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OSLO, Norway – Imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for using nonviolence to demand fundamental human rights in his homeland. The award ignited a furious response from China, which accused the Norwegian Nobel Committee of violating its own principles by honoring "a criminal."

Chinese state media immediately blacked out the news and Chinese government censors blocked Nobel Prize reports from Internet websites. China declared the decision would harm its relations with Norway — and the Nordic country responded that was a petty thing for a world power to do.

This year's peace prize followed a long tradition of honoring dissidents around the world and was the first Nobel for China's dissident community since it resurfaced after the Communists launched economic but not political reforms three decades ago.

Liu, 54, was sentenced last year to 11 years in prison for subversion. The Nobel committee said he was the first to be honored while still in prison, although other Nobel winners have been under house arrest or imprisoned before the prize.

Other dissidents to win the peace prize include German pacifist Carl von Ossietzky in 1935, Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov in 1975, Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa in 1983 and Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991.

The Nobel committee praised Liu's pacifist approach, ignoring threats by Chinese diplomats even before the announcement that such a decision would result in strained ties with Norway. Liu has been an ardent advocate for peaceful, gradual political change rather than confrontation with the government, unlike others in China's highly fractured and persecuted dissident community.

Click image to see photos of Liu Xiaobo

AFP/File/Mike Clarke

The Nobel committee cited Liu's participation in the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in 1989 and the Charter 08 document he recently co-authored, which called for greater freedom in China and an end to the Communist Party's political dominance.

Chinese authorities would not allow access to Liu on Friday.

His wife, however, expressed joy at the news. Surrounded by police at their Beijing apartment, Liu Xia was not allowed out to meet reporters. Instead she gave brief remarks by phone and text message, saying she was happy and that she planned to go Saturday to deliver the news to Liu at the prison, 300 miles (500 kilometers) away.

Hong Kong Cable Television quoted her in a Twitter message as saying that Liu will draw encouragement from the award and she hoped to go to Norway to collect the prize if he could not.

"I believe that after the award, more people will put pressure on the Chinese side," the message quoted her as saying.

[Related: Microsoft attacks China over use of pirated software]

It was not clear if Liu himself had been told about the Nobel.

China's Foreign Ministry lashed out at the Nobel decision, saying the award should been used instead to promote international friendship and disarmament.

"Liu Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese judicial departments for violating Chinese law," the statement said. Honoring him "runs completely counter to the principle of the prize and is also a blasphemy to the peace prize."

It said the decision would damage bilateral relations between China and Norway.

In China, broadcasts of the announcement by CNN were blacked out. Popular Internet sites removed coverage of the Nobel prizes, placed prominently in recent days for the science awards. Messages about "Xiaobo" to Sina Microblog, a Twitter-like service run by Internet portal Sina.com, were quickly deleted. Attempts to send mobile text messages with the Chinese characters for Liu Xiaobo failed.

The Nobel committee said China, as a growing economic and political power, needed to take more responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens.

"China has become a big power in economic terms as well as political terms, and it is normal that big powers should be under criticism," prize committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said, calling Liu (LEE-o SHAo-boh) a symbol for the fight for human rights in China.

More than a dozen friends and supporters of Liu gathered near the entrance to Ditan Park in central Beijing, holding up placards congratulating Liu. They shouted "Long Live Freedom of Speech, Long Live Democracy" and wore yellow ribbons on their clothes to signify, they said, their wish that he be freed.

The small demonstration, initially undisturbed by police, pointed out the troubling status of China's dissident community. Liu is almost unknown in China except among political activists. Passers-by on foot and bike did not stop, ignoring the demonstration.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg told national broadcaster NRK he saw no grounds for China to punish Norway as a country for the award.

"I think that would be negative for China's reputation in the world, if they chose to do that," Stoltenberg said.

Several previous peace laureates have been unable to accept the prize in person because of restrictions imposed by their governments, including Sakharov and Walesa. Geir Lundestad, the non-voting secretary of the Nobel committee, said Liu was the only laureate who was honored while being locked up in a prison.

Suu Kyi, who was awarded the 1991 prize and has been detained 15 of the past 21 years, is due to be released from house arrest Nov. 13, a week after Myanmar's first elections in two decades. Suu Kyi's political party won the last elections in 1990 but the ruling junta never allowed it to take power.

President Barack Obama won the Nobel peace prize last year.

The Nobel citation said China's new world status must entail increased responsibility.

"China is in breach of several international agreements to which it is a signatory, as well as of its own provisions concerning political rights," it said, citing an article in China's constitution about freedom of speech and assembly. "In practice, these freedoms have proved to be distinctly curtailed for China's citizens."

The Charter 08 document that Liu co-authored was an intentional echo of Charter 77, the famous call for human rights in then-Czechoslovakia that led to the 1989 Velvet Revolution that swept away communist rule.

"The democratization of Chinese politics can be put off no longer," Charter 08 says.

Thousands of Chinese signed Charter 08, and the Communist Party took the document as a direct challenge.

Police arrested Liu hours before Charter 08 was due to be released in December 2008. Given a brief trial last Christmas Day, Liu was convicted of subversion for writing Charter 08 and other political tracts and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

"Through the severe punishment meted out to him, Liu has become the foremost symbol of this wide-ranging struggle for human rights in China," the award citation said.

Jagland told The Associated Press that the committee had not tried to reach the imprisoned laureate or his wife, but they would contact the Chinese Embassy in Oslo.

In a year with a record 237 nominations for the peace prize, Liu had been considered a favorite, with open support from winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and others.

When the Tibet-born Dalai Lama won the peace prize in 1989, both the Chinese government and some of the public were angry — the exiled Buddhist leader was endlessly vilified in official propaganda as a traitor for his calls for more autonomy for Tibet.

The Dalai Lama on Friday issued his public congratulations to Liu.

"I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call to the government of China to release Liu Xiaobo and other prisoners of conscience who have been imprisoned for exercising their freedom of expression" the spiritual leader said.

The son of a soldier, Liu joined China's first wave of university students in the mid-1970s after the chaotic decade of the Cultural Revolution.

Liu's writing first took a political turn in 1988, when he became a visiting scholar in Oslo — his first time outside China.

Liu cut short a visiting scholar stint at Columbia University months later to join the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in 1989. He and three other older activists famously persuaded students to peacefully leave the square hours before the deadly June 4 crackdown.

Liu went to prison after the crackdown and was released in early 1991 because he had repented and "performed major meritorious services," state media said at the time, without elaborating.

Still, five years later Liu was sent to a re-education camp for three years for co-writing an open letter that demanded the impeachment of then-President Jiang Zemin.

The 2010 Nobel announcements started Monday with the medicine award going to British professor Robert Edwards for fertility research that led to the first test tube baby.

Russian-born scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the physics prize for groundbreaking experiments with graphene, the strongest and thinnest material known to mankind.

Japanese researchers Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki and American Richard Heck shared the chemistry award for designing techniques to bind together carbon atoms.

