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Topics - Sukma Kemenyan

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Penerjemahan dan penulisan Teks Buddhisme / Sutta Quote
« on: 15 March 2010, 07:11:59 PM »
Beberapa hari yang lalu,
di Inbox gue, ada yg nanya...
"Dhamma indah pada awalnya, pertengahan, dan akhirnya"

Dengan bermodalkan googling
"Dhamma, good, beginning, middle, end"
berakhir pada page:
"Saleyyaka Sutta : MN 41 PTS: M i 285 ": ShowHide
2. The brahman householders of Sala heard: "A monk called Gotama, it seems, a son of the Sakyans who went forth from a Sakyan clan, has been wandering in the Kosalan country with a large Sangha of bhikkhus and has come to Sala. Now a good report of Master Gotama has been spread to this effect: 'That Blessed One is such since he is arahant and Fully Enlightened, perfect in true knowledge and conduct, sublime, knower of worlds, incomparable teacher of men to be tamed, teacher of gods and humans, enlightened, blessed. He describes this world with its gods, its Maras, and its (Brahma) Divinities, this generation with its monks and brahmans, with its kings and its people, which he has himself realized through direct knowledge. He teaches a Dhamma that is good in the beginning, good in the middle and good in the end with (the right) meaning and phrasing, he affirms a holy life that is utterly perfect and pure.' Now it is good to see such arahants."

dan dengan bermodalkan Digital Pali Reader

hasil akhir dapet'nya:
"in pali...": ShowHide
439. Evaṃ me sutaṃ – ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā kosalesu cārikaṃ caramāno mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṃ yena sālā nāma kosalānaṃ brāhmaṇagāmo tadavasari. Assosuṃ kho sāleyyakā brāhmaṇagahapatikā – ‘‘samaṇo khalu, bho, gotamo sakyaputto sakyakulā pabbajito kosalesu cārikaṃ caramāno mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṃ sālaṃ anuppatto. Taṃ kho pana bhavantaṃ gotamaṃ evaṃ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato – ‘itipi so bhagavā arahaṃ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṃ buddho bhagavā. So imaṃ lokaṃ sadevakaṃ samārakaṃ sabrahmakaṃ sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiṃ pajaṃ sadevamanussaṃ sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedeti. So dhammaṃ deseti ādikalyāṇaṃ majjhekalyāṇaṃ pariyosānakalyāṇaṃ sātthaṃ sabyañjanaṃ; kevalaparipuṇṇaṃ parisuddhaṃ brahmacariyaṃ pakāseti’. Sādhu kho pana tathārūpānaṃ arahataṃ dassanaṃ hotī’’ti.

dan bermodalkan DPR lage
beginning = (m.) ārambha; ādi; pabhava
middle = (m.) vemajjha. (adj.) majjhima; majjhavattī.
Pariyosāna (nt.) [pari+osāna of ava+sā] 1. end, finish, conclusion
Kalyāṇa (& kallāṇa) [Vedic kalyāṇa] 1. (adj.) beautiful, charming; auspicious, helpful, morally good.

nyampai pada kesimpulan:
dhammaṃ deseti ādikalyāṇaṃ majjhekalyāṇaṃ pariyosānakalyāṇaṃ
ธมฺมํ  เทเสติ  อาทิกลฺยาณํ มชฺเฌกลฺยา ณํ ปริโยสานกลฺยาณํ

1. Bener ndak ?
2. Please share another famous Quote  ^:)^

Teknologi Informasi / [ask] Linux distro for Office Bandwidth Management
« on: 26 February 2010, 12:04:28 AM »
1. Bisa nge-control traffic usage
2. Bisa realtime lirik... sapa yg lage donlod
3. en bisa nge-drop speed yg lage donlod
4. laporan bulanan sapa2x aja yg raja donlod dikantor

Internet line ada 3, tapi tiga-tiga'nya bikin sesek napes...
Solusi gw sekarang2x...

Pegi ke main switch... Idupin Winpcap...
en ngemaki2x yg punya pc...
setelah gw maki en gw periksa pc'nya... ternyata virus  :| lage ngeflood udp...

^--- annoying proses...

