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Messages - Chen Hui Ling

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Perkenalan / Re: SINGLE BUDDHIS
« on: 14 November 2012, 09:20:13 PM »
udah nyoba sis ? apakah nomornya bisa tembus... ? kalau punya sis CHL ?
masa buat cumpol pake dicoba2..
punya saya ga ada masalah apa2 kok..........

Perkenalan / Re: SINGLE BUDDHIS
« on: 14 November 2012, 12:26:31 AM »
hai semua salam kenal saya baru bergabung di forum ini, nama saya jeffry kurniawan
senang bisa berkenalan dengan kalian semua sebagai saudara seDhamma disini,
sedikit info : saya theravada buddhism, lahir 28 jan 1985, status single, saya suka share mengenai dhamma, so bagi yg berkenan untuk berkenalan dan share mengenai Dhamma dengan senang hati bisa hub saya di nomor 08989899988. tq. Namo Buddhaya  _/\_
kyaaaa... ada yang share nomer hp lohhhh

tuh  [at] cumpol , ada nomer hp nya loh.. pakenya 3 juga lagi ;D

Salam kenal Jeffry, jangan bosen2 yah maen disini ;D ;D

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 10:15:48 PM »
same as getting your phone number is complicated, isn't it ?
as difficult as getting your photo...
mohon transparansinya kk~

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 13 November 2012, 03:02:08 PM »
memang begitu kok kalimatnya cc bluppy ;D

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 03:01:19 PM »
Life is so complicated, isn't it? :|

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 03:00:21 PM »
I think you should prepare worst case plan if your goal is not achieved.
Like my math teacher's quote : Hope for the best, prepare for the worst ;D
::) still don't know what I should do for plan B

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 01:22:57 PM »
Yup.... and it needs a willing to learn new things and also if u meet the company's requirement. Glad u already have a mission. Keep fighting! ^^
Btw, what does S,Pd stand for?  Its 4 years study right?
S.Pd stands for Sarjana Pendidikan. Yes, 4 years study. However, I am taking Intro to research this semester( actually this subject is for semester 5's students) this is the basic subject to take thesis. If there is no change, I will write my thesis at the sixth semester and graduate after I finish my seventh semester :)

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 13 November 2012, 11:44:22 AM »
Not until the plane taken off that the smoke started to appear in the cabin.
the answer is " Scarcely had the plane take off when smoke started to appear in the cabin." ;D

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 11:42:06 AM »
In my opinion, if we want to be a good teacher we must have interest, skill n knowledge too, coz in my experience there are several really great teachers I admire, they can make their students understand the lesson easily.
btw u can try to find out other job's criteria that may be suits ur background education... if u like to travelling n meet people, u can try to apply marketing position, or public relation for example....  Just a kind of thought.  :)

There are a lot of people who don't work in the field that no connection with their college, for example: om forte ;D
yep, I think a wanna be a translator who works for foreign company. :) that's why I want to improve my listening and speaking skill ;D
Although I will graduate as S.Pd , I will accept two certificates.
 One is used if u wanna be a teacher, and the other will be used if u want to work in a company ;D

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Pertanyaan Konyol
« on: 13 November 2012, 05:22:27 AM »
bolehkah sy test sberapa fasih guru bahasa English ini kalau conversation.... ?

mungkin dia belum PD, sehingga nyari2 foto gitu ?..... :P

atau jangan2 dia punya rencana lebih jauh utk cumpooolll ?

tapi cumpol tau kalau pembatunya gak speak English lahhh.....

Back to topic: Kenapa cumpol suka tanya yang aneh2?
Hayo, dijawab dulu yahhhh

Mohon transparansinya :yes: :))

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Pertanyaan Konyol
« on: 13 November 2012, 05:20:46 AM »
Kenapa cumi bs mengakibatkan kolestrol?
Kadar kolesterol total yang baik bagi tubuh manusia berada di bawah 200 mg/dl, HDL lebih dari 35 mg/dl, LDL kurang dari 130 mg/dl, dan trigliserida kurang dari 250 mg/dl.

