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Gadget dan Toys / Hubungan antara gadget dan ketertarikan lawan jenis
« on: 11 February 2011, 10:51:31 PM »

Sorry to burst your bubble, iPad owners, but owning and using an iPad doesn't exactly make the opposite sex swoon, at least according to Retrevo 's Gadgetology Report. The report asked consumers if they notice other people's gadgets and, if so, how they react to them, and it turns out that seeing someone use an iPad is lower on the standard "I find you attractive" scale than seeing them with a pile of books. Only 36 percent of men are attracted to a woman because of her iPad, versus 42 percent liking a woman reading a book. As for the women, 29 percent like a man with an iPad, and 30 percent prefer book readers. Seems that traditional books really won't be going anywhere, even with all the popularity of the iPad.

With Valentine's Day coming up, it looks like you are going to have to try harder to impress your favorite somebody and do something other than just carry your iPad around in public. Maybe try making an edible iPhone cake, some iCupcakes or a chocolate-covered iPad instead? The possibilities are endless!

Bluetooth Headsets and Phone Holsters  Are Turnoffs
This should come as no surprise but unless you want to attract that certain techie someone, gadgets and accessories like Bluetooth headsets and phone holsters won’t work as well as a cool new smartphone. The study found that about a third of men and women under 35 years old think a Bluetooth headset is unattractive.

Studi Sutta/Sutra / Pelimpahan jasa, dari manakah rujukannya?
« on: 05 January 2011, 09:28:11 AM »
Yg berikut ini agak berbeda pandangan dengan mainstream, jadi harap dilanjutkan dengan berpikiran kritis :)

Soal "pelimpahan jasa" itu saya tidak menemukannya di Tipitaka sama sekali. Adanya juga persembahan makanan bagi mahluk alam peta di tirokuddasutta. Ini sudah jadi pertanyaan bagi saya cukup lama.

Soal "pelimpahan jasa" itu adalah ada di kitab komentar dari kitab petavatthu belakangan yg ditulis oleh Dhammapala pada abad ke 6 (http://dhct.org/d321). Disana cerita itu baru muncul, yg menurut saya agak beda esensi dengan tirokudda sutta-nya. Dalam Tirokudda suttanya menekankan pada persembahan makanan dan tidak ada pelimpahan jasa. Dalam keadaan dimana ada perbedaan antara mula (tipitaka) dan atthakattha tentu tipitaka mendapatkan prioritas lebih tinggi yg dianggap lebih benar. Karena ini pula jadi makin penasaran koq beda dan nda nyambung. Komentar yg dibuat bertujuan untuk menjelaskan koq malah berbeda.

Jadi menurut kesimpulan saya yg mungkin salah, pelimpahan jasa itu bisa dikatakan tidak berdasarkan dari Tipitaka, tapi tradisi saja / atau kisah cerita2 tambahan dimana kisahnya ceritanya dibuat dengan latar belakang jaman sang Buddha yg ditulis dalam kitab/buku komentar, tapi memiliki makna positif untuk mengajak kita berbuat baik. Kalau dipikir, kenapa pula pelimpahan jasa hanya pada alam peta tertentu? Kalau dasarnya adalah mudita/turut bersenang, maka utk semua mahluk *yg bisa mengerti* jg bisa. kalau utk pemberian persembahan makanan/minuman memang dikatakan dalam Janussonin Sutta (AN 10.177) Sang Buddha menjelaskan hanya bisa diberikan persembahan makanan minuman pada alam peta. Tidak ada disinggung tentang pelimpahan jasa seperti yg kita sering dengar orang lakukan sekarang.

Ini mungkin ada hubungannya dengan Kaladana Sutta (AN 5.36) dimana disinggung dimana ketika kita turut bersenang atas pemberian atau membantu dalam perbuatan baik, mereka mendapatkan jasa perbuatan baik juga. Atas dasar ini dianggap yg dialam peta diajak bersenang juga. Jika ini "penting" tentu ini akan ditekankan langsung oleh sang Buddha, akan tetapi Sang Buddha menekankan dalam Tirokudda sutta utk mempersembahkan makanan/minuman pada mahluk peta dan tidak menyinggung melimpahkan jasa perbuatan baik, bahkan saya belum ketemu (atau mungkin tidak ada?) tentang pelimpahan jasa. Bahkan soal persembahan makanan/minuman itu disinggung juga dalam Adiya Sutta (AN 5.41).

Terlepas dari itu, tentu perbuatan baiknya tetap akan membuahkan hasil. Itu tidak diragukan lagi. Mungkin ada yg berpendapat yah dilakukan saja, tidak usah pusing, tapi kebetulan saya pas memang sedang terpusingkan akan rujukannya dan sekadar main logika bahwa ini mungkin bukan penyelesaian dalam studi sutta.

bagaimana pendapat rekan2? Mohon dikoreksi. Atau ada yg punya rujukannya dari tipitaka yg mungkin saya terlewat? thanks.

Gadget dan Toys / [tanya] Messenger for mobile device
« on: 30 December 2010, 10:45:53 AM »
Ada yg pake pingchat, kik messenger ato whatsapp?

Humor / [Video] my blackberry is not working!
« on: 28 December 2010, 05:51:31 PM »

Kafe Jongkok / Gina di Trans TV malam ini dengan Ungu
« on: 20 December 2010, 08:48:31 AM »
Denger2 ada berita kalau hari ini salah satu teman kita, Gina akan penampakan di acara Special Ungu. Kolaborasinya di sesi ke tiga dan ke tujuh belas. Nanti jam 7.15 di TransTV malam ini.

