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Author Topic: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi  (Read 14020 times)

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Offline MONBAB

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Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« on: 31 October 2007, 01:53:00 PM »
Ada ga yang pernah tertidur waktu lagi meditasi? Tertidur maksudnya benar2 tertidur, bukan cuma ngantuk. N meditasi maksudnya meditasi beneran, yang formal ...meditasi duduk lebih tepatnya. Gimana sih rasanya? Waktu terbangun posisinya berubah gak?

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #1 on: 31 October 2007, 01:54:19 PM »
Belum pernah..
Emang Sdri. Monbab pernah alami ?
Share pengalaman aja
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Offline MONBAB

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #2 on: 31 October 2007, 02:44:48 PM »
Hm... kurang tau juga ya, makanya saya tanya dulu kayak gimana. Soalnya pernah pas lagi retreat, pas selesai meditasi pagi ada teman yang posisinya udah bukan bersila lagi, dengan nyenyaknya tidur berbaring di lantai.

Kalo saya sih waktu itu ikut guided meditation. Instruksinya kedengaran, n saya juga coba buat ikut sesuai yang dibilang ama guru meditasinya, tapi mind-nya ga bisa ikutin, lumayan cloudy gitu. Tidak lama kemudian, suara guru meditasinya jadi samar2 trs mind-nya seperti televisi yang dimatiin, ga bisa di ajak kompromi lagi. Tapi gak lama setelah itu mind-nya seperti nyala lagi, tiba-tiba. Suara kipas anginnya jadi kedengaran jelas(sebelumnya sama sekali gak kedengaran) dan mind-nya juga seperti lebih clear gitu. Posisi duduknya tetap, dan setelah mind-nya mulai nyala lagi, kira2 kurang dari 5 menit setelah itu belnya bunyi. Padahal meditasinya harusnya 30 menit.

Ya.. kira2 begitulah ceritanya. Itu tidur ato bukan?

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #3 on: 31 October 2007, 04:23:57 PM »
Ada ga yang pernah tertidur waktu lagi meditasi? Tertidur maksudnya benar2 tertidur, bukan cuma ngantuk. N meditasi maksudnya meditasi beneran, yang formal ...meditasi duduk lebih tepatnya. Gimana sih rasanya? Waktu terbangun posisinya berubah gak?

tapi biasane terbangun oleh suara external...abis bangun yah...bobo lage...

Offline Umat Awam

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #4 on: 31 October 2007, 04:34:05 PM »
Ikut nimbrung ah...  ;D
Saya pernah coba bangun jam 4 pagi untuk latih meditasi...
Trus, saya pergi cuci muka, n mulai duduk meditasi dikasur saya dlm kamar... dengan posisi bersila.. sambil memperhatikan nafas keluar masuk saya mulai merasakan ketenangan... Dan akhirnya............................  ;D

 :-?    :-?     :-?     :-?     ;D    ;D    ;D

Setelah beberapa menit (kayaknya) (menurut perasaan) saya tiba2 terbangun... dan posisi saya telah berubah...!  :o

Saat tersadar, posisi saya berbaring kesamping sambil memeluk bantal yg saya jadikan alas duduk sebelumnya.. :hammer:
Dan kemudian saya melihat jam, ternyata udh pukul 7 pagi...!!! :hammer:

 :P   ^:)^ Tertidur dech..... Terlelap....

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #5 on: 31 October 2007, 04:42:05 PM »
IMO, kalo tidur biasanya udah "roboh".. ;D

Kasus itu ada 2 kemungkinan:
1. pikiran berhenti
2. perhatian justru melemah

Kalau saya pernah ikut retreat MMD (Meditasi Mengenal Diri) dan LSI (Lembaga Satipatthana Indonesia). Saya pernah mengalami hal yang kurang lebih sama waktu mengikuti kedua retreat itu.

Karena gaya MMD itu "bebas", jadi kurang diperhatikan. Nah, waktu ikut LSI baru ditegur oleh seorang yogi yang lain karena badan goyang2 sewaktu meditasi (kayak ngantuk gitu). Barangkali deskripsi situasinya kira2 mirip, yaitu "cloudy", rasanya enak seolah tidak ada pikiran apa2 yang timbul, damai, hening, dst.. (ini berbeda lho dari melamun yang justru dipenuhi angan2)

Nah, pas saya ditanya oleh yogi lain: "pakai objek apa?"
Saya jawab: "anapanasati"
Lalu ditanya lagi: "mana yang terasa lebih panjang, nafas masuk atau keluar?"
Saya ngga yakin sehingga ngga bisa jawab.. :|
Yogi itu bilang lagi: "nah itu tandanya perhatianmu melemah. kalau fenomena itu terjadi lagi, justru harus diperkuat kembali dengan cara memberi label.. catat dengan kata-katat 'keluar-masuk' atau 'kembang-kempis'. jangan dibiarkan mengikuti fenomena itu.. rasanya memang enak, tapi itu menghambat kemajuan meditasi"

Kalau pikiran berhenti, konon katanya, selalu tahu apa yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.

