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Messages - Rina Hong

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Waroeng English / Re: English Mathematic
« on: 20 October 2011, 08:58:38 PM »

Tolong ! / Re: [help]Bagaimana menghemat bateri notebook ?
« on: 20 October 2011, 08:56:46 PM »
suhu 40-50°C itu kira-kira seberapa panas yah? ;D kalo menggunakan kipas kira-kira suhu segitu dapat tercapai ngak? ;D

kira-kira berapa lama bisa didiamkan? (1 minggu? 2 minggu 1 bulan?) dan berapa lama ketika dipakai kembali? ;D

diraba aja kalo rasanya panas artinya suhu udah 30, kalo ga kerasa panas itu artinya masih 20.

Baterai laptopku wkt penuh aku simpan selama bbrp bulan, wkt mau pake uda rusak kering kelamaan ga dipake, pernah baca ktnya baterai lebih bgs ga usa dicabut, jadi naik turun tegangan listrik tidak membuat laptop cepat rusak, benar gak y?

simpan ditempat dingin dan kering sis...(jangan di kulkas terlalu dingin juga)

sory om Indra,
ga hapal nih sila ke berapa.. :p yg jelas musavada yg gw mau maksud..

Teknologi Informasi / Re: desktop mini ?
« on: 08 October 2011, 09:38:01 PM »
udah beli build up aja..apain repot"

Seremonial / Re: Happy Birthday om Indra yang ke-640 tahun
« on: 08 October 2011, 09:30:19 PM »
asik setahun traktir 4 kali =P

Kesehatan / Re: [share] 5 cara mengatasin stress pekerja kantoran...
« on: 08 October 2011, 09:29:35 PM »
klo da stress tingkat parah, gmn ngatasinya ya?
misalnya sampe gk konsen, sering lupa, kebanyakan bengong, gak bisa tidur, muka murung,dll lah

ganti suasana baru.. segera kirim CV ke office baru ;P

Seremonial / Re: Happy Birthday om Indra yang ke-640 tahun
« on: 08 October 2011, 09:16:04 PM »
Kog ko Indra Ultah terus neh?

Tolong ! / Re: Tolong
« on: 08 October 2011, 09:07:19 PM »
:) hai Bro, salam kenal..

penderitaan dan kebahagiaan adalah pilihan :

ketika and menghadapi hal tersebut anda punya pilihan untuk merasa bahagia, merasa menderita dan tertekan atau tetap netral menghadapi nya melihat segala sesuatu sebagaimana apa adanya , yang anda alami hanya perasaan yang berubah-ubah, muncul dan lenyap...

coba praktekkan meditasi :) semoga bermanfaat.

Kesehatan / Re: [ask]memasak dgn API, sehat kah ?
« on: 08 October 2011, 08:44:22 PM »
Sayang makananya bro, vitaminnya hilang.. jadi junk food kaga ada giji nya...

ini ada artikelnya translate sendiri yah :p :

This section is from the book "The Hygienic System: Orthotrophy", by Herbert M. Shelton. Also available from Amazon: Orthotrophy.

6. Cooking destroys the vitamins in foods and impairs or completely destroys their anti-neuritic, anti-scorbutic, etc., factors
Before vitamins were ever heard of and before it was found that cooking destroys or impairs vitamins, the advocates of eating all foods raw held that, besides the ordinary chemical elements in foods, there was something else which they termed life, which was destroyed by cooking. For example, Prof. Byron Tyler had an article in The New York Herald, Sunday, October 14, 1900 entitled "Cooked Food is Humanity's Greatest Curse," in which he proclaimed that "cooked food is dead food." That these men were right in principle is now undoubted. The "life" of foods was undoubtedly those qualities now called vitamins.

Raw food advocates also contended that man cannot use inorganic substances and that cooking returns food elements to their inorganic state. The change in the meaning or use of the word organic has resulted in much confusion, but the truth announced by our predecessors is unimpaired and cooking does, as they claimed, both disorganize food and return part of it to its inorganic (as they understood the term) state, thus making it useless to the body. There can be no doubt about this.

Although reports on this conflict considerably, cooking undoubtedly destroys vitamins. Berg says: "Since the complettins (vitamins) C and B and the anitneuritic D are readily soluble in water, they are dissolved out in the first boiling."

Vitamins are very delicate and unstable things and are lost and destroyed in many ways. Foods that are cooked and held over to the next meal lose some or all of their remaining vitamins. Dried foods have lost much of their vitamins in the drying process. Canned foods that are cooked and stored in the warehouses lose their vitamins. Canned foods and dried foods have very little to no protective power.