The literature prize went to Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa.

The last of the 2010 awards — the economics prize — will be announced next Monday.

Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the awards in his 1895 will. He left only vague instructions, dedicating the peace prize to people who have worked for "fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

Den Haag, Kompas - Siaran pers Dinas Penerangan Kerajaan Belanda atau RVD, Rabu (6/10), menegaskan bahwa Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tidak boleh ditahan jika tiba di Belanda. Sementara itu, sebuah pengadilan di Den Haag juga telah memutuskan untuk membatalkan gugatan Republik Maluku Selatan, Rabu.

Pengadilan itu menolak permintaan John Wattilete, Presiden Republik Maluku Selatan (RMS) di pengasingan. RMS menuduh Presiden SBY bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan kemanusiaan di Maluku dan telah mengajukan proses pra-peradilan.

Proses hukum ini membuat Presiden SBY membatalkan kunjungan kenegaraan ke Belanda, yang seyogianya berlangsung pada 6-8 Oktober 2010. Pengadilan di Den Haag menyatakan, RMS kalah dan harus membayar biaya persidangan.

Tuan rumah Belanda dibuat repot akibat pembatalan itu. Ini mengingat pihak Kerajaan, sejumlah kementerian, universitas, dan lembaga-lembaga yang seharusnya akan dikunjungi sudah mempersiapkan diri sampai ke hal-hal kecil.

Pengadaan makanan, penyediaan bunga, pengamanan di bandara, dan semua pelayanan lain sudah siaga. Untuk semua persiapan itu kerugian yang muncul bukan hanya soal materiil, tetapi juga waktu. Hal itu juga membatalkan semua kesempatan atau peluang kerja sama bilateral.

Menurut RVD, Presiden sedang mencari tanggal baru yang tepat untuk melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan. Untuk itu, akan dirundingkan bersama Pemerintah Belanda.

Masih ada ganjalan

Pemerintah Indonesia menganggap kondisi politik di Belanda masih belum konklusif dan belum bersih dari proses hukum meskipun pengadilan telah menolak gugatan RMS. ”Masih ada beberapa gugatan lain yang belum diputus oleh pengadilan,” kata Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Djoko Suyanto, Rabu di Jakarta.

”Misalnya, masih ada tuntutan RMS kepada Pemerintah Belanda agar meminta penjelasan kepada Pemerintah RI tentang makam almarhum pencetus dan sekaligus pemimpin RMS, Dr R Soumokil,” kata Djoko.

”Gugatan lain adalah tuntutan kepada Pemerintah Belanda agar dilakukannya dialog antara Pemerintah RI dan RMS tentang penentuan nasib sendiri (self determination) Maluku,” kata Djoko lagi.

Oleh sebab itu, kata Djoko, pemerintah belum menjadwalkan kembali rencana kunjungan Presiden ke Belanda.

Jangan beri RMS ruang

Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Luar Negeri Teuku Faizasyah juga memberi penjelasan soal pembatalan itu. ”Melalui pembatalan kunjungan itu, Pemerintah RI mengharapkan Belanda tidak menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai ruang gerak yang bebas bagi kelompok yang merongrong keutuhan wilayah Indonesia. Aktivitas demikian dinilai berpotensi mengganggu hubungan bilateral RI-Belanda,” katanya.

Faizasyah menegaskan, Pemerintah Indonesia tidak hendak mendikte Belanda. ”Kita hanya ingin memastikan bahwa ruang gerak kelompok ini lebih diperhatikan. Tidak sepatutnya jika dalam hubungan antarnegara diberi ruang yang cukup besar bagi organisasi yang merongrong hubungan bilateral. Kita berharap ada proses pembelajaran dari penundaan ini,” ujarnya.

Faizasyah mengatakan, surat soal pembatalan dari Presiden Yudhoyono kepada Perdana Menteri Belanda Jan Peter Balkenende sudah diserahkan oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, Selasa malam.

Surat tersebut menjelaskan alasan rasional pembatalan kunjungan. Isi surat itu juga mengatakan, penjadwalan kembali kunjungan Presiden baru dilakukan setelah memerhatikan kelanjutan proses pengadilan tuduhan pelanggaran HAM oleh Pemerintah Indonesia yang dituduhkan RMS.

Naik banding

Dari Den Haag diberitakan, Presiden RMS, melalui pengacaranya, E Tahitu, mempertimbangkan untuk naik banding terhadap putusan ini.

Reaksi beberapa warga Belanda muncul soal isu ini. Mereka mengatakan, pihak yang dirugikan bukan RMS, melainkan warga Belanda. Banyak yang skeptis dan menganggap RMS tak mau menerima kenyataan.

Namun, sebagian lagi mengatakan, zaman sekarang masih sulit menyembunyikan isu pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia. Kalangan ini meminta Pemerintah RI memperbaiki citra agar tidak ada lagi alasan bagi eksistensi RMS di Belanda.

Reaksi dari kubu RMS yang muncul di media Belanda adalah dengan tak hadirnya Presiden justru menunjukkan Presiden takut dan merasa bersalah.

”Apalagi Pemerintah Belanda sendiri telah memberikan jaminan penuh. Sesuai dengan yurisprudensi internasional, seorang presiden negara berdaulat mempunyai kekebalan diplomatik,” ujar kubu RMS.

Langkah tepat

Gubernur Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional Muladi menilai, pembatalan kunjungan ke Belanda merupakan langkah yang tepat. Pembatalan yang dilakukan oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ini dapat dilihat sebagai reaksi terhadap sikap Pemerintah Belanda.

”Mengapa sidang pengadilan itu digelar bertepatan ketika Presiden mau datang ke Belanda,” kata Muladi, Rabu, dalam jumpa pers seusai seminar di Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional, Jakarta.

Ia menyatakan, RMS adalah gerakan separatis sehingga menjadi urusan dalam negeri Indonesia. ”Kalaupun terjadi penyiksaan, ini merupakan ekses dari proses penyidikan yang dilakukan. Siapa pun yang melakukan penyiksaan pasti akan kita tindak dan jatuhi hukuman,” tegas Muladi.

Pembatalan kunjungan Presiden dilakukan setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa melaporkan bahwa pengadilan di Den Haag menyetujui untuk memulai persidangan atas tuntutan soal HAM di Indonesia. Persidangan ini bertepatan dengan kunjungan Presiden ke Belanda. Juru bicara RMS, Wim Sopacua, mengakui telah mengajukan perkara Presiden Yudhoyono ke pengadilan Den Haag.

Deputi VII Bidang Komunikasi dan Informasi Kementerian Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Sagom Tamboen mengatakan, jadwal ulang kunjungan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ke Belanda belum ditentukan. (FER/ato/Denny/dAY/har/dwa)

Kok RMS masih tetap hidup di Belanda ya? :o :o

Monyet Mengenali Wajahnya Di Cermin

KOMPAS.com — Selama lebih dari 40 tahun para ahli meyakini bahwa monyet adalah hewan yang tidak mampu mengenali diri mereka sendiri karena selalu gagal menjalani tes pengenalan diri di cermin. Binatang yang mengenali diri umumnya akan membuat mimik lucu di depan cermin, termenung memerhatikan wajah mereka secara detail, atau melihat wajah mereka yang makin tua.

