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Messages - johan3000

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Tolong ! / Re: [help]Apa arti dan caranya Blanching (cooking) ?
« on: 09 November 2011, 12:10:32 PM »
[at]  3K

Kalau saya bikin FF memang biasa dimasukkan ke freezer dulu, lalu dalam keadaan beku langsung cemplung ke minyak yang panas. Efeknya memang agak 'heboh', tapi jadinya garing tapi tidak keras di dalamnya.

Bener bro KK,

cuma gw pingin ada yg dpt menjelaskan lebih rinci tentang hubungan

Pectin, Starch, and gula (ketiga unsur ini) dalam Kentang, bagaimana cara kerja kimianya sehingga menghasilkan kentang goreng crispy.

semoga bro Forte bisa "turun tangan" dehhh

Tolong ! / Re: [help]Apa arti dan caranya Blanching (cooking) ?
« on: 09 November 2011, 06:21:56 AM »
kalau mau agak keras, kasih aje tepung terigu sedikit

tepung beras, tepung maizena, tepung terigu kombinasi yg bagus, tapi
yg diinginkan solusi lebih bagus. tolak ukurnya ff mc D...hahaaaaa....

apakah cacl (atau sejenisnya bisa) ?

Tolong ! / Re: [help]Apa arti dan caranya Blanching (cooking) ?
« on: 09 November 2011, 01:13:56 AM »
ada yg bilang rendam air kapur, semua jenis buah dan kentang dpt menjadi keras,
tapi air kapur kurang baik utk kesehatan, jadi adakah penggantinya yg food grade ?

uhh rupanya Mr. Wei juga jago bahasa ya... blansir....hahahaa

yg benar blansir kentang dgn air dingin (es) atau air mendidih ? dan kenapa ?

Tolong ! / the potatoes....
« on: 08 November 2011, 07:17:58 PM »

The Balance of Pectin, Starch, and Simple Sugars
Like all plants and animals, potatoes are composed of cells. These cells are held together by pectin, a form of sugar that acts as a type of glue. These cells also contain starch granules—tiny sacs that resemble water balloons, as well as simple sugars. When these starch granules are exposed to water and heat, they begin to swell, eventually bursting, and releasing a shower of swollen starch molecules. Now the problem is, in order to get the ideal crust, all three of these elements must be in the proper balance, and the proper state. Too many simple sugars, and your potato will brown long before it crisps. If pectin has broken down too much before the starch granules have had a chance to burst and release their sticky innards, your potatoes will either fail to form a crust, will fall apart before it gets a chance to, or in the worst case will cook up completely hollow

In order to get the ideal crust, all three of these elements must be in the proper balance, and the proper state


Tolong ! / [help]Apa arti dan caranya Blanching (cooking) ?
« on: 08 November 2011, 05:40:20 PM »
In the early 1960s, McDonald's Restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina, used a process on their potatoes they called 'blanching.' After the potatoes were mechanically peeled and then manually pushed through a slicer producing raw French fries, they were batch-soaked in room-temperature water for 3–5 minutes to remove starch, which they called blanching...wiki

1. Adakah bahasa Indonesianya utk Blanching ? (dari google translate hasilnya sama)

2. Apakah sebenarnya arti dari Blanching ?

3. Penjual bawang goreng menggoreng bawangnya dua kali, pertama kali dgn minyak gak begitu panas, dan yg kedua kalinya
dengan minyak yg panas dan cuma sebentar langsung diangkat, katanya dgn cara ini (Blanching) bawangnya bisa lebih crispy!

4. Utk ff (frenchFried), berbagai variasi (blanching) dpt dilakukan...
    4a dgn air temperatur ruang, kentang yg telah dipotong direndam
    4b dgn air es
    4c dgn air mendidih
    4d dari a, b, c ditambahin dgn garam
    4e digoreng dgn minyak suhu sedang, ditiriskan, dan digoreng kedua kalinya dgn suhu panas.
    4f digoreng dgn minyak suhu sedang, ditiriskan, dibekukan, dan digoreng lagi..
Kenapa dgn berbagai cara, hasil ff dihasilkan juga berbeda. Dimana tujuannya adalah mendptkan ff yg crispy outside, tapi empuk didalamnya. Dari semua cara2 4 a...f, manakah menurut ilmu pengetahuan adalah paling benar ?

5. adakah cara membuat ff yg crispy outside, soft inside dgn mudah ?

6. utk salat2 (spt ikan, udang, dsb...) menurut rekomendasi sebaiknya direndam dalam air mendidih 30 detik (blanching) utk membunuh kuman, kemudian celup lagi di air dingin.

mohon bantuannya... _/\_ :P

Game / Re: Games Sambung Tiga Kata
« on: 08 November 2011, 11:32:57 AM »
tunjukan merah mu  (tunjuk kan foto mu whoIam)

Sutta Vinaya / Re: Kehidupan Bebas Dari Uang/Vinaya
« on: 07 November 2011, 05:05:04 PM »
pada thn baru Imlek di Taiwan, nah umat berduyung-duyung memberikan angpao pada Bhiksu.
Angpao tsb diterima dan kemudian dikumpulkan (diletakan satu tempat), Tapi Bhiksu yg menerima langsung dari umat.

