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Messages - Rina Hong

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Lingkungan / Re: Sudah tepatkah keberadaan Anda sekarang???
« on: 07 January 2011, 10:33:54 PM »
yg gw nangkap cola tsb harus memiliki koneksi luas...
sehingga dpt menempatkan dirinya di hotel bintang 7
sambil menunggu pembeli gitu?

kalo koneksinya luas tapi dia ga membuat keputusan yg tepat dengan siapa dia bergaul tetep aja ga bisa... kalo menurut gw kunci nya di decision...

orang rajin tapi berada ditempat yg salah...maka beliau hanya buang2 waktu, tapi kalau rajin ditempat yg tepat (atau bisa juga perusahaan yg tepat) maka goals sudah didepan mata...

 [at] Sam Pannadevi,
 _/\_ semoga temen2 lain dapat memetik manfaatnya...

Metabolisme melemah coba konsumsi B complex untuk  meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh.

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 07 January 2011, 10:01:44 PM »
so who spoke English with you in that dreams ?

if she had that habit from she was young, i believed she also using that language in her dream, because she using english for daily activities (she needs english books for her study).

she supposed to dream about meeting a friend who speaks english...

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 07 January 2011, 09:59:55 PM »
i still remember when i was working in a company where my colleagues is "bulek"

they keep complaining how's Indonesian does the job...heheh...at that time i got used to argue with them everyday although i was not very fluent in english... then sometimes i become very emotional coz i know very little vocabulary and loss in arguing...

arguing is very nice things when you know much vocab...

**special thanks to Blair who argue with me everyday...hahaha**

Kesehatan / Re: Makanan Herbal Sahabat Perut
« on: 07 January 2011, 09:49:26 PM »
Yogurt termasuk herbal?


Keluarga & Teman / Re: Cowok itu seperti apa ?
« on: 07 January 2011, 09:47:35 PM »
Mau tanya Kalo temen cwo naksir cwe gimana sikapnya?  :whistle:

tergantung cowo nya umur berapa sis...

Lingkungan / Re: Sudah tepatkah keberadaan Anda sekarang???
« on: 01 January 2011, 09:06:58 PM »
kalo mau jadi cola yg berharga dan bernilai tinggi harus bisa menempatkan diri pada tempat dan keputusan yg tepat yg memberi diri kita nilai lebih daripada yg sekarang.
jangan takut harus melepaskan yg ada sekarang jika kita yakin diri kita bisa mendapatkan yg lebih baik.

itu yg saya tangkap dari cerita itu...

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 01 January 2011, 08:52:59 PM »
oh pantesan dibilang bro upasaka klo sis dhammasukkha minta GRP, ternyata disini, ok deh, kasih...+GRP

sory sis Rina ikutan ngejunk, tp sis Rina udah sy krm juga kok kemarin...(***biar ga disemprot ikutan ngejunk***)
hehehe... you may ngejunk in english ... :p

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 26 December 2010, 10:57:32 PM »
hahah...toast if that so.. i thought no one as lazy reading as me...

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 26 December 2010, 10:29:50 PM »
Sis Rina, I got interested with English since my childhood. At that time, my father was under the guidance of Germany government. I was really impressed by my father's mentors. They spoke really different. We could not understand. We only understood their words through translator. After then, I used to imitating their conversation. Without knowing what I uttered, I just uttered anything coming to my mind. Honestly, I do not remember any single words that those people uttered and my words too. Now I already speak in English for about seven years, yet my vocabularies are still too poor. Why do I speak in English? Why do I learn English? I speak in English because I want to improve my English. I do hope that I can speak English fluently, of course much better than now. I learn English because I have to read books written in English. Beside that, I study in English medium. I also want to encourage my fellows to learn English. If we are able to speak or read and write in English, we would be able to learn something more, we can communicate with foreigners easily.

haha...i love speaking but lazy in reading so i never be good in writing... lucky you...

Waroeng English / Re: Why English...?
« on: 26 December 2010, 10:27:17 PM »
hmm.. if me...
(exclude study English at school)
I learned English when i was elementary school, my friends are joining an English course, and the first time i heard about that, i'm not interested at all but i keep joining coz i love to have more friends, day by day my friends leave this place and i keep study, for 5 years... heheh..quite long time right? but i got nothing at all... (now is still nothing sih..but better than before lar...hahaha) then i study in a course which the teacher is a native, i got more these day...listening well than before but my composition and grammar is still so bad...

then my friend ask me to become a teacher, i study hard at that time...so i can give a good material to my student...

then i stop teaching and working in an english course where there are so many "bulek" and i can practice listening and speaking, but to admit my writing is still not good...haha..

what about you guys...

Waroeng English / Why English...?
« on: 26 December 2010, 09:54:28 PM »
 ^-^ ^-^ hy All...
lets talk about why we learn english...

for example...
Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.

That's right. Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get? Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't communicate with? Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth? Make big jumps in your career, leaving others miles behind?

You can get all this if you speak English well.

Regional / Re: Ja-bo-de-ta-bek
« on: 26 December 2010, 09:41:09 PM »
kemarin main bola ke semangi ko... lapangan futsal...

senayan maksudnya bola yg nembak2 itu yah?

Regional / Re: kumpulan medan kia
« on: 26 December 2010, 09:39:29 PM »
hmm...kalo di Medan sih enaknya makan yah...

makanan yg gw da pernah coba sih beberapa yg enak...sesuai selera..

1. Bakso amat di jalan juanda
2. Kari ayam di jalan mangkubumi
3. mie hijau dijalan semarang, sejenis bakmie tapi rasanya maknyus... sampingnya ada jual ak bihun enak juga...
4. pancake duriannya jalan ketapang sama restoran taipan...hehehe...
5.kalo BPK yg enak di serasi rasa diberastagi, deket2 mickey holiday, kira2 500 meter sebelum mickey holiday ada nya di sebelah kanan.(kalo jalan dari Medan)
6. pecel lele hau tek di jalan yos sudarso daerah glugur..manteep..
7. seafood di waringin --> yg ini lom pernah coba, katanya sih enak tp agak mahal...hehe...
8. kalo kwe tiao yg enak tuh di jalan sumatera kwe tiaw ateng.
lontong sayur deket rumah gw juga enak...

hmm..apalagi yah..gw blom ingat neh...

ayuk main ke Medan, makanannya enak2 loh...

Keluarga & Teman / Re: Ngajak cewek jalan2x.. bingung mau kemana ??
« on: 26 December 2010, 09:30:35 PM »
sekalian bisa tau sifat2 cewek tsb apakah anak manja....atao tidak....
banyak mengeluh atau tidak............

ngomong2 bakal digigit nyamuk gak aktivitas spt ini ?

gak kog asal pakai pakaian lengkap, kalo mau digigit duluan digigit ular...

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