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Humor / [Video] Flight of the Conchords - issues (Think about it)
« on: 23 June 2011, 10:32:29 AM »
Joke dalam bentuk lagu

Kafe Jongkok / [Video] Angry bird live ad (T mobile)
« on: 11 June 2011, 08:57:31 PM »

Jhāna-Jhāna dan Umat Awam menurut Sutta-Sutta Pāli
Bhikkhu Bodhi

Dalam Buddhis Theravada beberapa dekade terakhir ini suatu perdebatan telah berkali-kali muncul seputar pertanyaan apakah jhāna diperlukan atau tidak diperlukan untuk mencapai “jalan dan buah,” yaitu, empat tahap pencerahan. Perdebatan ini dipicu oleh muculnya berbagai sistem meditasi pandangan terang yang terkenal baik di Asia maupun di Barat, khusunya di kalangan umat awam Buddhis. Mereka yang mengajarkan sistem meditasi demikian menegaskan bahwa jalan dan buah dapat dicapai dengan mengembangkan pandangan terang (vipassanā) tanpa landasan jhāna. Metode ini disebut kendaraan pandangan terang murni (suddha-vipassanā), dan mereka yang mempraktikkan cara ini disebut sebagai “praktisi pandangan terang kering [dry-insighter]” (sukkha-vipassaka) karena praktik pandangan terang mereka tidak “dibasahi” sebelumnya oleh pencapaian jhāna-jhāna. Jelas bahwa sistem ini didukung oleh Visuddhimagga dan Komentar-komentar Pāli, walaupun tidak mendapat tempat yang menonjol dalam perlakukan komentar atas sang jalan, yang biasanya mengikuti gaya kanonis dengan menempatkan jhāna-jhāna sebelum pengembangan pandangan terang.

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Ini first attempt publish dalam bentuk EPUB nih, ada yg bisa kasih komentar hasil testingnya?

Teknologi Informasi / Cara murah mengucapkan selamat anniversary
« on: 30 April 2011, 05:25:18 AM »

Lingkungan / Siswa SD Belajar Agama Budha Harus Nyebrang Lautan
« on: 12 April 2011, 02:17:49 PM »
Laporan Ahmad Yani Wartawan Tribunnnews Batam


TANJUNGBATU, TRIBUN - Kelurahan Alai Kecamatan Kundur belum memiliki guru pendidikan Agama khusus bagi anak-anak beragama Budha. Sejumlah anak Sekolah Dasar beragama Budha etnis Chaines di Kelurahan Alai Kecamatan Kundur ini belajar Pendidikan agama di Tanjung Batu.

Dari Alai ke Tanjung Batu harus menyeberang laut dengan wak tu tempuh 3 menit mengunakan boat pancung mesin 40 peka dan 5 menit mengunakan boat pancung 15 peka.

Siswa-siswa SD ini belajar agama setiap hari Jumat setelah pulang dari Sekolah Umum di Alai sekitar pukul 12.00 WIb.

Siswa ini juga pergi belajar agama bersama-sama dan pulang juga bersama-sama. Menariknya siswa beragama Budha ini menuntut pendidikan agama tanpa di temani orang tuanya. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan siswa dengan sunguh-sunguh dilakukan mereka demi menuntut ilmu yang sangat penting bagi kehidupanya.

Anak-anak keturunan Cina yang dikenal sebagai etnis dengan warna kulit putih ini sangat ceriah saat naik kapal untuk pergi ke sekolah agama di Tanjung Batu.

Kekompakan dan keakrabatan siswa ini membuat mereka tidak merasa jenuh dan bosan menuntut pendidikan Agama. Perjuangan ini merupakan pengorbanan yang amat berarti.

Di Kelurahan Alai etnis Cina merupakan warga minoritas. Mayoritas kelurahan ini berpenghuni suku melayu dan ada sedikit suku Jawa. Selain itu jumlah penduduk beragama Budha juga belum terlalu banyak. Hal ini mungkin pemerintah belum menempatkan guru-guru agama di Kelurahan Alai.

Salah seorang siswa SD di Kelurahan Alai yang tampak ceria saat pergi menuntut ilmu agama menyeberangi laut, Susimariani saat ditanya mahu pergi kemana, ia menjawab belajar agama di Tanjung Batu.

“Di Alai belum ada guru pendidikan agama Budha, makanya saya dan teman pergi belajar agama nyebrang laut,“kata Susimariani sambil tersenyum saat ditanya.