« on: 16 January 2010, 12:58:21 AM »

Diskusi Umum / MOVED: Pamaprabha, Buddha yg manakah itu ?
« on: 01 December 2009, 07:06:46 AM »

Tolong ! / MOVED: [ask] javascript trouble
« on: 21 November 2009, 08:49:04 PM »

Buddhisme untuk Pemula / Tabel Kamma Vipaka ?
« on: 15 October 2009, 07:41:17 PM »
Maaf sedikit OOT...
Misalnya Bodhisatta Gotama dulu merendahkan ajaran Buddha Kassapa maka di kehidupan terakhirnya,
Ia sulit menembus Buddha-dhamma.

Di lain waktu,
Bodhisatta juga menghina Pacceka Buddha sebagai petapa palsu yang sebetulnya menikmati kesenangan indrawi,
akibatnya di kehidupan terakhir harus mengalami fitnahan dari Sundarika.
Ngeliad aksi dan reaksi, sebab dan akibat, kamma dan vipaka diatas...
Kalau disusun menjadi tabel, kelihatannya menjadi bahan bacaan yang menarik.
Yang tentunya bersumber/dirangkum dari Tipitaka / Komentar.

Terutama apa bila ada sebab yang mirip, dengan vipaka yang berbeda...
yang lebih mantab lage apa bila ada yang bisa menjelaskan mengapa berbeda...

Kelihatannya tabel dan penjelasan2 tersebut bakal ngebantu sedikit banyak tuk saya memahami cara kerja kamma
Namun... takutnya... malah menjadi patokan mati dan salah kaprah... salah pengertian...

atau... sudah ada yang punya tabel-nya ? bisa di share ?
(tapi bukan yg tabel yg ada di rak-rak buku yg isinya kira-kira: "meniup lilin = sumbing dikemudian hari")

Waroeng English / George Carlin - Religion is Bullshit
« on: 02 January 2009, 12:38:09 AM »
George Carlin

GEORGE CARLIN ON RELIGION (warning: strong language)

(the following is extracted from George Carlin's HBO special, "You Are All Diseased", recorded live at New York City's Beacon Theater on February 6, 1999)

In the Bullshit Department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergyman. 'Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!

But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is f**ked up.

Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the r�sum� of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say "this guy", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man.

No woman could or would ever f**k things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person, and which would explain a lot of these bad results.

So rather than be just another mindless religious robot, mindlessly and aimlessly and blindly believing that all of this is in the hands of some spooky incompetent father figure who doesn't give a shit, I decided to look around for something else to worship. Something I could really count on.

And immediately, I thought of the sun. Happened like that. Overnight I became a sun-worshipper. Well, not overnight, you can't see the sun at night. But first thing the next morning, I became a sun-worshipper. Several reasons. First of all, I can see the sun, okay? Unlike some other gods I could mention, I can actually see the sun. I'm big on that. If I can see something, I don't know, it kind of helps the credibility along, you know? So everyday I can see the sun, as it gives me everything I need; heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the lake, an occasional skin cancer, but hey. At least there are no crucifixions, and we're not setting people on fire simply because they don't agree with us.

Sun worship is fairly simple. There's no mystery, no miracles, no pageantry, no one asks for money, there are no songs to learn, and we don't have a special building where we all gather once a week to compare clothing. And the best thing about the sun, it never tells me I'm unworthy. Doesn't tell me I'm a bad person who needs to be saved. Hasn't said an unkind word. Treats me fine. So, I worship the sun. But, I don't pray to the sun. Know why? I wouldn't presume on our friendship. It's not polite.

I've often thought people treat God rather rudely, don't you? Asking trillions and trillions of prayers every day. Asking and pleading and begging for favors. Do this, gimme that, I need a new car, I want a better job. And most of this praying takes place on Sunday His day off. It's not nice. And it's no way to treat a friend.

But people do pray, and they pray for a lot of different things, you know, your sister needs an operation on her crotch, your brother was arrested for defecating in a mall. But most of all, you'd really like to f**k that hot little redhead down at the convenience store. You know, the one with the eyepatch and the clubfoot? Can you pray for that? I think you'd have to. And I say, fine. Pray for anything you want. Pray for anything, but what about the Divine Plan?

Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn't in God's Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn't it seem a little arrogant? It's a Divine Plan. What's the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and f**k up Your Plan?

And here's something else, another problem you might have: Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the f**k bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing.

So to get around a lot of this, I decided to worship the sun. But, as I said, I don't pray to the sun. You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't f**k around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.

For years I asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog, Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a simple baseball bat.

So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.

