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Messages - morpheus

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 [181]
Vegetarian / Re: Vegetarian apakah benar2 sehat??
« on: 10 July 2007, 09:43:23 AM »
non vegetarian biasanya nutrisinya kekurangan serat dan mineral karena kurang makan sayur dan buah2an.
vegetarian biasanya nutrisinya kekurangan protein / asam amino.

non vegetarian yg balance harus banyak makan sayur2 dan buah2an, minimal 4 porsi /potong sehari.
vegetarian yg balance harus banyak makan kacang2an, tahu, dan tempe untuk menutupi kekurangan proteinnya, kalo gak ntar badannya gak gede2. itupun masih ada 23 (cmiiw) asam amino asensial yg gak bisa didapat dari tumbuhan.


anda bener bang hedi...

terlepas apakah mantra keluar dari mulut buddha atau gak, kalo memang membawa kebaikan dan kemajuan batin tentu tidak ada salahnya sama sekali...

logikanya, walubi kan organisasi sosial (dan politik?), sedangkan kasi adalah konferensi sangha, kan? cmiiw

saya termasuk orang yg gak percaya sama master lu dan kurang percaya dengan mantra2 penyembuhan. terlepas dari percaya atau tidak percaya, dunia kedokteran sudah mengakui peranan mental dan pikiran terhadap fisik, contohnya efek placebo. sekarang umumnya perusahaan farmasi melakukan test dengan obat hasil riset dan obat boongan untuk mengeliminasi placebo efek pada percobaannya.

sedikit atau banyak, kekuatan mental, pikiran, keyakinan dan batin sudah diterima oleh sains benar2 mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kesehatan dan fisik...

Perkenalan / Re: Hi...salam kenal!! AYE EL SOL!!!
« on: 09 July 2007, 03:29:00 PM »
saya ada "softcopy"nya... tapi kayaknya kurang etis bagi2 barang bajakan di forum ini hehehehe...

Vegetarian / Re: Vegetarian apakah benar2 sehat??
« on: 09 July 2007, 12:23:04 PM »
vegetarian bisa jadi sehat kalo memperhatikan keseimbangan nutrisi
non vegetarian bisa jadi sehat kalo memperhatikan keseimbangan nutrisi juga

dua2nya bisa jadi gak sehat kalo nutrisinya gak seimbang

Waroeng English / The man behind the mission
« on: 09 July 2007, 09:57:02 AM »
Who's reading Ajahn Brahm's book? A very mixed crowd - Germans, Chinese, Thais, any number of people literate in the eight languages into which his book has been translated. Executives, students, psychologists, even Christian chaplains.

"Last month, a Catholic priest in Adelaide phoned me especially to thank me for the book because he uses it in his chaplaincy work," Ajahn Brahm says, sounding both delighted and a bit amazed. "When you get praise from Christians, you think, wow, this book is actually making those bridges between different religions."

With his knack for presenting Buddhist teachings without being too "Buddhisty" - conveying their wisdom in universally relevant ways - he makes a skilful bridge-builder (if an imperfect bricklayer).

Whether travelling around the world giving talks or based at his monastery in Australia, where only two per cent of the population is Buddhist, Ajahn Brahm is actively involved in interfaith dialogue, although he would rather not use the term "dialogue".

"It's friendship, actually," he says.

He tells of a particularly close friendship he has with the Catholic abbot of a Benedictine monastery just north of Perth. Both being entertaining speakers, they regularly do public talks together as "The Two Abbots", a sort of two-man spiritual-comedy act.

The concept is catchy, but also inspiring. "People see a Buddhist abbot and a Catholic abbot sitting together, talking about similar things, and being obviously friends. And they love it."

The two abbots' close friendship also makes it possible to have that "interfaith dialogue" more effectively. Ajahn Brahm observes that at many interfaith gatherings, one has to "tread on eggshells" out of fear of causing offence.

"But our friendship has gone way beyond that now. We know each other well enough that we're not afraid to disagree. He can say whatever he likes. He's my friend and I refuse to be offended.

"He can say, 'I don't believe in reincarnation!' And I can say, 'I don't believe in God!' And we both win, because we know exactly what we mean," he says with a laugh.