There are many methods of cooking. How much of the vitamin content of a particular food is lost in cooking depends upon: 1. the method of cooking employed; 2. the temperature to which the food is subjected; 3. the duration of the cooking time; 4. the abundance or relative abundance of oxygen that reaches the food while it is cooking; 5. the pressure to which it is subjected; 6. the presence or absence of light; 7. how much the food is cut up before being cooked; and 8. the kind of vessel in which it is cooked.

Riboflavin is destroyed in appreciable amounts when meats and vegetables are cooked in the presence of light. This vitamin is lost to but slight degree when the foods are cooked in the dark or in a closed container. The loss of pantothentic acid from cooking is moderate to slight in vegetables but is up to one third in flesh foods. Pyrodoxin losses are moderate for flesh, much smaller for vegetables and it is claimed that the amount of this vitamin is increased by cooking in a few vegetables. Cooking causes a very high loss of biotin from flesh, even as high as 72 per cent. Its loss in vegetables is reported by some investigators to be only "moderate to negligible." When vegetables are cooked they lose as high as 59 per cent of their inositol. Flesh foods loose less of this vitamin. Folic acid losses in cooking are very great for most foods. From one-third to one-half, even as much as two-thirds of niacin is lost from meats in cooking. Some investigators deny this, saying the loss of this vitamin is slight. Perhaps these differences of opinion grow out of the use of different methods of cooking in making their tests.

Studies of the foods served to patrons of restaurants have shown that the average loss of vitamin C from vegetables is 45 per cent; of thiamin is 35 per cent. Heat and cooking them in water and throwing away the water accounted for these losses. An additional loss of about 15 per cent of vitamins occurs when the vegetables are held for long periods on the steam table before serving them. Restaurant eaters are advised to concentrate on raw vegetables and to eat early before foods have stood for prolonged periods on the steam table.

Cooking foods under high pressure is rapidly destructive of their vitamins. Prolonged cooking is also very destructive of vitamins.

Quick-cooked vegetables lose less of their vitamins and minerals. The longer they are cooked and the longer they stand after cooking, the more of their value they lose. They should be eaten soon after cooking is completed.

Cooking green soy beans causes a loss of 48 per cent of their vitamin C. Sprouted soy beans lose 70 per cent of their original content of C. Thiamin and carotine are also lost in the processing and cooking of soy beans.

The antiscorbutic qualities of milk are more or less completely lost if the milk is pasteurized, boiled, condensed or dried. Dried quickly at a high temperature milk seems not to lose its antiscorbutic qualities, but it loses in food value in other ways. When it is boiled its antineuritic powers are destroyed even more rapidly than its growth-promoting powers. Barnes and Hume showed that the drying of milk reduces its antiscorbutic efficiency to about two-fifths the original. The impairment of the antiscorbutic qualtities of milk by the condensing process is great enough that young monkeys, fed on a diet of condensed milk, develop infantile scruvy. Typical scurvy is produced in adult monkeys and guinea pigs by this same diet.

Hess and Unger found that the most actively antiscorbutic vegetables lose their efficacy upon drying. The excess of bases and the water soluble antiscorbutic vitamin C are leached out of the vegetables by the bleaching process. Soldiers fed on preserved vegetables develop scurvy. An outbreak of scurvy in a Rummelsburg orphanage was referred by Muller to the use of dried vegetables and pasteurized milk. Fresh vegetables resulted in recovery. When soup-tablets and dried vegetables predominate in the diet, malnutritional oedema develops. Canned or preserved fruits and vegetables lose their antiscorbutic qualities.

Heating white cabbage impairs its antiscorbutic quality while twenty minutes of boiling the juice of cabbage notably reduces this quality; an hour's boiling completely destroying it.

According to Givens and McClugage, finely minced raw potatoes may be boiled for fifteen minutes without appreciably affecting their antiscorbutic qualities, but these are greatly impaired by one hour's boiling. Quick cooking of foods at a high temperature brings about less damage to the food than prolonged cooking at a low temperature.

In the case of seeds, such as nuts, beans, peas, grains, etc., the germinating principle is destroyed so that cooked seed will not germinate.

The following account of some experiments with raw and roasted corn was published during World War I: "In order to find out the place of maize in war bread two French physicians carried on extensive feeding experiments with pigeons. They reached the conclusion that highly milled maize is responsible for at least three deficiency diseases.

"Weill and Mouriquand published the results of some experiments on the practicability of maize as the chief constituent of bread and the possible relations between maize diet and pellagra. The authors had already shown that decorticated (hulled) cereals, grain and legumes when fed to pigeons and fowls as an exclusive diet lead to paraplegia, paralysis and death. The cause of the latter is believed to be the depreciation of a ferment contained in the cortex of the grains, which is as essential to nutrition as sufficient calories, protein and mineral matter.

