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Author Topic: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism  (Read 76176 times)

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #30 on: 06 February 2010, 07:00:17 AM »
baiklah sambil menunggu Mod Gandalf, mungkin kita bisa sambil berdiskusi

saya ingin mempertanyakan bagian ini dulu

Ramalan oleh Buddha Shakyamuni atas kemunculannya kembali sebagai Padmasambhava terdapat dalam banyak Sutra dan Tantra

bisakah memberikan kutipan dari sutra yang dimaksud?

Ini kutipannya mas Indra,

According to the Mahaparinirvana-sutra, when Buddha Sakyamuni was about to pass away, at Kushinagar in Nepal, he said:

"Impermanence is the nature of all created phenomena. Death being inevitable, the time for my passing into Nirvana has arrived. Of this you should not grieve. Twelve [hundred] years after my passing, there shall come forth a man, the Lake-born Lotus, from north-west Uddiyana, who shall be yet wiser and more powerful than myself. It shall be he who will promulgate the way of Secret Mantra."
In the Manjusri-nama-sangiti we read:

A glorious Lotus-born Buddha, omniscient, possess­ing the treasury of Transcendental Wisdom, shall come: He is the sovereign manipulator of Illusion, the great Buddha who teaches the way of Secret Mantra.


Mahaparinibbana Sutta vs. Mahaparinirvana Sutra mana yang asli dan mana yang dicolak-colek?
« Last Edit: 06 February 2010, 07:03:00 AM by truth lover »
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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #31 on: 06 February 2010, 07:25:31 AM »
Inilah proses pencapaian ke-Buddhaan Padmasambhava:

Invoking Vajrakilaya, the activity of all the Buddhas, for the overpowering of obstacles and demonic-.forces, Padmasambhava and Sakyadevi developed their contemplative practice on the basis of their earlier practice of Sri Samyak. They dissolved themselves together as a unity, in the Father-Mother icon of the Absolute, with the aim of mutually realizing nondual Buddhahood.

Through the progress of their ecstatic dance of contemplation, during the delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) of their psychic nerve-systems gradually blazed up in the heart-cakra into intense light, so that the essential energy of the lower cakras and the crown Great Bliss cakras of their two bodies burst into incandescence, irradiating their united minds with waves of rapture and joy.

In a state of intense bliss, Padmasambhava and Sakyadevi realized the infinite reality of the Primordial Buddha Mind, the All-Beneficent Lord (Samantabhadra), who's absolute love is the unimpeded dynamo of existence. Experiencing the succession of the four stages of ecstasy, their mutual state of consciousness increased from height to height. And thus, meditating on Supreme Vajrasattva Heruka as the translucent image of compassionate wrathful (energized) activity, they together acquired the mahamudra of Divinity and attained complete Great Enlightenment.

Gambaran yang cukup jelas terhadap pencapaian pencerahan versi Tantra.
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #32 on: 06 February 2010, 07:34:30 AM »
Sesudah jadi Buddha kemudian kawin lagi,

The king also had a daughter called Mandarava. It was in Zahor that the great Master was first addressed as Lord Padmasambhava,32 the Lotus-born Guru, and was praised as a second Buddha.

Princess Mandarava had many suitors, but not wishing to be married to any of them, she had abandoned worldly life and become a Buddhist nun. She lived in a royal convent of nuns in Zahor.

Lord Padmasambhava became Mandarava's teacher and soon they became tantric lovers. When King Arshadhara heard that his daughter was involved with a man, and not understanding the situation, he ordered that the culprits should be punished.

Jaman sekarang hal ini juga banyak terjadi, guru makan murid, tetapi upaya kausalya adalah: untuk membimbing princess mandarava mencapai pencerahan karena itulah cara yang diketahui Padmasambhava.
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #33 on: 06 February 2010, 07:43:53 AM »
It is customary for the disciple to offer a mandala of the whole material world to his or her guru in ex­change for instruction. Such a mandala is a symbolic renunciation of the worldly condition. Tri-song Detsan went to extreme lengths in making his mandala offering. He actually gifted his entire empire into the guru's hands. Seating Lord Padmasambhava on a jewel-encrusted throne, he offered the four districts of Central Tibet along with Tsang as the center of the mandala; eastern Kham province and his territories in China and Jang as the eastern realm; Jar, Kongpo and Bhutan as the southern realm; the kingdoms of Hor, Central Asia and Changthang as the northern realm; Kailash, Zang-zung, Baltistan and Hunza as the western realm. He arranged pieces of gold and silver to represent the sun, moon and stars, and as an offering of sensual delight he bestowed Yeshe Tsogyal, princess of Karchen, one of the ladies of his harem. This was no mere symbolic gesture. The Emperor legally bestowed his possessions in this manner on Padmasambhava.