Biasanya bagi pemula, rintangan awal yang dominan adalah:fisik (ngantuk, kesemutan, pegal, sakit..)
Kalau sudah terbiasa menghadapi rintangan fisik, maka rintangan berikutnya yang dominan: banyak pikiran, melamun ke masa lalu dan ke masa depan.

Nah, kalau angan2 bisa jauh berkurang itu sudah merupakan tanda kemajuan meditasi. Tapi jangan cepat puas karena akan muncul rintangan berikutnya, contohnya: fenomena "cloudy" ini..

Nah lain kali, coba cek, apakah perhatian pada objek masih ada atau justru malah memudar?
Kalau memudar, itulah saatnya untuk memperkuat perhatian pada objek.
« Last Edit: 31 October 2007, 04:46:36 PM by Lex Chan »
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Offline Umat Awam

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #6 on: 31 October 2007, 04:53:26 PM »
Betull..... apa yg mas Lex Chan katakan.... Saya juga pernah ngalami hal gitu... perlu lebih banyak meditasi nih..... KEsadaran yg penting.... kalo udh tidak sadar, ga berguna lagi tu meditasi.... :hammer:

Offline MONBAB

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #7 on: 31 October 2007, 05:09:43 PM »
"cloudy", rasanya enak seolah tidak ada pikiran apa2 yang timbul, damai, hening, dst.. (ini berbeda lho dari melamun yang justru dipenuhi angan2)

"Cloudy" maksud saya sama sekali bukan seperti itu.. maksudnya pikirannya ada, udah dikasih input tapi jadinya seperti komputer yang lagi hang terus shut down sendiri, gak ada pikiran ataupun perhatian pas "bobo"nya. Mikirnya sih bobo, soalnya sebelum meditasi rasa rada2 bosan n ngantuk.

Btw guided meditationnya waktu itu ttg body sweeping.. cuma ingat disuruh relax dari kepala ampe leher, sisanya ama skali udah lost.

Jadi bukan bobo ya..  :P

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #8 on: 31 October 2007, 07:50:58 PM »
"cloudy", rasanya enak seolah tidak ada pikiran apa2 yang timbul, damai, hening, dst.. (ini berbeda lho dari melamun yang justru dipenuhi angan2)

"Cloudy" maksud saya sama sekali bukan seperti itu.. maksudnya pikirannya ada, udah dikasih input tapi jadinya seperti komputer yang lagi hang terus shut down sendiri, gak ada pikiran ataupun perhatian pas "bobo"nya. Mikirnya sih bobo, soalnya sebelum meditasi rasa rada2 bosan n ngantuk.

Apakah selama proses itu seolah-olah "blank", tidak tahu apa yang sedang berlangsung?
Terus, rasanya lemes dan kepala terangguk-angguk seperti orang ngantuk?
Apakah berpikir bahwa "jangan2 tadi ketiduran.." setelah proses itu lewat?

Jika ketiga pertanyaan di atas jawabannya "iya", maka pengalamannya mirip..
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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #9 on: 07 December 2007, 11:29:52 PM »
tidur waktu meditasi lebih baik daripada tidur tanpa meditasi, karena tidur adalah saat istirahat bagi seorang meditator. Itu menurut buku yg pernah saya baca

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #10 on: 23 December 2007, 05:18:31 PM »
blm pernah sih tertidur. tapi sering pegel2 trus ubah posisi jadi berbaring  :P


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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #11 on: 28 December 2007, 10:15:11 AM »
kalo kecapean meditasi, tertidur juga bisa. Ada beberapa cara kalo ngantuk ketika sedang meditasi:

1.Cari topik renungan kalau tidak bisa

2.Tarik nafas dalam2 kalau tidak bisa

3.jewer kuping anda pelan2 setiap ngantuk kalau tidak bisa

4. pukul pipi anda setiap ngantuk kalau tidak bisa

5. Ubah posisi anda, atau gerakan sejenak tubuh anda. kalau tidak bisa

6. cuci muka anda dan mulailah meditasi jalan.

Smoga bermanfaat _/\_
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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #12 on: 30 December 2007, 03:17:07 AM »
karena meditasi malam. jd kalo dah meditasi 15mnt gt dah ngantuk. jd lgs tertidur ampe pagi. posisi dah amburadul

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #13 on: 30 December 2007, 05:48:07 AM »
ikutan nimbrung ah  :)
memang kalau di Retreat sering ada yang tertidur waktu meditasi bahkan sampai ngorok  :))
Tips dari Sayalay Dipankara, kalau kita ngantuk coba jewer kuping kita keras2 sampai sakit biar ngantuk kita bisa hilang  :)

Semoga sedikit tips ini bisa bermanfaat.