Simpanse adalah hewan primata yang menunjukkan tanda mampu mengenali diri mereka sendiri. Namun, uji yang dilakukan profesor anatomi dari Universitas Wisconsin-Madison, Luis Populin, yang dipublikasikan di PLoS ONE, akhir bulan lalu, menunjukkan, monyet jenis Rhesus macaque dalam kondisi tertentu bisa mengenali dirinya sendiri.

Uji dilakukan dengan memasang sebuah tanda yang tidak berbahaya di dahi dan alat genital monyet. Tanda itu hanya akan terlihat saat monyet itu berada di depan cermin. Jika monyet memegang tanda itu saat becermin, maka itu menandakan binatang tersebut bisa mengenali dirinya sendiri. Bayangan di cermin diyakini sebagai refleksi diri monyet tersebut, bukan monyet yang lain. Jika tak mampu mengenali diri maka ia akan mencari monyet lain di belakang cermin.

Ternyata, monyet yang diuji itu memegang tanda tersebut. Temuan itu semakin mengukuhkan adanya pembagian kognitif primata, yaitu kelompok primata derajat tinggi dan derajat rendah. Temuan itu mengejutkan karena selama ini Rhesus macaque, yang banyak digunakan dalam penelitian medis dan psikologis, selalu gagal saat menjalani tes pengenalan diri itu. (SCIENCEDAILY/MZW)

kalau mau beli bisa order dari link ini kok.

kalau mau lihat video ttg authornya bisa di youtube juga lho

Selamat membeli............. :)

Alam Semesta, Hawking, dan Tuhan
Sesekali fisikawan bisa juga membuat warta mengejutkan di tengah perkibaran kabar korupsi, konflik, dan politik dewasa ini. Namun, yang mampu berbuat begitu barangkali cuma figur sekaliber Stephen William Hawking, bersama Leonard Mlodinow, melalui buku ”The Grand Design” yang terbit 9 September lalu.
Di halaman 8 buku yang tanpa pengantar itu, Hawking langsung menggebrak: According to M-theory, ours is not the only universe. Instead, M-theory predicts that a great many universes were created out of nothing. Their creation does not require the intervention of some supernatural being or god. Rather, these multiple universes arise naturally from physical law. They are a prediction of science.

Alinea inilah yang langsung berkibar di media Amerika dan Inggris, lalu beredar ke seluruh dunia. Kabar ini—bisa ditebak—paling disambut hangat oleh pentolan kaum ateis Inggris yang biologiman terkemuka, Richard Dawkins, dengan berkata, ”Darwinisme sudah menendang Tuhan dari biologi…. Sekarang Hawking menyelenggarakan coup de grace.”

Kubu gereja langsung bereaksi. Imam yang psikolog dan teolog dari Cambridge, Rev Dr Fraser N Watts, berkata, ”Sang Pencipta menyediakan penjelasan yang kredibel dan masuk akal tentang mengapa alam semesta ada, dan… lebih mungkin ada Tuhan daripada tidak. Pandangan ini tidak tergerogoti oleh apa yang dikatakan Hawking.”

Kalangan fisikawan tidak kurang kritisnya. Profesor Peter Woit dari Universitas Columbia bahkan mencela telak buku ini: ”Satu cara jitu menaikkan penjualan buku semacam ini ialah dengan menyeret agama masuk. Klaim yang rada konvensional ’Tuhan tak diperlukan’ untuk menjelaskan fisika dan kosmologi alam semesta awal menyulut publisitas besar bagi buku ini. Saya lebih suka pada naturalisme dan tidak melibatkan Tuhan dalam fisika.”

Soal publisitas itu, saya sependapat dengan Peter Woit berdasarkan apa yang ditulis Hawking sendiri di bukunya terdahulu, A Brief History of Time—sudah 10 juta eksemplar terjual—bahwa setiap persamaan [matematika] dalam bukunya akan mengurangi oplahnya hingga setengah. Hawking yang sadar betul kekuatan publisitas kini menambah bensin ketenaran buku barunya—selain tak ada rumus apa pun—dengan faktor tak perlunya peran Tuhan tadi. Boleh jadi buku ini kelak berstatus mega-bestseller melebihi karier A Brief History.

Buku ini mengisahkan sejarah pemahaman fisika tentang alam semesta sejak Yunani klasik. Pemahaman itu kemudian berbeda diametral dengan wacana langit-bumi Perjanjian Lama yang geosentris ketika Copernicus dan Galileo mengedepankan kosmologi baru yang heliosentris.

Kosmologi modern semakin jauh berkembang sejak Einstein merumuskan Relativitas Umum dan Hubble—terutama dengan teleskop atas namanya kelak—mengamati bahwa alam semesta memang terus membalon secara akseleratif; kini diketahui sudah 13,7 miliar tahun sejak dentuman besar.
Terinspirasi oleh Maxwell yang dengan gemilang berhasil menyatukan fenomena listrik, magnet, dan optik menjadi teori elektromagnetik yang begitu kompak dan elegan, Einstein pun memelopori the holy grail of physics abad ke-20: meringkas dan meringkus semua fenomena alam—yakni gaya elektromagnetik, nuklir lemah, nuklir kuat, dan gravitasi—ke dalam satu rumusan final dan ultimat. Inilah yang disebut Teori Segalahal.

Hingga akhir hayatnya, Einstein tak berhasil dalam ikhtiar besar ini. Kemudian dilanjutkan para fisikawan teori sejagat dan setakat ini Teori-M adalah kandidat terkuat bagi teori akbar itu, yang banyak dibahas pada buku ini dalam bahasa yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Konsekuensi teori inilah, jika tuntas terumuskan, akan mengaminkan alinea heboh di atas.

Di luar kesimpulan yang ”rada prematur” itu, buku ini sendiri sangatlah indah. Sebagai pembelajar fisika lebih dari 30 tahun, saya tetap saja terpesona, baik dengan materi bahasannya yang dahsyat maupun oleh cara Hawking yang begitu jernih menuturkannya.
Seorang teman terpelajar dalam sosiologi berkata, ”Jika orang fisika teori mafhum The Grand Design, itu biasa. Orang teknik paham, itu juga wajar. Tapi, orang yang cuma kenal fisika di SMA bisa terus membaca dan mengikuti argumennya, itu luar bisa. Ilmuwan sosial seharusnya membaca buku ini.”
Hal itu benar belaka. Buku ini memang mempertontonkan in optima forma bagaimana seharusnya berargumentasi, membangun wacana yang bermutu, dan mengonstruksi teori yang bagus.

