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Perkenalan / Re: Billy says: salam kenal
« on: 07 October 2008, 10:52:03 AM »
Salam kenal juga, FoxRockman, Fudotakika, chizz_roll, 53121f4n71, and Nanda!

SaddhaMitta, ngga nyangka lu juga ada di sini!  Aha.  *same mode on*

Waroeng English / Re: Practical English Usage
« on: 07 October 2008, 10:46:55 AM »
Although this doesn't really go with this thread's topic, I don't suppose it would hurt to mend things a little bit here and there.

1. About few weeks ago, I went to the cinema with my friends.
The quantifier 'few' can be correctly used this way to give a negative connotation, or with an article 'a' (as in 'a few') to give a positive connotation.  And it is to be noted that the latter use is more common in neutral sentences.

3. This thread is about how we use 'about' in sentences examples so Miss English could helps us improve in English.
'Sentences examples' is somewhat dodgy.  A modal verb (could, would, etc) asks that you use the base form of the following verb (help) without the -s.
However, even then, 'could help us improve in English' sounds somewhat ambiguous, with regards to which object is taking which action.  'Could help improve our English' or 'could help us improve our English' should do better.

4. So, what are we learn about next?
What are we learning about next? <-- The use of present progressive tense can be used to talk about the immediate future.
What are we to learn about next? <-- 'Are to' is also used to talk about the immediate future.

Can we use about + V-ing?
The progressive form of the verb acts as a noun (gerund) in this format, as in 'Let's talk about banking!'

I hope this helps! :)  _/\_

Perkenalan / Re: SINGLE BUDDHIS
« on: 06 October 2008, 03:01:35 PM »
Ugh, ada 64 halaman berisi para Single Buddhists.. <,<;

« on: 06 October 2008, 02:50:57 PM »
Dari buku Introduction to Zen Buddhism karya DT Suzuki yang aku dapat e-booknya, (mungkin akibat absorbsi), dituliskan dalam liturginya digunakan juga dharani-dharani (misal dharani of removing disasters: om khya khya kyahi kyahi etc) dan sutra-sutra (misal Prajnaparamita Vajracchedika dan Lankavatara) untuk menunjang proses pemahaman menyeluruh (akan kebenaran sejati) dan terdapat juga figur-figur Boddhisattva dan Buddha (yang pastinya bukan hanya untuk pajangan altar).
Lankavatara adalah salah satu sutra yang paling digemari di Zen, dan untuk memahaminya saja butuh intelijensi dan ketekunan dan kesiapan untuk membaca dan berpikir.

Meski memiliki emphasis di meditasi, koan bukan hanya dilafalkan waktu meditasi, tapi juga umum sembari melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari.

The amount of time spent daily in zazen by practitioners varies. Dōgen recommends that five minutes or more daily is beneficial for householders. The key is daily regularity, as Zen teaches that the ego will naturally resist, and the discipline of regularity is essential. Practicing Zen monks may perform four to six periods of zazen during a normal day, with each period lasting 30 to 40 minutes.
Zen - Wikipedia

PS: Baca koan sesekali sembari kerja ok juga, loh!

Perkenalan / Re: Billy says: salam kenal
« on: 06 October 2008, 02:22:18 PM »
Yup2, pasti bakal sering2 posting.  :P
Haa to u too, Hendra Susanto.
Salam kenal,  _/\_ Felix Thioris, huihui, Lex Chan, Sumedho, ryu!

Perkenalan / Re: Billy says: salam kenal
« on: 06 October 2008, 12:43:38 PM »
Salam kenal, LotharGuard, hanes, mushroom_kick, Balaviro!  >=)

Perkenalan / Billy says: salam kenal
« on: 06 October 2008, 12:08:42 PM »
S..sa..sa..salam ke..ke..kenal!

Namaku Billy.
Aku baru dalamin Buddhisme Zen & Vajrayana selama beberapa bulan.
Jadi, mohon bimbingannya, semua!   ^:)^

Waroeng English / Re: Zen Story
« on: 06 October 2008, 11:47:54 AM »
Ain't this the right time for one to ask, "What's up?"
Hehe, j/k.  I wonder, myself...
I'm relatively with this post I saw at Gina Smith's:

The reason why Gutei cut off the finger is not as important as why the boy stopped crying and attained enlightenment.

My personal insight into this story is that the boy initially cried at the loss of the finger. But upon seeing his own finger (assuming Gutei raised the boys severed finger)at a distance the boy attained the realisation that if the finger is not truly a part of him, then what is he crying for?

The story demonstrates that we identify ourselves with our body. But which ‘part’ of us is really us!!!! This story challenges us to question our notion of what we consider to be the 'self'.

Avinash (UK)

Diskusi Umum / Re: [BUDDHISME MODERN][Dark Zen] FAQ
« on: 06 October 2008, 11:34:39 AM »
With the amount of authority available on Zen Buddhism and the fact that it has survived the test of time--not only tens or twenties of years, but over one thousand years..!
Whatever is said here about Zen Buddhism, be it a dismissal, refusal, praisal, and whatnot, is generally also said about the extensive amount of people who practiced (and practice) Zen Buddhism, their efforts, their ways of living, etc.

I don't know, really, about the amount of authority on Dark Zen.
Considering the kind of language in which they introduce this sect/teaching, it is only expected that public response hasn't been very warm.

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