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Re: Tertidur sewaktu meditasi
« Reply #14 on: 30 December 2007, 01:42:53 PM »
berikut ini cara mengatasi ngantuk

AN 7.58
Capala Sutta

Once the Blessed One was living among the Bhaggas in the Deer Park at Bhesakala Grove, near Crocodile Haunt. At that time Ven. Maha Moggallana1 sat nodding near the village of Kallavalaputta, in Magadha. The Blessed One, with his purified divine eye, surpassing the human, saw Ven. Maha Moggallana as he sat nodding near the village of Kallavalaputta, in Magadha. As soon as he saw this — just as a strong man might extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm — he disappeared from among the Bhaggas in the Deer Park at Bhesakala Grove, near Crocodile Haunt, and re-appeared near the village of Kallavalaputta, in Magadha, right in front of Ven. Maha Moggallana. There he sat down on a prepared seat. As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to Ven. Maha Moggallana, "Are you nodding, Moggallana? Are you nodding?"

"Yes, lord."

"Well then, Moggallana, whatever perception you have in mind when drowsiness descends on you, don't attend to that perception, don't pursue it. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then recall to your awareness the Dhamma as you have heard & memorized it, re-examine it & ponder it over in your mind. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then repeat aloud in detail the Dhamma as you have heard & memorized it. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then pull both your earlobes and rub your limbs with your hands. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then get up from your seat and, after washing your eyes out with water, look around in all directions and upward to the major stars & constellations. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then attend to the perception of light, resolve on the perception of daytime, [dwelling] by night as by day, and by day as by night. By means of an awareness thus open & unhampered, develop a brightened mind. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then — percipient of what lies in front & behind — set a distance to meditate walking back & forth, your senses inwardly immersed, your mind not straying outwards. It's possible that by doing this you will shake off your drowsiness.

"But if by doing this you don't shake off your drowsiness, then — reclining on your right side — take up the lion's posture, one foot placed on top of the other, mindful, alert, with your mind set on getting up. As soon as you wake up, get up quickly, with the thought, 'I won't stay indulging in the pleasure of lying down, the pleasure of reclining, the pleasure of drowsiness.' That is how you should train yourself.

"Furthermore, Moggallana, should you train yourself: 'I will not visit families with my pride2 lifted high.' That is how you should train yourself. Among families there are many jobs that have to be done, so that people don't pay attention to a visiting monk. If a monk visits them with his trunk lifted high, the thought will occur to him, 'Now who, I wonder, has caused a split between me and this family? The people seem to have no liking for me.' Getting nothing, he becomes abashed. Abashed, he becomes restless. Restless, he becomes unrestrained. Unrestrained, his mind is far from concentration.

"Furthermore, Moggallana, should you train yourself: 'I will speak no confrontational speech.' That is how you should train yourself. When there is confrontational speech, a lot of discussion can be expected. When there is a lot of discussion, there is restlessness. One who is restless becomes unrestrained. Unrestrained, his mind is far from concentration.

"It's not the case, Moggallana, that I praise association of every sort. But it's not the case that I dispraise association of every sort. I don't praise association with householders and renunciates. But as for dwelling places that are free from noise, free from sound, their atmosphere devoid of people, appropriately secluded for resting undisturbed by human beings: I praise association with dwelling places of this sort."

When this was said, Ven. Moggallana said to the Blessed One: "Briefly, lord, in what respect is a monk released through the ending of craving, utterly complete, utterly free from bonds, a follower of the utterly holy life, utterly consummate: foremost among human & heavenly beings?"

"There is the case, Moggallana, where a monk has heard, 'All phenomena are unworthy of attachment.' Having heard that all phenomena are unworthy of attachment, he fully knows all things. Fully knowing all things, he fully comprehends all things. Fully comprehending all things, then whatever feeling he experiences — pleasure, pain, neither pleasure nor pain — he remains focused on inconstancy, focused on dispassion, focused on cessation, focused on relinquishing with regard to that feeling. As he remains focused on inconstancy, focused on dispassion, focused on cessation, focused on relinquishing with regard to that feeling, he is unsustained by3 anything in the world. Unsustained, he is not agitated. Unagitated, he is unbound right within. He discerns: 'Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for this world.'

"It is in this respect, Moggallana, that a monk, in brief, is released through the ending of craving, utterly complete, utterly free from bonds, a follower of the utterly holy life, utterly consummate: foremost among human & heavenly beings."
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