"The authors fed whole maize to a pigeon aged six months as the sole diet for a period of 240 days. The bird, shut up in its cage showed great activity and vigor. Control pigeons living exclusively on entire wheat, barley, rice and oat grains were well nourished and vigorous.

"When a mixture of whole grains was heat sterilized (120 degrees Centigrade), the birds survived ninety days and died paralyzed, but a certain addition of raw grains prevented beriberism. One-third part of raw grains appears to give perfect protection.

"Pigeons were now fed on decorticated, highly milled maize. The latter was refused and the birds were artificially crammed with it. After a period of sluggishness flight became impossible (thirty-third day) and death, preceded by paralysis, soon followed. Emaciation had also taken place. Hence, both cooking and decortication deprive the grains of vitamins or ferments."

Berg points out that a mixture of equal parts of soy bean, wheat, wheaten bran, sun-flower seeds, hemp seeds, and rye meal (a mixture which is perfectly adequate in the crude state), proves conspicuously inadequate after it has been made into a paste with water and then baked.

In his experiments with monkeys McCarrison showed that cooked foods, the same as deficient and ill-balanced foods, produce, within a short time, diarrhea, or actual dysentery. The monkeys so fed lost appetite, developed anemia, unhealthy skin, loss of body weight and all the vital organs began to atrophy. He pointed out that "among the pathologic processes resulting from deficient and ill-balanced food are the impairment of the protective resources of the digestive tract against infection," and added that "there is good reason to believe that the prolonged use of moderately faulty food will lead to these results as certainly as the less prolonged use of more faulty food."

Jurnal Pribadi / Re: Merespon Pertanyaan Rekan-rekan
« on: 08 October 2011, 08:30:56 PM »
mau nambahin sedikit...

menurut saya, dalam mempelajari segala sesuatu, sikap mental yg harus dihindari adalah sikap mental yg menganggap apa yg sudah kita pahami itu sebagai sesuatu yg final, sesuatu yg sudah tidak akan berubah lagi. sikap mental seperti ini yg akan menyebabkan kita menutup terhadap sesuatu yg baru, yg mungkin akan membawa kita kepada pemahaman yg lebih tinggi.

sikap mental yg baik adalah sikap mental yg menganggap bahwa apa yg kita pahami sekarang adalah sementara sifatnya. dengan demikian masih ada peluang untuk memperbaiki pemahaman kita yg sudah ada. dalam pengalaman saya, pemahaman dhamma itu adalah sesuatu yg berevolusi sejalan dengan berjalannya waktu. ragukan segalanya, termasuk apa yg sudah kita pelajari dan anggap benar...

Apa maksudnya ada dhamma lainnya selain yang diajarkan SB?
trus gimana kita membedakan itu dhamma atau bukan sementara kita sendiri belum tercerahkan?

Tolong ! / Re: [help]Bagaimana menghemat bateri notebook ?
« on: 08 October 2011, 08:27:16 PM »
Bagi anda yang menggunakan notebook, berikut ini tips-tips praktis bagaimana menjaga baterai laptop anda agar tetap awet:

1.   Lakukan pengisian penuh pada baterai laptop baru Anda dan sebaiknya biarkan beberapa jam setelah terisi penuh, baru digunakan.
2.   Tetap pasang adaptor walaupun pengisian batere telah penuh (fully charged 100%), baterai tidak perlu dilepas jika suhu notebook dan Hard Disk (HDD) berkisar antara 40°C hingga 50°C. Walaupun pengisian sudah penuh, energi listrik yang masuk tidak akan mengisi baterai, karena teknologi pada baterai sekarang sudah mampu menghentikan pengisian jika sudah penuh, jadi tidak perlu takut baterai akan menjadi soak akibat over charged yang menyebabkan over heat pada baterai.
3.   Jika baterai tidak digunakan simpanlah baterai pada suhu yang dingin dan kering. Sebelum melepas baterai, isi baterai hingga penuh terlebih dahulu, dan jangan didiamkan terlalu lama.
4.   Isi baterai hingga penuh, dan lakukan pengisian jika kapasitas baterai telah mendekati 10%.
Semoga bermanfaat.  _/\_


Buddhisme untuk Pemula / Re: Tanya ? Jawab untuk Pemula
« on: 08 October 2011, 08:15:00 PM »
maaf semuanya mau tny lg...
Jelaskan  Konsep keselamtan dalam agama Buddha..
terima kasih

semua makhluk mewarisi kamma nya sendiri, jadi tidak ada pelindung lain, kamma lah yang melindungi masing"

=D sory salah tulis.. Ehem.. Sila ke 2 maksudnye.. Wkwkwk

sory gw lupa datang  =D suhu ga PM sih katanya mau PM, suhu melanggar sila ke 3 nehh

Rina pengen ikut tapi ga tau jalan... :(

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