Raja sungguh penuh bakti sampai mempersembahkan selir dari haremnya sendiri untuk sang guru.
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

Offline Kelana

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #34 on: 06 February 2010, 08:30:28 AM »
Sesudah jadi Buddha kemudian kawin lagi,

The king also had a daughter called Mandarava. It was in Zahor that the great Master was first addressed as Lord Padmasambhava,32 the Lotus-born Guru, and was praised as a second Buddha.

Princess Mandarava had many suitors, but not wishing to be married to any of them, she had abandoned worldly life and become a Buddhist nun. She lived in a royal convent of nuns in Zahor.

Lord Padmasambhava became Mandarava's teacher and soon they became tantric lovers. When King Arshadhara heard that his daughter was involved with a man, and not understanding the situation, he ordered that the culprits should be punished.

Jaman sekarang hal ini juga banyak terjadi, guru makan murid, tetapi upaya kausalya adalah: untuk membimbing princess mandarava mencapai pencerahan karena itulah cara yang diketahui Padmasambhava.

Sdr. Truth lover, sepemahaman saya yang ditebalkan bukan mengandung arti mereka menjadi kekasih/ pasangan, tetapi mereka menjadi para pecinta/penyayang/penyuka tantra. Sama seperti Music Lovers, sama sperti nick anda Truth lover
_/\_ suvatthi hotu

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Offline truth lover

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #35 on: 06 February 2010, 08:50:08 AM »
Sesudah jadi Buddha kemudian kawin lagi,

The king also had a daughter called Mandarava. It was in Zahor that the great Master was first addressed as Lord Padmasambhava,32 the Lotus-born Guru, and was praised as a second Buddha.

Princess Mandarava had many suitors, but not wishing to be married to any of them, she had abandoned worldly life and become a Buddhist nun. She lived in a royal convent of nuns in Zahor.

Lord Padmasambhava became Mandarava's teacher and soon they became tantric lovers. When King Arshadhara heard that his daughter was involved with a man, and not understanding the situation, he ordered that the culprits should be punished.

Jaman sekarang hal ini juga banyak terjadi, guru makan murid, tetapi upaya kausalya adalah: untuk membimbing princess mandarava mencapai pencerahan karena itulah cara yang diketahui Padmasambhava.

Sdr. Truth lover, sepemahaman saya yang ditebalkan bukan mengandung arti mereka menjadi kekasih/ pasangan, tetapi mereka menjadi para pecinta/penyayang/penyuka tantra. Sama seperti Music Lovers, sama sperti nick anda Truth lover

Mas kelana coba baca lagi reply no 32, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) disini dengan jelas menyatakan "bersatunya sari benih  matahari dan bulan".

Dalam prakteknya dikatakan "delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being" ini lebih sering disebut posisi gu-hya-sa-ma-ja, yaitu keduanya (pria dan wanita) duduk dengan posisi teratai sambil berpelukan, dalam keadaan telanjang agar bersatunya energi tak ada halangan.
Sering kita lihat foto Samantabhadra dan Samantabhadri berpelukan dalam keadaan telanjang atau berbagai Buddha-Buddha lainnya dalam iconic Tantra tibet sedang melakukan hal yang sama yaitu bermeditasi dalam posisi guhyasamaja.
« Last Edit: 06 February 2010, 09:01:54 AM by truth lover »
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

Offline Kelana

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #36 on: 06 February 2010, 09:08:25 AM »
Mas kelana coba baca lagi reply no 32, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) disini dengan jelas menyatakan "bersatunya sari benih  matahari dan bulan".

Dalam prakteknya dikatakan "delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being" ini lebih sering disebut posisi gu-hya-sa-ma-ja, yaitu keduanya (pria dan wanita) duduk dengan posisi teratai sambil berpelukan, dalam keadaan telanjang agar bersatunya energi tak ada halangan.
Sering kita lihat foto Samantabhadra dan Samantabhadri berpelukan atau berbagai Buddha-Buddha lainnya dalam iconic Tantra tibet sedang melakukan hal yang sama yaitu bermeditasi dalam posisi guhyasamaja.