Debates about God's existence aside, another sticking point some Buddhists - particularly orthodox Theravadans - may have in truly respecting other religions is their belief that the only way to achieve ultimate liberation is through the practice of insight meditation, which is not found in other religions.

When this point is raised, Ajahm Brahm immediately responds, "That's called conceit."

He then goes on to quote an inarguable authority - the Lord Buddha. "Once the Buddha was asked that question - 'Can you become enlightened in other traditions?' And he gave this beautiful answer: 'Wherever there's an eightfold path, wherever you practise a bit of meditation, some virtue, some wisdom, there you'll find people becoming enlightened."'

Still, that watch-word "meditation" was mentioned, was it not? Yes, but Ajahn Brahm is keen to demystify "meditation". Many times in his talks, he emphasizes that there is nothing magical or esoteric about it. Meditation is simply stilling the mind. "It's a fundamental freedom of all human beings." He likens it to getting out of a speeding car and walking. When you're riding in the car, you can only see the world whizzing by through the window, the details blurred. Once you slow down, once you still the mind, you can see more clearly.

Buddhism has no monopoly on meditation. He points out that meditation is so popular nowadays that there are meditation groups in Christian and other faiths, so non-Buddhists can practise it within a tradition they're comfortable with.

Nor does Buddhism, or any religion, have a monopoly on truth.

"Now, you can actually bottle water and sell it. But you can't bottle truth and sell it. Religions try to do that. [They say] 'We're the only ones who've got the truth. So we've got the franchise, and no one else can sell it."'

Just as water is the same, no matter what bottle it's in (and no matter what those clever marketers say), so truth is the same, no matter what religious container it's in - love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, freedom.

Making that distinction between the containers and the contents is the key to avoiding inter-religious strife, he says. So much conflict is instigated when others attack one's own containers - the symbols, texts, icons of one's religion. But one need not get upset if one can remember that they are just symbols, and focus on maintaining the contents, the teachings.

"When the Taliban destroyed the Bamyan Buddha statues, Buddhists did not allow themselves to seek revenge, because that would, in fact, mean the Taliban had succeeded not only in destroying the containers, but also the contents."

Similarly, he says, "A Muslim might say, 'I don't like those cartoons [referring to the controversy over offensive caricatures drawn of the Prophet Muhammad], but it's more important that we're friends. Forgiven.' Wouldn't it be wonderful if that happened?"

Following an incident where US soldiers allegedly flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet, Ajahn Brahm was asked what he would do if someone flushed a Buddhist holy book down a toilet.

"Call a plumber."

hehehe... kemungkinan ada 2 alasan:

1. walubi menaungi 9 (10?) aliran yg ada di indonesia. paling tidak ada satu aliran (mungkin lebih) yg memiliki ajaran pokok mengenai tuhan, kerajaan tuhan dan jalan ketuhanan. yah, amannya walubi pake aja istilah "bakti kepada tuhan yg maha esa", biarin aliran2 itu pake penafsiran tuhannya sendiri2 hehehe... perbedaan 9 aliran ini sedemikian jauh, sehingga gampangnya walubi pake aja ajaran salah satu aliran yg "aman" :)

2. walubi adalah organisasi yg (seharusnya) menjembatani pemerintah dan buddhis indonesia (entah buddhis indonesia yg mana), maka tentu saja walubi "lebih aman" kalo menggunakan ajaran dan istilah yg bisa diterima rakyat indonesia kebanyakan, ditambah lagi anggapan umum di masyarakat mengenai definisi tuhan seperti yg ada di buku2 samawi, tentu pake "bakti terhadap tuhan yme" lebih aman dan gampang :D

Meditasi / Re: membatalkan seluruh proses meditasi saya ngaa ya ?
« on: 09 July 2007, 09:36:44 AM »
meditasi sama aja kayak olahraga. anda olahraganya lama, manfaatnya optimal. olahraganya bentar (gara2 dijilat anjing), manfaatnya tetap ada. yg penting justru, apakah olahraganya bener atau gak. kalo olahraganya gak bener, bentar atau lama tetep aja manfaatnya dikit :D

Perkenalan / Re: Selamat datang
« on: 06 July 2007, 01:59:22 PM »
Quick replynya kok gak dibikin default?

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