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Messages - Sunkmanitu Tanka Ob'waci

Pages: 1 ... 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 [376] 377 378 379
Game / Re: Permainan Mata & Otak
« on: 09 January 2008, 09:58:24 AM »
Kayaknya program stereogram maker ya? Cari di google ...

EDIT : bikinnya di sini : http://www.eyetricks.com/stereograms/onlinetools/stereocreator.htm ya?

Studi Sutta/Sutra / Re: Seperti apakah Jhana itu ?
« on: 09 January 2008, 09:49:03 AM »
Ringkasan perbandingan jhana dari Sutta, Abhidhamma, dan Visuddi Magga : http://www.leighb.com/jhanatrd.ht

Perbandingan jhana menurut guru2 meditasi :

Dari website di atas banyak artikel-artikel menarik, berikut halaman indexnya : http://www.leighb.com/jhanas.htm

Perkenalan oleh Bhante Nanamoli dalam terjemahan Vissudhi Magga :

The doctrines (Dhamma) of the Theravada Pali tradition can be conveniently traced in three main layers. (1) The first of these contains the main books of the Pali Sutta Pitaka. (2) The second is the Abhidhamma Pitaka, notably the closely related books, the Dhammasangani, Vibhanga Patthana. (3) The third is the system which the author of the Visuddhimagga completed, or found completed, and which he set himself to edit and translate back into Pali.

.... (details of 1 and 2 omitted for brevity)....

(3) The system found in the Commentaries has moved on (perhaps slightly diverged) from the strict Abhidhamma-Pitaka standpoint. The Suttas offered descriptions of discovery; the Abhidhamma, map-making; but emphasis now is not on discovery, or even on mapping, so much as on consolidating, filling in and explaining. The material is worked over for consistency. Among the principal new developments here are these. The 'Cognitive Series' (citta-?ithi) in the occurrence of the conscious process is organised (see Ch. IV, n. 13 and Table V) and completed, and its association with the three different kinds of kamma is laid down. The term sabhava ('individual-essence', 'own-being' or 'it-ness', see Ch. VII, n.68) is introduced to explain the key word dhamma, thereby submitting that term to ontological criticism, while the samaya ('event' or 'occasion') of the Dhammasangani is now termed a khana ('moment') thus shifting the weight and balance a little in the treatment of time. Then there is the specific ascription of the three instants (khana, too) of Arising, Presence and Dissolution (uppada-tthiti-bhanga), to each 'moment' (Khana), one 'material moment' being calculated to last as long as sixteen 'mental moments' (Ch. XX, Section 24; DhsA.60). New to the Pitakas are also the rather unwieldly enumeration of concepts (pannatti, see Ch. VII, n.11) and the handy defining-formula of Word-meaning, Characteristic, Function, Manifestation and Proximate Cause (Locus); also many minor instances such as the substitution of the specific 'heart-basis' for the Patthana's 'material basis of the mind', the conception of 'material octads' etc. the detailed descriptions of the thirty-two part of the body instead of the bare enumetation of the names in the Suttas (thirty-one in the Four Nikayas and thirty-two in the Khuddaka-patha and the Patisambhidamagga), and many more. And the word paramattha acquires a new and slightly altered currency. The question of how much this process of development owes to the post-Maurian evolution of Saskrit thought on the Indian mainland (either through assimilation or opposition) still remains to be explored, like so many others in this field. The object of this sketch is only to point to a few landmarks

Seperti yang sudah saya post sebelumnya :

Kalau dari sudut pandang Theravada :

1. Sutta : tanpa kesalahan dan sifatnya otoritatif
2. Suttānuloma : referensi dalam Sutta, otoritatif jika sesuai dengan empat kriteria besar (ada di Sutta dan Vinaya) dalam Mahaparinibanna Sutta

"In such a case, bhikkhus, the declaration of such a bhikkhu is neither to be received with approval nor with scorn. Without approval and without scorn, but carefully studying the sentences word by word, one should trace them in the Discourses and verify them by the Discipline. If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is not the Blessed One's utterance; this has been misunderstood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' In that way, bhikkhus, you should reject it. But if the sentences concerned are traceable in the Discourses and verifiable by the Discipline, then one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is the Blessed One's utterance; this has been well understood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' And in that way, bhikkhus, you may accept it on the first, second, third, or fourth reference. These, bhikkhus, are the four great references for you to preserve."