2 momen yang berbeda Sdr. Truth. Misalnya, andai saja benar reply no 32 (momen Pencapaian Pencerahan) itu terjadi seperti pemahaman tertentu, namum belum tentu terjadi pula pada Reply no 33. Ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa tidak ada penjelasan dalam tulisan mengenai terjadinya peristiwa yang sama seperti reply no 32. Dan fakta tulisan :became tantric lovers bukan become lovers.
Masalah lainnya bukan domain saya. _/\_
_/\_ suvatthi hotu

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Offline GandalfTheElder

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #37 on: 06 February 2010, 09:19:28 AM »
Lord Padmasambhava became Mandarava's teacher and soon they became tantric lovers. When King Arshadhara heard that his daughter was involved with a man, and not understanding the situation, he ordered that the culprits should be punished.

Jaman sekarang hal ini juga banyak terjadi, guru makan murid, tetapi upaya kausalya adalah: untuk membimbing princess mandarava mencapai pencerahan karena itulah cara yang diketahui Padmasambhava

Interpretasi anda sama sekali tidak tepat.

Yang dilakukan Padmasambhava dan Mandarava adalah Karmamudra, bukan "upaya kausalya dalam pengertian pelanggaran". Batin Mandarava seimbang dengan batin Padmasambhava. Apalagi keduanya adalah emanasi para Buddha. Tidak ada istilah "makan-mamakan" di sini karena sebenranya keduanya seimbang, ini adalah syarat dalam Karmamudra, yaitu keadaan batin dan pencapaian keduanya adalah sama, maka nggak ada itu istilah makan-memakan.

Apalagi syarat Karmamudra juga adalah pasangannya harus secara murni menjaga Sila, termasuk sila ketiga dan Samaya serta memiliki kualitas batin yang memadai. Jadi tidak ada yang dilecehkan di sini, karena keduanya sama-sama mau, sama-sama mendapatkan manfaat dan dua-duanya seimbang dalam batin dan Bodhicitta.

Kalau ada guru menipu muridnya untuk melakukan seks, maka tentu saja bukan karmamudra, tetapi pemerkosaan terselubung yang membawa pada neraka Vajra.

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

Offline GandalfTheElder

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #38 on: 06 February 2010, 09:23:59 AM »
Mas kelana coba baca lagi reply no 32, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) disini dengan jelas menyatakan "bersatunya sari benih  matahari dan bulan".

Dalam prakteknya dikatakan "delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being" ini lebih sering disebut posisi gu-hya-sa-ma-ja, yaitu keduanya (pria dan wanita) duduk dengan posisi teratai sambil berpelukan, dalam keadaan telanjang agar bersatunya energi tak ada halangan.
Sering kita lihat foto Samantabhadra dan Samantabhadri berpelukan dalam keadaan telanjang atau berbagai Buddha-Buddha lainnya dalam iconic Tantra tibet sedang melakukan hal yang sama yaitu bermeditasi dalam posisi guhyasamaja.

Coba jelaskan apa itu benih matahari dan bulan.....  :)

Anda kan dulu sudah belajar Anuttara-yoga  (baca bukunya Guhyasamaja kan?) tanpa belajar Lamrim, sebuah metoda pembelajaran yang dalam Buddhisme Tibetan dikatakan sama sekali tidak tepat.

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

Offline GandalfTheElder

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #39 on: 06 February 2010, 09:27:23 AM »
Invoking Vajrakilaya, the activity of all the Buddhas, for the overpowering of obstacles and demonic-.forces, Padmasambhava and Sakyadevi developed their contemplative practice on the basis of their earlier practice of Sri Samyak. They dissolved themselves together as a unity, in the Father-Mother icon of the Absolute, with the aim of mutually realizing nondual Buddhahood.

Through the progress of their ecstatic dance of contemplation, during the delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) of their psychic nerve-systems gradually blazed up in the heart-cakra into intense light, so that the essential energy of the lower cakras and the crown Great Bliss cakras of their two bodies burst into incandescence, irradiating their united minds with waves of rapture and joy.