Ia menambahkan, jika pemerintah menyediakan guru agama di Alai, anak-anak SD tidak perlu lagi harus menyeberangi laut.

Hal serupa juga dikatakan siswa lainya, Antoni mengatakan, setiap hari ia dan rekan-rekanya harus belajar pendidikan agama menyeberangi laut dengan biaya Rp 1000.

Antara Alai dan Tanjung Batu jaraknya memang tidak terlalu jauh. Namun di saat musim angin, ombak di laut ini cukup kuat. Di laut ini juga sering memakan korban jiwa di saat angin kencang terjadi.

Sekolah Buddhis dan Sekolah Minggu / Kurikulum Sekolah Minggu Buddhis
« on: 08 April 2011, 03:52:47 PM »

Silahkan dapatkan kurikulum sekolah minggu yg terdiri dari buku kegiatan Dharma Sehari-hari, Kerajinan Tangan dan Lagu Buddhis dari TK A s/d SD 6, juga buku Paritta dan Riwayat Buddha untuk sekolah minggu, semua tersedia dalam bentuk softcopy/ebook.

ebook tersebut terdiri dari 2 set, yang pertama utk penggunaan casual/sehari2, yang bisa anda print lalu di fotocopy sesuai kebutuhan. Set ke-dua dalam bentuk Hi-Res jika anda ingin naik cetak tetapi ukurannya sangat besar.

Kurikulum ini merupakan hasil kerja pekerja Dhamma di Kabupaten Tangerang. Anda dipersilahkan menggunakan, mencetak, menyebarkan selama tidak dijual atau dengan transaksi, termasuk mengganti ongkos cetak. Ini merupakan Hadiah, dan silahkan anda menghadiahkan ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

untuk mendapatkannya silahkan ke http://dhct.org/p2505

Humor / [Joke] New technology, smell and taste on ios
« on: 06 April 2011, 09:08:12 AM »

New Jersey resident Frank Nafey wakes up every day with discomfort in his back and right leg. On good days, all he has to deal with is stiffness. But on bad days, it feels as if a knife were lodged in his back.

Nafey, a 56-year-old retired teacher in Bedminster, was diagnosed 15 years ago with multiple sclerosis. The autoimmune disease attacked the neurons in his brain, limiting his ability to move and causing pain in his limbs.

But he practices yoga and meditation to soothe his pain, with breathing exercises to focus his mind on things other than his body. These practices alone don't take away the pain, but at least they help his mind "become distanced" from his body, he said.

"When you have a chronic disease, it oftentimes feels like you're trapped within the body," Nafey told MyHealthNewsDaily.

In a new study by researchers from Wake Forest University, brain scans illustrate the mechanisms behind Nafey's experiences. The brains of people who underwent meditation training and were subjected to five minutes of pain showed a decrease in activation in regions associated with pain.

And the participants reported lower levels of pain than before they learned how to meditate, the study said.

The study appears tomorrow (April 6) in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Looking at the brain scans

According to the researchers, 15 healthy volunteers were subjected to painful heat for five minutes from a device attached to their leg while they underwent arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging, a type of brain scan that shows long durations of brain processes.

The scans revealed high activity in the primary somatosensory cortex, a brain region that determines the source and severity of pain.

Then the volunteers attended four 20-minute classes to learn a meditation technique called focused attention, which trained them to focus on breathing and to dismiss other thoughts or emotions.

After the meditation training, the study participants were again subjected to the painful heat on their leg while undergoing the brain scans. The scans revealed a decrease in activity in the primary somatosensory cortex and an increase in the activity in three regions that shape how the body experiences pain: the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula and the orbito-frontal cortex.

The ratings that the study participants assigned to the pain decreased 40 percent after they attended the meditation training sessions.

Acute pain and chronic pain

The findings show that meditation affects multiple regions in the brain to relieve pain sensations, said Alex Zautra, a psychology professor at Arizona State University who was not involved with the study.

Changes in breathing rate or heart function didn't account for the differences in pain ratings from before the meditation training to after it, so "changes in attention deployment made possible through training in mindfulness appear to have been the primary mechanism here," Zautra told MyHealthNewsDaily.

People at highest risk for acute pain, including firefighters, police officers and members of the military, stand to benefit the most from these studies, he said.

However, further study is needed before meditation is encouraged as a primary solution for chronic pain, Zautra said.

Some people with chronic pain, like those who have fibromyalgia, may need additional treatment beyond meditation to soothe symptoms, he said.

