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Author Topic: saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2  (Read 3209 times)

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Offline johan3000

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saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2
« on: 12 October 2009, 09:47:45 PM »

saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2

Memang saat umur 40th, kebanyakan burung udah loyo bahkan bau tanah.
urat2, otot2,  calar2 pun udah kaku pada usia ini. sulit dibuat utk mencengkram.
paruh bengkok, semua bulu2 udah tebal, berat, kasar, sulit utk ATRAKSI lagi.

dalam keadaan sulit ini, burung diatas memiliki 2 pilihan :
  1. MATI
  2. daur ulang yg menyakitan...

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Proses menyakitan 150 hari yg mengharuskan elang terbang ke puncak gunung
dan duduk pada sarang serta

   1. mengetuk para paruhnya ke batu sampai copot, elang akan menunggu paruh baru tumbuh kembali
   2. dan kemudian akan mecotot keluar yang  cakar. Ketika para cakar baru tumbuh kembali,
   3. si elang mulai memetik yang' tua-tua bulu

Dan setelah lima bulan, elang seakan-akan lahir kembali lagi dan hidup untuk
bonus 30 tahun berikutnya.

hanya dengan pilhan yg begitu sulitlah, hidup Elang bisa mencapai 70th
Tapi ini suatu keputusan yang amat sulit

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Banyak kali - dalam rangka untuk bertahan hidup .... Kita harus memulai proses perubahan yg sulit.
Kita kadang-kadang perlu untuk menyingkirkan kenangan lama, kebiasaan dan tradisi-tradisi masa lalu.
Hanya dibebaskan dari beban masa lalu, dapat kita mengambil keuntungan maksimal.

burung anda2 dasyat juga kan! semoga berguna! 

 _/\_ :x
Nagasena : salah satu dari delapan penyebab matangnya kebijaksanaan dgn seringnya bertanya

Offline Sumedho

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Re: saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2
« Reply #1 on: 12 October 2009, 10:03:38 PM »
Claims that eagles go through a long and painful process of "rebirth" in order to live another 30 years are pure nonsense

However, the information in the message is false. Eagles do not undergo the process of rebirth described in the slide show. In fact, the story is simply an allegory about change and does not reflect the real life style of eagles. Presumably, the creator of the slide show invented the eagle rebirth story as a means of illustrating his or her concepts regarding the role of change in our lives. Unfortunately, the author has presented the rebirth story as if it was factual and therefore many recipients tend to take it literally.

Of course a closer review soon reveals the absurdity of the tale. The story does not explain how the eagle could possibly survive without food or water for the five months of its transformation. Moreover, an eagle's talons and beak continue to grow throughout its life and therefore do not grow old and unusable as claimed in the story. And its feathers are also continually replaced. The American Bald Eagle Information website notes:
For those of you who have e-mailed me wondering if it's true that an eagle goes into seclusion, plucks all of its feathers, sheds its beak and talons, and then renews itself, is a myth. An eagle's beak and talons grow continuously, because they are made of keratin, the same substance as our hair and fingernails. Eagles molt in patches, taking almost half a year to replace feathers, starting with the head and working downward. Not all feathers are replaced in a given molt. An eagle without feathers, talons, and a beak would die of starvation and exposure.
Bald eagles typically live between twenty and thirty years in the wild. The lifespan of other species of eagles may vary, although none are known to reach seventy years in the wild.

Although scientists have studied eagles of various species for generations and much has been published about them, no credible sources back up the "eagle rebirth" story in any way. There are, however, plenty of reliable sources that dismiss the story as a foolish hoax.

Rebirth stories, such as that of the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes of its funeral pyre, have been part of human cultures for thousands of years. The philosophical message behind the story - that we often need to undergo a painful and prolonged process of change in our lives in order to spiritually grow and move forward - is certainly worth heeding. However the nonsensical story used as a vehicle for the message all but destroys its credibility.

And there are other anomalies in the presentation. In some slides, the eagle shown in the photographs is a Bald Eagle, but in others a different species, the Golden Eagle, is shown. The story also sprouts the scientifically meaningless claim that "the eagle has the longest life-span of its species". The author perhaps meant to say that eagles live longer than all other kinds of birds, but this is also incorrect. Parrots and other species of birds are known to live longer than eagles.
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Offline johan3000

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Re: saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2
« Reply #2 on: 12 October 2009, 10:46:12 PM »
the story as a foolish hoax.

thanks suhu Medho, ternyata suhu sangat expert tentang HOAX...

memang gw juga curiga 150 burung elang tanpa makan ?
apakah dia punya kulkas begitu?...

Ini salah satu presentasi dari agama tetangga tadi pagi,
yg ingin  membangunkan semangat para2 umatnya....

mohon masukan dari member lain tentang cerita burung tsb...

 _/\_ :x
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Offline Elin

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Re: saat umur 40th, hanya burung dasyat bisa puber ke 2
« Reply #3 on: 12 October 2009, 11:06:15 PM »
Don't have any idea about Eagle's rebirth..

Elin tau nya kalo Elang tuh suka dipakai sbg symbol / maskot nya para sales.
Krn mata yg jeli, bs ngenalin mangsa dr sudut pandang yg jauh.
Waaah informasi dr tuhan, uda nambahin pengetahuan byk nih ttg Elang. Thx :)