop seeing other guys, and if I happen to get married, he will blame himself for being "too late" to be with me.

He has given me all kinds of help when I needed it and has said it's fine if we remain as friends who help each other. For him, it is almost impossible to find someone like me, who he can openly and freely share his thoughts and problems with.

I am not sure what to do now because I know I will get too dependent on him if we continue our friendship. He once told me that there is no more love between him and his wife. What really puzzles me is why he can't leave her. My guess is it's too troublesome and scandalous to get divorced and get together with a much younger partner.

The Silly Bird --> Answer from consultant

If you think you are silly for sticking to a futile relationship, why continue? You know that it will not get anywhere as this guy is not going to leave his wife to marry you.

Ask yourself if you truly love him or is this simply an affair that seems wonderfully romantic and adventurous. The man will want to hang on - what has he got to lose?

He is involved in a safe relationship with a young, attractive woman who is willing to share so much with him. You only meet once a year and his wife will not get even a whiff of his indiscretion. Telling you that his daughter had found out about you could be a ploy to make you keep your distance.

This guy appears to be seasoned and careful about this liaison, so be mindful that there could be other women just like you. A fellow who loves you will not be so magnanimous as to offer you to others.

He has suggested that you date other guys but to continue with the relationship. This is his way of keeping you around until the affair fizzles out naturally. No strings attached, no future implications. He is asking for nothing more than sex when you are ready and available.

So wake up and stop dreaming for the happily-ever-after. And what are the promises of help and friendship about? Has he been giving you money and presents? Why compromise your youth, looks and happiness for crumbs?

Forget friendship because it is meaningless in this relationship. He is using you until there is nothing left for you to give. Change your email, wipe out your Facebook and get on with your life without such unnecessary strings attached.

Waroeng English / GMAT
« on: 27 December 2011, 10:45:07 AM »
Dear All,

Pengen nanya, ada yang udah pernah ikut GMAT gak?
Tes nya apa saja? Susah gak?

Sorry klo udah ada topik yang sama sebelumnya
Soalnya g gak sempat cek klo ada yg pernah posting dengan judul atau topik yg sama


Pojok Seni / Chase My Dream (POEM)
« on: 22 December 2011, 03:52:48 PM »

 Title: Chase My Dream

Every single step we made

Step to nowhere                   

Our footstep leaded to somewhere

Somewhere further and further


The higher we reach

The more hurt we feel while fallen

Suspending all these things

Is the ultimate answer


Reaching a destiny is far from easy

It’s a long journey and yet hard

No wonder many have failed


Failure doesn’t end everything

Afraid of dreaming is the real end

I go for a reason

A reason due to dream


My departing,

is not meant to cry for

Put a trust, we’ll meet someday

I go for comeback

From : My Secret admirer ;)

Kaki Lima / Branded Watch original (GC, Nautica, Swiss Army)
« on: 22 December 2011, 03:34:12 PM »
Dear All,

Adiknya teman g kebetulan kerja di toko jam dan ada diskon untuk staff. Diskon nya 40%.
Klo ada yang tertarik, bisa PM gua ntar gua kirim catalog dan price list nya. Thanks

Kaki Lima / Dijual BB javeline bekas
« on: 21 December 2011, 04:08:58 PM »
Dear All,

Gua mau jual BB bekas Javeline, kamera 3,2 MP
Kelemahan, gak bisa dicas pake charger bb karena rusak connector nya
Jadi gua akan kasi satu kotak lengkap (peralatannya masih bagus neh coz jarang pake)
BB nya gua udh pake 3 tahun
Gua kasi tambahan eksternal charger dimana harganya 50rb
Baterai cadangan 1 jadi bisa ditukar baterai pas low bat
additional silikon bt sarung bb, gua kasi 2 : warna pink dan biru (glow in the dark) selain sarung bb original nya ya
Plus gantungan hp klo berminat, modelnya kurang2 kecil.

Nah ini g gk buka harga tapi g lelang aja. Siapa yg lelang dg hrg tertinggi, gua akan lepas bb gua buat dia...
Dimulai dari Rp. 100.000. Jadi kelipatanya harus dinaikin Rp. 50.000

A nawar Rp. 150.000
B nawar lagi Rp. 200.000, dst

Gua akan tutup neh lelang hari jumat tgl 23 Des jam 17.00 teng
Thank you

Kaki Lima / Jual Nexian terbaru hrg 850Rb
« on: 21 December 2011, 03:00:14 PM »
Dear All,

G jual nexian touch screen terbaru. Seri berapanya gua lupa.
Gua baru pake 1 bulan. Gua udh install bbrp game jg + gua kasi memory card nya jg 8 Gb. Android 2.2, garansi setahun nexian dan udh ada anti gores
Untuk foto nexiannya, please pm me. Ntar gua send by email. Thanks