3. Atthakathā : kitab komentar, otoritatif kecuali bertentangan dengan Sutta dan Suttānuloma
4. Attanomati : pendapat pribadi seorang guru, vinayadhara, dhammakatikha, dll tidak disetujui atau ditolak, tapi ditimbang dengan no. 1, 2, dan 3. Sepertinya Tika dan Anutika masuk kriteria ke 4

Vissudhi Magga masuk ke dalam kategori ke 3

Lingkungan / Re: Patung Budha dengan p*n*s & buah zakar
« on: 09 January 2008, 09:22:50 AM »
Saya saudara, kelana

Saya tidak bermaksud buruk, hanya salah kata-kata, saya menangkapnya kalau Sang Buddha tidak pernah memperlihatkan sama sekali  ^:)^

Ulasan Buku, Majalah, Musik atau Film / Re: Arahattamagga Arahattaphala
« on: 08 January 2008, 10:20:24 PM »
Bagi yang sudah baca buku ini harap berhati-hati, harap direnungkan dalam-dalam sebelum menelan mentah-mentah isinya.

Yang pertama adalah dalam edisi bahasa Inggris buku ini ada kalimat dari Ajahn Maha Boowa yang mengatakan "Citta never dies", dengan kata lain ada Citta yang abadi, yang sangat bertentangan dengan ajaran Sang Buddha. Ini bukan pendapat saya, melainkan pendapat seorang Bhikkhu. Saya tidak tahu apakah ini kesalahan penerjemahan ke bahasa Inggris atau bukan, tetapi Bhikkhu yang mengkritik pandangan adhamma tersebut berasal dari Thailand. Bhikkhu-bhikkhu dari Forest Sangha memang banyak yang terkenal, tetapi mereka terkenal lebih menekankan kepada praktek daripada teori, sehingga ada kemungkinan Ajahn Maha Boowa tidak menuliskan istilah yang tepat.

Yang kedua beliau mengatakan bahwa beliau adalah Arahat. Memang dikatakan bahwa Arahat cuma ada selama 2000 tahun (bukan cuma 1000 tahun), tetapi apakah 1000 tahun itu cuma perumpamaan suatu masa yang tidak tentu jumlahnya (bisa jadi lebih dari 1000 tahun), ataukah memang 1000 tahun penanggalan lunisol (kalender Buddhist) tidak dijelaskan dalam referensi manapun juga. Selain itu ada tradisi di Myanmar yang mengatakan bahwa masa sasana itu diulang 2 kali, selama 2x2500 tahun. 1000 tahun pertama bisa tingkat Arahat bisa dicapai, 500 tahun berikutnya Anagami, 500 tahun berikutnya Sakadagami, 500 tahun selanjutnya Sottapana.

Lingkungan / Re: Patung Budha dengan p*n*s & buah zakar
« on: 08 January 2008, 09:58:38 PM »
Tentu saja Sang Buddha memiliki alat vital, tapi apakah semasa hidupnya Ia mengumbar diri bertelanjang ria ke sana-sini mengumbar alat vitalnya dengan mengatakan “ini loh saya juga punya alat vital”.

Pernah (kalo ga salah beberapa kesempatan), ketika ada brahamana yang mengecek 32 ciri manusia besar pada Buddha agar yakin bahwa Beliau adalah Buddha, dia cuma bisa melihat 30 ciri. Maka Sang Buddha dengan menjulurkan lidah (1 tanda) dan dengan iddhi (kekuatan adikodrati) Nya memperlihatkan linggaNya (1 tanda lainnya). Tentunya bukan buat tontonan semua orang, tetapi hanya kepada brahmana tersebut.