Rahasia alam
Rudolf Otto melukiskan perasaan tramendum et fascinans saat manusia berhadapan dengan yang kudus, seperti Musa di Sinai menghadapi api di semak kering yang tak terbakar. Namun, gentar dan takjub berdebar ternyata tidak hanya perasaan kaum religius, para fisikawan juga—Hawking termasuk—saat menghadapi rahasia alam yang mahamikro (interior atom) dan misteri kosmos yang mahamakro (alam semesta), serta keajaiban kehadiran insan cerdas dalam konstelasi itu di planet biru yang rentan ini.

Ateisme barangkali adalah sebuah bakat insani, sama halnya dengan religiusitas dan fanatisme. Masing-masing melihat hal-hal yang memperkuat kecenderungan hatinya.
Karen Armstrong dalam A History of God mengisahkan konsep Tuhan yang terus berevolusi dalam sejarah kita, dan peran manusia di dalamnya ternyata tetap utama membangun dunianya, terutama teologinya.
Anthony de Mello bercerita tentang Tuhan yang memilih bersembunyi dalam hati manusia, dan siapa tahu—di kedalaman batin itu—fisika Hawking pun takkan sanggup menjamah-Nya, apalagi memeriksa-Nya.

Jansen H Sinamo Fisikawan Lulusan ITB Tahun 1983, Sehari-hari Bekerja sebagai Aktivis Etos Kerja, Tinggal di Jakarta

Judul: Theravada Abhidhamma: Its Inquiry into the Nature of Conditioned Reality. By Y Karunadasa.

This is the accumulation of his forty years’ research and teaching in Tharavada Abhidhamma. You can find the book description, table of contents and ordering information below.

This volume examines the Abhidhamma perspective on the nature of phenomenal existence. It begins with a discussion of the dhamma-theory (the theory of real existents) which provides the ontological foundation for the Abhidhamma philosophy. It then explains the category of the nominal and the conceptual as the Abhidhamma’s answer to the objects of common-sense realism. Among the other topics discussed are the theory of double truth, analysis of mind, theory of cognition, analysis of matter, the nature of time and space, the theory of momentary being, and conditional relations. The volume concludes with an appendix whose main purpose is to examine why the Theravāda came to be known as Vibhajjavāda, ‘the doctrine of analysis’.

Y. Karunadasa is a professor emeritus of the University of Kelaniya and a former Director of its Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies. He has served as a visiting professor at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, as Numata Chair at the University of Calgary, and as a visiting professor at the University of Toronto. Currently he is a visiting professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Foreword xi
Preface xvi
Introduction 1

1 The Real Existents 15

The dhammas as real existents
Early version of the dhamma theory
Is the dhamma theory pluralistic?
Dhamma theory and the complementary methods of analysis and synthesis
Dhamma theory and the Buddhist controversy on the concept of person
Dhamma theory and the Buddhist controversy on the concept of tritemporal existence
Definition of dhamma as own-nature
Definition of dhamma as own-characteristic
Definition of dhamma as ultimately real
Nature and range of the dhammas
Relative position of the dhammas

2 The Nominal and the Conceptual 47

Paññattis as the nominal and the conceptual
Difference between dhamma and paññatti
Concept as that which makes known (name)
Concept as that which is made known (meaning)
Conceptual constructs and the problem of reification
Classes of concept-as-meaning
Classes of concept-as-name

3 The Two Truths 59

Early teachings that led to the two truths
The conventional truth and the ultimate truth
Is one truth higher or lower than the other?
Equal validity of the two truths
The two truths vis-à-vis the nominal and the conceptual

4 The Analysis of Mind 68

Early Buddhist teaching on the nature of mind
Abhidhamma analysis of mind into citta (consciousness) and cetasika (mental factors)
Relative position of citta and cetasika
The combination of citta and cetasika as a cognitive act
Conditional relations within a cognitive act
Conditional relations between successive cognitive acts

5 Consciousness 76

Definition of consciousness
Physical bases of the first five kinds of consciousness
Physical base of mind and mind-consciousness
Is mind determined by matter?
Classification of consciousness

6 Classes of Consciousness 84

Sense-sphere consciousness
Unwholesome consciousness
Rootless consciousness
Wholesome consciousness
Resultant consciousness with roots
Functional consciousness with roots
Fine-material-sphere consciousness
Immaterial-sphere consciousness
Supra-mundane consciousness
Beautiful consciousness

7 The Ethically Variable Mental Factors 98

The seven universals
Earlier version of the universals
The universals and the “pentad of sense-contact”
The six occasional

8 The Unwholesome Mental Factors 115

Unwholesome factors as universals
Unwholesome factors as variable adjuncts

9 The Beautiful Mental Factors 126

Beautiful factors as universals
Beautiful factors as variable adjuncts

10 The Cognitive Process 138

The two streams of consciousness
The five-door cognitive process
What really is the agent of cognition?
What really is the object of cognition?
The mind-door cognitive process

11 The Analysis of Matter 152

Definition of matter
Basic material dhammas
Material dhammas included among the objects of mind
The real and the nominal material dhammas
The great elements of matter and dependent matter

12 The Great Elements of Matter 163

Space and the great elements of matter
Earth-element as solidity and extension
Water-element as viscidity and cohesion
Fire-element as temperatrue of cold and heat
Air-element as distension and mobility
Common characteristics of the four great elements of matter
The primary position of the four great elements of matter

13 The Real Dependent Matter 172

Sensitive matter
Sense-field matter
Faculties of sex
Material faculty of life
Material nutriment
The physical base of mental activity

14 The Nominal Dependent Matter 187
The space-element
Means of intimation (self-expression)
Special modes of matter
Characteristics of matter

15 The Material Clusters 205

What led to the theory of material clusters
The earliest allusion to the theory
A material cluster as the minimal unit of matter
Its correspondence to the atom (paramāṇu) in the Sarvāstivāda
The definition of the atom
Its criticism by the Sautrāntika and the Vijñānavāda
Non-contact between atoms/material clusters
The “pure octad” as the basic material cluster
More complex material clusters
Classification of material clusters (chart)

16 Time and Space 224

Non-recognition of time as a real existent (dhamma)
Variant terms signifying time
Time as a mental construct, determined by events
What is the basis of temporal divisions?
The momentary present and the serial present
The definition of time by mind and mind by time
Space-element as the material principle of delimitation
Space as a mental construct, determined by the mere absence of matter

17 Momentariness 234

Early Buddhist doctrine of impermanence
Its development in the Abhidharma/Abhidhamma as momentariness
Are both mind and matter equally momentary?
Momentariness in the canonical Abhidhamma
Is momentariness a commentarial innovation?
The three characteristics of the conditioned
Their ontological status: real or nominal?
The Sarvāstivāda interpretation in a realistic sense
The Sautrāntika and the Theravāda interpretation in a nominal sense
The Sarvāstivāda theory of momentariness
The Sautrāntika theory of momentariness
The Theravāda theory of the three moments
Why the life-span of matter is longer than that of mind
Why the difference is calculated to be 1:17