Kaki Lima / Dijual BB belagio (onyx 3) baru pake seminggu
« on: 19 December 2011, 10:48:35 AM »
Dear All,

G pgn jual bb onyx 3 baru seminggu pakai
Garansi TAM
gua udh kasi screen guard jg
Jadi ok lah
Harga 4,4jt krn cm seminggu pake dnk. Hrg normal 4,7 juta

Berminat? PM Me. thanks

Waroeng English / TOEFL iBT reference (ASK)
« on: 12 December 2011, 03:19:04 PM »
ADa yang punya referensi buat TOEFL ibt?

Kesehatan / Spinal
« on: 12 December 2011, 03:09:30 PM »
Dear ALL


Subject: Spinal Cord in Detail
Know your spine well; all the nerves pertaining to the different parts of the body and organs pass through the respective vertebra.
Click each vertebra to learn the area of the body it concerns !
A fantastic study !


Roll your mouse over any of the 24 vertebrae in the human spine!!!
What a fascinating demo of how our spine affects our bodies.  Move your mouse over back bones and see the parts that are affected!
What an amazing site

Lowongan / Sales and Marketing Executive Vacancy
« on: 24 November 2011, 11:26:16 AM »
Key Responsibilities:

Achieving targeted sales portfolio
Establishing market analysis
Grow the market across the regions
New market penetration


Have to showing high attention and interest in Sales and Marketing Area
Fluent in english, both oral and written. Mandarin will be an advantage
Posses excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Willing alocated in our mills and all Asia Pulp Paper Branch office

Interested candidates should send complete CV, Photograph, and expected salary with position code (SME) as the subject of email to : monica_yuliana [at] app.co.id

Please kindly keep your resume under 300Kb
for your reference: please visit our website : www.asiapulppaper.com

Lowongan / New vacancy
« on: 14 October 2011, 08:52:36 AM »
This is a **Job Vacancy** posting.
Thank you for forwarding, sorry if it causes inconveniences.

Do You Have What It Takes??

We are looking for:
3. Energetic ADMIN STAFF/ SECRETARY (active Mandarin)
5. Determined SALES STAFF
to make changes and support the existing team.

For more info, give us a call on 021 - 598 0008 (Ms. Nelly) or send us your Resume + a few of your masterpiece (position #1) via email to:  hrd_csp [at] yahoo.com
no later than 31 October 2011.
Forward from Jerry Xu's Broadcast message

Lowongan / Accounting Supervisor vacancy
« on: 13 October 2011, 03:43:49 PM »
Accounting Supervisor
Wanita, Umur Max. 35Th
Berpengalaman di bid. Acc Min. 1th,
Lulusan DIII/S1, Jur. Acc lebih diprioritaskan,
Menguasai Prog. Acc, Mis. ZAHIR,
Ditempatkan di jakarta barat.
Berminat hub i (Rosseline : 021-625 0460)

Lowongan / QC drama dan Program anak asing
« on: 11 October 2011, 05:05:43 PM »
DAAI TV JAKARTA membuka lowongan untuk staff Quality Control Drama dan Program Anak Asing
Persyaratan: Pria/wanita 20-35 tahun
Menguasai bahasa mandarin dan indonesia dengan baik, lisan maupun tulisan, menguasai bahasa hokkian
Suka menonton tv, suka pekerjaan rutin/monoton.
Teliti, bertanggung jawab, suka belajar hal baru
Jika kamu merasa memiliki kualifikasi di atas, silakan kirimkan surat lamar kerja ke diana [at] daaitv.co.id

Lowongan / Need Urgent
« on: 10 October 2011, 11:56:40 AM »
Need Urgent. Project manager, untuk di tempatkan di papua, LNG,tangguh. expert di bid Landscaping Contractors, sistem kerja: 28day on, 28day off (tiket PP kembali ke jkt di tanggung perusahaan), selama off gaji tetap dibayar. sallary: Rp. 16.000.000,- net. pls send cv to skr.a [at] bumagroup.com attn: fia. many thanks

Job vacancy:
Dibutuhkan Staff Acct and Finance. Cewek. S1 / D3 Akuntansi. Kantor di Tangerang. Ada mobil jemputan utk yg domisili Jakarta.
Email ke hrd_csp [at] yahoo.com atau telp 5980008 (Ibu Nelly)

Rute brkt : ketapang - pluit - halte walikota sebrang CL - curug.
Rute plg : curug - kbn jrk - TA - CL - Roxy - ketapang.

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