1. sebagai tradisi, udah tentu umat merasa lebih mantep kalau kasihnya ke Bhiku langsung
2. kalau angpao tsb ke dakaya dulu, ya suasana Imleknya kurang terasa bro...
3. apakah Mahayana, sedikit lebih longgar tentang angpao tsb ?

Sutta Vinaya / Re: Kehidupan Bebas Dari Uang/Vinaya
« on: 07 November 2011, 02:41:03 PM »
1. bila biksu mengunjungin wihara lain, apakah kappi selalu ikut serta?
   kalau tidak trus berdananya gimana ?
2. apakah dlm hal berdana, menyebutkan nominal yg diberikan pada kappi ?
    (Bante, udah gw berikan NNN pada Kappi)

mohon masukan.

Game / Re: Games Sambung Tiga Kata
« on: 07 November 2011, 09:56:16 AM »
wajah dokter ganteng ?

Ulasan Buku, Majalah, Musik atau Film / 1987 Chinese Ghost Story
« on: 06 November 2011, 08:59:35 PM »

A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) 倩女幽魂

Director : Ching Siu Tung

Starring : Leslie Cheung, Joey Wang, Wu Ma

This is a beautiful love story set in the older days in China. Ling Choi Sin (Leslie Cheung) is on his way to Kwok Pak Village when a rainstorm forces him to stay at the Lan Ro Temple for a night. He meets a beautiful lady ghost, Lit Siu Seen (Joey Wang). They fall madly in love with each other. However, Lit is controlled by Lau Lau, a true vampire, sent to kill strong men to keep Lau Lau alive. Lit betrays Lau Lau and frees Ling. When Lit is chased by Lau Lau, with the help of a Taoist monk, Yin Chek Hsia (Wo Ma), Ling sacrifices himself to save her.

menurut gw yg dimainkan Joey Wang ceritanya lebih mantep ...
dan karya sutradara Tsui Hark memang menarik utk ditonton...

mana yg lebih anda senangin diantara kedua film tsb ?

Game / Re: Games Sambung Tiga Kata
« on: 06 November 2011, 02:55:52 PM »
maen sama johan3000
main dokter dokteran

Kaki Lima / Re: Undangan Makan Gratis Buat Warga Bandung
« on: 06 November 2011, 02:50:37 PM »
wakakakka... kritis question

sepertinya bagian dari ayam, ceker ayam lah yg paling murah...

nah bagaimana kandungan GIZI pada ceker ayam tsb ?
yg kita makan kan bukan "harga diri" tapi gizinya tohhh...

mohon masukan!

trus bagaimana dgn LEHER ayam ? soalnya bagian ini juga termasuk murah!
ada juga yg suka sama OTAK ayam, nah apakah dlm waktu dekat akan ada menu OTAK ?

Ulasan Buku, Majalah, Musik atau Film / 2011 Chinese Ghost Story
« on: 06 November 2011, 10:37:09 AM »

AKA:   A Chinese Fairy Tale/ 2011 Chinese Ghost Story
Chinese:   倩女幽魂       
Year:   2011       
Director:   Wilson Yip Wai-Shun       
Writer:   Charcoal Tan   
Action:   Ma Yuk-Sing, Alan Chui Chung-San, Fan Chin-Hung   
Cast:   Louis Koo Tin-Lok, Crystal Liu Yifei, Yu Shaoqun, Kara Hui Ying-Hung, Louis Fan Siu-Wong, Wang Danyi Li, Gong Xinliang, Lin Peng, Li Jing, Tsui Kam-Kong, Fung Hak-On   
The Skinny:   Wilson Yip's remake of the 1987 Chinese Ghost Story is OK for big budget audience fare, but it's impossible to forget that the original film exists and was also a whole lot better. Really, putting together a satisfactory remake of A Chinese Story was probably an impossible proposition. It remains impossible.   
review: ShowHide

by Kozo:   

Unless you’re completely cinema illiterate, you should know that Wilson Yip’s 2011 fantasy adventure A Chinese Ghost Story (called A Chinese Fairy Tale in mainland China) is a remake of the 1987 Ching Siu-Tung classic A Chinese Ghost Story. Yip’s new version modifies the love story between klutzy scholar Ning Choi-Shan (Yu Shaoqun) and forest spirit Siu Sin (Liu Yifei, playing a fox demon and not a ghost, as SARFT would require), creating a love triangle between those two and ghostbusting Taoist monk Yin Chek Ha. Previously, Yin Chek Ha was played by a unibrow-sporting Wu Ma, but here he’s embodied by the much hunkier Louis Koo. The film opens with Yin and Siu Sin falling in love before duty impels Yin to remove Siu Sin’s memory. Siu Sin is freed back into the forest while the tortured Yin continues in his quest to bring down the evil 10,000 year-old Tree Demon (Wai Ying-Hung).