Zautra authored a study, published last year in the journal Pain, that showed that breathing exercises could decrease pain sensations in healthy women. However, the results were mixed for women with fibromyalgia; only the women who had positive outlooks on life reported decreased pain sensations, his study showed.

Pojok Seni / [Stop Motion] Plasticine iPad
« on: 01 April 2011, 05:14:03 PM »

Dear DCers,

Kita sudah pernah dengar bahwa Dhamma murni itu seharusnya bertahan 1000 tahun lalu karena ada bhikkhuni menjadi 500 tahun. Ini dikatakan bersumber dari Samyutta Nikaya 16.13. Tapi koq isinya tidak menandakan demikian?

Sumber dari terbitan DC

Quote from: SN 16.13: Tiruan Dhamma Sejati

Demikianlah yang kudengar. Pada suatu ketika Sang Bhagavā sedang berada di Sāvatthī di Hutan Jeta, Taman Anāthapiṇḍika. Kemudian Yang Mulia Mahākassapa mendekati Sang Bhagavā, memberi hormat kepadaNya, duduk di satu sisi dan berkata kepadaNya: [224]

“Yang Mulia, apakah alasan, apakah penyebab, mengapa sebelumnya terdapat sedikit aturan latihan tetapi banyak bhikkhu mencapai Pengetahuan Tertinggi, sedangkan sekarang ada lebih banyak aturan latihan namun lebih sedikit bhikkhu yang mencapai Pengetahuan Tertinggi?”311

“Memang demikian, Kassapa. Ketika makhluk-makhluk menurun dan Dhamma sejati mulai memudar maka terdapat lebih banyak aturan latihan tetapi lebih sedikit bhikkhu yang mencapai Pengetahuan Tertinggi. Kassapa, Dhamma sejati tidak akan lenyap selama tiruan dari Dhamma sejati tidak muncul. Tetapi ketika tiruan Dhamma sejati muncul di dunia ini, maka Dhamma sejati lenyap.312

“Bagaikan, Kassapa, emas tidak akan lenyap selama tiruan emas tidak muncul di dunia ini, tetapi ketika tiruan emas muncul maka emas sejati lenyap, demikian pula, Dhamma sejati tidak akan lenyap selama tiruan dari Dhamma sejati tidak muncul. Tetapi ketika tiruan Dhamma sejati muncul di dunia ini, maka Dhamma sejati lenyap.

“Bukan karena unsur tanah, Kassapa, yang menyebabkan Dhamma sejati lenyap, juga bukan unsur air, juga bukan unsur panas, juga bukan unsur angin. Adalah orang-orang tidak tahu diri ini yang muncul di sini yang menyebabkan Dhamma sejati lenyap.

“Dhamma sejati tidak lenyap seketika bagaikan kapal tenggelam.313 Terdapat, lima fakor perusak314 yang mengarah pada kerusakan dan lenyapnya Dhamma sejati, Kassapa. Apakah lima itu? Di sini para bhikkhu, para bhikkhunī, umat awam laki-laki, umat awam perempuan berdiam tanpa rasa hormat terhadap Sang Guru; mereka berdiam tanpa rasa hormat terhadap Dhamma; mereka berdiam tanpa rasa hormat terhadap Saṅgha; [255] mereka berdiam tanpa rasa hormat terhadap latihan; mereka berdiam tanpa rasa hormat terhadap konsentrasi.315 Ini, Kassapa, adalah lima faktor perusak yang mengarah pada kerusakan dan lenyapnya Dhamma sejati.

“Ada lima faktor, Kassapa, yang mengarah pada kelangsungan Dhamma sejati, pada ketidakhancuran dan ketidaklenyapan. Apakah lima ini? Di sini para bhikkhu, para bhikkhunī, umat awam laki-laki, umat awam perempuan berdiam dengan penuh hormat terhadap Sang Guru; mereka berdiam dengan penuh hormat terhadap Dhamma; mereka berdiam dengan penuh hormat terhadap Saṅgha; mereka berdiam dengan penuh hormat terhadap latihan; mereka berdiam dengan penuh hormat terhadap konsentrasi. Ini, Kassapa, adalah lima faktor yang mengarah pada kelangsungan Dhamma sejati, pada ketidakrusakannya dan ketidaklenyapannya.”

Kesehatan / Nocebo effect
« on: 22 March 2011, 09:06:34 AM »
Everyone's heard of the placebo effect: when you take a sugar pill but believe it is medicine, it tends to work. Now a new study suggests that the opposite may also be true.