In a state of intense bliss, Padmasambhava and Sakyadevi realized the infinite reality of the Primordial Buddha Mind, the All-Beneficent Lord (Samantabhadra), who's absolute love is the unimpeded dynamo of existence. Experiencing the succession of the four stages of ecstasy, their mutual state of consciousness increased from height to height. And thus, meditating on Supreme Vajrasattva Heruka as the translucent image of compassionate wrathful (energized) activity, they together acquired the mahamudra of Divinity and attained complete Great Enlightenment.

Gambaran yang cukup jelas terhadap pencapaian pencerahan versi Tantra.

Buddha Shakyamuni juga mencapai Pencerahan versi Tantra, apa anda tahu kisahnya?

Dan apakah cara di atas adalah satu-satunya Pencerahan versi Tantra? Bukankah katanya anda dulu sudah belajar Anuttarayoga seharusnya tahu bukan?

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

Offline truth lover

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #40 on: 06 February 2010, 09:28:15 AM »
Mas kelana coba baca lagi reply no 32, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) disini dengan jelas menyatakan "bersatunya sari benih  matahari dan bulan".

Dalam prakteknya dikatakan "delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being" ini lebih sering disebut posisi gu-hya-sa-ma-ja, yaitu keduanya (pria dan wanita) duduk dengan posisi teratai sambil berpelukan, dalam keadaan telanjang agar bersatunya energi tak ada halangan.
Sering kita lihat foto Samantabhadra dan Samantabhadri berpelukan atau berbagai Buddha-Buddha lainnya dalam iconic Tantra tibet sedang melakukan hal yang sama yaitu bermeditasi dalam posisi guhyasamaja.

2 momen yang berbeda Sdr. Truth. Misalnya, andai saja benar reply no 32 (momen Pencapaian Pencerahan) itu terjadi seperti pemahaman tertentu, namum belum tentu terjadi pula pada Reply no 33. Ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa tidak ada penjelasan dalam tulisan mengenai terjadinya peristiwa yang sama seperti reply no 32. Dan fakta tulisan :became tantric lovers bukan become lovers.
Masalah lainnya bukan domain saya. _/\_
Mas kelana coba baca lagi reply no 32, the blended solar and lunar refined bindus (" seed-essences" ) disini dengan jelas menyatakan "bersatunya sari benih  matahari dan bulan".

Dalam prakteknya dikatakan "delightful union of the vajra in the serene lotus of the absolute ground of Being" ini lebih sering disebut posisi gu-hya-sa-ma-ja, yaitu keduanya (pria dan wanita) duduk dengan posisi teratai sambil berpelukan, dalam keadaan telanjang agar bersatunya energi tak ada halangan.
Sering kita lihat foto Samantabhadra dan Samantabhadri berpelukan atau berbagai Buddha-Buddha lainnya dalam iconic Tantra tibet sedang melakukan hal yang sama yaitu bermeditasi dalam posisi guhyasamaja.

2 momen yang berbeda Sdr. Truth. Misalnya, andai saja benar reply no 32 (momen Pencapaian Pencerahan) itu terjadi seperti pemahaman tertentu, namum belum tentu terjadi pula pada Reply no 33. Ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa tidak ada penjelasan dalam tulisan mengenai terjadinya peristiwa yang sama seperti reply no 32. Dan fakta tulisan :became tantric lovers bukan become lovers.
Masalah lainnya bukan domain saya. _/\_

Ini dari wikipedia arti dari bindu:
sku'i thig le - seed, bindu, semen, [kaya tilaka, kaya-bindu] The drop of the body, the drops of the waking state [IW]

thig le - bindu, sphere, bead, drop, solid circle, essence, sphere of light, spherical drop, spot, dot, droplet, seed-essence, vitalizing energies, creative potentiality, potential being, life-force, responsiveness, semen, sperm, virile, ornamental mark on forehead, creative fluids, a controlling-structuring process group-patterned by bag-chags, pure potency with no structure of its own, empty nature of the energy, eye on peacock's feather, female monthly discharge, luminous sphere of 5 colors of the rainbow representing the principle of the potentiality of al visions whether pure or impure, seeds of light, bodhicitta, sphere of rainbow light, luminous sphere, thigle [JV]

« Last Edit: 06 February 2010, 09:40:40 AM by truth lover »
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