Cue the beginning of the 1987 Chinese Ghost Story, with the arrival of Ning Choi-Shan. Tasked with finding water for a drought-suffering village (led by Hong Kong Cinema veteran Tsui Kam-Kong), Ning heads into the mountains where he meets Siu Sin in a loving slow motion shot stolen straight from the 1987 film. Yin Chek Ha shows up to rout the other evil spirits, but the presence of the amnesiac Siu Sin causes his face to contort with great emotional pain (Louis Koo calls this “acting”). Unwilling to let Ning become food for her evil spirit sisters (Lin Peng and Gong Xinliang), Siu Sin hides him, and the two slowly begin to bond. Meanwhile, the Tree Demon still exists, and it’s none-too-happy. Eventually, everything and everyone will collide in a winner-take-all battle for love, destiny and box office earnings. You know, just like the original.

Truthfully, there’s nothing terribly wrong with this remake of A Chinese Ghost Story. The film recalls the original with a number of solid reverential nods; the filmmakers reuse Leslie Cheung’s classic song, and the film possesses the same costumes, character designs, and even the same "feel" as the original. Director Wilson Yip keeps things moving briskly, and collaborates with cinematographer Arthur Wong to create a spruced-up vision of that old Hong Kong Cinema feeling. Liberal use of dutch angles, blue backlighting and wirework add to the grateful familiarity. The visual effects are improved, but Yip lets the roughness of the production shine through, eschewing realism for a patently fake setting that’s obviously the work of the art department. Hong Kong Cinema was once celebrated for being deliriously, gorgeously fake, and Yip wisely retains that manufactured quality in his remake.

However, given audience familiarity with the original film, the new love triangle seems an odd fit. Granted, it gives Louis Koo and Liu Yifei more opportunities to share screen time, and Koo as a tortured romantic lead is something that female audiences would likely support. Also, Yin Chek Ha is called upon to be the butt of many jokes, and Koo is an ace at this sort of self-effacing comedy. Liu Yifei lacks Joey Wong’s seductiveness, making her Siu Sin less enigmatic and alluring than Wong’s take on the character. But Liu possesses the proper ethereal qualities to play Siu Sin, and looks great in the character's trademark robes. She also handles Siu Sin's emotional scenes well. All things considered, Liu is a fine choice for the role.

Unfortunately, the character of Ning Choi-San suffers. Yu Shaoqun gets Ning’s endearing klutziness down, but he lacks the handsomeness of Leslie Cheung, which certainly added some attraction to the original film's star-crossed romance. Also, the love triangle twist essentially kneecaps Ning and Siu Sin’s romance. With Ning marginalized by the script changes, he seems more like an interloper than Siu Sin’s fated love. The fault isn’t in Yu’s performance - it’s just that the film never seems to favor him, casting him as a pale replacement for the more passionate Yin Chek Ha. The supporting roles shore things up slightly. Wai Ying-Hung acts up a storm as the Tree Demon, and Fan Siu-Wong is surprisingly good as Yin Chek Ha’s estranged Taoist comrade. In his minor role, Tsui Kam-Kong (a.k.a. Elvis Tsui) doesn’t do much, but it’s great to see him simply because he’s Tsui Kam-Kong.

A Chinese Ghost Story is fine for mass entertainment, but it’s hard to ignore the film’s biggest issue: it really has no reason to exist, besides the obvious “cha-ching” that the remake industry promises. Ultimately, it would be better if the Chinese film industry remade bad or forgotten movies (like they did with Painted Skin) instead of super classics that don’t need improving. Or, if you’re going to remake a movie everyone has seen, make it really different instead of changing only a few details while retaining most everything else. But they didn’t, and the result is only a modified clone of the classic original. In the end, this is a money play with little courage behind it – the filmmakers wanted the cash that comes with the brand, but feared the backlash to change things too much. The ultimate defense: the filmmakers did this for money, so the capitalist in us all of us should understand. But we don’t have to like it. (Kozo, 2011)

Liu Yifei

Adakah pelajaran Buddhisme dlm film ini ?

film ini remake, dan ada CGS 1,2,3 (yg lama)
Qian Nü You Hun
The Enchanting Shadow
A Chinese Ghost Story II
A Chinese Ghost Story III
A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark Animation
A Chinese Ghost Story (2011 film)

Game / Re: Games Sambung Tiga Kata
« on: 06 November 2011, 09:26:16 AM »
pikir jadi dokter ?

Jurnal Pribadi / Re: Jurnal Chen Hui Ling
« on: 06 November 2011, 07:44:02 AM »
dokter muda
dokter penuh

total berapa thn ya ? apa yg berminat jadi dokter tau tentang hal tsb ?

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