18 Conditional Relations 262

Conditional relations and their synthesizing function
Basic postulates of the doctrine of conditionality
The three factors involved in a conditional relation
The 24 conditional relations
Their six-fold classification according to the nature of the things related
Their four-fold classification according to the time of their occurrence
Why the number of conditional relations is fixed at 24
Appendix: Theravāda and Vibhajjavāda 282
The terms theravāda and vibhajjavāda in the Pāli suttas
Vibhajjavāda and the account of the Third Buddhist Council
The Buddha as vibhajjavādī
Vibhajjavāda and the four kinds of question
Vibhajjavāda and the controversy on the theory of tri-temporality
Why Theravāda is called Vibhajjavāda
Is the Third Buddhist Council a “pious fabrication” by Buddhist historiography?
The controversy on tri-temporality and the post-Asokan Buddhist thought
Notes 294
Abbreviations 337
Select Bibliography 339
Index 347

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Indonesia Tandatangani Konvensi Anti Penghilangan Orang

Selasa, 28 September 2010 12:23 WIB | Mancanegara | Asia/Pasifik |
New York (ANTARA News) - Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa mewakili Pemerintah Indonesia pada Senin di New York menandatangani Konvensi Internasional untuk Perlindungan Semua Orang dari Penghilangan Paksa, yang melarang negara menghilangkan orang secara paksa dalam situasi apapun.

Konvensi yang disahkan Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada 20 Desember 2006 dan hingga kini telah ditandatangani 84 negara itu menyatakan larangan penghilangan orang secara paksa baik dalam keadaan perang, ketidakstabilan politik ataupun keadaan darurat lainnya di suatu negara.

"Convention for The Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances" ditandatangani Menlu Marty Natalegawa di Markas Besar PBB, New York, di sela-sela pelaksanaan Debat Umum Sidang ke-65 Majelis Umum PBB.

Konvensi yang tidak akan berlaku surut itu, saat ini belum resmi berlaku karena menunggu ratifikasi dari 20 negara.

Hingga September 2010, baru 19 dari 84 negara yang telah meratifikasi Konvensi.

Penandatanganan yang dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia, ujar Marty, sesuai dengan Rancangan HAM 2010-2014 serta advokasi dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat sipil di Indonesia yang sejak tahun 1988 secara aktif mengkampanyekan agar pemerintah menandatangani Konvensi.

"Tadi sudah ditandatangani, tinggal digulirkan proses ratifikasinya (oleh DPR-RI, red)," kata Menlu.

Penandatanganan oleh Indonesia, menurut Marty, memperkokoh peranan dan posisi Indonesia sebagai negara demokrasi.

"Penghilangan secara paksa jelas sangat bertentangan dengan prinsi-prinsip demokrasi kita. Jadi hari ini kita menunjukkan kepada masyarakat internasional komitmen kita," katanya.

Kesembilan belas negara yang telah meratifikasi Konvensi adalah Perancis, Jerman, Jepang, Kuba, Spanyol, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Meksiko, Honduras, Chile, Ekuador, Bolivia, Albania, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Nigeria, Burkina Faso dan Mali.



JAKARTA - Indikasi pemborosan anggaran juga terlihat di lingkungan Istana Presiden. Sejumlah pos belanja di jantung kekuasaan itu dinilai masih terlalu besar.

Berdasar data Sekretariat Nasional Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran (Seknas Fitra) yang diolah dari APBN, alokasi anggaran untuk istana dan presiden RI mencapai Rp 382 miliar lebih. "Banyak pos anggaran di sana yang seharusnya masih bisa dipangkas," ujar Koordinator Advokasi dan Investigasi Fitra Ucok Sky Khadafi di Jakarta kemarin (23/9).

Jumlah anggaran yang mencapai ratusan miliar untuk kepresidenan itu dibagi dalam enam pos anggaran. Anggaran yang terbesar dihabiskan presiden untuk melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri. Seperti diketahui, jumlahnya mencapai Rp 179 miliar.

Namun, masih ada lima pos anggaran yang dihabiskan setiap tahun. Fitra merilis biaya pengamanan fisik dan nonfisik kelas VVIP untuk presiden mencapai Rp 52 miliar.

Yang lebih ironis lagi adalah pos anggaran belanja baju presiden. Sekalipun presiden memiliki gaji tersendiri, ternyata APBN masih memberikan dana Rp 839 juta untuk membeli baju presiden. Ini berarti anggaran busana presiden rata-rata Rp 2, 3 juta per hari. Itu dengan asumsi dibagi rata-rata 365 hari.

Di luar itu, APBN juga menganggarkan dana pembelian furniture Istana Negara. Jumlahnya mencapai Rp 42 miliar setiap tahun. Masih ada dua pos anggaran lain, yakni renovasi gedung Sekretariat Negara (Rp 60 miliar) dan road blocker (Rp 49 miliar).

Dimintai tanggapan terpisah, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi membantah jumlah anggaran baju dinas presiden, furniture Istana Negara, dan renovasi gedung Setneg seperti yang dirilis Fitra. Namun, Sudi tidak mau memberikan data pembanding. ''Tidak benar jumlah itu," tegas Sudi di kantornya kemarin.

Dia mengatakan, perincian anggaran renovasi Setneg juga telah dijelaskan kepada DPR. ''Itu pernah kami jelaskan 20 (miliar rupiah) sekian pagar istana, sistem keamanan, dan tempat Wapres. Berulang-ulang kami jelaskan di DPR bahwa prosesnya sudah sesuai dengan prosedur penganggaran," tambah Sudi.

Seperti halnya Sudi, Partai Demokrat pun menganggap sejumlah pos anggaran kepresidenan itu masih dalam taraf wajar. "Sebab, ini kan presiden sebagai simbol negara, simbol pemerintah, kita perlu juga menjaga itu," kata Wasekjen DPP Partai Demokrat Saan Mustopa.

Dia menilai, sebagai simbol negara, persoalan pakaian dan furniture sebenarnya tidak perlu diributkan. "Serahkan saja kepada DPR untuk pengawasannya. Kan sudah ada mekanismenya," tegasnya.

Menurut Saan, kebutuhan anggaran harus dilihat berdasar manfaat yang dihasilkan. "Tapi, saya belum bisa memercayai data itu, masih perlu dicek dulu," elaknya.

Yang jelas sejumlah anggaran belanja presiden bakal semakin besar tahun depan. Salah satunya, yakni biaya untuk biaya perjalanan kenegaraan ke luar negeri. Tahun ini, 2010, presiden menghabiskan Rp 179,03 miliar. Untuk 2011, Setneg telah mengajukan anggaran Rp 180,865 miliar


*caps lock semua menandakan sedang marah... ber-emosi2-ria...

Gak kok Bang........it is just to emphasize...........Justru ini adalah ungkapan txs berat untuk penulis artikelnya..........hehe

Btw, apa ada yang tahu kelanjutan kebijakan untuk melepas alas kaki dan memakai pakaian yang "proper" bagi pengunjung borobudur (atau katanya akan diberi "sarung" bagi turis yang pakaiannya mini banget )  Kalau saya lihat foto yang dipajang di Kompas, pengunjungnya masih memakai sandal.