Pojok Seni / [Video] Madonna's Material Girl -> Acapella + ipad ensemble
« on: 17 December 2010, 05:52:50 AM »
This footage was taken using iPhone

Teknologi Informasi / [Video] Iklan Cloud computing Chrome OS
« on: 14 December 2010, 06:41:25 AM »
Memakan korban 25 laptop chrome os dalam pembuatan video ini *kalo udah nonton baru ngerti* :))

Kesehatan / 'Mindfulness' Therapy Works for Depression
« on: 07 December 2010, 08:37:11 PM »
'Mindfulness' Therapy Works for Depression
y Amanda Chan, MyHealthNewsDaily Staff Writer
posted: 06 December 2010 05:30 pm ET

Meditating daily and being mindful of life events that make you happy or sad may be as effective as taking medication to prevent a relapse of depression, a new study suggests.

By undergoing what is called mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, people can learn how to meditate and pay attention to emotional triggers, said study researcher Zindel V. Segal, of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Canada.

"When you do that, you gain better control over cognitive emotions that can trigger relapse without you being aware of it," Segal told MyHealthNewsDaily.

Antidepressants provide chemicals that impact brain regions involved in depression. Research shows that only about 40 percent of people in remission for depression adhere to their medication regimen, Segal said.

The new finding suggests that mindfulness therapy could be used as a substitute for or addition to medication, Segal said. However, "if someone is on an antidepressant, coming off needs to be decision made with a health care professional," he said.

The study was published in the December issue of the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

Effects of reflection

Researchers studied 84 people ages 18 to 65 who had taken medication to treat their depression over an eight-month period, and were in remission. The researchers divided them into three groups: one continued taking medication, one underwent mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and one had their medication slowly replaced by a placebo.

"All of these patients received treatment through a hospital, so this is something that was conducted with mental health professionals keeping track of them continuously to detect possible relapse," Segal said.

After 18 months, 38 percent of people who'd learned to meditate had relapsed, according to the study. Forty-six percent of people in the medication group relapsed, and 60 percent in the placebo group relapsed.

Because of the way the results were analyzed statistically, researchers could not conclude whether the difference between the meditation and the medication groups was due to chance, Segal said. But they could show the improvements in both of those groups over those taking the placebo was not due to chance.

The mindfulness therapy consisted of eight weeks of group training sessions, during which patients learned how to monitor their thinking patterns. They were taught to change their automatic reactions to triggers for sadness, and instead use those times as an opportunity to reflect on their feelings, Segal said. They were also taught to come up with an action plan with strategies for coping with early signs of relapse.

After the training sessions, the patients were required to set aside about 40 minutes a day for meditation and mindfulness exercises, he said.

"If you had depression triggers," Segal said, you might turn your attention instead to the fact that "you enjoy eating your food, and that you walk outside and it's a bright sunny day."

Seeing results

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can be a good alternative to medication for multiple reasons, Segal said. Although the therapy sessions cost money, the maintenance after those sessions — daily meditation and being mindful of depression triggers — doesn't cost a dime, he said. Maintenance medication, on the other hand, is an ongoing expense.

Pregnant women and people who don't like the side effects or don't want to constantly be on medication may also want an alternative to maintenance antidepressants, said Elizabeth Robinson, an assistant psychiatry professor at the University of Michigan, who was not involved in the study.

By teaching someone a new skill, they have something they can carry over with them, "whether they continue taking medication or not," she said. Robinson teaches mindfulness-based cognitive therapy classes in Michigan and sees results in her students first-hand.

"What you see with people is they take a different look, their perspective on their personal experience shifts," she said.

Beyond dealing with depression, meditation can help people find different ways of navigating relationships, Robinson said.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is only available in large cities or places with large medical presences. Segal is researching ways to make the therapy available to people in remote communities, possibly over the Internet.

Pass it on: Health care providers could provide information about meditation as an option to their patients who don't want to continue taking antidepressants to prevent relapse, a new study suggests.

Aturan dasarnya sbb,
1. Hanya dari kelompok/organisasi yg sudah dikenal dengan baik saja
2. Jika bukan, perlu dilakukan survey (hanya utk bantuan dana, bukan kegiatan, dimana ada yg bisa di survey)
3. Selain itu tidak diperbolehkan utk menghindari hal2 yg tidak diinginkan.

hasil diskusi dari http://dhct.org/f18801.30

Humor / Aneh2nya Autocomplete Google tentang DhammaCitta
« on: 27 November 2010, 07:08:02 AM »

Coba ketik dhammacitta, lalu lihat autocompletenya di computer masing2, sama tidak?

Dear warga DC,

Seperti kita tahu, belakangan ini ada perbedaan pendapat tentang pengumpulan dana oleh member.

Dalam diskusi ini kita coba membahas bagaimana agar dari sisi yg akan mengumpulkan dana/kegiatan dan bagi warga DC lainnya enak dikedua belah pihak sehingga tidak perlu terjadi hal2 tidak penting yg menguras energi.

Mungkin bisa dimulai dari masukan masing2?


Topic ini dibuat untuk saling memberi dukungan dan berbagi dalam praktek Attha Sila.

Jika anda praktisi, ingin tahu, atau ingin memulai, topik ini sebagai tempat sharing dan mendukung.

Lanjutan dari topik yg dahulu http://dhct.org/f8639.60


Gadget dan Toys / i3DG, Palm Top Theather, 3D for ipod touch/iphone
« on: 17 November 2010, 09:37:04 AM »
[ Invalid YouTube link ]


bahkan kalah sama Kazakhstan, negara si Borat :P

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