Offline GandalfTheElder

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #41 on: 06 February 2010, 09:29:38 AM »
Ini dari wikipedia arti dari bindu:
sku'i thig le - seed, bindu, semen, [kaya tilaka, kaya-bindu] The drop of the body, the drops of the waking state [IW]

thig le - bindu, sphere, bead, drop, solid circle, essence, sphere of light, spherical drop, spot, dot, droplet, seed-essence, vitalizing energies, creative potentiality, potential being, life-force, responsiveness, semen, sperm, virile, ornamental mark on forehead, creative fluids, a controlling-structuring process group-patterned by bag-chags, pure potency with no structure of its own, empty nature of the energy, eye on peacock's feather, female monthly discharge, luminous sphere of 5 colors of the rainbow representing the principle of the potentiality of al visions whether pure or impure, seeds of light, bodhicitta, sphere of rainbow light, luminous sphere, thigle [JV]

Nah menurut anda apakah sperma (semen) = bindu?

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #42 on: 06 February 2010, 09:35:06 AM »
Sdr. Truth lover, sepemahaman saya yang ditebalkan bukan mengandung arti mereka menjadi kekasih/ pasangan, tetapi mereka menjadi para pecinta/penyayang/penyuka tantra. Sama seperti Music Lovers, sama sperti nick anda Truth lover

Sdr. Kelana dan truth, sebenranya memang tidak tepat menyebut pasangan karmamudra sebagai "lovers" karena terkesan masih dalam lingkup praktik nafsu sensual. Sebutan "lovers" sendiri ya sebutan orang-orang barat saja. Pasangan karmamudra itu disebut "mudra", sedangkan kalau kita punya pasangan seks ya disebut istri. Kedua sebutan tersebut berbeda karena praktiknya sendiri juga sangat-sangat berbeda.

Orang yang gak ngerti pasti akan mengira kalau karmamudra itu lagi senggama, padahal... tahukah apa yang dilakukan pas karmamudra??.......wkwkwkk.....

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

Offline truth lover

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #43 on: 06 February 2010, 09:37:41 AM »
Lord Padmasambhava became Mandarava's teacher and soon they became tantric lovers. When King Arshadhara heard that his daughter was involved with a man, and not understanding the situation, he ordered that the culprits should be punished.

Jaman sekarang hal ini juga banyak terjadi, guru makan murid, tetapi upaya kausalya adalah: untuk membimbing princess mandarava mencapai pencerahan karena itulah cara yang diketahui Padmasambhava

Interpretasi anda sama sekali tidak tepat.

Yang dilakukan Padmasambhava dan Mandarava adalah Karmamudra, bukan "upaya kausalya dalam pengertian pelanggaran". Batin Mandarava seimbang dengan batin Padmasambhava. Apalagi keduanya adalah emanasi para Buddha. Tidak ada istilah "makan-mamakan" di sini karena sebenranya keduanya seimbang, ini adalah syarat dalam Karmamudra, yaitu keadaan batin dan pencapaian keduanya adalah sama, maka nggak ada itu istilah makan-memakan.

Apalagi syarat Karmamudra juga adalah pasangannya harus secara murni menjaga Sila, termasuk sila ketiga dan Samaya serta memiliki kualitas batin yang memadai. Jadi tidak ada yang dilecehkan di sini, karena keduanya sama-sama mau, sama-sama mendapatkan manfaat dan dua-duanya seimbang dalam batin dan Bodhicitta.

Kalau ada guru menipu muridnya untuk melakukan seks, maka tentu saja bukan karmamudra, tetapi pemerkosaan terselubung yang membawa pada neraka Vajra.

The Siddha Wanderer

maaf saya tak ada waktu melayani interpretasi dan spekulasi.
The truth, and nothing but the truth...

Offline GandalfTheElder

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Re: Padmasambhava & wajah asli Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #44 on: 06 February 2010, 09:40:53 AM »
maaf saya tak ada waktu melayani interpretasi dan spekulasi.

Haha.... makan memakan itu juga interpretasi anda sendiri, tapi saya mau melayani.....wkwkwk

Dan lagian saya punya sumber2 valid dari sang Pelaku sendiri yang membuktikan bahwa saya tidak menginterpretasi.  ;D

The Siddha Wanderer
Theravada is my root. This is the body of my practice.... It [Tibetan Buddhism]has given me my Compassion practice. Vajrayana is my thunder, my power. This is the heart of my practice..True wisdom is simple and full of lightness and humor. Zen is my no-self (??). This is the soul of my practice.