Diskusi Umum / Re: Bagaimana memanggil para Bhikuni?
« on: 26 September 2010, 12:46:04 AM »
  [at] NOYA: Peraturan Cullavagga itu adalah peraturan terdahulu, sebelum diganti prosedur yang lebih baru.

gak pernah ada anggota  Sangha yang berani melakukan peraturan sebelumnya. pertama-tama cuma dilarang membunuh manusia, kemudian ditambah lagi gak boleh nyuruh orang, gak boleh nyuruh aborsi. dengan demikian peraturan yang dikeluarkan Sang Buddha ada revisinya.

cuma orang-orang modern aja yang berani melakukan peraturan sebelumnya. seluruh murid, bahkan murid-murid utama gak melakukannya.

demikian juga, peraturan Cullavagga itu sudah diganti.

Hmmm...emang sih, debat soal Cūllavagga ini sudah banyak terjadi. Saya cuma mencoba menghadirkan wacana dari seseorang yang melegitimasi bahwa bhikkhuni Upasampada di Taiwan sebagai Upasampada Theravāda. Yach,,,inilah salah satu "warisan sejarah" agama Buddha bagi generasi mudanya, sebuah dilema ttg penerimaan Bhikkhuni di jaman ini (khususnya Theravāda). Jadi enaknya saya kembalikan ke masing-masing individu saja, mau mengakui keberadaan bhikkhuni atau tidak?  Mau pusing memikirkan ini Theravāda, Mahayana, Yogacara dan Tibetan bhikkhuni atau gak?

Saya beri tanda kutip lho kata warisan sejarahnya di atas. Soalnya kalau "warisan Dhamma" sih selalu bermanfaat dan gak ada dilematis sama sekali. Kebenaran Dhamma tak terbatas ruang dan waktu. Maklum saya kebawa sama ide bahwa Dhamma adalah ultimate truth sedangkan vinaya bukan ultimate truth. (Jelas ini akan OOT kalau dibicarakan di thread ini, Ini hanya numpang curhat aja lho. Dan kata bukan ultimate truth tidak berarti bisa di abaikan dan diubah seenaknya kok. Btw, saya juga masih mumet memikirkan pernyataan ini. hehe)



Politik, ekonomi, Sosial dan budaya Umum / Borobudur: Mandala kehidupan
« on: 25 September 2010, 02:56:11 PM »
Borobudur Mandala Kehidupan Oleh M Burhanudin dan Regina Rukmorini

Pada suatu hari terjadi kebakaran hebat di hutan. Si burung pipit yang tinggal di hutan itu lalu berinisiatif memadamkan api meski sadar kemampuannya terbatas. Hari itulah sepuluh abad lampau ”altruisme”—kosakata yang menyeruak kembali dua tahun terakhir di sini—dipahat di batu.

Burung itu terbang ke telaga, membasahi tubuhnya, lalu terbang kembali menuju lokasi kebakaran, dan mengibaskan tubuhnya agar air bisa sedikit membantu memadamkan api. Upaya tersebut dilakukan bolak-balik, sampai akhirnya burung itu mati lemas dan diangkat menjadi Buddha.

Itulah sepenggal kisah Jantaka dalam salah satu panel relief Candi Borobudur. Jantaka merupakan cerita tentang perjalanan titisan Bodhisattva yang menjadi berbagai macam hewan.

Kisah si burung pipit merefleksikan betapa berharganya sikap altruistik, rela berkorban, tidak mementingkan diri sendiri, dan solidaritas. Melepaskan ego pribadi demi kepentingan bersama dengan pengorbanan.

Sebuah sikap hidup yang dalam kehidupan nyata saat ini terasa mahal. Keikhlasan sering kali hanya indah terucap, tetapi kosong dalam kenyataan.

Ya, Candi Borobudur memang kaya akan pesan kebajikan. Semuanya terpampang pada bagian dinding dan langkan bangunan candi yang panjangnya jika direntangkan akan mencapai 3.000 meter. Pada permukaan dinding-dinding batu yang membujur di bangunan candi terbesar kedua di dunia ini dipahat sebanyak 2.670 panel relief tebal. Sebanyak 1.212 panel berupa relief dekoratif dan 1.460 yang lain adalah panel relief naratif (relief berupa cerita).

Dibangun oleh Raja Samaratungga dari Dinasti Syailendra sekitar tahun 824, Candi Borobudur memang diarahkan sebagai monumen atas intisari kehidupan. Intisari itu tertutur dari dasar hingga puncak bangunan. Maknanya tersurat dan tersirat dari bentuk fisik candi, relief, serta kosmologi tempatnya.

Candi Borobudur terbuat dari dua juta potongan batu berukuran rata-rata 25 x 10 x 15 cm dengan tinggi 35,29 meter. Bangunannya bertingkat. Setiap tingkatnya melambangkan tahapan kehidupan manusia. Tahapan yang mengandung nilai universal tentang petunjuk hidup bagi manusia menuju kebajikan. Setiap tahapan itu diuraikan lewat ribuan panel relief candi.

Bagian kaki candi bernama Kamadhatu, lambang dunia yang masih dikuasai oleh ”kama” atau nafsu. Bagian yang tertutup struktur tambahan, berisi 160 panil cerita Karmawibhangga, cerita tentang segala perbuatan manusia soal ganjarannya.

Empat tingkat di atas kaki candi bernama Rupadhatu—artinya manusia yang telah dapat melepaskan diri dari hawa nafsu, tetapi masih terikat oleh rupa dan bentuk.

Mulai lantai kelima hingga ketujuh dindingnya tidak berelief dan lantainya berbentuk lingkaran. Tingkatan ini dinamakan Arupadhatu—yang tak berwujud—melambangkan manusia yang telah terbebas dari nafsu, rupa, dan bentuk sehingga siap mencapai nirwana.


Candi Borobudur tak sekadar syarat makna kebajikan. Ia juga merupakan mandala atas bentuk tiga dimensinya sendiri, dan juga bangunan percandian di sekelilingnya (Muhammad Taufik dalam jurnal Balai Konservasi Purbakala Borobudur, 2008). Borobudur adalah totalitas, suatu tanda kesempurnaan dan kemuliaan. Pusat dunia yang berupa arca dan bangunan yang batas-batasnya telah ditentukan atau semacam ”pagar suci”.

Menurut Dr Sukmono dalam buku Chandi Borobudur (1976), sinergi dalam pengembangan peribadatan Borobudur dan percandian semasanya adalah bukti situasi damai masa itu. Posisi mandala ini segaris lurus dengan dua mandala Buddha lain di dekatnya, yaitu Candi Pawon, Mendut, dan Gunung Merapi.