And for those of you who look to The Bible for moral lessons and literary qualities, I might suggest a couple of other stories for you. You might want to look at the Three Little Pigs, that's a good one. Has a nice happy ending, I'm sure you'll like that. Then there's Little Red Riding Hood, although it does have that X-rated part where the Big Bad Wolf actually eats the grandmother. Which I didn't care for, by the way.

And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I like the best? "All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again." That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None, not one, no God, never was. In fact, I'm gonna put it this way. If there is a God, may he strike this audience dead! See? Nothing happened. Nothing happened? Everybody's okay? All right, tell you what, I'll raise the stakes a little bit. If there is a God, may he strike me dead. See? Nothing happened, oh, wait, I've got a little cramp in my leg. And my balls hurt. Plus, I'm blind. I'm blind, oh, now I'm okay again, must have been Joe Pesci, huh? God Bless Joe Pesci. Thank you all very much. Joe Bless You!

Kaki Lima / [MEDAN-ONLY] Di jual Sepasang Golden Retreiver STB
« on: 30 December 2008, 02:14:25 AM »
[MEDAN-ONLY] Di jual Sepasang Golden Retreiver STB

Jantan = 10 Bulan, (DOB: 05 Feb 2008)
Betina = 11 Bulan (DOB: 13 Jan 2008)

Harga: 3,000,000 (sepasang)
Lokasi: Daerah Polonia - Medan

Sorry, Pics yg up-to-date kaga ada...

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Fenny - 08197281069

FOTO LAMA (kaga update)


Argument ini akan saya gunakan untuk membuktikan bahwa tuhan tidak ada. Saya akan membunuh tuhan. Pendekatan yang saya gunakan adalah pendekatan logika. Bukan pendekatan iman, bukan pula pendekatan agama.

Argumen ini adalah tantangan dan serangan. Argumen ini tidak ambil posisi netral. Silahkan ditanggapi, dihajar, diserang balik.

Argumen ini saya bagi menjadi beberapa runtutan logika. Yang mesti dibaca satu persatu dari atas ke bawah untuk dipahami. Argumen ini tersusun dalam tiga bagian yang saya sebut major argument. Dua bagian awal akan menunjukkan kepada anda bahwa tuhan tidak mungkin ada. Dan argumen penutup akan menutup celah logika yang tertinggal pada dua argumen sebelumnya. Tiga major arguments ini mesti dibaca berurutan dan dipahami sebagai satu kesatuan menuju kesimpulan penutup BAHWASANYA MENURUT LOGIKA DAN AKAL SEHAT TUHAN TIDAK MUNGKIN ADA DAN JELAS TIDAK ADA.

Diskusi Umum / ESA (Sangsekerta .vs. KBBI)
« on: 18 December 2008, 07:05:40 PM »
versi Sangsekerta :: Esa:
eṣā — all of this
eṣā — all this, like this, she, they, this
eṣā — this one
eṣā — this time
eṣā — this woman
eṣā — this woman
sā eṣā — this same
sā eṣā — this very

versi Kamus besar bahasa Indonesia:
esa num tunggal; satu;
-- hilang, dua terbilang, pb berusaha terus dng keras hati hingga maksud tercapai; berbilang dr -- , mengaji dr alif, pb melakukan sesuatu hendaknya dr permulaan;
ber·e·sa-e·sa·an v 1 cak berada seorang diri saja; 2 merasa lengang;
meng·e·sa·kan v menjadikan (menganggap) satu: ~ Tuhan (mengakui bahwa Tuhan hanya satu);
ke·e·sa·an n sifat yg satu: ~ Tuhan


Lalu, apa itu "ESA" ?

Buddhisme untuk Pemula / 6 titik di jidat bhikku
« on: 12 December 2008, 02:55:45 PM »
wad de maksud of that titik2x?

Diskusi Umum / [ASK] Bad Karma doesn't have an expiration date ?
« on: 30 October 2008, 01:07:41 PM »
A> You knew Nicole. You think she did this?

B> Who knows what others are capable of?
   She sure had built up a lot of bad karma.
   But I don't know. She seemed to be turning her life around.
   Bad Karma doesn't have an expiration date.

A> Uh, actually, it does,
   According to traditional buddhist teachings.

Intinya negh Nicole adalah cewe amburadul bin bejad...
Di negh serial sich si Nicole terancam sanksi pembunuhan...

B> Bad Karma doesn't have an expiration date.

A> Uh, actually, it does,
   According to traditional buddhist teachings.

Benarkah? How? Where? When?

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