In the study, people's pain levels fluctuated greatly with their belief that they either were or were not receiving a powerful painkiller, remifentanil -- even though the dose of the drug did not change throughout the experiment.

Pain levels shot up, in fact, soon after participants were told that the drug had been discontinued, something experts call the "nocebo" effect.

The findings suggest that doctors may need to deal with their patients' beliefs about a treatment, whether positive or negative, experts say.

"Our study provides evidence that the expectation of a drug's effect critically influences its therapeutic efficacy," said lead researcher Dr. Ulrike Bingel, from the department of neurology at the University of Hamburg Medical Center in Germany.

"We found that positive treatment expectancy substantially enhanced -- doubled -- the analgesic benefit of remifentanil. In contrast, negative treatment expectancy completely abolished remifentanil's painkilling effect," she said.

"Intriguingly, this very same pattern was found in the activation of those brain areas that are well known to be involved in the intensity of pain," Bingel added.

The study, which also involved researchers from Oxford University in the U.K., is published in the Feb. 16 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

For the study, Bingel's team gave 22 healthy volunteers the opioid painkiller remifentanil and then tested its effect by changing the patient's expectations of the treatment.

The participants were first placed inside an MRI brain scanner, and an intravenous line used to administer the drug was attached. The researchers then applied heat to each volunteer's leg to the point of causing pain, and set the heat at such a level that each participant initially rated their pain at 70 out of 100. At the same time, they gave the volunteers remifentanil but did not tell them they were doing so.

As would be expected with the powerful drug taking effect, the average level of self-reported pain participants felt declined a bit, falling from 66 points down to 55 on a 100-point scale.

The researchers then told the volunteers that the remifentanil was starting (even though they had already been getting the drug). The result: participants' average pain levels fell dramatically, to 39 points.

To test the "nocebo" effect, Bingel's team then told the volunteers they were stopping the drug and they might start to feel more pain again -- a lie, since they continued to administer the same level of the painkiller.

At this point, the volunteers' self-reported pain levels shot back up to an average of 64 points -- that is, the pain was as great as if they had received no pain relief at all.

In each stage of the experiment, MRI scans showed different brain activity in responses to the volunteer's varied expectations of pain or pain relief, the researchers said. Specifically, in people who were primed to think they were getting the painkiller, areas of the brain were engaged that made it more difficult for pain signals to reach the brain or spinal cord, the researchers said.

Bingel believes that the data "opens a new avenue of research," linking up drugs with patients' personalities and expectations in the context of specific medical conditions.

The findings also have implications for clinical practice, she said. "We believe that the beliefs, expectations and previous experiences with drug treatments should be more systematically assessed and integrated [by doctors] to optimize the overall treatment outcome."

Tolong ! / [Tolong] Kanker Rahim
« on: 19 March 2011, 09:45:42 PM »
Dear DCers,

Mertua dari salah satu teman kita, bro kemenyanz sekarang ini sudah divonis terkena kanker rahim stadium 1B

Thus have I heard, Demikianlah yang saya dengar,

Dr. Nicholas Loh Shin Wye merupakan spesialis penyakit kandungan setelah melihat kondisi ibu Lie Phing, merefer pasien kepada Dr Kevin Hew Poh Wai yang merupakan spesialis kanker di Loh Guan Lye Hospital, Penang. sehari sebelumnya Ibu Lie Phing juga telah berkonsultasi dengan dokter lainnya di penang yang menganjurkan surgery pada bagian rahim.

Setelah mengambil second-opinion dari teman, dan melirik pengalaman buruk mereka yang setelah di surgery, maka surgery its not an options.

Metoda Perawatan yang dianjurkan oleh dokter di Loh Guan Lye:
- 25 kali Teletherapy (external beam radiotheraphy), estimate cost: RM7,000
- 3 kali Brachytheraphy (internal radiotheraphy), estimate cost: RM6,000
- 5 kali Chemotheraphy, estimate cost: RM7,500

Apakah ada teman2 yang punya pengalaman dengan ini, mohon bantuannya

Kafe Jongkok / Dream, TC Bank Ad
« on: 18 March 2011, 06:52:23 PM »

lagu background, on your mark by chage & aska

Gadget dan Toys / Mike Tyson, Angry Birds and the iPad 2
« on: 18 March 2011, 07:01:38 AM »

Pojok Seni / Bell Nuntita - Thailand's Got Talent ???????
« on: 17 March 2011, 11:31:09 AM »

ada yg bisa nyanyi kayak dia?  ;D

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