Menurut Taufik, mengacu pada pengertian bahwa bentuk mandala berupa garis lurus geometris, Candi Mendut, Pawon, dan Borobudur yang dibangun pada satu garis lurus. Ketiga bangunan tersebut dianggap sebagai superstruktur. Candi-candi Hindu yang ada di sekitarnya dapat dianggap sebagai substrukturnya, seperti Candi Ngawen dan Kali Tengah.

Hampir satu milenium Borobudur ”tidur” dalam timbunan tanah dan debu vulkanik letusan Merapi. Sejak ditemukan dan dipugar oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda antara abad XIX dan awal abad XX serta kemudian dilanjutkan dengan renovasi pada masa kemerdekaan, Borobudur terlihat kembali segar. Borobudur menjelma sebagai salah satu bangunan yang diakui sebagai warisan keajaiban dunia.

Kini, Borobudur lebih dikenal sebagai obyek wisata. Namun, kurang dibarengi dengan sosialisasi sebagai monumen warisan peradaban dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan universal. Kantor Pusat Studi Borobudur yang dulu diharapkan menjadi arena transformasi nilai luhur ke generasi masa kini telah lama berubah sebagai Hotel Manohara.

Namun, tak ada kata terlambat untuk memperbaiki diri. Menempatkan Borobudur kembali sebagai mandala kehidupan sangat relevan pada masa gegar nilai seperti sekarang ini.

Diskusi Umum / Re: Bagaimana memanggil para Bhikuni?
« on: 25 September 2010, 02:30:33 PM »
Biasa kita memanggil bhante pada bhiku, dan romo pada pandita, bagaimana sih memanggil Bhikuni wa mendadak kok kesulitan yah jadi ikut ikutan manggil suhu dah tidak tahu apa panggilan nya benar atau salah.

Secara tradisi Theravāda, kata Ayya dapat digunakan untuk memanggil bhikkhuni. Kalau kita melihat ke dalam kamus Pali Text Society (PTS), kata “Ayya” mempunyai beberapa arti seperti:
1.   Sebagai (noun/ kata benda), “ayya” berarti sebagai: gentleman, sire, lord, master. Penggunaannya dapat dijumpai dalam kata “amhākaṃ ayyo/ our worthy Sir” (DhA.ii.95).
2.   Sebagai (adjective/kata sifat), “ayya” berarti sebagai: worthy, gentlemanly, honourable. Ini dapat dilihat di dalam: Vin ii.191; DhA ii.94.
3.   Dapat pula berarti sebagai: lady (nyonya), mistress (majikan wanita atau guru wanita/ a women with authority). Lihat= M ii.96;DhA i.398;
4.    Kata Ayya yang diikuti kata “putta”  dapat berarti sebagai anak laki-laki. Lihat= J.i.62;DA i.257.

Pengertian no. 2 dan 3 dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menyebut bhikkhuni dengan sebutan “Ayya”.

Untuk mengecek validitasnya, coba lihat kamus PTS yang sudah diubah ke dalam Digital Dictionary oleh samanera Dhammasiri. Kamus bisa di download dari http://dubd.co.cc/

Sebutan untuk Bhikkhuni

Saat ini, sebutan Bhikkhuni berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kondisi sosial dan budaya masing-masing daerah/Negara/tradisi agama Buddha yang diikuti.

Di Korea, baik bhikkhu dan bhikkhuni disebut “sunim”. Baca link ini. http://wakeupandlaugh.wordpress.com/2010/07/26/buddhist-nuns-in-korea/

Di Taiwan, bhikkhu dan bhikkhuni disebut dengan “Sufu” (Saya tidak tahu spellingnya, tetapi jika saya memanggil teman Bhikkhuni saya yang dari Taiwan atau menulis sms kepada beliau, saya menulisnya sebagai “Sufu”).

Di Sri Lanka, disebut “Meheni vahanse” (seperti yang disebutkan Samaneri Pannadevi di atas)

Di Tibetan Buddhism, disebut dengan "Gelongma". Baca disini: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nun

Di Thailand disebut dengan "Mae Ji" (kayaknya ini adalah sebutan untuk yang belum mendapat upasampada penuh/ baru dasasilamata saja).

Bagi orang yang telah menyadari bahwa tiada "aku", sebutan mungkin tidak terlalu penting.

Diskusi Umum / Re: Bagaimana memanggil para Bhikuni?
« on: 25 September 2010, 12:38:08 PM »
pertanyaannya apakah bhiksuni dari taiwan menahbiskan dengan vinaya theravada?

Coba baca di link dibawah ini:

Di dalam article  ini, ada sebuah pembahasan mengenai Penahbisan Bhikkhuni di Fo Guang Shan, Taiwan, pada tahun 1998.

Artikelnya berbunyi sebagai berikut:
The third wave of bhikkhuni Ordination

Fo Guang Shan Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) (pinyin: Fóguāngshān; literally Buddha's Light Mountain) is a Chinese Mahayana Buddhist monastic order that has gained a worldwide presence, and has chapters around the world.  sangha who organized the first international conference in 1988 must have done a great deal of research, and came up with an international monastic meeting in Fo Guang Shan in 1997. In this meeting the bhikkhuni ordination was the main concern. At the end of the meeting, those who attended signed a petition requesting Ven.Master Hsing Yun Venerable Master Hsing Yun (TC: 星雲大師; Hanyu Pinyin: Xīngyún Dàshī) (July 22, 1927-) is a Chinese Buddhist monk. He is an important figure in modern Mahayana Buddhism. , Director of Fo Guang Shan to organize yet another international ordination for both the sanghas.

In 1998 an International Ordination was organized by Fo Guang Shan in Bodh Gaya and there were some 140 monastics, both male and female ordained at that time.

From Sri Lanka some 20 dasilmatas were selected to be ordained in this history making event.

A little back ground will be necessary as to how the screening was done. Ven.Somalankara MahaThera gave an interview and explained that application forms were sent to all the dasasilmatas on the island. Twenty of them were selected judging from the long years standing as dasilmatas, their educational background, their Buddhist background, their position in monastic environment, etc. In short the cream of the crop. Most of the dasasilmatas are the chiefs of their own aramas. Some of them have long years standing for 3-4 decades as dasasilmatas. Some of them were already established and recognized both by the sangha and lay society.

At this ordination senior monks from all traditions were presented. From Thailand there were 4 monks, and from Sri Lanka there were at least 10 senior monks of Maha Thera status, that is they have at least 20 years standing as monks. Among them were Ven.Dhammaloka Anunayaka Maha Thera, Ven.Gunaratna Maha Thera from West Virginia West Virginia, E central state of the United States. It is bordered by Pennsylvania and Maryland (N), Virginia (E and S), and Kentucky and, across the Ohio R., Ohio (W). Facts and Figures

Area, 24,181 sq mi (62,629 sq km). Pop. , Ven.Sumangalo Maha Thera of Dambulla, Ven.Somalankara Maha Thera, etc.

