Pengembangan Buddhisme > Penerjemahan dan penulisan Teks Buddhisme

Beda 'Anumodana' dan 'Terimakasih'..

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Pingin tau aja..
Apa arti 'Anumodana'? sama gak dengan 'Terimakasih'?
ada gak bedanya?
atas jawabannya makasih.. _/\_

Anumodana is a difficult word to translate into English. Literally, it means "rejoicing together," but it can also mean approval and encouragement. The tradition of Buddhist monks' giving anumodana to donors of food and other requisites goes back to the time of the Buddha. After a meal or when presented with a gift, he would often "instruct, urge, rouse, and encourage" the donor(s) with a talk on Dhamma.

anumodana = turut berbahagia...

ci Lily kemana yaak?

Anumodana mark ci Lily niee ....  :lotus:
biar ci Lily yg jelasin  _/\_

ada yg bilang sebenarnya artinya membagi perbuatan baik kita kepada semua mahkluk.. bener gak sih?


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