Tingginya kadar kolesterol di dalam aliran darah disebut sebagai hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia berperan penting di dalam perkembangan dan kemajuan atherosclerosis dan faktor risiko yang jelas untuk terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner atau coronary heart disease. Dampak terburuk akibat kadar kolesterol tinggi di dalam darah adalah penggumpalan lemak yang dapat menyumbat aliran darah kemudian memicu serangan jantung dan stroke.

Kandungan Gizi Cumi-cumi

Cumi-cumi (Loligo spp) atau squid, di Indonesia disebut dengan banyak istilah, seperti: enus, nus, sotong, atau sontong bunga. Cumi-cumi adalah hewan laut yang termasuk Kerajaan Animalia, Filum Mollusca, Kelas Cephalopoda, Upakelas Coleoidea, Superordo Decapodiformes, Ordo Teuthida, dan keluarga Loliginidae.

Kandungan gizi cumi-cumi sangat istimewa, misalnya: proteinnya cukup tinggi, yaitu 17,9 g/100 g cumi segar. Kandungan lemaknya relatif rendah, yaitu 7,5 g/100 g bahan, masing-masing terdiri 1,9 g asam lemak jenuh; 2,7 g asam lemak tidak jenuh tunggal; serta 2,1 g asam lemak tidak jenuh ganda. Contoh asam lemak tidak jenuh ganda adalah omega 3, penurun kolesterol dalam darah. Kadar kolesterolnya lumayan tinggi, mencapai 260 mg/100 g bahan. Referensi lain menyebutkan kandungan kolesterol cumi-cumi sekitar 1170 mg.

Waroeng English / Re: How to Be An Expert in Speaking and Listening?
« on: 13 November 2012, 04:52:36 AM »
Thats not true.. U wont stay at home all the time, there must be a lot of ways to find ur soulmate..  he might be here.. *no one knows* :P  anyway u can also be a school or public teacher at the same time so u can make some friends... To be a private teacher can become ur side job...what do u think? But do u like teaching?
haha.. I don't like teaching.. I don't wanna be a real teacher who teaches at the school.
When I was junior and senior high school student I often say that I don't wanna be a teacher.

I have point of view that to be a teacher isn't good. You'll spent a lot of ur time to make exam questions, do correction, never get high salary, just stuck at the back of table, and get married in old age. I don't wanna be a teacherrrrrrr~

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 12 November 2012, 09:42:38 PM »
yang dibold yang disuruh isi ya??
actually, I don't know, for I have never learn it before... :hammer:
ada kata just-nya, jadi bingung dah...
ga ada pilihan no only nya wilwol.. dan itu letaknya harus didepan :hammer:

ini misal ada yg gw udah cb bikin: Never before a European Athelete had been won the race. (kalimat asli: This was the first time the race had been won by a European athelete)

tp ga tau juga sih itu dah bener apa belum.
Pas kemaren dijelasin pertama, gw ga konsen. Gara2 temen gw bahas test grammar kemaren dan kayaknya ada bab yang dari nomer1-10 gw salah isi semua. :'( :'(

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 12 November 2012, 09:23:22 PM »
co cweetttt... :))
tapi bukannya wilwol lebih muda? :-?
kok dipanggil kakek? :P
iya dong, saling berbagi hihihi ;D
kakek wilwol wkkkk

Kafe Jongkok / Re: Curhat Kamu
« on: 12 November 2012, 09:21:51 PM »
wani piro?? :P
masa suruh aye ajarin.. :hammer:

tapi minta contekannya dong, soalnya bijimana... ;D
wani GRP sebiji wkwkwk

nih gw masi ada yg bingung:

pilih salah satu yg tepat pake yg mana untuk depannya: never before, not, not until, only by, on no account, scarcely

The plane had no only just taken off when smoke started to appear in the cabin.

Kalo udah diaplikasiin gitu udah mumet aye :'( :'(

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