The ordination lasted one month as performed in Chinese style, the training period was within this said period. They were aware of the objection posed against the Korean ordination in Sarnath in 1996, so it was properly done by dual sanghas, both senior bhikkhunis and bhikkhus.

Only Theravada ordination

It is interesting to note that after this dual ordination in Bodh Gaya, the Theravada bhikkhu sangha were concern as to the acceptance of the Sri Lankan sangha back home. It is a common belief both in Sri Lanka and Thailand that by taking the dual ordination with the assistance of Chinese bhikkhuni sangha it eventually make the lineage Mahayana.

Also it might be of their concern if the ordination in Bodh Gaya would be considered nanasamvasa (mixed sanghas) by the strict Theravadins back in Sri Lanka. Nobody really knew the reason in their mind, but the fact was, they moved to Sarnath and gave another ordination to the 20 newly ordained Sri lankan bhikkhunis. They quoted the vinaya authority from the Buddha when the Buddha allowed,... "I allow you O monks, to give ordination to bhikkhunis" (Cullavagga, Vinaya Pitaka Vinaya Pitaka

Oldest and smallest division of the Tripitaka. It lays out the 227 rules of monastic life for bhiksus, along with an account of the occasion that led the Buddha to formulate the rule. )

Please read also my explanation for dual sangha ordination.

It may be argued that later the Buddha introduced dual ordination of both bhikkhuni and bhikkhu sangha, but it must be reminded that ordination by single sangha was never lifted, so it must still be valid.

A point to support this argument as pointed out Ven.Kosila Maha Thera from Thailand, in the development for the bhikkhu ordination started out by the simple ordination by the Buddha (Ehibhikkhu Upasampada), then by receiving the refuge in the Triple Gem (Tisaranagamana) then by the pronouncement of the Sangha (natti catutthakammavaca). But on his death bed, the Buddha went back to still give Ehibhikkhu upasampada to Subhadda. This is a proof that when latter requirement of the ordination were added, the Buddha never uplift the previously given allowances.

The fact that the Sri Lankan Theravada bhikkhu Sangha resorted to give ordination to bhikkhunis by single ordination may be taken as valid for this reason.

By single ordination, the newly ordained bhikkhuni sangha can overcome both the objection of nanasamvasa (mixed sangha) and Mahayana lineage.

In the spirit of the Buddha, when the Buddha gave ordination, there was neither Theravada nor Mahayana.



NEWARK, N.J. – Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is about to make a lot of new friends: The 26-year-old tycoon is pouring $100 million of his staggering fortune into Newark's blighted school system after hitting it off with the mayor of the poverty-stricken city.

The donation — which is being announced Friday on Oprah Winfrey's show — instantly establishes Zuckerberg as one of high-tech's biggest philanthropists and comes just ahead of the release of "The Social Network," a movie that paints an unflattering portrait of the boy wonder of the Internet.

The arrangement brings together the young entrepreneur, Newark's celebrated Democratic mayor and a governor who has become a star of the Republican Party. And it underscores how the remaking of the nation's urban schools has become a popular cause among young philanthropists.

"What you're seeing is for the under-40 set, education reform is what feeding kids in Africa was in 1980," said Derrell Bradford, executive director of the Newark-based education reform group Excellent Education for Everyone. "Newark public schools are like the new Live Aid."

Last year, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced $290 million in education grants, including $100 million for the school system in Tampa, Fla., and $90 million for the Memphis, Tenn., district. The Gates Foundation also has given more than $150 million to New York City schools over the past eight years.

Exactly how Zuckerberg's donation will be used in Newark — a school system with about 40,000 students and a budget this year of $940 million — has not been disclosed.

The district has been plagued for years by low test scores, poor graduation rates and crumbling buildings, and was taken over by the state in 1995 after instances of waste and mismanagement, including the spending of taxpayer money by school board members on cars and restaurant meals.

Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 2002 and attended Harvard before dropping out to work full time on Facebook. He has no connection to Newark other than knowing Mayor Cory Booker, a charismatic 41-year-old politician who has the ear of President Barack Obama and has helped the city get major donations from Winfrey and New Jersey's Jon Bon Jovi.

According to The New York Times, Zuckerberg and Booker met at a conference over the summer and kept in touch.

The donation was first reported Wednesday night by The Star-Ledger of Newark. An official familiar with the plan confirmed it to The Associated Press on Thursday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because those involved were told not to steal the thunder from Winfrey's show.

But that didn't stop Gov. Chris Christie and Booker from hinting about it on their Twitter accounts. Booker tweeted: "Looking forward to Oprah on Friday! Please tune in to learn more about what's going on in Newark." Christie replied, "See you in Chicago," adding: "Great things to come for education in Newark."

Zuckerberg is ranked by Forbes magazine as the 35th wealthiest American, with a net worth of $6.9 billion. That makes him richer than Apple's Steve Jobs and News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch. Facebook has 500 million users and is valued by Forbes at $23 billion.

Some suggested that altruism was not the only thing behind the gift.

The announcement comes a week before "The Social Network" opens widely. The movie, whose tagline is "You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies," portrays Zuckerberg as taking the idea for Facebook from other Harvard students.

"I hate to be cynical and there are few districts in the nation that couldn't use an infusion of cash more than Newark," wrote blogger Christopher Dawson on ZDNet, a website devoted to technology news and commentary. But the timing of the announcement, "on Oprah no less, feels a little too staged."

Forbes.com asked readers: "Was the gift heartfelt or cunning PR?"

According to the official with knowledge of the deal, Christie won't give up state control of Newark's schools but will authorize Booker to carry out the education plan. Christie can still veto any moves.

Christie, like Booker, is an advocate of more publicly funded charter schools, using public money to send children to private schools and paying teachers partly according to how well students perform. Those ideas often make teachers unions bristle, though union officials in Newark declined to comment on the donation.

In Newark, people were excited about the gift, which The Wall Street Journal reported will be in the form of Facebook stock that can be sold on private exchanges and can be hard put a value on. Facebook is not publicly traded.

"There's a lot of programs out here, but at the same time, a lot of the time these kids have nothing to do. They're getting the worst books — old everything — so maybe the money will help out. It's possible that everything could be updated if we all pool together," said city resident Carse Lucas.

For Christie, the deal may be a way to recover from the biggest misstep of his administration so far: Last month, the state missed out on a $400 million federal education grant because of a simple error on its application. Christie fired the state's education commissioner in the aftermath.

Education scholars and advocates will be watching closely.

"Just throwing a lot of money at a problem doesn't necessarily solve anything, and I think past history demonstrates this," said Joseph DePeirro, dean of education at Seton Hall University.

Bradford, of the Newark-based education reform group, said: "If you are enormously successful, then you really have outlined a model of how you can use private philanthropy to break the status quo. And if you fail, you've given everybody a billion reasons never to try again."


Mulvihill reported from Trenton. Also contributing were Associated Press writers Beth DeFalco in Trenton and Donna Blankinship in Seattle and Technology Writer Barbara Ortutay in New York.

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