Saya setuju sekali.....
kita harus selalu positif thingking


Theravada / Re: ABHIDHAMMA: Sabda Murni Sang Buddha?
« on: 08 January 2008, 09:15:12 PM »
Kalau dari sudut pandang Theravada :

1. Sutta : tanpa kesalahan dan sifatnya otoritatif
2. Suttānuloma : referensi dalam Sutta, otoritatif jika sesuai dengan empat kriteria besar (ada di Sutta dan Vinaya) dalam Mahaparinibanna Sutta

"In such a case, bhikkhus, the declaration of such a bhikkhu is neither to be received with approval nor with scorn. Without approval and without scorn, but carefully studying the sentences word by word, one should trace them in the Discourses and verify them by the Discipline. If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is not the Blessed One's utterance; this has been misunderstood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' In that way, bhikkhus, you should reject it. But if the sentences concerned are traceable in the Discourses and verifiable by the Discipline, then one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is the Blessed One's utterance; this has been well understood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' And in that way, bhikkhus, you may accept it on the first, second, third, or fourth reference. These, bhikkhus, are the four great references for you to preserve."

3. Atthakathā : kitab komentar, otoritatif kecuali bertentangan dengan Sutta dan Suttānuloma
4. Attanomati : pendapat pribadi seorang guru, vinayadhara, dhammakatikha, dll tidak disetujui atau ditolak, tapi ditimbang dengan no. 1, 2, dan 3. Sepertinya Tika dan Anutika masuk kriteria ke 4

Kalau Yan Sanjivaputta sih sering memasukkan catatan kaki dalam tulisan-tulisan beliau, menandakan dia senang dengan referensi

Tolong ! / Re: Sangsekerta Font
« on: 08 January 2008, 08:57:29 PM »
bukan unicode, kalo ga salah jawa masih diusulkan dalam unicode versi selanjutnya

Game / Re: Permainan Mata & Otak
« on: 08 January 2008, 09:18:14 AM »
kubus isometrik

Minta diskon sama romo Cunda ahh.
Kali-kali aja ada donatur jadi gratis.

Tolong ! / Re: Sangsekerta Font
« on: 07 January 2008, 10:10:15 AM »
Kalau sebenarnya romanized itu banyak fontnya, ada times extended, font2 baru di vista juga support pakai diakritik, cuma saya pribadi seneng pakai Gentium tadi sama DeJavu

Tambahan :

Yang penting, kalau pakai font unicode, memiliki range : C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended Additional, Latin Extended A

Kalau mau lihat selengkapnya di : http://fsnow.com/pali/fonts/roman-table/
Untuk mengetes font anda support range unicode yang mana bisa di http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/index.html

Tolong ! / Re: Sangsekerta Font
« on: 07 January 2008, 09:51:02 AM »
Atawa lihat websitenya Bhante Pesala :


Selain menyediakan unicode font, beliau juga menyediakan layout keyboard untuk inputnya.

Tolong ! / Re: Sangsekerta Font
« on: 07 January 2008, 09:48:08 AM »
Sengsarakertanya apa mak? Yang devanagari atau romanized pakai diakritik? Kalo kurang jelas maksudnya liat di sini :


Kalo devanagari bisa liat di sini : http://salrc.uchicago.edu/resources/fonts/available/sanskrit/

Kalo romanized pakai IAST bisa pakai :

Kalo ga salah Vri Roman itu bukan encoding unicode tapi encoding CSCD, jadi masa depannya agak suram, tidak dikembangkan lagi. Kalo dipindahin ke komputer lain jadi kotak2 nantinya, atau jadi huruf lain.

« on: 07 January 2008, 09:33:20 AM »
Hiks, d3 semua, susah emang cuma tamatan sma

Meditasi / Re: belajar meditasi
« on: 07 January 2008, 09:27:08 AM »
Jangan begitu Gin, tiap orang beda-beda. Jangan perhatikan sensasi yang muncul, apakah itu cahaya atau bukan. Fokus saja terhadap obyek. Nanti kalau kondisinya mendukung juga akan ada perkembangan secara alami, jangan dibuat-buat.

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